National, Regional and Local News

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Re: National, Regional and Local News


Post by ti-amie »

Kentucky Governor Says a Close Friend Was Killed in Downtown Louisville Mass Shooting
The shooter is dead though under what circumstances was unclear Monday morning
By Noreen O'Donnell • Published 5 hours ago • Updated 45 mins ago

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said a close friend was killed in the shooting at the Old National Bank in downtown Louisville Monday morning and another was hospitalized.

“I have a very close friend that didn't make it today,” Beshear said, his voice breaking. “And one who's at the hospital that I hope is going to make it through.”

Earlier Beshear thought two of his friends had been killed, but later learned one had survived.

Beshear said that he banked in the building and that he ran his campaign for attorney general from it. Beshear, a Democrat, served as the state's attorney general before being elected governor in 2019.

At least four people were killed in the shooting and another nine were taken to the University of Louisville Hospital, one of them a police officer, according to Louisville police.

The shooter is also died though under what circumstances was not clear Monday morning.

“So when we talk about praying, I hope people will, for those that we are hoping can make it through the surgeries that they're going through,” Beshear said.

He urged people who needed help to reach out.

“There are a lot of people that are hurting today and if we have a place to focus our energy, I hope it is to surround them with the love and the compassion that we have been so good at showing one another,” he said.

“Our bodies and our minds are not meant to go through these types of tragedies,” he said. ... g/3017977/
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Re: National, Regional and Local News


Post by ponchi101 »

Kentucky has a dem governor? :shock:
Thoughts and prayers. Like aspirin for a brain tumor.
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Re: National, Regional and Local News


Post by ti-amie »

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Re: National, Regional and Local News


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Re: National, Regional and Local News


Post by mmmm8 »

We have a big office in downtown Louisville and it's not a very large city, so this was one of those cases where I had to hold my breath looking at the victim list - no one I knew (but still waiting for the list of injured).

Between what's happening in Ukraine, in Russia, and the gun violence in the US, some terrorist acts in Europe, and a few natural disasters, I feel like I've been perusing victim and arrest lists at least once a month for like 15 years now, and not always with a successful outcome. I'd have like to live a life where I almost never had to do that.
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Re: National, Regional and Local News


Post by ponchi101 »

Won't thank you for that post, M8, for obvious reasons, and can only offer you some faraway sympathy and friendship. It must be very difficult (and you have stated your partner is Venezuelan, so that adds some pressure to the mix).
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Re: National, Regional and Local News


Post by ti-amie »

mmmm8 wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 9:13 pm We have a big office in downtown Louisville and it's not a very large city, so this was one of those cases where I had to hold my breath looking at the victim list - no one I knew (but still waiting for the list of injured).

Between what's happening in Ukraine, in Russia, and the gun violence in the US, some terrorist acts in Europe, and a few natural disasters, I feel like I've been perusing victim and arrest lists at least once a month for like 15 years now, and not always with a successful outcome. I'd have like to live a life where I almost never had to do that.
I thanked you because what the Governor of Kentucky said, choking back tears, is all of us. Whenever we hear about one of these we hold our breath until we know where, and go from there. I'm sorry you've had to go through this M8.
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Re: National, Regional and Local News


Post by mmmm8 »

Thanks, both - I know this is part of many people's realities, so don't mean to put forth a "woe me" story. I think part of this is just an unfortunate tradeoff of living in large cities and being part of a global community (including this one). Those who have a, so to speak, smaller world around them have fewer risks like this but, I would argue, have a less rich life.
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Re: National, Regional and Local News


Post by Owendonovan »

I don't think there's a number of gun deaths large enough to change the minds of republicans in the pocket of the NRA.
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Re: National, Regional and Local News


Post by ti-amie »

Poor guy. /s
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Re: National, Regional and Local News


Post by ponchi101 »

How much would it be an infringement on your rights if, in your application and job interview, you were asked "Do you own guns?"
Just to know when you fire the person and he returns for payback.
3/4-serious question.
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Re: National, Regional and Local News


Post by ti-amie »

Dr. Jack Brown :verified:
BREAKING: Republican Gov. Bill Lee of Tennessee announced he will sign an executive order to strengthen firearm background checks. He also claims he will call for lawmakers to pass Red Flag Laws.
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Re: National, Regional and Local News


Post by ponchi101 »

Honor where honor is due. Good for this governor (I have no idea who he is).
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Re: National, Regional and Local News


Post by Deuce »

Meanwhile, they are still getting the media attention they are so desperate for.
This Louisville guy even 'livestreamed' his bank attack on facebook, apparently - thus ONCE AGAIN CONFIRMING that the attention these people get is a major motivating factor in these things.

And around and around it goes. With every event like this that happens and is plastered all over the media, it incites probably at least 100 other disturbed people to think seriously about doing something similar.

The powers that be don't want to stop these things from happening. If they wanted to stop them, they would take steps to stop them - tighter gun laws would be one such necessary step. Preventing the media from reporting these events would be another very necessary step - and is just as important as tightening gun laws.
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Re: National, Regional and Local News


Post by Owendonovan »

So the shooter had multiple concussions from football before high school. That's a version of child abuse to me. I call football the brain injury game at my school. I also call it an asinine, irresponsible, toxic, way to prove your masculinity in America. I find absolutely no honor in the game. I try and direct students away from it.
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