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Re: Politics Random, Random


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ponchi101 wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:07 pm I don't know. He has been so spineless throughout his tenure. He has been insulted, defiled, abused, and yet he still sits there, like a little choir boy.
I hope you are right and he has a bit more of an elaborate plan, but he also understands something: take the president out, and he is a marked man for the rest of his life. He goes down in history, either for good or for bad, but he immediately gains 75 MM deranged enemies. And that is no small issue.
So I can't articulate on here how I really feel about Pence because I think the most apt description of him requires profanity, but safe to say I agree completely about him being a spineless and creepy little man. So If this does happen, I think it will have more to do with the wary cabinet members and the sudden business lobby coming out in support of the idea, because some of the names attached are powerful in conservative circles. I'll post an article that mentions some of it.

But also, Pence is kind of already a marked man, and him and the GOP are looking for a way out. With his I think it's Chief of Staff, it's definitely someone very high up on his staff, now banned from the White House and with Instigator-in-Chief already marking him for death, he may not have as much to lose. When he didn't do whatever imaginary thing that was never going to change the outcome that he was expected to do to turn the Senate yesterday. the threats ramped up, not that the threats made to do what I say or else made at the rallies should be ignored.

And the other thing - it's not 75 million. Who knows the number, but let's call it 40 million are deranged. No one, and I mean no one with legitimate aspirations for 2024 hasn't already run the numbers on how to win. If the data shows that there's a moderate Republican group that would appeal to Independents that can overcome that rabid Trumpist base, then that's another thing at play here. And that is the thinking, and why Ben Sasse is out here two stepping all of a sudden.
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Here's an "article" from Axios with some details. The CNN article is more complete, but this one mentions a few things that the other doesn't.

National Association of Manufacturers suggests Pence invoke the 25th Amendment

by Ursula Perano

Leading business groups condemned President Trump following the violence at the Capitol, with the National Association of Manufacturers urging Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump and "preserve democracy."

Why it matters: Big business is usually friendly territory for President Trump, who falsely claims the election was "stolen" from him and encouraged protestors to march to the Capitol building. But folks are speaking out ahead of President-elect Joe Biden's tenure and insisting the violence cease.
  • NAM last year awarded Ivanka Trump with its Alexander Hamilton Award for Extraordinary Support of Manufacturing in America.
  • It now writes that the president has been "cheered on by members of his own party, adding fuel to the distrust that has enflamed violent anger."
  • Pence on Wednesday broke ranks with Trump by stating that he would not exercise unilateral authority over certifying the election results.
What they're saying: Other business leaders are making known their disgust with the scene on Capitol Hill.
  • Citi CEO Michael Corbat wrote that he's "disgusted by the actions of those who have stormed the U.S. Capitol" and that he "[prays] this situation can be resolved without further conflict."
  • Business Roundtable wrote: "The chaos unfolding in the nation's capital is the result of unlawful efforts to overturn the legitimate results of a democratic election. The country deserves better. Business Roundtable calls on the President and all relevant officials to put an end to the chaos and to facilitate the peaceful transition of power."
  • Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff wrote: "Our leaders must call for peace and unity now. There is no room for violence in our democracy. May the One who brings peace bring peace to our country."
  • Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman: "The insurrection that followed the President’s remarks today is appalling and an affront to the democratic values we hold dear as Americans. I am shocked and horrified by this mob’s attempt to undermine our constitution. As I said in November, the outcome of the election is very clear and there must be a peaceful transition of power."
  • Goldman Sachs CEO David Soloman: "For years, our democracy has built a reservoir of goodwill around the world that brings important benefits for our citizens. Recently, we have squandered that goodwill at an alarming pace, and today’s attack on the U.S. Capitol does further damage. It’s time for all Americans to come together and move forward with a peaceful transition of power. We have to begin reinvesting in our democracy and rebuilding the institutions that have made America an exceptional nation." ... ntent=1100
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Donald Trump should be removed from office to preserve democracy, business leaders say

By Matt Egan

New York (CNN Business)The National Association of Manufacturers, one of the most influential business groups in the US, called on Vice President Mike Pence Wednesday to consider removing President Donald Trump from office.

The statement from Republican-leaning NAM, the nation's largest manufacturing association, marks perhaps the strongest political statement by a major business group in modern history. And it puts an exclamation point on the breakup between the business community and the self-styled CEO president.

Pence "should seriously consider working with the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to preserve democracy," NAM CEO Jay Timmons, a former Republican political operative, said in the statement.

The comments show just how appalled Corporate America is over the ongoing attack on democracy. NAM, founded in 1895, is one of the oldest and most powerful business groups in the nation, representing small and large manufacturers in all 50 states.
The call comes after Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol, interrupting the joint session of Congress counting Electoral College votes. Pence was evacuated during the chaos.

"The outgoing president incited violence in an attempt to retain power, and any elected leader defending him is violating their oath to the Constitution and rejecting democracy in favor of anarchy," Timmons said. He added, "This is not law and order. This is chaos. It is mob rule. It is dangerous. This is sedition and it should be treated as such."

Business community is 'horrified'

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, one of America's top business leaders, also condemned the violence in Washington.
"This is not who we are as a people or a country. We are better than this," Dimon said in a statement. "Our elected leaders have a responsibility to call for an end to the violence, accept the results, and, as our democracy has for hundreds of years, support the peaceful transition of power. Now is the time to come together to strengthen our exceptional union."

Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, founder of Yale University's Chief Executive Leadership Institute, said the condemnation from NAM is unprecedented.
"Everyone in the business community is horrified," Sonnenfeld told CNN Business.
Sonnenfeld agreed with NAM's call for Pence and the Cabinet to consider the 25th Amendment. "The business community will give them back-up," he said.

Manufacturing group championed the Trump agenda

The call by NAM is even more startling because the advocacy group is staunchly pro-business and was a vocal supporter of Trump, cheering the president's tax cuts, deregulation and efforts to revive manufacturing.

In September 2017, Trump even delivered remarks at NAM's annual meeting in Washington where he championed his economic vision.

In 2018, Republican Congressman Kevin Brady, then chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said the Trump tax cuts wouldn't have been possible without the support of NAM and Timmons, who has been CEO since 2011.

Before joining NAM, Timmons served as the chief of staff to Republican Senator George Allen of Virginia, and executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, according to his bio.

During the 2020 election cycle, NAM contributed $165,000 to Republican Congressional candidates, according to OpenSecrets. That marked 72% of the group's contributions.

Chamber of Commerce: Congress must meet tonight

In a similar vein, the Business Roundtable, whose CEO members lead companies that employ nearly 19 million people, called on Trump and other officials to "put an end to the chaos and to facilitate the peaceful transition of power."
"The chaos unfolding in the nation's capital is the result of unlawful efforts to overturn the legitimate results of a democratic election," the Business Roundtable said in a statement.

The US Chamber of Commerce CEO Thomas Donohue called on Congress to gather "this evening to conclude their Constitutional responsibility to accept the report of the Electoral College."

Other leaders across Wall Street and Corporate America similarly condemned the violence in Washington and offered hope for calm ahead.
GM CEO Mary Barra called for unity and said the violence at the US Capitol "does not reflect who we are as a nation."

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink decried the storming of the Capitol as an "assault on our nation, our democracy and the will of the American people." Wells Fargo CEO Charlie Scharf called for an "immediate end to this violence" and for a peaceful transition of power to President-elect Biden.

IBM CEO Arvind Krishna said in a tweet that the company "condemns today's unprecedented lawlessness and we call for it to end immediately." The condemnation comes a day after IBM announced the hiring of Gary Cohn, Trump's former senior economic adviser.

Michael Corbat, the CEO of Citigroup, said in a statement that he is "disgusted" by those who stormed the US Capitol.
"While these scenes are very difficult to watch," Corbat said, "I have faith in our democratic process and know that the important work of Congress will continue and that people will be held accountable for their actions."

Additional statements...

- American Bankers Association: "This is a dark day for our democracy. The violence playing out on Capitol Hill and in the streets of Washington is reprehensible and should shock and sadden all of us. Our nation is better than this."

- Tim Cook, CEO of Apple: "Today marks a sad and shameful chapter in our nation's history. Those responsible for this insurrection should be held to account, and we must complete the transition to President-elect Biden's administration. It's especially when they are challenged that our ideals matter most."

- Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America: "Today's appalling events in our nation's capital underscore the urgent need for all American's to unite behind one of our most cherished principles: the peaceful transfer of power that has happened without interruption since our country's founding. We must move forward together peacefully, respectfully and with a singular, shared focus on our American ideals."

- Chuck Robbins, CEO of Cisco: "What is happening in our nation's capital is appalling and saddening. The United States has long served as a beacon of democracy, and today we are reminded of both its importance and fragility. @Cisco condemns the violence we have witnessed today & call for it to end immediately.
"It's time to recognize the legitimate democratic process, ensure a peaceful transition of power and come back together as one nation."

- Guy Rosen, Facebook VP, Integrity, and Monika Bickert, Facebook VP, Global Policy Management: "Let us speak for the leadership team in saying what so many of us are feeling. We are appalled by the violence at the Capitol today. We are treating these events as an emergency. Our Elections Operations Center has already been active in anticipation of the Georgia elections and the vote by Congress to certify the election, and we are monitoring activity on our platform in real time."

- Jim Farley, CEO of Ford: "The Ford Motor Company condemns the violent and antidemocratic actions today. These were destructive acts against our shared principles and beliefs of a peaceful transition of power. We commit to working together, with respect and empathy, to uphold core American values..."

- David M. Solomon, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs: "For years, our democracy has built a reservoir of goodwill around the world that brings important benefits for our citizens. Recently, we have squandered that goodwill at an alarming pace, and today's attack on the U.S. Capitol does further damage. It's time for all Americans to come together and move forward with a peaceful transition of power. We have to begin reinvesting in our democracy and rebuilding the institutions that have made America an exceptional nation."

- Alfred Kelly, Jr., Chairman and CEO of Visa: "I am shocked and saddened by what I've seen today. We at Visa stand 100% behind the results of the election and the collective voices of the citizens of this country. We are fully supportive of a smooth transition of power which has been the case for almost two and a half centuries. In this time of intense anxiety for our country and the world, I continue to have tremendous faith in the resilience of our United States institutions." ... index.html
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Re: Politics Random, Random


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I'm watching MSNBC because I want to hear what people are saying, people who normalized every action of Tiny by either ignoring it or shrugging their shoulders and saying "he's the President".

At the same time there were those who kept screaming from the sidelines that this man was dangerous, one of whom he "defeated" in 2016. These were not random folks but people who have known him and his antics for years. These people were ignored and in some cases demeaned.

And here we are.

All of the MSM, in my opinion, is guilty but I single out the New York Times where a prominent reporter's mother has direct ties to Tiny as one of his publicists.

There were major security failures yesterday and maybe they need to swap out certain officers like the Secret Service just had to do in order to safely protect the President elect but the coddling and outright lying began years ago. And the MSM has shown no inclination to look at itself.
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MSNBC is reporting Elaine Chao, Mitch's wife and Transportation Secretary, has resigned.

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Re: Politics Random, Random


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Hugo Lowell
BREAKING: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls on VP Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Trump from office
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Kyle Cheney
! PELOSI says the acting Secretary of Defense "has to answer for where the National Guard was yesterday."
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Re: Politics Random, Random


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ti-amie wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:16 pm Hugo Lowell
BREAKING: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls on VP Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Trump from office
Just lost a mini bet with my GF. I did not Pelosi would go there.
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Jack Turman III
At a presser in NY, Sen. Schumer said he and Speaker Pelosi tried to call VP Pence this morning to tell him to invoke the 25th Amendment. "They kept us on hold for 25 minutes and then said the vice president wouldn’t come on the phone," Schumer said.
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