The WTA will be taking us on The Hard Road to NY. Get ready for this contest.
We will be PLAYING FOR GOLD during the Olympics. Get ready for this medal awarding contest by reading the intro and how it works. And, by popular demand, we have revised the events' line up. Check it out.


Explaining how the new forum works
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ponchi101 Venezuela
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Post by ponchi101 »

Dear Members.
The admin and mods staff has noticed that as of late, the level of interaction between members has degraded slightly. Some comments and posts have been reported to us, in view that they are exceeding our rules of engagement.
We request from all members that we interact with others in a courteous manner; coming to a forum where you can be insulted or trolled is no fun, and we have always refrained members to behave in such manner.
We invite you to once again read our FORUM RULES and refresh your understanding of our rules. We also want to add some aspects that, although they are very difficult to codify, are good guidelines for our interactions. Before you post or reply to a post, please consider:
1. Is your post extremely critical of somebody else's post?
2. Are you being overly judgmental, condescending, critical or otherwise pugnacious towards other members?
3. Cynicism and satire are fun things to do, but they can be easily misconstrued. Are you making sure that your "witty" remark will be properly understood and, if there is a possibility for misunderstanding, can you make sure that your intentions and tone are clear?
4. Crucial. Remember that your most disliked player may be somebody else's favorite. Posting about that player in condescending ways may feel fair to you, but that is a double-edged knife, and a sure route to spoiling a proper relation.

The forum is a very small community; we are really no more than 20 people that post on a regular basis, and some other that visit us with less frequency. If the forum degrades into a place where a congenial atmosphere is not expected, it will make it more difficult for people to feel like coming over. It is no fun to come to argue and fight to a forum after a hard day's work shift.

I short, we do not expect all members to be friends of each other, but we do expect decency to be our main quality.
The Admin/Mods team
Ego figere omnia et scio supellectilem

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