by ti-amie Sigh. There's a big mess going on around Alec Baldwin and his wife. It turns out she's been perpetrating a fraud/grifting for about ten years claiming to be from Mallorca. The thread below blew her out of the water.

Alec went along with this (how could he not know?) so I'm guessing she wanted a reality show or something. Whoever invented those things needs to be thrown into jail.
elena ilana alana alina elana (not) @lenibriscoe
You have to admire Hilaria Baldwin’s commitment to her decade long grift where she impersonates a Spanish person
1:56 PM · Dec 21, 2020 from Queens, NY

There is video of her faking her accent that I'm not posting but is available on Twitter.

From a review of her podcast. This woman also claimed to have moved to the United States because she wanted to go to NYU.

Hilary’s Google results say she was born to a Spanish mother and yet here we have her very American sounding mother talking about growing up in Massachusetts and Hilary’s grandfather was a college professor in the 1960s in Longmeadow...

And no she is not Spanish on her father’s side either here is the obituary of her grandfather - her paternal family has been in the United States since it was a British colony

Here is her grandfather's obituary. ... =195863246


But her native language is most certainly English because here is her mother’s bio which notes that she graduated from BU medical school in 1986 and then had a 20 year career in MA
Hilaria/Hilary was born in 1984 - mom would have been in medical school IN BOSTON

Hilaria (née Hilary) has children with the following names:

Carmen Gabriela
Rafael Thomas*
Leonardo Ángel David
Romeo Alejandro
Eduardo Pau Lucas

Thomas is her maiden name otherwise she probably would have gone with Tomás I’m surprised she didn’t


Her CAA bio notes that she grew up in Boston. Was she even born in Spain? What medical student has time to go to Spain to give birth?!


Here is a link to Hilaria/Hilary’s mother’s CV which has her graduating medical school in Boston in 1986 which means she likely started medical school in 1982. Again, Hilaria was born in 1984, meaning she was born while her mom was in med school IN BOSTON.

Dr. Hayward’s CV also indicates she practiced medicine in Massachusetts from 1986 until 2012 so when exactly did Hilaria “grow up in Spain”

by ti-amie Apparently Hillary ticked off Amy Schumer and that resulted in her "secret" being revealed.

by ti-amie Country music’s pandemic year: Frustration, backlash and a sad ending

Emily Yahr
Dec. 28, 2020 at 6:00 a.m. EST

In the hours after country music legend Charley Pride died of covid-19 complications on Dec. 12, fans were devastated. And then they started asking questions.

About a month earlier, the 86-year-old singer attended the Country Music Association Awards, where he received a lifetime achievement award. But many viewers were shocked to see the ceremony taking place indoors, in front of nearly 100 people, the majority of whom were not wearing masks on camera. Following the news of Pride’s death, a flood of social media posts — including some from high-profile country stars — wondered whether his attendance or travel from his home in Texas to the show in Nashville led to his illness.

It is unclear where and when Pride contracted the coronavirus. The CMA released a statement saying that it “followed strict testing protocols outlined by the city health department and union” and that Pride — whose family said he was hospitalized in late November — tested negative before coming to the show, again upon landing in Nashville, and multiple times when he got home. Pride’s manager Kevin Bailey echoed this to the Dallas Morning News and praised the CMA for “taking every precaution,” and added that anyone saying otherwise is “crusading to stir up some mud.”

Pride’s publicist did not respond to multiple requests for additional details, and when reached by phone, Bailey declined to discuss the topic. A CMA spokeswoman said: “Out of respect for his family, we do not have further comment.”

And yet it’s hard to imagine country music’s year in the pandemic ending on a worse note. The genre has made a slew of unflattering headlines over the past 10 months, from Chase Rice’s not-socially-distanced summer concert to Morgan Wallen being dropped as the “Saturday Night Live” musical guest after violating the show’s coronavirus protocols. Then there was the strange tone of the CMA Awards, the format’s biggest night in the national spotlight to celebrate music known for capturing real life and “three chords and the truth,” trying to project an image of cheerful normalcy in a tragedy-filled year.

It’s a lightning-rod topic that almost no one wants to talk about publicly — but behind the scenes in Nashville, according to industry veterans, it’s a subject nearly everyone has talked about. One common term used to describe these types of incidents is “tone deaf”; there’s anger, fear and a lot of questions. Among the questions that come up among people in the industry: Given that nearly every other awards show went largely virtual this year, why did the CMA Awards have to be in person, especially with virus cases spiking in Tennessee? Why do country stars keep showing up on social media attending maskless indoor gatherings or traveling? What message is it sending to their fans?

“I think the thing that angers me the most is they’re purporting to represent a working-class art form . . . but what I see is nothing but ‘me, me, me,’ ” said roots musician Rhiannon Giddens, who tweeted about her grief and frustration after Pride’s death. “It just hits me so hard. The excesses of the commercial country music industry are not my thing, and that’s fine — but this year, it’s just really hard to see all of that.”

While country stars are hardly the only celebrities to use their wealth and resources to host events and travel (the Kardashians and their private island, anyone?), they have received their share of criticism for pandemic activities. Cole Swindell recently posted an Instagram photo of a group of Nashville singers including Wallen, Kenny Chesney, Luke Combs and Jake Owen (and, for some reason, NFL quarterback Peyton Manning) with their arms around each other at a bar. While it mostly earned delighted reactions, the comments were also peppered with "Come on boys mask up" and "Not a mask among them" and "Is this an ad to catch covid for the holidays?" The response sparked arguments among fans.

In October, Wallen made national headlines when SNL dropped him as a musical guest after TikTok videos surfaced that showed him partying maskless with students at the University of Alabama. (He was later rebooked.) Shortly after, Jason Aldean encountered some backlash over a no-masks family photo at Disney World. “Chill out lady. They are in our pocket. We took them off for 5 seconds to take the pic,” Aldean wrote to one critic, before deleting the picture.

A similar dynamic occurred in mid-December when Thomas Rhett and his wife, Lauren Akins, posted photos of a group trip to Mexico, and some fans were not thrilled: “Wish I could be happy for you but the rest of us are not traveling to try to keep covid at bay.” Afterward, Rhett said he was taking a break from Instagram because of the negativity.

This echoes other singers’ decisions on whether to engage on social media: According to one Nashville industry veteran, one star simply declines to upload photos because every time they post a maskless one, they are criticized no matter what.

The potential of being publicly shamed is a powerful influence. Country singers saw the outcry in June when Rice and Chris Janson held concerts the same weekend and shared Instagram pictures of people packed together with no masks. The intense reaction, some said, seemed to discourage other singers from attempting to hold concerts.

“It wasn’t about the fear about getting covid,” theorized Clay Myers, who owns Nashville Music Consultants. “They were scared of the public disapproval of them playing shows.”

The pandemic has decimated the live touring industry, and performers are understandably anxious about their futures and providing for their band and crew members. While musicians are all eager to get back on the road, in November, many country singers let their frustrations show on social media when pictures of people celebrating President-elect Joe Biden’s victory started to go viral.

“Knew we were waiting on the election since March when this s--- show started,” Florida Georgia Line’s Brian Kelley wrote on Instagram under a picture of crowds gathered in Washington, adding, “Time to go back to work AMERICA. Booking shows ASAP.” Other Nashville singers shared similar thoughts (“So this means we can play shows again right?” wrote Mitchell Tenpenny; Wallen added: “The hypocrisy is unreal”), though others criticized them for equating outdoor, largely masked gatherings in response to a contentious election with country music concerts.

“Perhaps most egregious, the nonchalant calls to restart live shows generally fail to consider or acknowledge the fans,” Joe Hudak and Jon Freeman wrote in Rolling Stone. “We’ve all been thrown into economic crisis because of the pandemic — millions have lost jobs, with music crews especially hard hit — and yet artists clamoring to return to the road in a traditional manner . . . suggests they’re not taking into account their fans’ finances or their very health and safety.”

On the other hand, lots of singers have dutifully followed protocols and are patiently waiting for the days when they can tour safely. Earlier this year, the Academy of Country Music Awards and CMT Music Awards went ahead with mostly virtual shows, as artists performed outside or in remote locations, and accepted trophies via video. Then in October, the CMA Awards announced that the show would "mark the first time the biggest names in country music will come together — safely, all in one room — this year."

Things got off to a rocky start when the show promoted itself on Twitter as a “no drama zone,” which briefly stirred controversy as some took it as a warning to artists to not discuss current events. Then, five acts (Lee Brice, Florida Georgia Line, Lady A, Rascal Flatts and Jenee Fleenor) had to drop out after testing positive for the virus or being exposed to someone who had tested positive. In interviews after the telecast, executive producer Robert Deaton and CMA chief executive Sarah Trahern ran through the long list of state, local and union protocols they followed to hold the show inside the Music City Center. Deaton told Variety the reasoning behind the in-person ceremony was to have it properly reflect the CMA brand.

“We knew we could not do a Zoom show; we could not do a living room show. We could not do that and have it represent the CMAs, which is ‘country music’s biggest night,’ ” Deaton said. Trahern emphasized that anyone who stepped on set had to first test negative. “Probably one of the safest places in the world to be was at our show,” Deaton said.

Still, news coverage of the awards was nearly overshadowed by headlines about all the positive tests before the telecast, as well as the lack of mention of covid-19 and the absence of masks — which some considered a missed opportunity to send a powerful message to country music’s fan base. (In the Variety interview, the producers later compared it to a restaurant, and said that anyone not seated or singing had to wear a mask; and added that they provided plastic shields for artists who didn’t want to wear face coverings because of hair and makeup.)

The optics took another dive with Pride’s death, as fans vividly remembered him, four weeks earlier, accepting his Willie Nelson Lifetime Achievement Award with an emotional speech and performing onstage with Jimmie Allen. People instantly started speculating. “I don’t want to jump to conclusions because no family statement has been made. But if this was a result of the CMAs being indoors, we should all be outraged,” country artist Maren Morris, who was of the many stars in attendance, said in a now-deleted tweet. Mickey Guyton and Brandi Carlile concurred, as did Giddens.

“It’s like the [Trump rally], they held this big gathering and then who’s the one that died? The Black guy. Herman Cain. I was just like, here it is again, there’s this big country gathering, and who’s the one that dies? The Black guy. It’s just so cosmically unfair,” Giddens said. “So it’s just kind of like, of course we’ll never know [how it happened] — but it doesn’t seem like it even needed to be a question.”

That’s the other issue that has come up repeatedly in conversations with Nashville insiders, even as many declined to speak publicly. (Nobody wants to tick off the CMAs, one said, as others noted the high-profile organization’s power and board members’ influence in town.) Charley Pride was a groundbreaking legend, one of the genre’s first Black stars. He had 30 songs reach No. 1 on the country charts. He could have received the award, which was instituted in 2012, well before 2020. Presenting him with the award in the year of racial reckoning appeared to be a way for the CMAs to recognize the serious lack of diversity in the genre. In doing so, Pride was faced with the choice of whether he should travel for the show — and as CMA defenders have pointed out, he did make the decision to go. But, behind the scenes, many feel he should have never been asked to make that choice.

“The thing that breaks my heart the most is that Charley Pride has been trained for decades about the way country music works — first and foremost, it’s loyalty to country music,” said a longtime Nashville industry insider, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly. “If you’re presented with an opportunity and turn it down, or request something be changed, you’re unlikely to get that opportunity again.”

“You smile and be a good soldier. And if you say no? Country music moves on,” the insider said. “The moment you say, ‘I don’t want to do it that way,’ they’ll find someone else who will do it that way.” ... story.html

by MJ2004 As someone who was actually born in Spain and who manages to speak both english and spanish without an accent and without getting confused, and who remembers the word for cucumber in BOTH languages (!) this story cracks me up (but not in a good way). And no, I did not wave a fan at my wedding, and neither has any other bride at any spanish wedding I've been to. This article sums up the real damage best. I've lived with seeing discrimination against my parents my whole life, who have spanish accents they can't shed. And they are white. Let's not even open that can of worms. By the way, I'm convinced Alec Baldwin was well aware of the duplicity involved and actively encouraged it. A Daily Fail article I read yesterday broke down how her parents lived in a $4 million home in Boston while Hillary was growing up, and now have retired to a house in Mallorca purchased with non-resident status, something many foreigners do. And to think Hilaria is an actual Spanish name is hilarious.

Hilaria Baldwin's Spanish cosplay shows which Hispanic stereotypes white people are cool with
The woman once known as Hillary faked an accent and foolishness that was socially acceptable to white America — and which actual Latinos can never afford. Stereotypes damage people of color, but for white, privileged women like Hillary Baldwin, they are a way to climb the Hollywood ladder.

By Susanne Ramírez de Arellano, journalist and cultural critic

Up until the last week, Hilaria Baldwin — the wife of actor Alec Baldwin and mother to five of his children — was arguably one of the most famous Spaniards in Hollywood (apologies to Penélope Cruz and Antonio Banderas). That is, she was one of the most famous Spaniards in Hollywood until a still-anonymous Twitter user admired “her decade long grift where she impersonates a Spanish person."

Outed as a fake Spaniard, she is now known to the world as plain Hillary Baldwin née Hayward-Thomas from Boston — just a girl "living life."

Except that that life was built in part on appropriating the persona of a white, Spanish-speaking (albeit European) immigrant with an accent palatable to a white elite, at a time when brown and Black Latino immigrants are persecuted and belittled in the United States.

After first denying the anonymous allegations, Baldwin, 36, was eventually forced to admit that she is not even half-Spanish (both her parents are U.S.-born), that she was not born in Mallorca, Spain, and that her real name is Hillary. She now insists that she was being “misrepresented” by the media she so assiduously courted after first marrying into Hollywood royalty and then shilling her yoga and wellness business — during which she inundated social media with lingerie-clad selfies with babies in an expensive Manhattan apartment and appearances on television in mutating Spanish accents.

“There is not something I’m doing wrong," she told The New York Times. "I think there is a difference between hiding and creating a boundary.”

Alec Baldwin defended his wife in a video in which he says we should consider the source of the allegations (rather than, one presumes, the truth of them). But he had been part of his wife’s act, both pushing her Spanish roots and even making fun of her accent on "The Late Show with David Letterman" in 2013. “My wife is from Spain, you know,” he told Letterman as he imitated her supposedly poor English when discussing pregnancy: “I have to pee every five minutes! I can’t believe it!”

In a self-made video clip of her own, Hillary Baldwin also tried to explain her story — with a lot of hair-tossing and no-makeup lighting — in a flawless American accent. “I am a white girl," she said. "Let’s be very clear that Europe has a lot of white people in there,” she also said, unnecessarily belaboring the obvious.

But then she added: “My family is white. Ethnically, I am a mix of many, many, many things. Culturally, I grew up with two cultures. So it’s really as simple as that.”

Well, Hilaria, Hillary or whatever your name is, actually, it isn’t that simple at all.

In reality, one couldn’t care less about this latest episode of “white woman appropriating a different culture to advance herself” if it hadn’t gone so far.

But for years, Baldwin had gotten good press in the Hispanic media, which described her as Latina or Hispanic. “Hispanic” refers to someone from a Spanish-speaking country and is inclusive of Spain and white people (though it is rarely used that way in America or by nonacademics), while “Latina” describes only people with roots in Latin America and the Caribbean — much of which was colonized by Spain — the vast majority of whom are brown and Black (though, because of colonization, there are white and white-appearing Latinos).

And reporter Aura Bogado, for instance, wrote on Twitter that Hilaria's “pretended to be from Spain with that ridiculous accent, while some of us have been denied opportunities for our actual accents, is disgusting."

Indeed, other Latinos in America commented on the difficulties they'd had getting work because of their real accents, even as Hillary Baldwin's affected accent was used to make her lifestyle brand seem more "exotic" than one promoted by just another actor's younger, yoga-teaching wife.

Stereotypes damage people of color, but for white, privileged women like Hillary Baldwin, they are a way to climb the Hollywood ladder and become — as The New York Times wrote — the new Gwyneth Paltrow. But since there's already a Gwyneth from L.A., I guess Hillary from Boston had to be Hilaria from España — because passing yourself off as Puerto Rican, Dominican or Central American just wouldn’t carry the same cachet, now, would it? (Though she was seemingly happy enough to benefit from the impression that she was Latina.)

"When I moved from Puerto Rico stateside, I had a lot of difficulties getting theater roles in college — even in a play written by Ariel Dorfman, an Argentine writer — because of my accent,” Suset Laboy, founder of A Little Awareness and co-founder of Lalaboy PR, told me. “But here is this person failing up, with a made-up accent,” she said.

Still, between Hillary-cum-Hilaria-cum-Hillary and a handful of other racial or ethnic pretenders exposed on social media this year, perhaps the age of thinking a spray tan qualifies one as "spicy" — as white people are prone to call Latinos — is coming to an undignified close at long last.

“When you seek to upgrade yourself socially by adopting a fake cultural background, you actually achieve the opposite,” Bobby Moya, a Puerto Rican choreographer and director, told me. It should be “enough to make anyone reconsider hypocrisy as a tool for success,” he said.

Hillary: Live your life, teach your kids Spanish and vacation as much as you like in the rich people's playground that is Mallorca (though please do tip the locals) — just stop stripping bits of Hispanic culture off to sell your own lifestyle brand to the mayo-white masses.

by ponchi101 OK. Some thoughts.
There are NO native black people from Latin America. The black population in L.A are also descendants from slaves brought from Africa. The Spaniards colonizing the continent felt that the local indigenous people were not strong enough for the slave-induced work that would await them all.
Until recently (early 1900's) all white people in L.A. were of Spanish or Portuguese origin. In the early 20th century, more immigrants came from other European countries, mostly (again) from Spain, Portugal, Italy and to a lesser degree, Germany (after WWII and you know why). So us white Latin Americans, if we buy our 23&me kit, will show those profiles.

Other than that, mostly what MJ says. But the USA has to stop paying attention to dumb Hollywood people. I mean, these people are not real in any way, and that is what they get payed for. To pretend.
And indeed, Hilaria is not even a Spanish name. Or a Latino name.

by ti-amie I always wondered about that name especially because "Theresa" in English is "Teresa" in Spanish (I know there's an accent but I don't want to get it wrong.

by JazzNU

by ti-amie I thought this was funny. The Daily Fail delivers once again.

EXCLUSIVE: Ivanka has bust up with her dad over her plan to go to Biden's inauguration so she would 'come across as a good sport' and save her 'political career' - which Donald said was the 'worst decision she could make'

Ivanka Trump had plans to go against her father's wishes and attend Joe Biden's inauguration on January 20, can reveal
She worried that her 'promising political career is in jeopardy' and is doing 'whatever she can to save her reputation,' a White House insider says
President Trump was up in arms about Ivanka's decision, calling it the 'worst decision she could ever make'
'Ivanka is convinced that by attending Biden's inauguration she will come across as a good sport and will gain future supporters,' the source says
Donald Trump made it clear he wouldn't be attending Joe Biden's inauguration in a tweet last week - before his social media accounts were suspended
'The White House is being dubbed a circus on steroids with Trump's kids desperately vying for control,' the insider added
House Democrats formally introduced articles to impeach Trump Monday, charging him with 'incitement of insurrection'
Another White House source has denied the story

PUBLISHED: 15:23 EST, 11 January 2021 | UPDATED: 18:10 EST, 11 January 2021 ... areer.html

by ponchi101 Promising political career?
These people must have some sort of dominant delusion-gene with high penetration.

by JazzNU Part of the pull down across all sites of his accounts is because he said he wouldn't be at the inauguration so clearly. His minions have taken that as a clear green light that the inauguration is a good target for them in addition to the stuff on other days but especially the 17th, Ivanka going would ruin that as she might get injured, but at this point, if it's planned, not sure they'll just change their plans just because of her. Especially because they are becoming more violent and less loyal to him.

by ti-amie Is 2020 over yet? Seriously? What Jazz is saying I don't think anyone would've ever predicted would have to be said by any citizen of the US.

by ti-amie A guide to the fabulous coats at the inauguration, from Kamala to Michelle

First Lady Jill Biden waves to Vice President Harris during the inauguration of Joe Biden on Wednesday. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

Ashley Fetters
Jan. 20, 2021 at 1:53 p.m. EST

On a chilly Wednesday in January, during a pandemic that’s forced Americans to wear masks obscuring their faces, the most high-profile attendees at the inauguration of the 46th president knew their outerwear would have to send the messages that their faces couldn’t. A number of them, including the incoming first lady and vice president, rose to the occasion.

Here’s a guide to the inauguration coats. (This story will update.)

Jill Biden’s sophisticated Markarian tweed

The incoming first lady’s ensemble is designed by Alexandra O’Neill’s sustainability-focused label Markarian, according to Vanity Fair. Many found its bright teal color — in two complementary shades, with matching gloves and mask — striking in the good way:

Jesse North @jessenorth
Nicole Kidman's Undoing character is going to steal Dr. Jill Biden's coat after the inauguration.
Kamala Harris’s blue-purple Christopher John Rogers

Vice President Harris’s outerwear, designed by rising-star Black designer Christopher John Rogers, is also a continuation of a tradition she upheld during her presidential campaign: wearing purple in honor of Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman to run for president in the United States. (Harris took color cues from Chisholm in other ways, too, adopting red and yellow as her signature presidential-campaign colors in a nod to Chisholm having done the same.)


Ella Emhoff’s Miu Miu top coat

Emhoff -- daughter of Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, stepdaughter of Harris and a textile-design student at the Parsons School of Design in New York City -- garnered many a heart-eye emoji with her beige Miu Miu Shetland Pied De Poule coat adorned with gold at the shoulders. Some wondered if it ushered in the age of be-sequined shoulders:

Michelle Obama’s maximalist Sergio Hudson

Another of several women in politics wearing purple at the inauguration, the former First Lady wore a dramatic long overcoat in a warm burgundy shade, designed by Sergio Hudson, a Black designer from South Carolina. The coat, alongside the rest of the Obamas’ sartorial choices, inspired “Grey’s Anatomy” creator Shonda Rhimes to tweet praise:

by ti-amie Michelle Obama’s maximalist Sergio Hudson

Bernie Sanders’s all-purpose Burton parka

At inauguration, it appeared Sen. Sanders was once again taking the opportunity to showcase a hometown brand: His practical winter coat, made in Burlington, Vt., is the same one he’s wearing in the photo that became the ubiquitous “I am once again asking” meme. To some, Sanders’s ensemble of parka and hand-knitted mittens lent him the distinct air of a gruff granddad, or of having run a few errands beforehand. ... ium=social

by ti-amie IG waits for no one.

by MJ2004 Michelle wins today. She's rocking that look.

by ti-amie
MJ2004 wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 8:21 pm Michelle wins today. She's rocking that look.
That strut!

For the younger generation of fashion folks Ella Emhoff is the one they're excited about.

by ti-amie Image
American poet Amanda Gorman reads a poem during the 59th Presidential Inauguration at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, Pool)

As much as Emma Emhoff's sparkly coat this look by Ms Gorman is ground breaking for young women, especially young women of color. Her hair is twisted not braided but it's still a formal look.

by mmmm8 Amanda Gorman had a bad-ass jeweled mask as well to go with that styling.

Michelle Obama wins the day, but there were some really good coats up there today.

I thought Lady Gaga's dress was much over-the-top. This day isn't about her.

by ti-amie Because there's no such thing as a McDonald's china pattern?
Also I shudder to think what the First Escort would've wanted created since we have examples of her "taste" to go by.

There will be no Trump china collection due to cost and time, source says
By Kate Bennett, CNN
Updated 10:45 AM ET, Thu January 21, 2021


(CNN)The Trump administration will not have its own signature collection to display in the White House China Room -- another departure from protocol for the outgoing first family.

Timing and exorbitant cost prevented outgoing first lady Melania Trump from following through on the collection, the patterns and colors for which she had selected, according to a source familiar with the events. Ultimately, the china took too long to make and cost too much, the source said.

Trump pulled the plug on the project at some point during the last six weeks, the source said.

A representative for Melania Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Each administration has the opportunity to design and have made its own official china collection, both for entertaining purposes and for legacy and future administrations to use -- with the exception of few, every administration since George Washington has done so.

The nonprofit White House Historical Association has paid for past official china collections with funds supplied by its donors, but another source involved in the discussions of the Trump china told CNN the association had "concerns" with the price tag and decided it was too expensive an endeavor.

"The White House Historical Association was not involved in an acquisition project related to the Trump china," an official with the association told CNN. The official would not comment on the reason for the lack of involvement. The last administration not to use funds from the association for official china was the Reagan administration.

A full official administration china service is expensive and an endeavor that takes significant time.

The Obama china, planning for which began in 2011, was delivered in 2015, the color inspired by the blue waters off of Hawaii. There were 320-settings of 11 pieces each, costing more than $350,000, paid for by the White House Historical Association.

Laura Bush's china selection totaled 4,500 pieces and cost $492,000, also paid for by the association. Bush ordered an additional, less-formal 75-place settings to use for entertaining in the private residence, which was not paid for by the White House Historical Association.

Trump most commonly opted to borrow place settings from the official Clinton china set for her White House events, the two Trump-hosted state dinners included. There are 300-place settings of apropos ornate, shiny gold plates and dishware selected by Hillary Clinton when she was first lady.

First lady Ellen Wilson created the White House China Room in 1918 to display the china of presidential administrations. ... _term=link

by ti-amie The Obama presidential china

The GW Bush presidential china

The Clinton presidential china

by ti-amie There is another set of china for the Obama's with the Presidential Seal. Seeing it used here gives an idea of how it would look in a formal table setting.


by ponchi101 I could use the Obama's first one.
The rest... I think I pass. A little too rococo.

by ti-amie For some reason I really don't like the Clinton or Bush china. The yellow in one and the green in the other turns me off.

I agree. The Obama blue ones are the best ones. BUT they would not hold up on a really formal table like the gold edged ones do.

by dryrunguy You're missing the point, folks. China is to blame for everything...

Oh, wait...

by JazzNU I am 100% here for this new Super Bowl Alexa commercial and just want to know when I can get my own.

by ti-amie
JazzNU wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:21 am I am 100% here for this new Super Bowl Alexa commercial and just want to know when I can get my own.

by ponchi101 Ok. You two. Behave!

by ti-amie Searching for Shelley Duvall: The Reclusive Icon on Fleeing Hollywood and the Scars of Making 'The Shining'
by Seth Abramovitch February 11, 2021, 6:00am PST

Courtesy Everett Collection
Duvall played a country music groupie in Robert Altman’s 'Nashville' (1975).

Where 3 Women took six weeks to shoot from start to finish, The Shining took 56. That was partly because of a fire at EMI Elstree Studios in February 1979 that badly damaged the Overlook Hotel set — at the time the largest ever constructed there — requiring it to be rebuilt. But it was mostly because of Kubrick's famously exacting process. The schedule was grueling, with the director filming six days a week, up to 16 hours a day. For much of that time, Duvall needed to work herself up to a state of absolute hysteria playing the wife of a writer (Nicholson) who goes insane inside a snowed-in resort hotel, eventually trying to hack up his family with an axe. Unlike Nicholson, who rented a home in London that he shared with Anjelica Huston, his girlfriend at the time, Duvall rented a flat by the studio in Hertfordshire, where she lived for the length of the shoot with only a dog and two birds as companions. "Nobody does that," says Huston, 69. "You go back and forth from London, even though you could get stuck in two-hour traffic going in and out. But Shelley did that for a good year and a half. She got herself an apartment and lived there because she was just terribly dedicated and didn't want to shortchange herself or anyone else by not giving over fully to her commitment."


Duvall says, "[Kubrick] doesn't print anything until at least the 35th take. Thirty-five takes, running and crying and carrying a little boy, it gets hard. And full performance from the first rehearsal. That's difficult." Before a scene, she would put on a Sony Walkman and "listen to sad songs. Or you just think about something very sad in your life or how much you miss your family or friends. But after a while, your body rebels. It says: 'Stop doing this to me. I don't want to cry every day.' And sometimes just that thought alone would make me cry. To wake up on a Monday morning, so early, and realize that you had to cry all day because it was scheduled — I would just start crying. I'd be like, 'Oh no, I can't, I can't.' And yet I did it. I don't know how I did it. Jack said that to me, too. He said, 'I don't know how you do it.' "


But as (Angelica) Huston remembers it, the director — and Nicholson — could be unduly rough on Duvall. "I got the feeling, certainly through what Jack was saying at the time, that Shelley was having a hard time just dealing with the emotional content of the piece," she says. "And they didn't seem to be all that sympathetic. It seemed to be a little bit like the boys were ganging up. That might have been completely my misread on the situation, but I just felt it. And when I saw her during those days, she seemed a generally a bit tortured, shook up. I don't think anyone was being particularly careful of her." Still, Huston admits there is no denying the ferocious power of the final product. "She actually carried the movie on her back if you look at it," Huston says. "Jack wavers between sort of comedic and terrifying, and Kubrick was Kubrick at his most mysterious, interesting and powerful. But it must have been something for her to be in the middle of that mix. And she took it on. She was, I think, incredibly brave."

There is a sequence in The Shining that is in the Guinness World Records for "most retakes for one scene with dialogue." The scene features (Scatman) Crothers and Danny Lloyd, the young actor who played Danny Torrance, discussing the ability to "shine," a psychic gift that allows the boy to envision the hotel's horrific past. Kubrick had the actors do it 148 times. But another far more demanding scene — the staircase scene — was shot 127 times. "It was a difficult scene, but it turned out to be one of the best scenes in the film," Duvall says. "I'd like to watch the movie again. I haven't seen it in a long time."

At her suggestion, I google the scene, perch my iPhone on her dashboard and press play. I don't think I'll ever forget the experience of watching 71-year-old Duvall watching her 30-year-old self meekly swing a bat at Nicholson as he threatened to "bash [her] brains in."

"Why are you crying?" I ask Duvall.

"Because we filmed that for about three weeks," she replies. "Every day. It was very hard. Jack was so good — so damn scary. I can only imagine how many women go through this kind of thing."

Image ... he-shining

by ti-amie Nashville is one of my favorite movies.

by the Moz
ti-amie wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:57 pm Nashville is one of my favorite movies.
Altman was one of the best :thumbsup:

by ti-amie Gérard Depardieu charged with rape and sexual assault
French star is being investigated over an incident with a female actor at his Paris home in 2018

Gérard Depardieu is free but under judicial supervision. Photograph: Tiziana Fabi/AFP/Getty Images

The French actor Gérard Depardieu has been charged with rape and sexual assault, allegedly committed in 2018 against an actor in her 20s, a judicial source told AFP on Tuesday.

An initial investigation into the rape accusations against Depardieu, 72, was dropped in 2019 for lack of evidence but reopened last summer, leading to criminal charges filed in December, the source said.

The actor accuses Depardieu of having raped and assaulted her at his Paris home in August 2018.

Depardieu’s lawyer, Hervé Temime, told AFP that Depardieu, who is free but under judicial supervision, “completely rejects the accusations”.

According to a source close to the case, Depardieu is a friend of the woman’s family.

Some reports have suggested Depardieu and the actor were rehearsing a scene of a theatre play, but the source said “there was nothing professional about the encounter”.

The woman’s lawyer, Élodie Tuaillon-Hibon, told AFP that she hoped her client’s “private sphere will be respected” as the case unfolds. ... 1614107230

by mmmm8 This man should have been locked up years ago for various transgressions.

by ti-amie Welcome to the world of sneakerheads. What do you say to your mother after you get her fired? My bad?

by MJ2004 Here's a great follow-up piece from Slate on Sneakergate:

The Absurd Nike Scandal That Has Sneakerheads Losing Their Minds

According to reports by Cowen Research, the sneaker resale market could reach $30 billion by 2030. “Flipping” sneakers—buying them at retail prices, or below retail prices in some cases, and reselling them at a higher price—has been big business for years. Those willing to put in the time, research, and legwork can see large profits quickly thanks to social media and growing digital marketplaces like StockX and GOAT, which are tailored specifically to the trade.

These schemes naturally attract many young hopefuls. Consider, for instance, 19-year-old entrepreneur Joe Hebert, or “West Coast Joe,” as his sneakerhead buddies almost certainly do not really call him. On Feb. 25, Bloomberg Businessweek published a lush profile on him and his budding sneaker-resale business, West Coast Streetwear. “Anything that’s releasing that I know I can make a guaranteed buck on, I’m gonna go full into,” he told writer Joshua Hunt. “That’s just my style.”

Hebert’s “style,” it seems, is also talking a lot. Most sneaker flippers do not draw undue attention to their methods, competitive as the market has become. But Hebert’s Instagram flaunts his incredible deadstock hauls, or large quantities of brand-new, unworn footwear. There are piles of Air Jordans, the most popular sneaker to resell—they fetch $50 to $100 each in profit on the low end. There are walls of Adidas Yeezy Boosts, the signature model of soon-to-be-divorced Wyoming resident Kanye West. Hebert poses in many of these shots with his face obscured, suggesting he knew at least a little that this wasn’t the smartest idea.

Nevertheless, Hebert had no problem showing off his craft for Hunt, the reporter. The Bloomberg piece features a lively GIF of Hebert and a crony sloppily loading boxes upon boxes of sneakers and apparel into the back of a U-Haul truck as part of a multistate tour of Nike outlets last year, before he returned to his home state of Oregon, where he rents a warehouse to store his score. He lives in Portland, where Nike and Adidas run their U.S. businesses. “If you know the right people here, this is the city to sell shoes,” he told Bloomberg. “Plugs,” or connections who can assist you in obtaining hard-to-find inventory, are key when it comes to this game. And most savvy, seasoned resellers don’t reveal those sources—ever.

Hebert, it will soon be clear, is not one of the most savvy, seasoned resellers. You see, at one point, he called Hunt from a phone number “identified as belonging to” Ann Hebert. Hunt looked up the name. It turned out there was an Ann Hebert who had worked for 25 years at Nike, most recently as its vice president and general manager for North America. In showing off, Joe Hebert had also shared his American Express corporate card statement with the reporter; that, too, was in Ann Hebert’s name. As the Bloomberg piece went on:

When I asked Hebert about the connection later that year, he acknowledged that Ann was his mother and said that, while she’d inspired him as a businessperson, she was so high up at Nike as to be removed from what he does, and that he’d never received inside information such as discount codes from her. He insisted, though, that she not be mentioned in the article and cut off contact not long after our conversation.

The “right people,” huh, Joe?

Sneakerheads did not much notice this incredible self-own at first, but others did. On Monday, Nike announced that Ann Hebert, a 25-year veteran employee, would be “stepping down” from the senior leadership role she held for less than a year. Might that have to do with the fact that West Coast Streetwear’s corporate credit card is in Ann’s name? Or maybe it was Joe Hebert’s Discord group, in which he charged $250 a month for information on “what sneakers would be discounted, when and where the sale would begin, and how many the retailer would have”? It’s unclear to what extent Ann Hebert was directly involved in her son’s lucrative endeavors, but it appears to have been enough to end her Nike career.

The fallout for Joe has been even more humiliating. Ann’s firing, paired with Bloomberg’s previous reporting, has led all of sneaker culture—from the most casual enthusiasts to diehard sneakerheads—to lose their minds. Joe’s Instagram, with all those cool-kid warehouse shots, has become a site for ritualized dunking on him. “Yo mama should trade u for a pair of Js,” one comment reads. “Goofy got caught up,” another says, appending several cry-laughing emoji. The joy and pain is currently spread across several platforms. ... andal.html

For its part, Nike has probably grown tired of the drama it has endured in this relatively young year. It was already, for example, dealing with allegations from mid-February that the popular Orlando, Florida–based sneaker boutique Trophy Room was “backdooring”—or secretly selling sneakers above retail price before the official release date—large quantities of very limited-edition Air Jordan 1s. The shoes could only be purchased at that particular boutique.

Trophy Room was founded in 2016 by one Marcus Jordan. He is the second-oldest child of the shoe’s namesake, Michael Jordan.

by ti-amie It took Ann Hebert 25 years to get to a senior leadership role. It took her son weeks to get her fired. I swear if he was my son he'd be living with relatives. I hope she got severance and a pension.

by MJ2004 Who gives a family member use of their corporate card? She is certainly not just a victim in this.

by ti-amie
MJ2004 wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:43 pm Who gives a family member use of their corporate card? She is certainly not innocent in this.
I think that's why they fired her. The young jerk has probably used it before for other things and who knows how she accounted for his purchases with Nike. When I had a corporate card the rules were if for any reason you used it for a personal expense you had to pay it yourself. That may be what was happening here.

And yes I'm trying to see a way to frame it so that she wasn't involved in the situation.

by ti-amie

I wasn't one of them...

by ponchi101 Things more important that watching rich people complain about their lives:
Scratch belly
(It's a long list)

by JazzNU Rich people complaining about their lives? Not suggesting you care about Harry and Megan, but this has much wider ranging implications than just this one couple if you're missing that aspect of this story.

by texasniteowl re: the couple that professes they wanted privacy and then courts publicity all the time?

To be honest...I didn't watch it...but it's practically impossible to avoid seeing bits of it today if you hit any news sites at all.

Are there underlying kernels of truth there? Yeah.

Is "their truth" the whole truth? No, of course not.

Will we ever know the whole truth? No, of course not.

Are there things she said that I do not "buy"? Yes, yes there are.

Am I tired of hearing about them? Yes. A big fat yes.

by ti-amie If what the show "The Crown" is showing about what happened to Diana is even 80% true Harry's reaction and his estrangement from his father makes perfect sense.

I didn't watch it but like you said it's hard to avoid and I think that what I saw of the Diana/Charles/Camilla situation in that show is the basis for everything that has happened to Meghan.
It also pays to look back at Wallis Simpson and her treatment at the hands of the British royals.

by Suliso
texasniteowl wrote: Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:49 am re: the couple that professes they wanted privacy and then courts publicity all the time?

To be honest...I didn't watch it...but it's practically impossible to avoid seeing bits of it today if you hit any news sites at all.

Are there underlying kernels of truth there? Yeah.

Is "their truth" the whole truth? No, of course not.

Will we ever know the whole truth? No, of course not.

Are there things she said that I do not "buy"? Yes, yes there are.

Am I tired of hearing about them? Yes. A big fat yes.
Meghan's ethnic origin for sure don't improve the situation, but still I see constant attention grabbing just like Diana. Some people have an innate talent in being on tabloid front pages and it's hard to judge do they actually want it or not. There have been plenty of members of the royal family who have managed to avoid it so not like it totally can't be done.

by MJ2004 This is only partially true.

Do I think she’s now trying to stay in the limelight on her terms and for a profit- absolutely.

Given who she is, could she have avoided the attention and media over the last several years? Not a chance.

by the Moz H&M are trying to control their own story in the media. That's usually a losing proposition, but I wish them well at it.

by MJ2004 The FT rarely reports on the royal family, unless it's part of a larger news story. This article addresses the wider ranging implications JazzNU was referring to:

From fairy tale to culture war: Britain gripped by royal race row
Meghan Markle’s and Prince Harry’s interview on US television splits opinion in the UK

At the time of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding in 2018, many commentators seized on signs Britain’s royal family was embracing the 21st century.

The young prince was marrying a mixed-race, divorcee from America who showed independent spirit like Harry’s late mother Diana, the princess of Wales, and who was being welcomed with great fanfare into the royal household.

“It was as if the exclusivity of royalty and blue blood could be erased with a photo-op,” one black British commentator, who asked not to be named, said in hindsight of the hopes the wedding once inspired.

Any vestiges of that fairy tale reached a bitter end during the US television personality Oprah Winfrey’s two-hour interview with the former royals when it was aired on CBS in America on Sunday night.

The most explosive revelations in the interview, carried out in California where the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have exiled themselves since they retreated from royal life last year, revolved around race.

There were “concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he’s born”, Markle said about the couple’s then unborn child, Archie, prompting Winfrey to pause. Harried and sometimes vilified by Britain’s tabloid newspapers, Markle was driven to feeling suicidal, she said, but was denied the help and protection she sought from the royal household.

While the revelations were not directed at any member of the royal family, they painted the monarchy in an unflattering light at a difficult time for race relations in Britain — after the Black Lives Matter protests and the high number of black and minority ethnic victims of coronavirus.

Markle’s revelations — and those of Prince Harry, who said his father, Prince Charles, had at one point refused to take his calls — have split opinion in Britain, prompting torrents of commentary, much of it highly partisan to one side or another, in the media and on social media.

Tim Bale, professor of politics at Queen Mary University of London and a historian of the ruling Tory party, saw dangers that these polemics will feed into the culture wars unleashed in the wake of the 2016 Brexit referendum, providing ammunition for some politicians to exploit.

“If they can portray Meghan and Harry as prince and princess of woke in opposition to the rest of the royal family and establishment they will be tempted to do so,” he said.

The interview has prompted an outpouring of support for Markle from some members of the British black community. Shola Mos-Shogbamimu, the author, lawyer and women’s rights activist, said that the Queen herself should have intervened to try to halt the “divisive and hateful treatment” of Markle by some sections of the media.

“I get that families have feuds, and I have no interest in getting into that. But if you can treat one person that way, if you think it’s OK for a member of your family to be treated like that, how can I trust you, as the monarchy, to speak up for me. This is a matter of principle,” Mos-Shogbamimu said.

The palace made no response to the revelations ahead of their broadcast in the UK on Monday evening. But it had vocal defenders.

“Meghan and Harry’s nauseating two-hour Oprah whine-athon was a disgraceful diatribe of cynical race-baiting propaganda designed to damage the Queen as her husband lies in hospital — and destroy the Monarchy,” television presenter Piers Morgan wrote in the Daily Mail.

Also describing the interview as a betrayal, Penny Junor, a royal biographer, wrote in the Mail on Sunday newspaper: “It is hugely damaging for Harry too. For him the monarchy is not some quaint, outdated institution, as it is for millions of Americans . . . For Harry the monarchy is family.”

For the Queen, who turns 95 next month, the saga bears echoes of what she called her “annus horribilis” back in 1992, when the household was riven by divorces, and Diana published a damaging account of her broken marriage with Charles.

It comes as her 99-year-old husband Prince Philip recovers from a heart procedure in hospital, and after a year in which her second son Andrew was forced to step back from royal duties as a result of allegations surrounding his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced former financier and convicted paedophile. Prince Andrew has denied wrongdoing.

It also weakens one of the few institutions that binds the UK together, at a time independence movements in Scotland, Northern Ireland and, to a lesser extent, Wales have all gained ground, strengthening the case for wholesale reform.

Support for the monarchy in the UK has remained consistently strong overall. However, there is a growing generational divide, according to the latest survey on the issue by YouGov, carried out at the end of 2020. More than eight in 10 people aged over 65 preferred to preserve the monarchy over an elected head of state, compared with only half as many among 18-24-year-olds. There is also a roughly even split among adults over who should succeed the Queen, Charles or his son William.

“When Meghan came into the royal family, as Diana before, they had their second chance to move into the 21st century. But rather than embracing these people, they tried to smother them and pretend the past is still there,” said Norman Baker, a former government minister and author of a book on the cost of maintaining the monarchy: And What Do You Do? What The Royal Family Don’t Want You To Know.

Referring to reports in the British press of a bullying complaint against Markle filed by a former royal aide, he added: “I do believe she did cause difficulties for people who worked for her, but there is no excuse for the way the palace has handled this.” Markle has denied the bullying claims.

Only a few hours before the Winfrey interview was to be aired in Britain, prime minister Boris Johnson on Monday was among the few who did not have an opinion on the row, only saying he had “the highest admiration for the Queen” and the work she did “for the country and the Commonwealth”.

“I really think when it comes to matters to do with the royal family the right thing for prime ministers is to say nothing. And nothing is what I propose to say on this matter,” Johnson said.

by ti-amie There is a scene in "The Crown" where Prince Phillip tells an ever more isolated and spiraling Princess Diana that she should "accept her place" like everyone else in the Royal circle does. The only one that matters, he goes on to say, Is Queen Elizabeth, even for him. We're nothing he says.

It's interesting that William, the oldest, seems to be following "protocol" and if rumors are to believed has/is carrying on an affair with a woman who had been close to Kate. Kate, like Diana, has had sons and is now free to do what she wants, with discretion.

by ti-amie

by MJ2004 If nothing else good comes of this, at least this clown is gone:

"Following discussions with ITV, Piers Morgan has decided now is the time to leave Good Morning Britain. ITV has accepted this decision and has nothing further to add.”

by the Moz
MJ2004 wrote: Tue Mar 09, 2021 8:02 pm If nothing else good comes of this, at least this clown is gone:

"Following discussions with ITV, Piers Morgan has decided now is the time to leave Good Morning Britain. ITV has accepted this decision and has nothing further to add.”
For sure. Piers is the worst!!

by ti-amie

by ti-amie "Red Carpet" Photo's from the Grammy's.

Megan Thee Stallion in Dolce & Gabbana and jewels by Chopard.
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

Lizzo in Balmain and Bulgari on the red carpet.

Chloe x Halle in Louis Vuitton. "Chloe is 22 and Halle is about to turn 21, and they want the freedom and fluidity to explore being a little sexier in their look," their stylist Zerina Akers told The Hollywood Reporter prior to the show.

Courtesy of Louis Vuitton (2)
Chloe x Halle wearing Louis Vuitton for the Grammy Awards. Chloe Bailey, at left, was photographed in Los Angeles by Jahmad Balugo; Halle Bailey, right, was photographed in London by Greg Williams.

DaBaby in Dolce & Gabbana.
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
(I actually like this get up.)

by ti-amie Whoever this is actually makes JLo's Grammy shocker look modest.

Doja Cat in custom Roberto Cavalli by Fausto Puglisi and black-diamond earrings by Lorraine Schwartz.
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

Host Trevor Noah. His stylist Jason Bolden posted on Instagram that Noah is wearing a custom double-breasted tuxedo by Gucci, accessorized with a brooch by Tiffany & Co.
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

Grammy-nominated artist H.E.R. wore a burgundy velvet embroidered robe and matching wide-leg trousers from the fall/winter 2021 collection by Dundas.
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images

Nominated for best Latin pop or urban album, Debi Nova wore a hot-pink strapless cocktail dress with a floral-printed hem and train from Georges Chakra's spring/summer 2020 haute-couture collection.

Jhené Aiko hosting the Premiere Ceremony.
Rich Fury/Getty Images

by ti-amie This is all I've seen so far. I think it's the first time I'm going with two men for best dressed.

by skatingfan
ti-amie wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 1:16 am Whoever this is actually makes JLo's Grammy shocker look modest.
That was like 20 years ago - standards change.

by JazzNU Though I don't care for the dress and I don't find it all that shocking for whatever reason, I'm more disappointed with the rest of Doja Cat's look. She's pretty and I can't tell that here at all with this entirely too heavy and severe hair and makeup styling.

by ti-amie From the Daily Mail unless otherwise noted

Comfort is key? The Grammys took place semi-virtually this year - but that didn't stop stars from making serious fashion faux pas - including Noah Cyrus, who looked as though she was wearing a white bed sheet on the red carpet

Some are snarking that they know why there was a toilet paper shortage a little while ago when discussing this "gown"

Cynthia Erivo
Style: The actress, 34, cut a glamorous figure as she walked the red carpet in a fluorescent green sleeveless gown

From Vogue

Dua Lipa in Versace and BVLGARI jewelry
Photo: Getty Images

Harry Styles in Gucci on stage
Photo: Getty Images

by ti-amie More from Vogue

Billie Ellis in Gucci
Photo: Getty Images

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for The Recording Academy
Taylor Swift
The folklore singer shuts down the red carpet in a delightful Oscar de la Renta creation, which is decorated with an explosion of flowers.

Love the shoes. Hate the dress.

Francis Specker/CBS ©2021 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Ingrid Andress
A vision in white! The Grammy nominee shows up and shows out in a power suit by Armani Privé.

I love Armani and this is why.

Kevin Winter/Getty Images for The Recording Academy
Sometimes, all you need is a little black dress to steal the show. The Grammy winner stunned in a daring black design by Schiaparelli.

The face and body say middle age but she's fighting it every step of the way. I don't like the hair she chose with the top of the dress being so busy.

by ptmcmahon Taylor's Swift flower dress is "delightful"? Not what came to my mind.

by ti-amie Toby Keith is trending on Twitter because of some new video of his. This anecdote was posted to remind people of who Toby Keith is, and why country music has a problem outside of its base audience.

I did crack up at the end.

by JazzNU
Regal Cinemas to reopen in April, strikes new deal with Warner Bros.

by Sarah Whitten

As lockdowns ease, Regal Cinemas will reopen in the U.S. after six months of being shuttered.

The movie theater chain owned by Cineworld, is set to reopen around 500 locations on April 2 at limited capacity based on local guidelines. In most cases, attendance is capped at 25% to 50%.

Regal Cinemas will showcase Warner Bros.′ film “Godzilla vs. Kong” during its first weekend open. The studio’s “Mortal Kombat” will play in its theaters starting April 16.

Warner Bros. made the decision to release all of its 2021 films simultaneously in theaters and on its streaming service HBO Max. This meant that it had to renegotiate deals with each cinema company to ensure that its films would be played on the big screen.

Cineworld is the latest theater chain to agree to these terms and to strike a long-term deal with the studio to ensure that after 2021 there will be a longer time period between a film’s release in theaters and its availability in the home market.

Warner Bros. and Cineworld signed a multiyear agreement that begins in 2022 and stipulates that Warner Bros.′ features will have to play in theaters for 45 days before moving to streaming platforms or video on demand.

In the U.K., the deal is for 31 days and can be extended to 45 for films that open with a high enough box-office gross.

Regal Cinemas is the second-largest theater chain in the U.S., just behind AMC Theatres. The company had opted to shutter its movie theaters six months ago.

At the time, Mooky Greidinger, CEO of Cineworld, told CNBC that closing locations in the U.S. and the U.K. was a way to stem the “bleeding.” He said his business lost less money by not operating.

With local restrictions loosening in places like California and New York, it seems Regal has more confidence that its theaters will be able to thrive and become profitable once again.

The two states together account for 21.5% of the total U.S. box-office receipts each year, according to data from Comscore.

Movie theaters in New York City were permitted to reopen at limited capacity during the first week of March and cinemas in Los Angeles were granted permission to restart two weeks ago.

New York City makes up nearly 24% of all of New York state’s total box office and Los Angeles accounts for around 30% of California’s. These cities have above-average ticket prices and population density, as well as being hubs of the entertainment industry, making them vitally important to the industry’s financial well-being.

Having those two cities reopened for business gives studios the confidence to release major blockbuster films and movie theater operators the confidence to reopen locations. As of last weekend, around 51% of North American theater were open to the public, according to data from Comscore. ... bros-.html

by ti-amie

This part of this mess I understand. There's more but I like to keep my "little gray cells" functioning at full capacity.

by ponchi101 I read about it. Interesting how the people against the shoes like to invoke their right to worship but, when somebody wants to do something related to Satanism (and this isn't) they immediately want to ban them.

by JazzNU This is idiotic to me. I hope that studio and Lil Nas have money to spare, Nike is coming for them and hard to imagine they won't win. How are you going to say, we've made no statement that Nike is involved with the shoe while also using a Nike shoe that has the swoosh prominently displayed?

Also, selling sneakers for $1k each as a limited edition and then claiming this isn't about money is rich. Your "message" could have just as easily been sold for $125 or the other obvious amount if money wasn't a factor.

by ponchi101 It won't succeed (the lawsuit). It will be the same as AMG with Mercedes or Alpina with BMW. They never sold the cars as Bimmers or Mercs and clearly said they were not affiliated to either brand. They were modified vehicles, and both Mercedes and BMW lost those suits, could not do anything, and eventually simply worked with the companies (MB bought AMG outright).
This studio obviously have left the swoosh but they are not claiming to be in any way related to Nike. If anything, Nike just made the shoes already sold ten times more valuable. Plus, he sold a previous version called the "Jesus shoe" and Nike did not file a suit, so that will work really against them.

Having said that: yes, it is totally idiotic from all sides. Everybody knows Satan wears Adidas ;)

by JTContinental
JazzNU wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 6:19 pm This is idiotic to me. I hope that studio and Lil Nas have money to spare, Nike is coming for them and hard to imagine they won't win. How are you going to say, we've made no statement that Nike is involved with the shoe while also using a Nike shoe that has the swoosh prominently displayed?

Also, selling sneakers for $1k each as a limited edition and then claiming this isn't about money is rich. Your "message" could have just as easily been sold for $125 or the other obvious amount if money wasn't a factor.
The lawsuit is only targeting MSCHF, and not Lil Nas

The price point of the shoes was related to a Bible verse about Satan

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 6:43 pm This studio obviously have left the swoosh but they are not claiming to be in any way related to Nike. If anything, Nike just made the shoes already sold ten times more valuable. Plus, he sold a previous version called the "Jesus shoe" and Nike did not file a suit, so that will work really against them.
FWIW, I don't think it counts much against them at all. Completely separate set of facts. But that's also why they left room to include the Jesus shoe as part of the suit. In that way, the studio that did this really and truly have shot themselves in the foot (pun intended) as they may have to find a new schtick because no modification of any kind may be allowed in the future.

by JazzNU
JTContinental wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 6:47 pm
The price point of the shoes was related to a Bible verse about Satan
Doesn't remotely convince me money wasn't a factor. There are lower numbers related to Bible verses they could've gone with.

by ponchi101 Well, they could have gone for Genesis Ch1 V1 and sell them for $11, but where is the fun in that? ;)

by dryrunguy No one has even mentioned the music video? It's quite... colorful. Both literally and figuratively.

by the Moz I'm confused about where to direct my vitriol...Lil Nas X, Satanism, Religious zealots, Nike, Copyright law :freaking:

by JTContinental In addition to the religious pearl clutching, there has also been some controversy surrounding this video and its visual resemblance to FKA Twigs' "Cellophane" from 2019. They did use the same pole dance choreographer, although I imagine that's a niche market.

by JazzNU
JTContinental wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 12:08 am In addition to the religious pearl clutching, there has also been some controversy surrounding this video and its visual resemblance to FKA Twigs' "Cellophane" from 2019. They did use the same pole dance choreographer, although I imagine that's a niche market.
The video being too similiar was all I heard about, didn't even realize this was related initially. People are big mad about it, not sure them settling it changes that.

by JTContinental Rapper DMX is in a "vegetative state" after a drug overdose. The prognosis doesn't sound good. ... condition/

by JTContinental
JTContinental wrote: Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:59 pm Rapper DMX is in a "vegetative state" after a drug overdose. The prognosis doesn't sound good. ... condition/
Update: The prognosis is sounding better; there have been conflicting reports as to whether or not he is breathing on his own again

by Deuce
ponchi101 wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 6:43 pm This studio obviously have left the swoosh but they are not claiming to be in any way related to Nike. If anything, Nike just made the shoes already sold ten times more valuable. Plus, he sold a previous version called the "Jesus shoe" and Nike did not file a suit, so that will work really against them.

Having said that: yes, it is totally idiotic from all sides. Everybody knows Satan wears Adidas ;)
^ Yes... but Sinner wears NIke. :twisted: :D

by ptmcmahon
JTContinental wrote: Sun Apr 04, 2021 1:55 am
JTContinental wrote: Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:59 pm Rapper DMX is in a "vegetative state" after a drug overdose. The prognosis doesn't sound good. ... condition/
Update: The prognosis is sounding better; there have been conflicting reports as to whether or not he is breathing on his own again
Back in our twenties we used to listen to DMX on the way to and from field hockey every week for a couple of summers... the guy on our team with a car was a big fan. So sad, but unsurprising news.

by JazzNU Very sad.

by ti-amie

by JazzNU The only person that should be suing here is Jane.

by mmmm8 Jane Krakowski's rep's actual statement:

“Jane has never met Mr. Lindell. She is not and has never been in any relationship with him, romantic or otherwise,” the 30 Rock alum’s rep said in a statement to Us Weekly on Friday, January 22. “She is, however, in full-fledged fantasy relationships with Brad Pitt, Regé-Jean Page and Kermit the Frog and welcomes any and all coverage on those.” ... e-lindell/

by ponchi101 I have no idea of who she is, but: BRAVO!!! :clap:

by MJ2004
ponchi101 wrote: Tue Apr 13, 2021 7:54 pm I have no idea of who she is, but: BRAVO!!! :clap:
You know her (any excuse to post this again):

by ti-amie How is this the first time I've seen that?

by the Moz I trust we're familiar with this bit of fun. Dragonette and bearable Martin Solveig.

by MJ2004 Reminds me of this classic. (Clearly we need a tennis music videos thread.)

by JazzNU
the Moz wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 12:39 am I trust we're familiar with this bit of fun. Dragonette and bearable Martin Solveig.
Most definitely not familiar with whatever that was that I just watched. Didn't expect the cameos.

by JTContinental ... index.html

The virgin bachelor from a few seasons ago has come out as gay.

by the Moz
JTContinental wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 4:58 pm ... index.html

The virgin bachelor from a few seasons ago has come out as gay.
Will there be a crown snatching repeat like we saw at the Mrs Sri Lanka pageant after winner was found to be divorced :lol: :lol: :lol: ... t-12269402

by ti-amie

by the Moz
ti-amie wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 5:37 pm
This is supposed to be progress, right :lol:

by JTContinental This might have been an interesting tv show concept 30 years ago

by JazzNU I'm a little confused about this one and why he's being rewarded for finally coming out. Glad he's being honest with himself now and clearly this wasn't an easy road for him. But isn't he the one who was seriously stalking one of the Bachelorettes? Like restraining order level stalking? Or am I mixing up my Bachelors? I don't watch, so I certainly don't keep track like that, only see headlines and blurbs here or there.

I'm not loving Gus being tied to this project if I'm right about which Bachelor this is.

by JazzNU Nope, not mixing up my Bachelors

by ti-amie She also withdrew her accusations. Knowing how "reality tv" works It sounds as if this was some kind of PR stunt to me.

by dmforever Can I ask one question about these shows. I find it absurd in the extreme that these people automatically want to date the Batchelor or Batchelorette. Is it all fake for the cameras? Do they all hang out for a month before they are picked for the show? It's just the most mindnumbingly stupidest premise. "Waaaaa, we went on two one-hour dates and she/he didn't pick me and now I'm devastated." What????


by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:18 pm She also withdrew her accusations. Knowing how "reality tv" works It sounds as if this was some kind of PR stunt to me.

The TRO was issued. Hard to get one if you've got no basis for it, but appreciably harder to keep it in place for over 72 hours with nothing to show for the allegation. Doesn't mean everything about the allegations are true, but hard for there to not have been something very concerning there for the judge to have kept it in place for the length of time it was.

by the Moz
dmforever wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:31 pm Can I ask one question about these shows. I find it absurd in the extreme that these people automatically want to date the Batchelor or Batchelorette. Is it all fake for the cameras? Do they all hang out for a month before they are picked for the show? It's just the most mindnumbingly stupidest premise. "Waaaaa, we went on two one-hour dates and she/he didn't pick me and now I'm devastated." What????

It's 'scripted' reality, so yes it is all fake for the cameras.

by dmforever
the Moz wrote: Thu Apr 15, 2021 12:01 am
dmforever wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:31 pm Can I ask one question about these shows. I find it absurd in the extreme that these people automatically want to date the Batchelor or Batchelorette. Is it all fake for the cameras? Do they all hang out for a month before they are picked for the show? It's just the most mindnumbingly stupidest premise. "Waaaaa, we went on two one-hour dates and she/he didn't pick me and now I'm devastated." What????

It's 'scripted' reality, so yes it is all fake for the cameras.
Is it really? I know this makes me sound really stupid, but I didn't know that. So what is the point of watching it? And they are actually better actors than I thought. They can sure cry on cue. For once I would love one of them to just say, "I'm so glad that you didn't pick me" and then give a laundry list of why they didn't like that person. :)

Thanks for cluing me in.

by JazzNU
dmforever wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:31 pm Can I ask one question about these shows. I find it absurd in the extreme that these people automatically want to date the Batchelor or Batchelorette. Is it all fake for the cameras? Do they all hang out for a month before they are picked for the show? It's just the most mindnumbingly stupidest premise. "Waaaaa, we went on two one-hour dates and she/he didn't pick me and now I'm devastated." What????


You might give the first season of the Lifetime series UnReal a try. Created by a woman who was once a Bachlor producer and loosely based off her time there. Though obviously exaggerated in plenty of ways, many former contestants have said it's not nearly as far off as they wish it were. The show is fun watch, possibly more so for those of us who don't watch The Bachelor. It's available on Hulu if you're ever interested in trying it out.

by ti-amie The Oscars!

Martin Desmond Roe, left, and Travon Free in Dolce & Gabbana. (Chris Pizzello/Pool/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock)

Travon Free and Martin Desmond Roe directed the best live-action short winner “Two Distant Strangers,” about a Black man stuck in a time loop that always ends with his death at the hands of a White police officer. They wore custom Dolce & Gabbana tuxedos in black and yellow with the names of people killed by police listed on the inner linings of their jackets.

There were so many possible names that Free and Roe had to choose the ones that were most meaningful to them; Free’s jacket includes Daunte Wright, who died in Brooklyn Center, Minn., just two weeks ago. Free and Roe’s Mache sneakers created more room, and display names including Breonna Taylor and George Floyd.

Travon Free arrives for the Oscars at Union Station in Los Angeles. (Chris Pizzello/POOL/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock)

by ti-amie Image
Regina King in Louis Vuitton. (Chris Pizzello/Pool via Reuters)

The lace at the hem makes this very nightgown-y. I like everything else about it though even the "wings" which I usually don't like.

Leslie Odom Jr. in Brioni. (Chris Pizzello/Pool/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock)

I really wanted to hate this but the only complaint I have is that I would've liked the pants to be a half inch longer. This is a classic Brioni suit however and the tailoring is exquisite. The longer leg would've ruined the Brioni look.

Andra Day in Vera Wang. (Handout/Getty Images)

Her hair and makeup are well done. I just don't think this is an Oscars look. Golden Globes, yes. Even SAG awards.
From the WaPo commentary:

Then there’s Andra Day, a nominee for best actress for “The United States vs. Billie Holiday,” whose draped, high-slit gown was made by Vera Wang in collaboration with an actual welder, because it was made of metal. (You’d never know — it looked as light as a feather.)

(Chris Pizzello/AFP via Getty Images)

Vera is straight up showing off here.

by ti-amie Image
Carey Mulligan in Valentino. (Chris Pizzello/Pool/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock)

This is a traditional Oscar gown. Lots of fabric, creative silhouette complemented by simple accessories and hair.

Chloé Zhao in Hermès. (Handout/Getty Images)

Someone at Hermés was pulling their hair out by the roots when he saw the sneakers. Other than the seam down the left side of the outfit (it's not a gown) I like this. Next time don't go out of your way to be "normal" carrying a shoulder bag with an Hermés designed outfit and lose the sneakers.

Colman Domingo in Atelier Versace. (Handout/A.M.P.A.S. via Getty Images)

Can we talk about Colman Domingo? Because everyone is talking about Colman Domingo.

The actor, nominated for “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom,” wore an embellished neon pink Atelier Versace suit. It was one of the boldest looks of the night, and universally beloved. The details! Those three perfect gold buttons. The thin gold bracelet. But really, it was the color — and, like Domingo, several stars picked a bright shade and fully committed to it.

Y'all are gonna have to help me with this one. It's not too small, it's perfectly tailored. Save this for the Golden Globes.

by ti-amie Image
Amanda Seyfried in Armani Privé. (Chris Pizzello/AP)

An Armani I don't like. It's as if the designer couldn't make up their mind what they wanted from this gown. Meh.

Zendaya in Valentino. (Handout/Getty Images)


H.E.R. in Peter Dundas. (Chris Pizzello/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock) (Chris Pizzello/Pool/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock)

It looks like this is going to be the look she prefers. At least it doesn't look as if she'll trip and fall if she takes a step like her last outfit did.

Laura Dern in Oscar De La Renta. (Chris Pizzello/Pool via Reuters)

Laura is tall so she can pull this off. I don't have to like it though.

(AP Photo/Chris Pizzello, Pool)

Love the shoes (and that she's wearing panty hose)

by ti-amie Image
LaKeith Stanfield in Saint Laurent. (Alberto Pezzali/AFP via Getty Images)

I can't get the theme song of "Superfly" out of my head.

WaPo commentary:
LaKeith Stanfield is never one to shy away from a bold choice on the red carpet. This time, the best supporting actor nominee for “Judas and the Black Messiah” seems to have wanted to linger for a moment in that film’s late-’60s, early-’70s aesthetic: He wore a slim-waisted, thick-belted, custom Saint Laurent jumpsuit with broad breast pockets and a flared collar to the ceremony’s London screening. (According to a representative for Saint Laurent, the ensemble was inspired by a piece from the label’s summer 2021 women’s collection.) Rounding out the retro vibe, Stanfield also wore a pair of tinted glasses.
Maria Bakalova in Louis Vuitton. (Chris Pizzello/Pool/AP)

A gown worthy of the Oscar Red Carpet

Tiara Thomas in Jovana Louis. (Chris Pizzello/POOL/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock)

Never drop acid while designing or choosing an Oscar Red Carpet outfit. With those pants she should've worn the sneakers Chloe Zhao wore so she wouldn't get tangled up in the fabric when she took a step.

by ti-amie Image
Sacha Baron Cohen and Isla Fisher attend a screening of the Oscars in Sydney. (Rick Rycroft/Pool via Reuters)

Isla looks amazing. Sacha looks like the guy who used to serve you an ice cream soda at the local place.

Alan Kim, left, star of “Minari,” in Thom Browne. (Chris Pizzello/Pool via Reuters)

WaPo commentary:
Oscars on the top, school uniform in the middle, and … chic international soccer star on the bottom?
Someone should do a Masters Thesis on school uniform culture in Japan and Korea.

by ti-amie Image
Chris Pizzello/Pool/Shutterstock

The difference in seeing a still photograph and seeing the person move in it can be so night and day. Standing still the gown is "eh" and a bit theatrical. In motion it's an entirely different thing. Angela Bassett brings the gown to life. Also, as a mature woman she wants the eye drawn upwards and away from the torso.

Margot Robbie
Chris Pizzello/Pool/Shutterstock

This says and does absolutely nothing.

Reese Witherspoon In Christian Dior
Chris Pizzello/Pool/Shutterstock

Nice. That's all I got.

Tyler Perry In Giorgio Armani with Stubbs & Wootton shoes and Dita glasses
Chris Pizzello/Pool/Shutterstock

by ti-amie Image
Halle Berry In Dolce & Gabbana
Chris Pizzello/Pool/Shutterstock


Eryn Krueger Mekash
Chris Pizzello-Pool/Getty Images

Kori Rae
Chris Pizzello-Pool/Getty Images

Laverne Cox In Christian Siriano

Gary Oldman
Alberto Pezzali-Pool/Getty Images

by ponchi101 When not even Halle Berry can carry that haircut, you know how bad it is.
Only Moe could wear that, and Larry and Curly would still make fun out of it.

by ti-amie Image
Chris Pizzelo-Pool/Getty Images

Vanessa Kirby
Chris Pizzello/Pool/Shutterstock

There's something calming about a simple silhouette. Maybe the lipstick is a shade too dark?

by MJ2004 I hate strapless dresses. Always have, always will.

by ti-amie

This got a lot of traction on the Bird App last night. I'm not quite sure how to feel about it.

Maybe put my Western bias aside?

by shtexas Angela Bassett is 62? She looks freaking great!

by JazzNU I like the pink suit on Colman, fits him beautifully. And I don't mind the color even though I'm not a pink person. He carries it off well. In terms of this isn't an Oscar color and save it for the Golden Globes. There were no real Golden Globes, maybe some of these would've been worn then, but that wasn't an option in a real way. After staying at home for the last year for a depressing reason, I think many were uninterested in a neutral color palette.

H.E.R. That will be her look, has been her look since she broke out. It's not my choice, but it doesn't matter because her voice is amazing. I think part of the deal here is that she is so very young and adorable. If she's not done up in more this style, man does that come across and I think the focus shifts away from her music. Young, very pretty, petite. The wolves would circle more than they already do. If you see her without all the theatrics, it's a bit jarring and a bit of a surprise. With them, you focus on her words and her music.

I think this is much improved for Margot Robbie. Last season it was like one bad hippy dippy dress after another for some odd reason. She's certainly looked much better in the past, but compared to last season, I was thrilled to see it as I hope this means she will return to the more stunning looks soon enough.

Been busy this week and haven't had the time to sit and just pull photos to post. I'll add to what's here soon.

by JazzNU Image
Daniel Kaluuya

Olivia Colman

Glenn Close


Dua Lipa in two looks at the Elton John Oscar Viewing Party

by JazzNU Additional photo angles that make me like these looks more

Maria Bakalova in Louis Vuitton

Zendaya in Valentino

by JazzNU Image

Ariana DeBose in Versace


Youn Yuh-jung in Marmar Halim


Fuller look of Riz Ahmed in Prada. I like the suit and think he looks mostly good in it, but this is a red carpet, button up the jacket.


Rita Moreno


Emerald Fennell in Gucci. While not a fan of the look I'll excuse a pregnant woman wearing whatever the heck she wants. And then Tom & Lorenzo relayed that Emerld said (and I've checked, she did) that her look was "Susan, your pottery teacher who has a business proposition for you that is absolutely not a pyramid scheme" and now I think she's selling the heck out of this and I'm a new fan of hers.

by JazzNU Image

Celeste in Gucci


Diane Warren


Lil Rel Howery


Renée Zellweger in Armani Privé. Renee skipped the red carpet.


Marlee Matlin in Vivienne Westwood

by JazzNU And Aldis Hodge in Dolce & Gabbana, easily a favorite of the night, looking damn good filling out this expertly tailored white suit. Aldis provided us with all the looks and Tom and Lorenzo felt them worthy of posting all of them as a snack break. Indeed!





by JazzNU Some group photos courtesy of Marlee Matlin





by JazzNU Also, apparently this is a new couple - Aaron Sorkin and Paulina Porizkova - and I guess they confirmed their romance when they showed up on the red carpet. I forever think of Her Alibi when I see her.


by ponchi101 Awright. So now we know Who's gonna drive you home, tonight?...
She is still a gorgeous looking woman. Him, I have no idea who he is.

by the Moz After she got screwed by Ric I'm sure she was checking bank balances and CVs on the hunt for a new man.

by ti-amie
the Moz wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 3:19 pm After she got screwed by Ric I'm sure she was checking bank balances and CVs on the hunt for a new man.
She was with Ric for ages! What happened?!

by JTContinental
ponchi101 wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 2:52 pm Awright. So now we know Who's gonna drive you home, tonight?...
She is still a gorgeous looking woman. Him, I have no idea who he is.
He's an Oscar-winning screenwriter and director. He was nominated for Best Screenplay for the movie about the Chicago 7, but I'd say his most famous works are The Social Network and the tv show The West Wing.

by ti-amie Mmmm that was a tasty snack...


Daniel Kaluuya's suit fits as if he bought it off the rack. The bagging around the knees is so ugh. If he was walking the GG red carpet the silver/white gold(?) chain would work. A formal shirt and tie would've worked better. Then again a tie would've made it easier for his mother to drag him out to pick a switch...

Olivia Colman has done better.

Glenn Close, Youn Yuh-jung and Rita Moreno representing mature women well. (Rita is 89)

Maria Bakalova's gown looks good from all the angles I've seen although I haven't seen the back.

I just don't like Zendaya's gown. The color is fine but I would like the opening to be on her back.

Ariana DeBose gown is a better take on the look Zendaya is after.

The black velvet gown Dua Lipa wore makes it look like she's stepping out of a pumpkin. I think she and one other person wore a gown with the flounce that low and all I can do is hope she had on sneakers because it's very hard to walk in a gown with a flounce that low.

The cocktail dress she wore is fine.

Don't drag Riz. He was too busy fixing his wife's hair to remember to button his jacket. The Oscars is the most formal of the movie award shows. I would've liked a shirt and formal bow tie but then again he's wearing Prada and it's all about the architecture of the suit.

Lil Rel Howery got the tailoring right.

I've seen Renée Zellweger's gown before except the zipper looking thingy was in the back.

Marlee Matlin looks great. When Vivienne Westwood lays off the acid, edibles and/or haze she does great work.

She also chose to pose with the man in the gold suit, Mr. Odom. She's no fool.

by the Moz
ti-amie wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 5:31 pm
the Moz wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 3:19 pm After she got screwed by Ric I'm sure she was checking bank balances and CVs on the hunt for a new man.
She was with Ric for ages! What happened?!
He died and she got nothing or next to it.

by ti-amie
the Moz wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 6:30 pm
ti-amie wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 5:31 pm
the Moz wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 3:19 pm After she got screwed by Ric I'm sure she was checking bank balances and CVs on the hunt for a new man.
She was with Ric for ages! What happened?!
He died and she got nothing or next to it.

by ti-amie 100 Days of Vice-Presidential Style
Kamala Harris doesn’t want to talk about clothes. Neither does Jill Biden. You can understand why. But lots of people still want to know what they are wearing.

Vice President Kamala Harris exited Air Force Two in April in her unofficial uniform: dark pantsuit, simple shell, pearls and pumps. Credit...Jacquelyn Martin/Associated Press

By Vanessa Friedman
Published April 28, 2021
Updated April 29, 2021, 1:02 p.m. ET

On April 28, when President Joseph R. Biden delivered his address to the joint session of Congress, with Vice President Kamala Harris at his shoulder and Jill Biden and Douglas Emhoff watching from the balcony, it marked the first high-profile public appearance of the first and second families since the inauguration.

President Biden, of course, was the only one speaking. That didn’t mean the other three had nothing to say.

It is on exactly these occasions of state that image-making comes into its own, that costume becomes a key part of political theater. So the fact that Ms. Harris was wearing a cream suit by the Asian-American designer Prabal Gurung that was made in New York, and that Dr. Biden was wearing a navy dress by the Uruguayan-American designer Gabriela Hearst made from upcycled silk wool and embroidered with the flowers of the 50 states of the union — that mattered.

That was, said Susan Kelley, the founder of the website What Kamala Wore, “a branding exercise — not just for the individual but for the administration and the nation as a whole.”

Yet when it comes to the women of Brand Biden — the vice president, a heartbeat away from the most powerful office in the land, and the first lady, a heartbeat away from the most powerful man — the whole subject of dress is seemingly off limits, rife perhaps with real opportunity but also angst.

They are clearly in different positions: Ms. Harris an elected official steering the country; Dr. Biden a political spouse. But each in her own way represents a new paradigm (first female vice president, first first lady to keep working while in the White House), and each is being watched in the petri dish of Washington. In a visual age, that means not only words and actions but also outfits matter.

The Promise, and Problem, of Fashion

It began during the inauguration, when the four protagonists rose to the occasion with grace and forethought. In a widely applauded merging of style and substance, the new first and second families used their appearance before the nation to stake out territory that seemingly supported the words on which they had campaigned: empathy, inclusivity, the whole building-back-better thing.

Mr. Biden and Mr. Emhoff each wore a suit by Ralph Lauren, a designer who has become synonymous with American style. Even more on point, Dr. Biden wore a “Unity” coat and mask by the young independent Jonathan Cohen, and then a dress embroidered with the flowers of all 50 states by Gabriela Hearst, a designer focused on sustainability. Ms. Harris wore clothes by three different independent Black designers, including a purple dress and coat that merged blue and red.

It seemed to herald a new age of conscious dress, and a new dawn for the American fashion industry, reeling after four years of an administration that had trampled all political norms, including the tradition of using their clothes as an expression of patriotic duty. Not to mention the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, with its closures and bankruptcies.

And yet, 100 days into the Biden administration, the most conscious part of their image-making has been how very consciously they seem to be downplaying the whole thing.

Emails to both the vice president’s and the first lady’s offices asking whether there was a policy in place to support the American fashion industry, or whether on major state occasions they would offer information on dress choice, were simply met with “no more to add.” In March, Michael LaRosa, Dr. Biden’s press secretary, told WWD that “we will not be commenting on her clothes.” When contacted, many (though not all) designers declined to be quoted on either the first lady or the vice president.

To a certain extent, you can understand the reluctance. Historically, a focus on fashion has been used as a weapon to dismiss or demean women in positions of power. But as both Nancy Pelosi with her Mace of the Republic pin and orange coat and Hillary Clinton with her white suffragist suit have shown, it can be turned into an advantage: a way of underscoring just who they are, what they have achieved and where their values lie. Of drawing attention to what they do. It’s part of the package.

And when it comes to Ms. Harris and Dr. Biden, there is clearly consideration going on — and the watching public clearly cares. And neither of those things is a bad thing.

The Vice-Presidential Strategy

Ms. Harris, for example, has adopted an unofficial but also unmistakable working uniform of dark trouser suits in navy, black and gray, most often, though not always, by Joseph Altuzarra, a young American designer. (She started wearing the label long before the campaign and “probably has about 20,” Mr. Altuzarra said, including “classic one-button, two-button, double-breasted.”)

See, for example, the ocean-blue Altuzarra jacket Ms. Harris wore for her official portrait, as well as the burgundy Altuzarra suit she wore to accept the nomination for vice president and the gray Altuzarra suit she wore on the cover of Elle.

She pairs the suits with simple shells, often in matching nondescript shades, as well as Manolo Blahnik 70mm pumps and her famous pearls, which trace a direct line back to her sorority at a historically Black college.

Her extreme consistency effectively silences commentary. When someone wears the same thing day in and day out, at a certain point what else is there to say? But then, when Ms. Harris departs from the script, the effect is to draw attention to her choices, imbuing them with even more meaning. Thus the public brouhaha over her appearance in Converse on the campaign trail, the fact she wore a white pantsuit on the night she and Mr. Biden were declared the winners of the election, and at the inauguration. (And thus the universal freakout over the Vogue cover that appeared just before the swearing-in.) It’s a master class in framing.

“From what I’ve seen, she has a real point of view,” Mr. Altuzarra said, who also credited the vice president with sparking a notable interest in his tailoring despite the fact that during the last few months, all anyone could talk about was the end of the suit. “She has developed an image that is incredibly powerful but also is not trying to erase her femininity. She strikes that balance really well.”

According to Ms. Kelley of What Kamala Wore: “I really questioned the endeavor when I started: Is it appropriate to write about her clothes? It’s a fraught topic, and this is clearly a secondary consideration. But people are really interested in people who are considered role models. Fashion builds bridges — it’s a point of commonality. I get lots of emails from young women who want to be like her, saying ‘Where can I get a less expensive version?’”

When Dr. Biden posted this photo to the @FLOTUS twitter account, viewers freaked out because they could relate to her scrunchie.

The First Influencer

For her part, Dr. Biden has appeared almost entirely in American designers since the inauguration. An incomplete roll call of names includes Oscar de la Renta, Michael Kors, Brandon Maxwell, Veronica Beard and Stuart Weitzman.

Alexandra O’Neill, the founder and designer of Markarian, which made the blue coat and dress Dr. Biden wore as her husband was sworn in, reported that since the inauguration, the label’s e-commerce has quintupled, its website traffic gone up 725 percent and Saks Fifth Avenue began stocking its clothes. Similarly, Mr. Cohen said after the Unity coat, “we saw mask sales increase 625 percent within the first 48 hours.”

When the first lady tweeted a picture of herself wearing a scrunchie and buying some goodies on Instagram before Valentine’s Day, it went viral, with watchers cheering her relatable style. A snap of her in early April deplaning from Air Force One in lacy tights, ankle boots and a leather skirt set off an equally clamorous social media firestorm, as commentators seemed taken aback by the idea of someone daring to express personality in what they wore.

“She does take fashion seriously,” Ms. O’Neill said of Dr. Biden, characterizing the first lady’s style as “very feminine and classic” before adding that pre-inauguration, “she was definitely very conscious of the decision she was making.” Indeed, if what Dr. Biden wears says anything, it is that she seems to take real pleasure in clothes and that, in fact, you can enjoy fashion while also being a serious person. Well, and that she knows what she is doing: She did wear a pair of boots that said “VOTE” on them, in large white letters, during the campaign, and a jacket that read “Love” when introducing her husband at his first rally in 2019.

It Could Be a Teachable Moment

It’s not that every outfit contains a coded message; that would be exhausting to imagine and misstates the way clothes are used. But every appearance is an expression of identity — for public officials and those who represent them as for everyone. That’s why what Dr. Biden and Ms. Harris wear receives so much attention. Through their clothes, we think we can know them. And that’s why it would not be compromising for them — or, to be fair, their offices — to acknowledge it.

Indeed, it is possible to imagine them taking the clothes question and turning it into, say, a … teachable moment.

For example, Ms. Harris and Dr. Biden often rewear clothes from their wardrobes. (This has on occasion created a minor brouhaha for Ms. Harris, who like many professionals has Dolce & Gabbana pantsuits in her wardrobe, Dolce having come under attack for a variety of racist statements in recent years.) Why not admit that and underscore its connection to individual action and sustainability — and then use that to pivot to the Biden climate agenda? If wearing an American designer, why not seize that moment to focus not on the dress itself but on the industry that made it and how important it is to the economic fiber of the country?

“If it’s purpose-driven fashion, that’s something that should be celebrated, and the information shared,” Ms. Kelley said. Ms. Harris and Dr. Biden have set so many precedents. This could be another one. ... &smtyp=cur

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 2:52 pm Awright. So now we know Who's gonna drive you home, tonight?...
She is still a gorgeous looking woman. Him, I have no idea who he is.
In addition to what JT said, I think Aaron Sorkin is easily most famous for his tv show The West Wing. But I think the movie he might be most famous for is A Few Good Men. Social Network obviously got a ton of accolades, but I've never heard that being someone's favorite. Other movies you might know of his are Moneyball, Enemy of the State, and Charlie Wilson's War. Even though he's a great producer and and director, writing is his true gift, he mostly started as a playwright.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 5:53 pm
Daniel Kaluuya's suit fits as if he bought it off the rack. The bagging around the knees is so ugh. If he was walking the GG red carpet the silver/white gold(?) chain would work. A formal shirt and tie would've worked better. Then again a tie would've made it easier for his mother to drag him out to pick a switch...

Marlee Matlin looks great. When Vivienne Westwood lays off the acid, edibles and/or haze she does great work.


by JTContinental
JazzNU wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 10:51 pm
ponchi101 wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 2:52 pm Awright. So now we know Who's gonna drive you home, tonight?...
She is still a gorgeous looking woman. Him, I have no idea who he is.
In addition to what JT said, I think Aaron Sorkin is easily most famous for his tv show The West Wing. But I think the movie he might be most famous for is A Few Good Men. Social Network obviously got a ton of accolades, but I've never heard that being someone's favorite. Other movies you might know of his are Moneyball, Enemy of the State, and Charlie Wilson's War. Even though he's a great producer and and director, writing is his true gift, he mostly started as a playwright.
I learned something new today, as I did not know about A Few Good Men

by JazzNU
JTContinental wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:47 am
I learned something new today, as I did not know about A Few Good Men
Happy to share. Aaron Sorkin wrote the play A Few Good Men, which he then adapted into the screenplay.

by ponchi101 Obviously, a matter of opinions but A Few Good Men is, to me, easily Rob Reiner's worst film. After going on that tear of SPINAL TAP, THE SURE THING, STAND BY ME, THE PRINCESS BRIDE, WHEN HARRY MET SALLY and MISERY, A Few Good Men was terrible.
Sort of like Ridley Scott coming up with "Someone to watch over me" after Blade Runner and Legend.
But Sorkin seems to have been involved in some other good ones.

by dryrunguy
ponchi101 wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:31 pm Obviously, a matter of opinions but A Few Good Men is, to me, easily Rob Reiner's worst film. After going on that tear of SPINAL TAP, THE SURE THING, STAND BY ME, THE PRINCESS BRIDE, WHEN HARRY MET SALLY and MISERY, A Few Good Men was terrible.
Sort of like Ridley Scott coming up with "Someone to watch over me" after Blade Runner and Legend.
But Sorkin seems to have been involved in some other good ones.

Just kidding.

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:31 pm Obviously, a matter of opinions but A Few Good Men is, to me, easily Rob Reiner's worst film. After going on that tear of SPINAL TAP, THE SURE THING, STAND BY ME, THE PRINCESS BRIDE, WHEN HARRY MET SALLY and MISERY, A Few Good Men was terrible.
Sort of like Ridley Scott coming up with "Someone to watch over me" after Blade Runner and Legend.
But Sorkin seems to have been involved in some other good ones.
Wasn't expecting almost of this, let alone the A Few Good Men take. Matter of opinion sure, but you're an outlier for that one. And just interesting to call an Oscar nominee a worst film.

by ponchi101 Oh, don't get me started on the Oscars. People NEVER to get an Oscar: Stanley Kubrick, Richard Burton, Peter O'Toole (got honorary).
Few Good Men was nominated precisely because it was Reiner and that super-cast.
And don't get me started on Driving Miss Daisy. Spike may still be angry but he wasn't the only one that got robbed. I would say at least 10 films got robbed that year.

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 1:33 am Oh, don't get me started on the Oscars. People NEVER to get an Oscar: Stanley Kubrick, Richard Burton, Peter O'Toole (got honorary).
Few Good Men was nominated precisely because it was Reiner and that super-cast.
And don't get me started on Driving Miss Daisy. Spike may still be angry but he wasn't the only one that got robbed. I would say at least 10 films got robbed that year.
I'm not following this. Yes, many haven't won an Oscar. That wasn't at all what I was saying. I'm surprised to hear you calling something that was Oscar nominated a "worst film" in someone's career. And A Few Good Men, unlike many Oscar-nominated movies in the recent past, is one that regular moviegoers loved and it still gets put on TV today. So, I was saying you may not care for it for whatever reason, but many do and very few would be in the "worst film from Reiner" camp.

by ponchi101 I did say it was a matter of taste, and of all of Reiner's films, I think it is the worst.
The Oscar is a very PR award. "CRASH", best picture of the year. The whole thing is unwatchable yet it won that distinction. So, WHEN HARRY MET SALLY, one of the true great American classics, does not even get nominated simply because it is comedy, and A FEW GOOD MEN does, simply because it is "serious", I say Few Good Men is Reiner's worst film.
Reiner is in the American Cinematography pantheon. But he is there for HARRY & SALLY, PRINCESS BRIDE, STAND BY ME and lunatic SPINAL TAP. Not because of FEW GOOD MEN.

by ti-amie Shocker

by ti-amie Re the 2021 Met Gala Hosts:

Billie Eilish - "singer" they're trying to make happen
Timothée Chalamet: He will probably have to walk sideways in and out of doors. His ego is reportedly way out of proportion to his acting
Amanda Gorman: The young poet from President Biden's inauguration

Billie Eilish is usually seen in clothing two sizes two big and green hair. We've got pics of her on here probably in the Grammy Awards thread. Ms Eilish showed up on the cover of British Vogue looking like this:

Billie Eilish in British Vogue. — Photo: Craig McDean

Now it makes sense.

Her usual look:
Billie Eilish Francis Specker/CBS

by ponchi101 This is the opposite of our TENNIS PLAYERS topic, in which somebody was talking about showing age. Here I am: "who, who and WTF?" (the W standing for WHO too).
I know Eilish because I went on YT some time ago and looked up one of her videos. Which of course, I saw for about 2 mins and decided that my tinitus was preferable.
Yep, you can show your age in so many different ways. :)

by JTContinental Billie Eilish has definitely already happened

by Deuce Anyone who thinks that this Billie Eilish Vogue thing was spontaneous is delusional.
This is the exact kind of marketing ploy that is planned well in advance - very likely a few years ago. Introduce her to the world in the coloured hair and baggy clothes, then, at a time pre-determined by a 'marketing expert', drastically change her 'style' and 'image'.
Shock value sells (to the gullible - and the majority are very gullible).

Of course, part of her 'personality' was that she was very 'genuine' and 'anti-phony'. But, as always, that was simply an act; a marketing ploy. If you're not a sell-out, no agency will ever sign you. Period.


by ti-amie Image
So this guy showed up at the Derby.
via USA Today

by ti-amie I'm never sure when Royal Ascot takes place but we have the Kentucky Derby and the belles wear their hats too. Here's a sample from USA Today

© AP Photo/Michael Conroy

© Pat McDonogh-USA TODAY Sports

^Forget the hat what about those earrings?

© Alton Strupp-USA TODAY Sports

© Matt Stone-USA TODAY Sports

by ti-amie The gents represent too.

© Alton Strupp-USA TODAY Sports

© Sam Upshaw Jr.-USA TODAY Sports

© Jim Owens-USA TODAY Sports

© Matt Stone-USA TODAY Sports
^ A bit overdone

© AP Photo/Brynn Anderson
^ I'm not a fan of fascinators but this one walks right up to the line of bad taste and doesn't cross it

by ti-amie Image
© AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

© Alton Strupp-USA TODAY Sports

© AP Photo/Charlie Riedel

© Alton Strupp-USA TODAY Sports

© Rob Carr/Getty Images

by ti-amie Image
© Rob Carr/Getty Images

© Rob Carr/Getty Images

by mmmm8 Pretty shocking on Bill and Melinda Gates to me, they've been working together (literally on their foundation, not just figuratively) for so long.

by mmmm8 Pretty shocking on Bill and Melinda Gates to me, they've been working together (literally on their foundation, not just figuratively) for so long.

by ti-amie Someone snarked that their divorce announcement was more of a PSA so that the organizations they fund wouldn't panic. This is not going to be a Bezos situation.

by ti-amie Does anyone know why? I mean for a man his size Lebron moves very well but what is the context?

by ponchi101 I am going to be a total jerk here and claim expertise on this area (with tips from my GF, who is).
That song was a frigging scorcher in S. America. It is a type of Salsa called "Erotic Salsa"; the title, taking in context, translates to "Eat me alive again", or "Wolf me alive again". "Devorame" is devour. This thing was played in any and all dark discos in S. America, places where you really, really did not go with your girlfriend (and paid in cash). It was hugely successful.
About LJ: The man can dance. The man has swagger, and he should find a copy of Tom Jones "the Lead and how to Swing it". I can tell you, he dances 1,000 times better than I do (I can't dance for squat).
Too bad he always plays for teams that I dislike. Off the court, I take my hat off.

by mmmm8 It's a Mountain Dew ad

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 Next time I hear somebody say they can't find a girlfriend, I will simply say "Boris Johnson HAS A GIRLFRIEND! It's got to be you...".

by skatingfan
ponchi101 wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 12:43 am Next time I hear somebody say they can't find a girlfriend, I will simply say "Boris Johnson HAS A GIRLFRIEND! It's got to be you...".
And if the marriage is next year how long will it take for him to find his next girlfriend?

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 12:43 am Next time I hear somebody say they can't find a girlfriend, I will simply say "Boris Johnson HAS A GIRLFRIEND! It's got to be you...".
Can't find a girlfriend? Where? I have a cousin who said, "I may not be able to find a ham sandwich, but I can find a girlfriend." And though I'm mad at the statement, I also 100% agree with it. Many, many women will overlook just about everything, including residing in a prison, if they like you.

by ponchi101 Good for your cousin. But I live in a different place, and I know of people that have said that.
One of my GF's niece's, a gorgeous 26 yo, "can't find a boyfriend". In Miami. I always say: "It not them, it is HER. If she can't find a BF, I wonder what she is looking for".
And of all the topics NOT to get mad about something, this should be high on the list. ;)

by mmmm8
ponchi101 wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 5:06 pm Good for your cousin. But I live in a different place, and I know of people that have said that.
One of my GF's niece's, a gorgeous 26 yo, "can't find a boyfriend". In Miami. I always say: "It not them, it is HER. If she can't find a BF, I wonder what she is looking for".
And of all the topics NOT to get mad about something, this should be high on the list. ;)
The problem stated by your GF's niece isn't that she can't find a man, it's that she can't find a boyfriend. Yeah, it's most likely her... not wanting to settle. You've seen the Florida Man stories, right?

Or maybe she's an awful person, no idea.

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 5:06 pm Good for your cousin. But I live in a different place, and I know of people that have said that.
One of my GF's niece's, a gorgeous 26 yo, "can't find a boyfriend". In Miami. I always say: "It not them, it is HER. If she can't find a BF, I wonder what she is looking for".
And of all the topics NOT to get mad about something, this should be high on the list. ;)
I believe you've misunderstood the sentiment. This is one way. The guy can find a girlfriend anytime he wants one. The girl can't do the same and find a boyfriend on demand. Definitely not interchangeable and definitely not talking about just sex.

You'd be shocked at the number of prison inmates, homeless living in shelters, and unemployed men have girlfriends. It's really something to behold.

by Suliso I guess the surprising part (to me) is that there are women who find something attractive in them.

by ponchi101 I have to really use more emojis when I post my nonsense jokes... ;)
And in that vein:
If all men are the same, but all women are different, how come all of us men will go out with any girl, but no girl will go out with just ANY guy?


by ptmcmahon
Suliso wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 5:55 pm I guess the surprising part (to me) is that there are women who find something attractive in them.
Power/fame/station in life is attractive to many...and for different reasons.

by Deuce
ptmcmahon wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 4:37 pm
Suliso wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 5:55 pm I guess the surprising part (to me) is that there are women who find something attractive in them.
Power/fame/station in life is attractive to many...and for different reasons.
I think the money aids in the 'attraction', as well...

by ti-amie

by the Moz Diana finally gets the name drop. She would be proud of both her boys and the lives they are living :thumbsup:

by ti-amie William's life was determined once he was born. Harry became free to live his life after William and Catherine had their children. I think both are coping as best they can and that there is more than enough reason for her to be proud of her sons.

by Deuce It's always a triumph for humanity when principles override money...

Roger Waters Refuses a Huge Amount of Money from Facebook...


by the Moz
Deuce wrote: Wed Jun 16, 2021 5:18 am It's always a triumph for humanity when principles override money...

Roger Waters Refuses a Huge Amount of Money from Facebook...

Here here :thumbsup:

by ponchi101 Pretty dumb, from FB. It is not as if Waters' positions on issues like these are not well known.
I have been always at a bit of odds with Waters. Agree in some of his positions, disagree with some, but PF is the soundtrack of my youth. Instructions for my funeral include playing "Wish you were here" (full album).
But here, I agree with him. How this man got to be so powerful is indeed an interesting phenomena of the 21st century. Maybe Aldous Huxley could explain.

by ti-amie

by JazzNU I'll believe it when I see it. Assuming she's planning on staying married that would mean Martina would be agreeing to cameras in her home and putting her business out in the street, so I just don't see it happening. At best I could see her being a friend of, which would be a way to leave Martina and their home life out of the mix. Also, I can't see Martina pretending to care whatever shady man drama Larsa is surely getting herself involved in.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie A First Lady for All of Us: On the Road with Dr. Jill Biden



June 29, 2021



Dr. Biden with her grandchildren, Naomi, Finnegan, Hunter, Maisy, and Natalie, in Delaware. Photographed by Annie Leibovitz, Vogue, 2019.

Photographed by Annie Leibovitz, 2017 ... en-profile

by ti-amie Trump Loyalists Invite Britney Spears To Testify As Conservatorship Battle Escalates

By Summer Concepcion
July 1, 2021 7:03 p.m.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and three of his Republican colleagues invited pop icon Britney Spears to testify before Congress amid her ongoing conservatorship battle that the GOP has embraced as one of its numerous culture wars.

In a letter dated Wednesday, Gaetz wrote to Spears that he and other Republican lawmakers acknowledge that she has been “mistreated by America’s legal system.”

“We want to help,” Gaetz wrote. “The United States Congress should hear your story and be inspired to bipartisan action. What happened to you should never happen to any other American. If you will speak to Congress, we are ready to listen.”

Gaetz said that he and Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Burgess Owens (R-UT) and Andy Biggs (R-AZ) share “deep concern” with Spears’ conservatorship battle and said that the pop star’s testimony “can blow that door wide open, giving hope to millions.”

“Your life, liberty, and happiness have been taken from you,” Gaetz wrote. “Please take advantage of the empowerment that public congressional testimony can unlock.”

Spears’ involuntary conservatorship was enacted 13 years ago and initially began as a temporary order when the Grammy-winning singer was hospitalized for mental health issues in 2008. Spears’ father, Jamie Spears, was granted the authority by courts to manage the celebrity’s daily and financial affairs ever since then.

The legal battle over Spears’ conservatorship rose to prominence when the New York Times released a documentary earlier this year examining Spears’ tumultuous court battle for the control of her estate. The documentary followed Spears’ fan-led movement known as “Free Britney.”

Last week, Spears described her conservatorship as “abusive” to a Los Angeles Superior Court judge. Spears said she feels restricted from living “a full life” due to the conservatorship, claiming that it banned her from getting married, removing her IUD contraception so that she could have another child, and forced her to receive psychiatric evaluations and take psychiatric medicine against her will.

On Tuesday, Judge Brenda Penny denied Spears’ request to end her father’s role in her conservatorship.

However, due to the revelations in Spears’ public testimony, private wealth management firm Bessemer Trust said in a court filing on Thursday that it requests to be removed in its role in managing her estate. Bessemer Trust was added as a co-conservator with Spears’ father last fall.

Earlier this year, Gaetz and Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler (D-NY) calling for a hearing on conservatorships, referencing the pop superstar’s involuntary conservatorship.

Democrats have also cited Spears’ case in demanding more accountability in the conservatorship system. On Thursday, Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bob Casey (D-PA) asked Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and Attorney General Merrick Garland to provide more data and information on the conservatorship system. Warren and Casey said that Spears’ conservatorship battle highlights “longstanding concerns from advocates who have underscored the potential for financial and civil rights abuses of individuals” under conservatorships or guardianships. ... rvatorship

They are trying to use her as a distraction.

by JazzNU Gaetz acting like he's just a regular unencumbered Congressman is maddening.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie ‘A Celebrity Entourage Is Not a Police Department’: Five of Tekashi 6ix9ine’s Security Guards, Including Ex-NYPD Detective, Indicted for Robbery

ADAM KLASFELDJul 19th, 2021, 2:15 pm

Bob Levey Getty Images

A retired New York City police detective and four other members of disgraced rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine’s security team have been indicted for allegedly chasing a man through Harlem with flashing lights and sirens blaring on their SUVs and robbing him.

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance announced the robbery and criminal impersonation charges against the five-person security team on Monday. One of them, 44-year-old former NYPD detective Daniel Laperuta, faces an additional charge of falsely reporting an incident in the third degree.

“A celebrity entourage is not a police department, and Manhattan is not the Wild West,” Vance wrote in a statement.

The four other members of the rapper’s security team are Sammy Sprouse, of Murfreesboro, Tenn.; Christian Cortez, of Bridgeport, Conn.; Egardo Cortez, of Bridgeport, Conn.; and Kristian Fuhse, of Pompano Beach, Fla.

“As alleged, these highly-compensated vigilantes caravanned through the streets of Harlem with sirens flashing in order to track a man down and steal and break his phone,” Vance added. “Along the way, a retired NYPD Detective tried to cover up their conduct by lying to his former colleagues and repeatedly claiming the victim had threatened to shoot them. False reports – especially about firearms – can carry devastating consequences and fortunately, no one was injured or killed in the actual police response.”

Prosecutors claim that the caper began on Aug. 9, 2020, when a 34-year-old and his girlfriend saw the rapper—whose real name is Daniel Hernandez—driving through Harlem.

“When the group saw the victim attempt to record the rapper on his cellphone, they shouted at him and began to chase him as he drove away,” according to the district attorney’s press release, which does not identify the victim. “The team followed the victim for approximately 20 blocks in three SUVs which were equipped with flashing lights and sirens. When the victim attempted to flag down a marked police car, retired NYPD detective LaPeruta flashed a retired NYPD member of service card, told the officers that the victim threatened them with a firearm, and rejoined the chase.”

Laperuta called 911 and falsely reported that the victim threatened the guards with a firearm, prosecutors alleged.

After the team boxed in the victims car with their SUVs at the corner of 125th St. and Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd., Sprouse opened the door of the victim’s car, unbuckled his seat and pulled on his arm, according to prosecutors.

“The victim’s phone was knocked out of his hand to the ground, where Fuhse stomped on it,” the prosecution’s press release states. “The victim exited his car and wrestled with Egardo Cortez in an attempt to recover his phone. Laperuta approached the group with his hand on his holstered gun and Christian Cortez pointed a Taser at the victim. When an unmarked police car approached with flashing lights, the team immediately got into their SUVs and fled the scene.”

Prosecutors claim that Laperuta then went to the NYPD’s 28th precinct to make a complaint, alleging again that the victim threatened the guards with a firearm.

Laperuta withdrew his complaint after an NYPD lieutenant called the claim implausible, according to prosecutors.

The prosecution of Tekashi 6ix9ine’s security team follows years of the rapper’s personal legal troubles playing out in multiple criminal dockets. He pleaded guilty in 2015 to a felony count of using a child in a sexual performance. Arrested for racketeering some three years later, Tekashi 6ix9ine testified against other members of the Nine Trey gang and was subsequently released to home confinement in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. ... r-robbery/

by ti-amie Issa Rae is married
By Lisa Respers France, CNN
Published 12:15 PM EDT, Mon July 26, 2021

Issa Rae, shown at the Essence Black Women in Hollywood Awards in Beverly Hills in 2017, with Louis Diame, whom she has married.

We may still be waiting to see who (if anyone) her character on “Insecure” ends up with, but in real life, Issa Rae is now a married woman.

The star of the HBO show posted wedding pictures on her Instagram account from her intimate ceremony with longtime love Louis Diame, which was held in the South of France.

Rae has long been private about her relationship and in the caption to the photos, she joked about it all, writing: “A) Impromptu photo shoot in a custom @verawang dress. B) My girls came to help me, but they all coincidentally had on the same dress! They were sooooo embarrassed. C) Then I took a few flicks with Somebody’s Husband.”

The actress and the businessman stirred speculation that they were engaged in 2019 after she appeared to be wearing an engagement ring on the cover of “Essence” magazine.

Neither commented or confirmed the news at the time. ... index.html

The gown was wonderful and the photos exquisite. They're on her IG.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by JazzNU Strange statement for Disney to put out. Almost like they're rookies. Emotional spin and nothing about her contract?

by MJ2004
JazzNU wrote: Thu Jul 29, 2021 10:51 pmEmotional spin and nothing about her contract?
Makes sense if they breached the contract.

by ti-amie I really don't get this suit by Scar-Jo. She agreed to be paid X amount of money and a percentage of what the movie made in theaters. Is she saying that since the movie bombed in theaters and Disney is now charging people who want to stream it to see it that her contract should've been renegotiated to include a percentage of whatever the streaming take is? It was never a secret that Disney was going to stream this - I've known about it for a long time - so did she think that her milkshake would bring all the boys to the yard in terms of the movie take and now that that hasn't happened she wants to renegotiate? If she gets away with that then every actor who has appeared in a stinker of a movie can make the same demands/argument no?

Am I wrong? Did the suits pull a fast one? Or did she think her box office appeal was all that and her team made her a bad deal?

by ponchi101
ti-amie wrote: Fri Jul 30, 2021 12:45 am ...
Am I wrong? Did the suits pull a fast one? Or did she think her box office appeal was all that and her team made her a bad deal?
No. A contract is a contract. Even if Disney had offered it in bad faith, it is not as if Scarlet is new to the business.
And it is not as if the pandemic started last week. Everybody knew streaming would be the choice.

by JazzNU
MJ2004 wrote: Fri Jul 30, 2021 12:32 am
Makes sense if they breached the contract.
Of course, but this response makes it pretty obvious they did it, are scared of other suits, and this is going to be their tactic. Not that characteristic from Disney to show their hand in this manner.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Fri Jul 30, 2021 12:45 am I really don't get this suit by Scar-Jo. She agreed to be paid X amount of money and a percentage of what the movie made in theaters. Is she saying that since the movie bombed in theaters and Disney is now charging people who want to stream it to see it that her contract should've been renegotiated to include a percentage of whatever the streaming take is? It was never a secret that Disney was going to stream this - I've known about it for a long time - so did she think that her milkshake would bring all the boys to the yard in terms of the movie take and now that that hasn't happened she wants to renegotiate? If she gets away with that then every actor who has appeared in a stinker of a movie can make the same demands/argument no?

Am I wrong? Did the suits pull a fast one? Or did she think her box office appeal was all that and her team made her a bad deal?
The suits are 100% pulling a fast one. This isn't about her box office appeal (and it kinda seems like you don't think she has any?). Marvel has a built-in audience, it didn't do anywhere near the numbers it would've with a traditional theatrical release. And their release approach significantly hampered those numbers and it's hard to pretend they didn't shave off hundreds of millions because of this approach and know what they were doing. They knowingly allowed their numbers to be cannibalized and in doing so, greatly reduced ScarJo's expected compensation.

You couldn't have known it was going to stream since it was never going to. This contract was negotiated and the movie was shot pre-pandemic.

If you're under the impression that this truly bombed, as in demand for it was low, then you're missing what is going on here. This movie was and remains in very high demand, part of why the theater owners are also pissed at Disney about this and released a statement like a week ago calling them out about it.

by mmmm8 I think it's a fair suit, even if she would probably lose were this to go to court. Contracts were negotiated based on a certain business model that suggested wide theatrical release (there may even be something in the contract about the size of the theatrical release) and when conditions changed, Disney didn't suffer the same losses she did.

Their statement with emotional manipulation is pretty silly.

by JazzNU I highly recommend reading a full article about everything at play here if you haven't and are interested in this story or understanding this more. WSJ access is not necessary, just read one of the industry sites.

The suit is definitely fair, and I'd expect her to prevail, which is why I think Disney will settle, they don't want to set a precedent for other actors with a similar grievance. It's actually surprising they didn't make an agreement with her before it got to this point because again, their approach was very obviously going to lead to a cannibalization of the box office numbers.

by JTContinental Comedian Kathy Griffin announced today that she has lung cancer and is having part of her lung removed. She has never smoked.

by ponchi101 A dear friend's sister is in terminal stages of a lung cancer that has metastasized to other organs, including her liver. Also a non-smoker, and a non-drinker. I believe she is 51.

by ti-amie Best wishes to both Kathy and your friends sister.

by ti-amie The world knows about Britney but not much about this.

by ti-amie Very interesting article on the process behind the making of "Bridgerton"

‘Bridgerton’ Showrunner on Creating a Color-Conscious Series (Guest Column)

Chris Van Dusen says sitting with — and listening to — his actors informed the popular series by examining its exploration of race as something not just seen but heard.
August 23, 2021 10:45am
by Chris Van Dusen

Chris Van Dusen (center) at work on 'Bridgerton,' which is based on the novels by Julia Quinn. Liam Daniel/Netflix

Earlier this year, Netflix announced that Bridgerton, a show I created and ran, was the streaming giant’s biggest series debut ever. I was astounded. How could this Regency period piece that had consumed the better part of the last three years of my life be capturing the zeitgeist in such a big way? I’m convinced it’s due in no small part to the show’s intentionally inclusive world — one where every viewer, no matter who they are, could see themselves onscreen. A world that’s not color-blind, as some have suggested, but one that’s color-conscious.

My pitch for Bridgerton was straightforward: I wanted to turn the period genre on its head and reimagine it in a new and exciting way. One that included characters of different colors and backgrounds. One that explored the topic of race. I wanted gay people to exist in this world. I wanted to expand this entire universe. So I created a multihued, multi-ethnic Regency period world just as diverse as the one in which we live today. My show would be about love. Joy. Triumph. It would be a show that says everyone is worthy and deserving of all of those things, and more.

It sounded really lovely, of course. But how I’d actually do it admittedly took some time.

The period pieces I had seen looked the same. Sure, you’d spot the occasional person of color — but usually in the background, serving food or helping some porcelain-skinned young lady get dressed. Certainly not as lead characters. Certainly not getting their own happily-ever-afters. Bridgerton‘s source material, while a rich and delicious read, was unsurprisingly about people with fair skin and piercing blue eyes. Race, as a description and subject matter, was never mentioned.

In 2018, I toured Wilton House in Wiltshire, England. Standing alone in the opulent Double Cube room, I was awestruck by its stateliness. It was in that moment that I knew I had to have a royal component in this show. And so I created the character of Queen Charlotte. Part royal, part Beyoncé, an original creation, not in the books. I was aware of the historical theories of the actual Queen Charlotte’s African ancestry. She was, some historians argue, a descendant of a Black branch of the Portuguese royal family, England’s very first queen of color. It was revolutionary — not just as a real, historical theory but also as the basis for the show. This was how I became determined to start the entire series. In this room. With our heroine Daphne’s being presented to the queen, the most powerful person in this world, a woman of color.

The construct for this world was born. It meant that the color of your skin would not determine whether you were high-born or low-born. It meant lords and ladies, dowagers and dukes, of all different colors and backgrounds, could exist in this world. This would not be a color-blind world. These characters of color that audiences would see and relate to onscreen were real.

My goal of reinventing the period drama through a color-conscious lens was taking shape. But then several members of my brilliant cast reached out suggesting I do more. That’s when one of the most unexpected and satisfying collaborations of my career happened.

Golda Rosheuvel as Queen Charlotte Liam Daniel/Netflix

What followed was one of the most poignant and transformative days I had during the making of this series. Together with every single actor of color on the show in one room, I was able to listen to everything everyone had to say over a long afternoon of tea and other English goodness. My job was to simply sit, listen and learn. It was emotional, powerful and completely necessary.

Many of those in that room felt the show could go further in terms of its exploration of race. The show, they agreed, was already so beautifully eloquent when looking at things like class, gender and sexuality. But couldn’t there also be an acknowledgment of color onscreen?

The question humbled me. They were right. We could do even more to turn the genre on its head and dig even deeper into the stories of the characters the show aimed to include. So the things my cast talked to me about that day found their way into the scripts. Into the characters’ backstories. Into the world itself. As Lady Danbury puts it: “We were two separate societies, divided by color, until a king fell in love with one of us.”

Those involved in TV know what a surreal process it is. Hundreds of some of the hardest-working people you’ll ever meet are brought together and, somehow, a living, breathing, piece of moving art is magically born. To the person overseeing it all, it’s terrifying. But also deeply rewarding. Especially when your actors feel comfortable enough to come to you with what’s really on their minds.

The show would not be what it is today if that profoundly collaborative afternoon with my cast had not taken place. I can resoundingly say that Bridgerton — with all of its color, beauty, love, joy and triumph — was made all the better for it. And now, I get to carry that treasured collaborative experience with me into season two, and what lies next for me as well.

This story first appeared in the Aug. 18 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. ... erm=165498

by mmmm8 I haven't seen Bridgerton, but this is a key sentence:

"A world that’s not color-blind, as some have suggested, but one that’s color-conscious"

by ti-amie
mmmm8 wrote: Tue Aug 24, 2021 6:51 pm I haven't seen Bridgerton, but this is a key sentence:

"A world that’s not color-blind, as some have suggested, but one that’s color-conscious"
I loved that quote too. When the conversation he references happens it's crucial to the story and the role both characters play in the series. It was wonderfully done.

by ti-amie The Met Gala is tonight. Quite a few tennis players are going to be there. Those that have arrived are in the Tennis Player's thread.

I'll say this. I haven't seen so many fashion mistakes in one place in a long time. It's really bad.

by mmmm8
ti-amie wrote: Mon Sep 13, 2021 10:37 pm The Met Gala is tonight. Quite a few tennis players are going to be there. Those that have arrived are in the Tennis Player's thread.

I'll say this. I haven't seen so many fashion mistakes in one place in a long time. It's really bad.

I just looked at all of the outfits here. It's either a huge no or booooring. People (and designers) really forgot how to dress during the pandemic.

by ponchi101 My god. It makes you actually long for somebody in crocs and Hanes sweatpants... :freaking:

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images

Rihanna in Balenciaga Couture, Maria Tash, Thelma West and BVLGARI jewelry and A$AP Rocky in ERL a quilt
A bit Morticia Addams...

Photo: Getty Images
KiKi Layne and Ashton Sanders

One guy in a blanket and another guy in his pajamas. I hope this isn't a trend

Photo: Getty Images
Natalia Bryant and Conner Ives in Conner Ives

There isn't enough money in the world...

Photo: Getty Images

I had to look this young woman up. She goes by Normani and she is selling that gown. That's a really difficult color for anyone and yet it suits her coloring.

Photo: Getty Images

Model Emily Ratajkowski in Vera Wang. I hate that thing around her neck.

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images

Quannah Chasinghorse in Dundas

Photo: Getty Images

Tessa Thompson in Iris van Herpen

Thank goodness she kept the hat off for pictures...

Photo: Getty Images

Helen Lasichanh and Pharrell Williams in Chanel

Photo: Getty Images

Jackie Aina in Fe Noel

Photo: Getty Images

Vera Wang in Vera Wang

THIS is what she chose to wear to the Met Gala? I guess she's going for a younger audience but maybe do what other designers do and let an actual young person wear this get up and you dress more your age? I mean...

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images

Paloma Elsesser in Zac Posen

I don't like the tuile on the end of the train. She is showing why foundation garments are a necessity.

Photo: Getty Images

Jack Harlow in Tommy Hilfiger

I mean I guess...

Photo: Getty Images

Channing Tatum

Men always look best when they keep it simple and classic.

Photo: Getty Images

Hailee Steinfeld in Iris van Herpen

When last seen Ms Steinfeld looked like this

Image images

by ti-amie I said it in the Tennis Players thread and it should be said here. If you were not vaxxed with valid proof you were not allowed to attend. It's why so many people who have become staples at this event weren't there. Some took it better than others. Google Nikki Minaj Met Gala.

by ponchi101 I'll google Nikki Minaj rights after I google "how to gauge your eyes out painlessly".
My god. What sights.

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Hunter Schafer in Prada

Photo: Getty Images
Michael Kors and Regina King in Michael Kors Collection


Margaret Qualley in Chanel
Photo: Getty Images
Chanel was off this year

Photo: Getty Images
Lily-Rose Depp in Chanel

Like I said...
Photo: Getty Images
Zoë Kravitz in Saint Laurent

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Ariana DeBose in Michael Kors Collection

Totally different look than Regina King but classy without being too young or too old

Photo: Getty Images
Cara Delevingne in Christian Dior

We're all adults here right and I believe Cara is out so...

Photo: Getty Images

Kristen Stewart in Chanel

Photo: Getty Images
Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello in Michael Kors Collection

Photo: Getty Images
Simone Biles in Area and Fred Leighton Jewelry

by ti-amie By the way all of the pics are from ... ign=runway

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Sienna Miller in Gucci, Hamish Bowles in Thom Browne, and Emily Blunt in Miu Miu

Photo: Getty Images
Kacey Musgraves in Ralph Lauren

Photo: Getty Images
Justin Bieber in La Maison Drew and Hailey Bieber in Saint Laurent

Photo: Getty Images
Lourdes Leon

Photo: Getty Images
Will Welch

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

Iman or not I really, really didn't like this. If she were at carnival it would be one thing. A rare miss for her in my book.

by JazzNU For real. And in the comments it's pointed out, a lot of Italian designers too. Not a lot of let me follow the theme and certainly not a lot of let me choose an American designer. Actually surprising how few went that route.

by mmmm8 I disagree on Iman, I think this is exactly what the event calls for. She looked both good and over-the-top, but with some originality. Most would have made that look carnaval-ly but i think she carried it off. Hat could have been more interesting.

by JazzNU Best description I saw last night of ASAP Rocky was someone asking why he was rocking some Cap'N Crunch. A damn shame too, because while I'm not a fan in general, he looked great last night without the cereal cape.

I love that you love Normani in that dress. Hold on to that vision of her. I haven't seen her wearing even half that much fabric in my life.

I don't like the dress anyway, but I also have a very hard time believing Kobe would be okay with his baby girl wearing a dress that makes one wonder if she's pregnant. So truly, couldn't be less of a fan of that on her.

I saw Hailee last night and in the light of day, I still don't recognize her. Not sure what to think about this transformation.

I thought Jack Harlow looked great, went with a spin on a traditional, which feels like him. Also, Tommy Hilfiger, so thank you for that Jack.

And thought Regina King looked wonderful, loved the sparkly pinstripe. Some photos I thought they were pants, others a dress, and I love that.

I've thought Vera Wang was having an age identity crisis ever since she dated Evan Lysacek soon after her divorce so I truly pay her no mind in terms of her own wardrobe since then, it's been this attempt to appear much more youthful than she is on rinse and repeat as far as I can tell.

by ti-amie

That's a lot of material.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 6:40 pm I said it in the Tennis Players thread and it should be said here. If you were not vaxxed with valid proof you were not allowed to attend. It's why so many people who have become staples at this event weren't there. Some took it better than others. Google Nikki Minaj Met Gala.
Nikki's still conducting that all important "research" before she decides to take the vaccine. No word on the amount of research she conducted before getting those butt and breast implants.

by ti-amie Once again all photos from ... ign=runway

Photo: Getty Images
Ayesha Curry and Stephen Curry

Photo: Getty Images
Elliot Page
I'm surprised he didn't get a custom made suit.

Photo: Getty Images
Zac Posen in Tom Ford and Debbie Harry in Zac Posen

Photo: Getty Images
Kit Harington and Rose Leslie

by ti-amie
JazzNU wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:40 pm
ti-amie wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 6:40 pm I said it in the Tennis Players thread and it should be said here. If you were not vaxxed with valid proof you were not allowed to attend. It's why so many people who have become staples at this event weren't there. Some took it better than others. Google Nikki Minaj Met Gala.
Nikki's still conducting that all important "research" before she decides to take the vaccine. No word on the amount of research she conducted before getting those butt and breast implants.
She's been dragged and laughed at six ways to Sunday. All that stuff she's had injected into her body and she's upset about a vaccine?

Her cousin's friend though. :D

by Suliso
JazzNU wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:40 pm Nikki's still conducting that all important "research" before she decides to take the vaccine. No word on the amount of research she conducted before getting those butt and breast implants.
I read that too. I have an impression that woman could do no actual research even if her life depended on it. :roll:

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Megan Thee Stallion in Coach

Photo: Getty Images
Jordan Roth in Michael Sylvan Robinson

Photo: Getty Images
Jennifer Hudson in AZ Factory

Photo: Getty Images
Cordae Dunston and Naomi Osaka in Louis Vuitton

by ti-amie How it started

Photo: Getty Images
Lil Nas X in Versace

Almost there

How it ended


by ptmcmahon Elton must be so proud!

by skatingfan
ti-amie wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 7:12 pm We're all adults here right and I believe Cara is out so...
Technically that's more of a straight couples activity.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:54 pm Lil Nas X in Versace
I missed that middle C3PO look. And on the heels of purple Rick James at the VMAs (that some of us thought looked much more like Sexual Chocolate from Coming to America). Quite a 48 hours for him.

by ti-amie More from Vogue's site

Photo: Getty Images
Adrien Brody in Dior Men

Photo: Getty Images
Maisie Williams in Reuben Selby
(Arya Stark from GoT)

Photo: Getty Images
Ella Emhoff in Adidas by Stella McCartney and Cartier jewelry
She's our second daughter

Photo: Getty Images
Amanda Gorman in Vera Wang

Photo: Getty Images
Dan Levy in Loewe

by the Moz Ewww David!!

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Julia Carey and James Corden in Gucci
What did he call Gucci the day before or did he just gain weight?

Photo: Getty Images
Brooklyn Beckham and Nicola Peltz in Valentino

Photo: Getty Images
Timothée Chalamet in Haider Ackermann, Rick Owens, and Converse

Photo: Getty Images
Eva Chen in Christopher John Rogers

I have no idea

Photo: Getty Images
Tom Ford in Tom Ford

by ptmcmahon Did Chalamet have a horse to race after?

by dryrunguy
ptmcmahon wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 2:06 am Did Chalamet have a horse to race after?
Let's put Timothée on Cryptic Creed for his next out. Maybe THAT will wake him up (the horse, not Timothée).

by ti-amie More from Vogue

Photo: Getty Images
Adam Mosseri and Monica Mosseri

Photo: Getty Images
Bee Carrozzini in Valentino
She's Anna Wintour's daughter

Photo: Getty Images
Keke Palmer in Sergio Hudson

Photo: Getty Images
Billie Eilish in Oscar de la Renta

Photo: Getty Images
Mary J. Blige in Dundas

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Lorde in Bode

Photo: Getty Images
Donatella Versace
She's 66

Photo: Getty Images
Maluma in Versace and Maria Tash jewelry
The man standing behind Donatella

Photo: Getty Images
Lupita Nyong'o in Versace

by Ribbons
dryrunguy wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 2:54 am
ptmcmahon wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 2:06 am Did Chalamet have a horse to race after?
Let's put Timothée on Cryptic Creed for his next out. Maybe THAT will wake him up (the horse, not Timothy).

by Jeff from TX Most of that was just a world of ugly for me. Of course, I'm old, so there is that.

by Ribbons Y'all, a Michigan public health professor pulled together a 1:1 of outfits to textbook covers:

It's like getting to enjoy a delicious second helping of "oh no, hon. . ." :)
(I mean, Amanda Gorman looks fine. She always has, from what I've seen. But good gravy, most of the rest . . .)

by Jeff from TX
Ribbons wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 2:37 pm Y'all, a Michigan public health professor pulled together a 1:1 of outfits to textbook covers:

It's like getting to enjoy a delicious second helping of "oh no, hon. . ." :)
(I mean, Amanda Gorman looks fine. She always has, from what I've seen. But good gravy, most of the rest . . .)
Thanks for posting. I was a nice morning break!

by atlpam
ti-amie wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 7:30 pm
I read that Simone Biles dress weighed 98 pounds.

by ponchi101 Good that she is an Olympic athlete, because she can't weight more than 90 herself. Great workout.

by ptmcmahon Beat me to that comment!

by ti-amie Image

The Emmy's are tonight. And of course there's a red carpet.

This is a bit tame for him no?

Your big night and you show up in a Project Runway reject?

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

Wonderful from head to toe.

I need to see another view of this because...

by ti-amie

Angela Bassett showing how it's done by a mature woman

by ti-amie

Best dressed. Siriano outdid himself here.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

Who obviously hate her.

by Ribbons
ti-amie wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 11:33 pm

This is a bit tame for him no?

I want Yara Shahidi's dress. Especially since someone pointed out that it has pockets.

by mmmm8
ti-amie wrote: Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:35 am

Best dressed. Siriano outdid himself here.
He really gets how to do form-fitting in the most flattering way.

by ti-amie I found a co best dressed woman. I don't know who designed this for her but the color, her skin tone, and short hair work so well. As in my other best dressed Michaela is wearing the dress not the other way around. I could see Venus in this.

ETA: custom Christopher John Rogers

by ti-amie Image


Anya Taylor-Joy. The actress, 25, had her hands tucked into the oversized sleeves, which were connected to the train.

Just me but meh.


Kate Winslet

by ti-amie Image
Kerry Washington


Kaley stood out in the bright custom Vera Wang frock, which was made out of neon yellow taffeta and accented with silk and taffeta flowers on the straps

Beany Feldstein in Brandon Maxwell Spring 2022

Taraji P. Henson in Elie Saab Resort 2022

by ti-amie Image
Amy Poehler
I don't know what she was thinking but using a partner's belt as an accent is just not done on a red carpet. Or maybe she had a wardrobe malfunction and is wearing a man's jacket?

Mindy Kaling in Carolina Herrera

Jean Smart in Ralph Lauren

Rita Wilson in Tom ford

Samira Wiley and wife Lauren Morelli coordinate in patterned looks; Samira is in Genny Fall 2021 and Lark & Berry earrings

by ti-amie Image
Mandy Moore in Carolina Herrera from the Spring 2022 collection

Catherine O'Hara wore a Cong Tri Fall 2021 red ensemble

Uzo Aduba donned a custom Cristina Ottaviano gown; pictured with her husband Robert Sweeting

Sunny Ozell (R), the wife of Patrick Stewart, chose a lavender number with a very large bracelet
Uh, okay ma'am

Nick Lachey and wife Vanessa Lachey; he is wearing Hugo Boss and she is wearing Steven Khalil with Kallati jewelry, Edie Parker clutch and Andrea Wazen heels

A guy in a business suit and a woman in a gown.

by ti-amie Image
Julianne Nicholson in a floral Giambattista Valli Fall 2021 number

Bowen Yang

Trevor Noah in Versace. The difference between a tux off the rack and one tailored to fit you

Leslie Odom Jr inDolce & Gabbana

Father and son Eugene Levy and Dan Levy who is one of the men having fun with color and shape

by ti-amie Image
Comedian Kenan Thompson needed a bit of tailoring for a better fit

Seth Rogan straight outta a Starbucks menu

Cedric the Entertainer, who hosted this year's Emmy Awards, posing with wife Lorna Wells

Emma Corrin

Olivia Colman
She and Seth Rogan could've taken a pic together...

by ti-amie All of the pictures come from the Daily Fail ... lamor.html

by ti-amie Image
Emerald put on a head-turning display in a glittering sheer dress decorated with lilac hearts, shimmering florals, and lime green sleeves and skirt
Other than the green thingies around her knees that look like kneepads this ALMOST works.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie I think it's a given that anyone looking at a formally dressed woman can give an opinion on how she looks. The color, the fit, the fabric, whether a person pays attention to "fashion" or not all enter into whether someone "likes" a certain look or not. When it comes to men's tailoring and formal wear it's different. I go on about how a man's formal wear is tailored but there is a heck of a lot more that goes into that "tailoring" than I knew. It seems people were freaking out over Daniel Craig's pink velvet suit jack at the premier of his last Bond movie and someone took the time to post a tutorial, on Twitter, about what is right, and wrong about the suit jacket. It's interesting to read what he says.

by JazzNU Really very odd for him to have gone through all of that and spend no time on the velvet. Velvet is thicker than most suit fabrics and would affect the cut. Seems like about the same pattern every time, similar too short and tight sleeve, but the velvet fabric makes this fit worse than some of his other looks.

That being said, I thought this was a good look and I'm not a fan of his though I am a fan of the franchise. The three-quarter angle view of him is superior to the front one, it better masks the tailoring flaws.

by ti-amie I thought the same thing about the fabric choice. The people who created the jacket are supposed to be among the best in the business and should've known that velvet has no "give" until it does "give" and becomes shapeless. I wonder when the jacket was created and if he's added a bit of weight since it was made. A quarter to half an inch would've made for a better fit. The thing is once you see the mistakes he points out you can't unsee them. You're right that the three quarter angle masks the tailoring mmistakes.

by JazzNU

by ti-amie I don't know. how you dressed (or didn't) for Samhain (Halloween) but I bet you're not getting the attention this man is. And yes I understand the references a lot of people are making.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie Best ever acceptance speech?

by ti-amie

by dmforever Since this is also about entertainment...Bruce Springsteen just sold his catalog to Sony for $500 million. That's half a billion dollars. It's just mind-boggling. ... talog.html


by ponchi101 To Sony. So they can use all his music in all their movies.
Born to run... to the bank. I gather we have never seen $500 million. Heck, I have never seen 500 million PESOS...

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 3:46 pm To Sony. So they can use all his music in all their movies.
Born to run... to the bank. I gather we have never seen $500 million. Heck, I have never seen 500 million PESOS...
Assuming you mean the value, we have seen it before. The Beatles catalog is worth considerably more than that.

by MJ2004 Speaking of Beatles, has anyone watched the Peter Jackson documentary? My husband did, but eight hours is just too long for me. I watched a few clips on YouTube.

by ti-amie I haven't watched it yet. Maybe over the holidays.

by mmmm8
ponchi101 wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 3:46 pm To Sony. So they can use all his music in all their movies.
Born to run... to the bank. I gather we have never seen $500 million. Heck, I have never seen 500 million PESOS...
But 500 million bolivars?

by mmmm8
MJ2004 wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 5:29 pm Speaking of Beatles, has anyone watched the Peter Jackson documentary? My husband did, but eight hours is just too long for me. I watched a few clips on YouTube.
It's on my to do list which means check with me within two years.

All the clips did inspire me to listen to the Beatles a lot over the last few weeks.

by ponchi101
mmmm8 wrote: Sun Dec 19, 2021 7:37 pm ...

But 500 million bolivars?
Actually, once you mentioned it, I haven't seen that either :shock: I know it existed, but I never have seen the actual amount, in bills, ever.
But you are right. Somebody in Venezuela must have had that amount in his/her pocket.

by mmmm8
ponchi101 wrote: Sun Dec 19, 2021 7:46 pm
mmmm8 wrote: Sun Dec 19, 2021 7:37 pm ...

But 500 million bolivars?
Actually, once you mentioned it, I haven't seen that either :shock: I know it existed, but I never have seen the actual amount, in bills, ever.
But you are right. Somebody in Venezuela must have had that amount in his/her pocket.
I used to watch this Ukrainian travel show where they are basically dropped for a weekend in a city and one person gets an unlimited budget and the other $100. One of the places was Caracas (maybe 5-7 years ago). The one that got $100 exchanged it for bolvars and had 2 backpacks and a bag full of money to carry. Not surprising understanding the situation in the country, but it was quite a sight.

by ti-amie

She looks great but we all would if we could afford the same surgeons and skin routine(s).

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:17 pm
She looks great but we all would if we could afford the same surgeons and skin routine(s).
Dying to know who this was a photo of.

by ti-amie
JazzNU wrote: Wed Dec 29, 2021 12:14 am
ti-amie wrote: Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:17 pm
She looks great but we all would if we could afford the same surgeons and skin routine(s).
Dying to know who this was a photo of.
I see what you did there :)

by ptmcmahon No, I think it’s because the tweet is gone… we didn’t actually see who it was.

by ti-amie Oh they deleted the tweet? It was JLo supposedly sans makeup. I wonder why it got deleted?

Found the video version on the bird app

by JazzNU Thanks. And yes, JLo has done her plastic surgery just right, people should take notes.

by Owendonovan
MJ2004 wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 5:29 pm Speaking of Beatles, has anyone watched the Peter Jackson documentary? My husband did, but eight hours is just too long for me. I watched a few clips on YouTube.
I could only get through about 4 hours of it. It was OK, it didn't seem to shed much new light on the Beatles. I can easily see how Yoko's constant presence could work some nerves.

by the Moz
JazzNU wrote: Wed Dec 29, 2021 8:56 pm Thanks. And yes, JLo has done her plastic surgery just right, people should take notes.
She's only 52, so give her time :lol:

by ponchi101 I say that the one person that has done her plastic surgery well has been Helen Mirren.
She has none, and remains beautiful at age "who knows".

by ptmcmahon Maybe not full "plastic" surgery, but she has definitely had "cosmetic" surgery. But I would agree in general - the more you have done, the more it's going to catch up to you later.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by JazzNU Mixing in other Law & Orders? Say franchise if you're gonna do that. Got people in the comments thinking they've missed some episodes.


by skatingfan When did Serena Williams do an episode of Law & Order?

by mmmm8
skatingfan wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 8:37 am When did Serena Williams do an episode of Law & Order?
She was on SVU playing a tennis player.

I looked it up: in 2004

by dryrunguy
mmmm8 wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:37 pm
skatingfan wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 8:37 am When did Serena Williams do an episode of Law & Order?
She was on SVU playing a tennis player.

I looked it up: in 2004
I thought she was a basketball player in that episode? I'm 95% sure she was shooting a basketball on a basketball court.

by ti-amie SVU is the one I watch/ed the least. It would stress me out too much.

by mmmm8
dryrunguy wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:30 pm
mmmm8 wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:37 pm
skatingfan wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 8:37 am When did Serena Williams do an episode of Law & Order?
She was on SVU playing a tennis player.

I looked it up: in 2004
I thought she was a basketball player in that episode? I'm 95% sure she was shooting a basketball on a basketball court.

You're right, my bad!!


by ti-amie

by ptmcmahon No, not a delaying of a Vegas show!

by ti-amie I've never under$tood why $o many do these Vega$ re$idencie$. Mo$t of them lip $ync. The crowd i$ u$ually inebriated or on the way to being $o. I don't $ee an up$ide.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 10:58 pm I've never under$tood why $o many do these Vega$ re$idencie$. Mo$t of them lip $ync. The crowd i$ u$ually inebriated or on the way to being $o. I don't $ee an up$ide.
Many of them do them so they can perform but not have the hectic travel that comes with a tour since they have young children. Not sure about those that don't have kids outside of the money, but it's been a big reason why a majority of the bigger names have done residences in the last decade or so.

by ptmcmahon No stop it, Adele was totally gutted for those inebriated fans that would have shown up at her show!

by ponchi101 Especially the ones that would show up to her show in Binkerstocks or Crocks, bloated with 20 Bud Lights to lyp-sing all of her greatest hits.

by JazzNU
ptmcmahon wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 4:44 am No stop it, Adele was totally gutted for those inebriated fans that would have shown up at her show!
I'm talking about Vegas residencies in general. I have no idea what is up with Adele and all that in the post she put out. I love her, but that was weird as hell.

by JazzNU FYI, if you don't have HBO Max and have been thinking about it, it's slightly discounted right now, thru Jan 25th. Discount applies for 12 months.

by ti-amie

What happens when a big man gets a suit made for him. This fits from top to bottom and I don't even hate the shoes. Casual, expensive look.

by skatingfan Who's that?

by mmmm8
skatingfan wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 1:40 amWho's that?
Seth Rogen.

I think you have to remove the Canadian flag from your avatar now.

by skatingfan
mmmm8 wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 1:57 am
skatingfan wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 1:40 amWho's that?
Seth Rogen.

I think you have to remove the Canadian flag from your avatar now.
Rogen's from Vancouver - it barely counts as part of Canada - plus why does Rogen look so stylish, and normal?

by Ribbons :lol:

by ptmcmahon I honestly didn't know it was him until ti said "big man" ... then I clued in.

Apparently he shaved his hair and beard in September. I think if he had only done one of the two he would still be easily recognizable.

That's also not his usual facial expression.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie So this is making the rounds among the young'uns on the bird app. Great work by Zendaya and Tom Holland. It helps if you've seen the original videos by Bruno Mars and Rihanna.

by JazzNU Don't get the timing at all, not like they are a new couple at this point, but okay. It was great when they did it years ago and it's still great.

by skatingfan
JazzNU wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 10:26 pm Don't get the timing at all, not like they are a new couple at this point, but okay. It was great when they did it years ago and it's still great.
Yeah, I've seen this video many times - it's a lot of fun to watch Zendaya react to Tom's change in attire. Kids today - so far behind in the times.

by JazzNU I hope the "star" in is overstated and really means will make a cameo appearance...

by ti-amie I...

Sean O'Connell
Managing Director for
. Co-host of
. See me on NBC. Hear me on radio. Proud parent of two boys. Author of

by skatingfan Screen shot of the original tweet which is now deleted.


by ti-amie The Red Carpet for the Met Gala has started. I have chosen my best dressed.

by ti-amie The women look AWFUL.

The theme is "In America: An Anthology of Fashion"

After the stairs this is the best dressed so far.

by ti-amie Exhibit A

by ti-amie I don't know why she didn't wear one of her outfits from Bridgerton.

It's not fair to pick on a pregnant woman so I'll stick to asking whatever Jonas brother this is with his wife why he didn't take a bath before coming.

Lady GaGa came closest to the theme so far.

by ti-amie I'm sure most of the people in the crowd were asking themselves "who is that?" It's Vanessa Hudgens. I know. She's another one in lingerie.

by ti-amie

Bridgerton is Regency of course but good grief people! There's a show called "The Gilded Age". All I'm seeing is night gowns (they used to be called peignoir sets) and people who have no idea what fashion is.

by ti-amie This looks like a repeat from the disco era. Or the Roaring '20's. Emma Stone could've done better.

If Anna Wintour isn't on theme everyone else has an excuse. That comment is...

I'll wait for the Daily Fail to post their worst dressed.

by ti-amie
The only woman on theme is Genesis Suero, Miss USA

by ti-amie

A better look at Venus suit.

She looks nice but like everyone else (Except for Genesis Suero and Lady GaGa) not on theme

by ti-amie

by mmmm8 I don't like the sash, but at least Blake Lively understood the assignment.


by ti-amie It's still one of the worst red carpets I've seen.

by mmmm8
ti-amie wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 10:59 pm It's still one of the worst red carpets I've seen.
It's literally the only outfit I saw that made sense.

by ti-amie

Shawn Mendes as Anthony Bridgerton

by ti-amie
Lizzo. The Gilded Age was about opulence. This is opulent opulence.

by ti-amie
Billie Eilish is totally on theme.

You can argue Miley Cyrus is on theme too.

Sarah Jessica Parker - on theme

Simone Ashley, the co lead of S2 Bridgerton. The top is a take on the garment women wear under their sari's. Opulent opulence again.

Cardi B dripping in gold from head to toe. And she's pulling it off.

by ti-amie

One will repeat.

Too bad I'm just seeing this.

by ti-amie

I'm not sure who he is. My only quibble would be the sleeves. But this is pure robber baron chic.

by ti-amie Image
Mike Coppola

Riz Ahmed
Riz rocking workwear that pays tribute to the working-class immigrants who undergirded the Gilded Age.

Mike Coppola

Tom Ford

Jamie McCarthy

Adrien Brody in Thom Browne
I just saw him get his face smashed to bits on "Peaky Blinders".

Mike Coppola

Paapa Essiedu in Off-White
A take on an ethnic look by a man. Interesting.

Mike Coppola

Leslie Odom Jr. in Fendi
I'm not ready for a man in Mary Janes

All of the above from GQ. All photos for Getty

by ti-amie

by ti-amie
Russell Westbrook

by ti-amie Image
Mike Coppola

Henry Golding (with Liv Golding) in Tom Ford
What a handsome man perfectly dressed from head to toe, even the sleeves on his tux jacket.

Jamie McCarthy

Kieran Culkin
Big “what if Roman Roy went to the Met Gala?” vibes.

Mike Coppola

Anderson Paak in Gucci
Elite leather flares.

Looks like Anderson wandered in from the Grammy red carpet

Kevin Mazur/MG22

Bad Bunny
So does Bad Bunny

by ti-amie Image
Jamie McCarthy

Jared Leto (Left) (with Alessandro Michele) in Gucci
What, you expected anything less than totally wild from Leto?

Jamie McCarthy

Jon Batiste in Ralph Lauren
A pretty classic tux with a pretty funky little closure.

Jamie McCarthy

Regé-Jean Page
The break out star from S1 Bridgerton looks meh here

Mike Coppola

Patrick Schwarzenegger in Lanvin
Points for anything halfway resembling a top hat on Gilded Glamour night.

Eh. A look for a Gilded Age pimp?

by patrick Wonder what made Serena not show up last night?

by ti-amie I think GQ did a great job focusing on the male side of things. I don't know if they've done it before but this is the first time I've seen their post on the Bird App and been able to go to their site and see not only pictures but who is who.

by mmmm8
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 1:27 am

I'm not sure who he is. My only quibble would be the sleeves. But this is pure robber baron chic.
It's James McAvoy

by ti-amie
mmmm8 wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 6:04 pm
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 1:27 am

I'm not sure who he is. My only quibble would be the sleeves. But this is pure robber baron chic.
It's James McAvoy
One of the evenings best dressed.

by ti-amie Tony Awards Red Carpet - 2022

Via Vogue ... et-fashion
All photos via Getty Images unless otherwise indicated.

Utkarsh Ambudkar in Bode

Ariana DeBose in Boss

Sharon D Clarke

Sutton Foster in Dolce & Gabbana
Why is she standing there like a dead fish?

by ti-amie Image
Cynthia Erivo in Giambattista Valli Haute Couture

Darren Criss in Givenchy

Jeremy Pope in Louis Vuitton

Vanessa Hudgens in Schiaparelli Couture

Jessica Chastain in Gucci

by ti-amie Image
Lucy Moss and Toby Marlow in Wiederhoeft

Ruth Negga in Armani Privé

Lin-Manuel Miranda

Andrew Garfield in Tom Ford

Renée Elise Goldsberry in Chocheng

by ti-amie Image
Hugh Jackman in Tom Ford

Jordan Roth in Luchen

Jaquel Spivey in Willy Chavarria and Del Toro shoes

Alfie Allen in Dior

Michael R. Jackson in Jeff Mahshie

by MJ2004 I don’t know who she is but Renee Elise Goldsberry killed it.

by ti-amie
MJ2004 wrote: Mon Jun 13, 2022 11:06 pm I don’t know who she is but Renee Elise Goldsberry killed it.
Her gown is the only one that made me stop to see who she was. She looks wonderful.

by ti-amie Hamilton: US church apologies for modified rendition of hit musical
By Bernd Debusmann Jr
BBC News

A US church has apologised to Hamilton creator Lin Manuel Miranda for an unauthorised, Bible-themed rewrite of the popular musical.

The rendition from The Door church in McAllen, Texas changed Hamilton's lyrics to include references to Jesus and Christianity.

The changes were condemned by Mr Miranda, who earlier this month vowed to take legal action.

The church will now pay unspecified damages.

In addition to invoking Jesus Christ, the church's rendition added a scene in which Alexander Hamilton repents as well as a sermon inviting those "struggling" with substance abuse and homosexuality to turn to God for help.

Following the show earlier this month, the team behind the original production of Hamilton lodged a protest and filed a cease-and-desist letter. A spokesman for Hamilton also said that the production team "stands for tolerance, compassion, inclusivity and certainly LGBTQ rights".

Mr Miranda thanked those who informed him about the Texas play and said he would "let lawyers do their work".

In an Instagram post on Tuesday, the church acknowledged that it had never received permission to "produce, stage, replicate or alter" Hamilton.

"Our ministry will use this moment as a learning opportunity about protected artistic works and intellectual property," the statement added.

The church vowed to never perform the show again. It said it would destroy any recordings and images and pay unspecified damages.

A spokesman for Hamilton quoted by the New York Times said that the damages would be donated to the South Texas Equality Project, a coalition of organisations that supports the LGBTQ community and LGBTQ-friendly businesses in South Texas.

Hamilton, which made its debut in 2015, tells the story of US founding father Alexander Hamilton. The show - which also made its UK debut in London's West End in 2017 - has since won dozens of awards.

A filmed stage production of the show released by Disney+ in 2020 became one of the most-streamed films of the year. ... m2=twitter

by ti-amie

by ti-amie When late night TV was funny. Carson was a master host.

by ti-amie

Bradford Harriman
Replying to
…and yes, describing Bond’s life and work for the Crown in that Postwar period did afford Fleming some interesting observations and reflections on Britain and the world in those years.

by ti-amie Then of course there's this snark...

Azmodeus Redbeard @AzmodeusRedbear Replying to
This just in, 007 now working as a Churchwarden.

Johnny Two-Hats @PaxtopiaPress
Replying to @PaulTobin
Has Charles given him his notice too?

by ti-amie Some looks from today's somber occasion in London. All pics from the Daily Fail's coverage

A long and memorable day: Kate Middleton accompanied her children to into the second service of the day held at Windsor Castle

The Duchess of Sussex was pictured with Princess Charlotte, Prince George, Kate Middleton, Queen Consort Camilla, and Princess Beatrice at Wellington Arch

The Duchess of Sussex appeared deep in thought as she supportively sat next to Prince Harry during the difficult service this afternoon

During the State Funeral in London this afternoon, the Duchess of Sussex was openly weeping, and brushing tears away from her cheeks (pictured)

by ti-amie Image
The Queen Consort with, left, the Duchess of Sussex and, right, Prince George, the Princess of Wales and Princess Charlotte. Photograph: Tim Rooke/REX/Shutterstock

Boris and Carrie Johnson, who wore a rented Karen Millen coat dress. Photograph: Peter Byrne/PA

Jacinda Ardern, wearing a traditional Māori feathered cloak, and her fiance, Clarke Gayford. Photograph: John Sibley/Reuters

Dapper: Princess Anne and Prince Harry after the Queen’s funeral service at Westminster Abbey. Photograph: Hannah McKay/AP

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 I don't think I even understood the article.
The Gaming World is such a separate universe.

by JazzNU

by ptmcmahon Amazing just how long he's been doing it, and for so many movies/shows. Wonder how much is really left they good stretch the character for... although this is Star Wars :)

by ponchi101 I gather that with new technology, they can reproduce his voice easily.
As long as he gets paid for it, I think it would be a good solution.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie I tried to watch it again a couple of months ago and it was very difficult viewing. Not "Requiem For a Dream" difficult but difficult.

by ponchi101 When Brad Pitt says "You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake", it makes me wonder: "What was the casting director thinking?"

by MJ2004 I did not know this tidbit about Spare:

"Harry is working with the acclaimed ghostwriter J.R. Moehringer, who won accolades for his work on the autobiography of the tennis player Andre Agassi, and is known for probing the tensions inherent in father-son relationships."

Despite not being interested in the royal family, I have no interest in watching The Crown, etc., this could be a very entertaining read. More likely though I'll just count on TAT to post the interesting stuff.

by JazzNU A new documentary on Hulu that goes into a scandal we previously discussed a bit over in the Religion Thread on TAT 1.0.

by ti-amie Image
gisele bündchen in schiaparelli fw22 couture for v magazine photographed by sølve sundsbø
posted by @MIUCClAMUSE

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ti-amie More on the wedding

by ti-amie You wouldn't believe the meltdown the WH Press Corps is having about these pics that were shot the Thursday before the wedding. Some are equating their being excluded from the actual wedding to TFG's lies about everything. Amazing.

by ti-amie Don't believe they're upset about not being invited to the party?
Ashley Parker
I remain skeptical about Twitter. Also: Senior National Political Correspondent
analyst. And fmr WaPo WH Buro Chief;

After being trolled she posted this:
Ashley Parker

TO BE CLEAR: Not all lies are created equal and the magnitude, frequency and audacity is certainly different. But the Biden WH, for ex, has also waived us off correct reporting about Biden's SCOTUS pick, his Egypt trip, attendees in private meetings, etc.
And there was this:

by ponchi101 On the one hand.
I don't think you should hold a wedding at the WH. It is NOT the permanent resident of the Bidens. It is a public property, and it should not be used by the privilege of one family.
On the other.
This must have been a ceremony attended by many important political figures. Holding the wedding at the WH cut on the security nightmare of holding it somewhere else, which would have had a tremendous cost.

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Tue Nov 22, 2022 8:23 pm On the one hand.
I don't think you should hold a wedding at the WH. It is NOT the permanent resident of the Bidens. It is a public property, and it should not be used by the privilege of one family.
On the other.
This must have been a ceremony attended by many important political figures. Holding the wedding at the WH cut on the security nightmare of holding it somewhere else, which would have had a tremendous cost.
If it had been held anywhere else the MAGATs would've caused chaos and put many, many lives in danger.

by ti-amie

by JazzNU A few years ago this sports podcast I listen to had a former NBA coach on that they are friendly with and they were asking him who the most thin-skinned, sensitive people are in sports expecting him to name a position or something, and he answered the journalists. The podcast is led by a journalist and after he processed the comment, he had to admit it was true.

I never thought about it, but it is 1000% accurate and I've found it extends to all journalists. The most critical of everyone else, but let one thing they perceive to be an insult or slight about them happen and they get their backs up about it in a way that makes no sense.

I expected better of Ashley. How embarrassing to be acting like this.

by mmmm8 I have to question the intelligence of someone publicly equating lying about actual treason and a white lie done to protect a family member's safety and privacy for a family event, because they're butthurt they didn't get to take a nice photo.

by JazzNU And it's not just Ashley and Katie. There's entirely too many who are showing their asses about this, less obvious than Ashley, but you'd think they'd read the room, but not doing that at all. Truly bizarre.

by Deuce I thought this was about the Olsen twins - I think their names are Mary-Kate and Ashley - showing their asses.
Really - that's what I first thought this was about...

Then when I saw that it's actually a political thing, I wondered why it's not in the 'Politics' thread...

I do agree with one thing I read, though - all politicians lie. It's inherent, and is an absolute pre-requisite for being a politician at any level. Some lie overtly and shamelessly, while others lie discreetly and secretly. A valid argument could definitely be made that the latter types of lies are more dangerous than the former.
And anyone who believes that the Biden administration - or ANY political administration - don't lie about far more things than weddings needs to open their eyes much wider.

by JazzNU

by ti-amie Someone upthread asked why this wasn't in the politics thread. The bottom line is this is a fashion story. The whining and carrying on is being done by fans of TFG who want some way to tarnish the Biden family and will use all means at their disposal. Don't forget the "other" daughter of TFG got married recently and aside from her and her mother the rest of that family looked like they went to a bridal store and got discounted summer wedding wear for a fall wedding. Needless to say they were widely mocked, especially after the favorite child cut the brother's girlfriend out of the pictures she posted on IG.

Ashley Parker is the WH Bureau Chief for the Washington Post. That tells you all you need to know.

by Deuce
ti-amie wrote: Thu Nov 24, 2022 1:08 am Someone upthread asked why this wasn't in the politics thread. The bottom line is this is a fashion story. The whining and carrying on is being done by fans of TFG who want some way to tarnish the Biden family and will use all means at their disposal. Don't forget the "other" daughter of TFG got married recently and aside from her and her mother the rest of that family looked like they went to a bridal store and got discounted summer wedding wear for a fall wedding. Needless to say they were widely mocked, especially after the favorite child cut the brother's girlfriend out of the pictures she posted on IG.

Ashley Parker is the WH Bureau Chief for the Washington Post. That tells you all you need to know.
I confess to being completely ignorant of all the above information. I have absolutely no idea who any of these people are, except for Joe Biden and his wife (who in hell is 'TFG'? - a search gives me only 'Tactical Fighter Group', a division of the National Guard), and I know nothing about real weddings or fake weddings, or what anyone wore to either.
And I am honestly forever thankful for my ignorance of all this..

For those who want to escape gossip, come to Canada. The gossip is getting worse here, but it's nowhere near as bad as it is in the U.S., where absolutely everything becomes fodder for gossip.

by ti-amie
Deuce wrote: Thu Nov 24, 2022 2:43 am
ti-amie wrote: Thu Nov 24, 2022 1:08 am Someone upthread asked why this wasn't in the politics thread. The bottom line is this is a fashion story. The whining and carrying on is being done by fans of TFG who want some way to tarnish the Biden family and will use all means at their disposal. Don't forget the "other" daughter of TFG got married recently and aside from her and her mother the rest of that family looked like they went to a bridal store and got discounted summer wedding wear for a fall wedding. Needless to say they were widely mocked, especially after the favorite child cut the brother's girlfriend out of the pictures she posted on IG.

Ashley Parker is the WH Bureau Chief for the Washington Post. That tells you all you need to know.
I confess to being completely ignorant of all the above information. I have absolutely no idea who any of these people are, except for Joe Biden and his wife (who in hell is 'TFG'? - a search gives me only 'Tactical Fighter Group', a division of the National Guard), and I know nothing about real weddings or fake weddings, or what anyone wore to either.
And I am honestly forever thankful for my ignorance of all this..

For those who want to escape gossip, come to Canada. The gossip is getting worse here, but it's nowhere near as bad as it is in the U.S., where absolutely everything becomes fodder for gossip.
TFG = The Former Guy, you know, Tiny as we call him here.

by ponchi101 TFG:
The Former Guy
The FAT guy (Fat Donny, in mafiosi style)
The (expletive) Guy (which should really be accepted in this forum).

by ti-amie I literally laughed out loud while at the hairdresser when I saw this. I shared the news and everyone got a good laugh. I mean really? Who lied to her and told her she could sing? It would make better sense for Marc Anthony to sing Whitney's hits. He can really sing.
I don't think Ashanti has the range either...

This "sensitive content" nonsense is one one of the latest things happening on Twitter since Elmo took over. It makes no sense.


by ti-amie This has to be a joke though...

by ti-amie

by skatingfan
ti-amie wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 11:03 pm I literally laughed out loud while at the hairdresser when I saw this. I shared the news and everyone got a good laugh. I mean really? Who lied to her and told her she could sing? It would make better sense for Marc Anthony to sing Whitney's hits. He can really sing.
I don't think Ashanti has the range either...

This "sensitive content" nonsense is one one of the latest things happening on Twitter since Elmo took over. It makes no sense.


Why is a picture of Jlo, and Whitney 'potentially sensitive content'?

by Owendonovan
ti-amie wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 11:03 pm I literally laughed out loud while at the hairdresser when I saw this. I shared the news and everyone got a good laugh. I mean really? Who lied to her and told her she could sing? It would make better sense for Marc Anthony to sing Whitney's hits. He can really sing.
I don't think Ashanti has the range either...

This "sensitive content" nonsense is one one of the latest things happening on Twitter since Elmo took over. It makes no sense.


This is where "yes" people will take you.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 11:03 pm I literally laughed out loud while at the hairdresser when I saw this. I shared the news and everyone got a good laugh. I mean really? Who lied to her and told her she could sing? It would make better sense for Marc Anthony to sing Whitney's hits. He can really sing.
I don't think Ashanti has the range either...
Where my mind went as well. IYKYK. She has close to the range though lacking in overall quality and depth, but enough to pull off a decent to good performance. And guess which songs she's performed publicly before? Pre-recorded vocals and lip synced Grammy appearance incoming. Potentially done by the no-name doing her more recent stuff, but those song choices are not a coincidence.

by ponchi101 I admire J-Lo. She has got to be one of the most un-talented people ever, yet, there she is.
But, in her defense. Good luck finding somebody with Whitney's range. Not a fan of her (not my style) but that the girl had pipes, there is no question.

by ti-amie I see they finally took the tweet down. I was surprised it was up as long as it was.

by ti-amie The Biden's are hosting their first State Dinner and it will be for French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte. I won't bore you with the article because really who cares? Let's look at the pictures.

The Bidens’ first state dinner features butter-poached lobster with a side of hospitality
Kate Bennett
By Kate Bennett, CNN
Updated 9:47 AM EST, Thu December 1, 2022 ... index.html

US First Lady Jill Biden and White House Social Secretary Carlos Elizondo (back) look on as White House Executive Chef Cris Comerford (L) and White House Executive Pastry Chef Susie Morrison (R) present the menu during a media preview ahead of the State Dinner.

Butter-poached Maine lobster and calotte of beef, shallot marmalade, are seen at the White House during a media preview of the state dinner for French President Emmanuel Macron.

A table is set during a media preview ahead of the State Dinner in honor of French President Emmanuel Macron, in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, DC, on November 30, 2022.
For the State Dinner, the Bidens have opted to use rental dishes, glasses, flatware, table accoutrements and linens. The venue, though on the White House grounds, does not allow for the official White House china services to be used for the dinner, said White House social secretary Carlos Elizondo. White House curators, who oversee the use of all items in the White House collection, do not count the temporarily installed tent as part of the campus – and thus the china of presidents’ past will not be part of the service.

The overall design and the floral arrangements were put together by an event planner, Jung Lee, and her company, Fete, a posh party design outfit favored by celebrities.

A stage and dance floor will be erected in the tent for the evening’s entertainment from singer Jon Batiste, a New Orleans native, a city Jill Biden said Wednesday is “shaped by both French and American culture.” The Macrons will visit New Orleans after Washington, before returning to France.

The table setting is something the first lady has said is always her first consideration when hosting anyone for a meal, a memory from her childhood and her mother. “Even if we were only having fish sticks from the freezer, she always made our dinners feel special,” said Biden, who is expected to make remarks at the dinner.

“The first lady has been involved since the beginning, it’s been important to her that the dinner reflects the warmth and approachable hospitality that the Bidens are known for,” Valdivia said.

A person with knowledge of the first lady’s hands-on approach to the dinner said she was involved with all aspects of the planning, down to doing tastings of each dish and overseeing the seating chart, much like her immediate predecessor, Melania Trump, whose first state dinner also happened to be for the Macrons. Unlike the Trump dinner, the Bidens will serve caviar and butter-poached lobster for a first-course, Calotte of beef and watercress and sunchoke salad for the main. Trump went with goat cheese gateau with tomato jam, and a rack of lamb. Though the two dinners will share a dessert: crème fraiche ice cream.
A table is set during a media preview ahead of the State Dinner in honor of French President Emmanuel Macron, in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, DC, on November 30, 2022.
Biden is also not as inclined socially to host big events at the White House, Covid-19 restrictions or not. The first couple has notably spent most weekends away from Washington in Delaware or Camp David, and as a closely bonded family, there are few occasions where guest lists for dinners expand beyond relatives.

Previous presidents have used the White House frequently to entertain, typically with a subtext, whether political or cultural. In recent history, Barack and Michelle Obama hosted birthday parties and music concerts, bringing together celebrities and politicians for fun-filled, late nights of elbow-rubbing and bonding. The Obamas’ State Dinner for then-French President Francois Hollande in 2014 brought a star-studded guest list that included Bradley Cooper, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Stephen Colbert and Elon Musk.

Singer Mary J. Blige entertained at the dinner. By contrast, Trump’s two state dinners lacked bold-faced guests and headliners, as his political leanings were often antithetical from those of mainstream Hollywood. (For the Trump State Dinner for Macron, the Washington National Opera performed, which a guest told CNN was lovely, “but it wasn’t Beyonce.”)

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

Hell of a blooper by CNN's reporter

by ponchi101 Wow!
I guess she is only missing the gloves... (can't find the emoji)

by ti-amie

by JazzNU Just an unspeakably bad error. Firing the stylist isn't enough to make this one right.

by ti-amie

Best TV ending ever?
Was Tony reaching for his gun?
Did he see it was Meadow rushing in?
What role did the guy at the counter play in things?

by MJ2004 You missed the biggest question, which is did Tony die? The answer is obvious (yes, duh). Most likely by the guy in the Member's Only jacket stepping out of the bathroom. (David Chase didn't make any effort to hide it - it was super blatant, and yet ultimately, does it even matter who killed him?)

I've always been amazed how hotly the question of whether Tony is killed at the end of this scene has been been debated over the years, given how much it was foreshadowed throughout the entire series (they even spelled it out in exactly so many words in that scene in the boat in a previous episode).

And yes, to me it is the best ending ever for a TV show. I have a soft spot for the ending of MASH, but nothing beats this. Pure genius.

by ti-amie I never doubted that Tony was the target and that the hit on him was successful. I've always questioned why the family would've been included. The Italian mob was not known for taking out family members of its targets at that time.

As you say we can still debate this 15 years later and everyone have a different point of view. I started watching the series again and realize that I misunderstood Tony's relationship/manipulation of Dr Melfi. I'm busy watching K-dramas now but will hope to go back to The Soprano's after the New Year. I still have the final two episodes of Peaky Blinders to finish too.

by MJ2004 I don't see his family as being included in the hit. They were just present to witness it. Nothing to indicate the entire family was taken out, unless you choose to take that pov, which is pretty horrific.

by ti-amie IF Tony shot at the door when Meadow barged in late behind two men Tony would see as suspicious I always thought that there would've been a shoot out of some kind that ended with his family being killed as well as Tony, the original target of Members Only guy who would've gone behind Tony to do the deed.

I've always thought the whole family was wiped out.

by MJ2004 Fair enough. I go back to the line "you probably don't even hear it when it happens" which was uttered sometime earlier in the season. To me, that cut to black with no audio was indicating he was.. just gone. No complicated shoot out, no awareness on his part of what happened. There's a reason the final shot focused on his perspective (looking up at the door).

by ti-amie
MJ2004 wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 11:54 pm Fair enough. I go back to the line "you probably don't even hear it when it happens" which was uttered sometime earlier in the season. To me, that cut to black with no audio was indicating he was.. just gone. No complicated shoot out, no awareness on his part of what happened. There's a reason the final shot focused on his perspective (looking up at the door).
Excellent point. Everything was from Tony's perspective and once he was offed...nothing. You may have convinced me. :)

ETA: In his autobiography Malcolm X talked about not sitting with your back to the door because s**t always comes straight at you. Was this Chase's way of saying that's not always the case?

by Deuce No... my vote for best ending to a TV series goes to 'Newhart'...

How it came about explained here (includes the video of it): ... 07321.html

Just the video of it here:

by ti-amie Wow thanks Deuce. I had no idea. I thought that Dallas was the only show that used the "it was a dream" thing.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 12:43 am Wow thanks Deuce. I had no idea. I thought that Dallas was the only show that used the "it was a dream" thing.
Several have done it. St. Elsewhere is one that famously did it.

by ptmcmahon Did I accidentally click on page 1 of the TV thread from TAT 1.0? :D

by JTContinental Details are sketchy, but actor Jeremy Renner was airlifted from his home with a "traumatic injury" resulting from a snow plow accident. ... index.html

by ti-amie

by MJ2004 Prince Harry details physical attack by brother William in new book ... spare-book

by ti-amie The Golden Globes were handed out last night. I didn't watch a minute of it and decided to wait until today to see who wore what on the red carpet. Men are having a lot of fun with fashion over the last three or four years and the GG is the red carpet to go a bit wild on.

Donald Glover in Saint Laurent
Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images
Serena Goransson and Ludwig Goransson

Photo: Getty Images
Selena Gomez

Photo: Getty Images
Austin Butler in Gucci

Photo: Getty Images
Margot Robbie in Chanel

by ti-amie All of the images are found at ... t-arrivals

Photo: Getty Images
Viola Davis

Photo: Getty Images
Ryan Coogler and Zinzi Evans

So far Ms Evans is my best dressed woman

Photo: Getty Images
Lauren Miller and Seth Rogen in Dior Men

Photo: Getty Images
Tyler James Williams in Amiri

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Natasha Lyonne in Givenchy

Photo: Getty Images
Emma D'Arcy in Acne Studios

No idea who she is but the outfit is, interesting.

Photo: Getty Images
Quinta Brunson in Christian Siriano

Christian is the best thing to come out of Project Runway
One of my best dressed choices

Photo: Getty Images
Salma Hayek Pinault in Gucci

Photo: Getty Images
Adam Scott

No Adam.

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Ke Huy Quan

His acceptance speech is wonderful.

Photo: Getty Images
Hilary Swank in Prada

Photo: Getty Images
Stephanie Hsu in Giambattista Valli Haute Couture


Photo: Getty Images
Percy Hynes White in Saint Laurent

Well done with exquisite tailoring

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Park Chan-Wook in Gucci

Exquisite tailoring

Photo: Getty Images
Lisa Marie Presley

Photo: Getty Images
Quentin Tarantino and Daniella Pick

Photo: Getty Images
Evan Peters in Dior Men

Perfection. Even the velvet jacket with regular pants works here. You get what you pay for.

Hannah Einbinder
BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 10: 80th Annual GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS -- Pictured: arrives to the 80th Annual Golden Globe Awards held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 10, 2023 in Beverly Hills, California. -- (Photo by Kevork Djansezian/NBC via Getty Images)

No idea who she is but she is styled perfectly from hair and makeup to her dress and shoes

by ptmcmahon
ti-amie wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:40 pm Image
Photo: Getty Images
Emma D'Arcy in Acne Studios

No idea who she is but the outfit is, interesting.
They play Rhaenyra Targaryen in House of the Dragon.


by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Lily James

It's Alive!!!

Photo: Getty Images
Daisy Edgar-Jones in Gucci

This is a miss by Gucci for me. The tulle should've started at the hip not mid thigh but that's just my opinionl

Photo: Getty Images
Jean Smart

If more women of a certain age went for this level of styling instead of trying to compete with the young women we'd all be better off. Perfection.

Photo: Getty Images
Steven Spielberg

Photo: Getty Images
Jennifer Hudson

I want to like this but in the final analysis I don't.

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Henry Golding

Sadly Mr. Golding looks like a waiter in his velvet jacket and regular fabric pants. It's all in the lapels. Add in the fact that the jacket is double breasted and this is a flop while the one below wasn't.

Photo: Getty Images
Evan Peters in Dior Men

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Lukas Dhont

Is he a sailor or a cowboy? Why those shoes?

Photo: Getty Images
Ayo Edebiri

This is the second gown I've seen with that hem. Is it like that on purpose or did the ladies involved walk through puddles no one else did?
Oh, and I hate the gloves

Photo: Getty Images
Anya Taylor-Joy in Dior

She played the love of Tommy Shelby's life in "Peaky Blinders" and her acting was just as wooden as this pose.

Photo: Getty Images
Andrew Garfield in ZEGNA and David Yurman jewelry

Nice of him to drop by on his way to the club but hey it's not the Oscars it's the Golden Globes

Photo: Getty Images
Claire Danes in Giambattista Valli Haute Couture

She's pregnant so she gets a pass.

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Nicole Byer

I hate the fabric but the design works?

Photo: Getty Images
Sebastian Stan

An all fabric double breasted look. I have to think about the satin on the inside of the sleeves but it works on him. Still, what is that stain on the upper thigh of his left leg and how did it get there?

Photo: Getty Images
Billy Porter in Christian Siriano

Photo: Getty Images
Angela Bassett

The gown and shoes just look cheap to me. I'm sure she'll do better at the Oscars.

Photo: Getty Images
Jessica Chastain in Casadei

She and Salma in competition with each other with this idea

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Ana de Armas


Photo: Getty Images
Diego Calva in Gucci

I blame the stylist. The suit is perfectly tailored but the accessories? That tie and that flower? The eye stops right there instead of looking at how well the suit fits him.

Photo: Getty Images
Jennifer Coolidge in Dolce&Gabbana

See Jean Smart

Photo: Getty Images
Ram Charan

Traditional done to perfection. One of the best dressed men.

Photo: Getty Images
Michelle Yeoh

I don't like this.

by ti-amie

by JTContinental
ti-amie wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:40 pm Image
Photo: Getty Images
Emma D'Arcy in Acne Studios

No idea who she is but the outfit is, interesting.
They are the non-binary star of the new Game of Thrones spinoff

by JTContinental
ptmcmahon wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:01 pm
ti-amie wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:40 pm Image
Photo: Getty Images
Emma D'Arcy in Acne Studios

No idea who she is but the outfit is, interesting.
They play Rhaenyra Targaryen in House of the Dragon.


by ptmcmahon Are we allowed to jinx if there are 24 hours between posts? :D

by ti-amie Finishing up the Red Carpet looks from the Golden Globes.

Getty Images
Elizabeth Debicki in Dior and Dior Fine Jewelry

Getty Images
Michelle Williams in Gucci and Tiffany

I don't like this on her.

Getty Images
Jenna Ortega in Gucci and Tiffany

This gown seems to have made a big splash with people. Shrug.

Getty Images
Jeremy Allen White in Dior Men

His work in "The Bear" is great

Getty Images
Eddie Murphy

I guess when you're a legend...

by ti-amie Image
Getty Images
Jamie Lee Curtis in Valentino and Cathy Waterman

Another good look from a mature woman

Getty Images
Laverne Cox in vintage John Galliano with jewels from Fred Leighton and Kwiat

Getty Images
Heidi Klum in Kevin Germanier and Tom Kaulitz

Getty Images
Molly Sims in Tony Ward with Yeprem and Luisa Alexander jewellery (sp)

This is the way to do this look on a mature woman

Getty Images
Jeremy Pope in Cartier

Nice of him to stop by on his way to the biker rally...

by ti-amie Image
Getty Images
Kaley Cuoco

Rihanna and A$AP Rocky
Christopher Polk/NBC//Getty Images

by ti-amie I kept seeing fashion people saying the Critics Choice Awards Red Carpet was the best of Award Season so far. Vogue put itself behind a paywall so the pics are from Harper's Bazaar with photo credits attached.

Angela Bassett
In Christian Siriano and Messika jewelry.

I'm really not a fan of this look but she's doing it as much justice as it can get

Elle Fanning
In Alexander McQueen spring/summer 2023 Ready-To-Wear.

Ready to wear where though?

Michelle Yeoh
In Carolina Herrera.

Much better than her GG red carpet look. When Herrera works it works well.

Janelle Monáe
In Vera Wang.

This works well on her. Don't like the sheer bodice though. She's getting Oscar talk for Best Supporting for her work in "Glass Onion" and shouldn't have to do this.

Michelle Williams
In custom Louis Vuitton and Tiffany & Co jewelry.

I didn't like this "window pane" look on Jennifer Hudson at the GG and I don't like it here either.

by ti-amie Image
Cate Blanchett
In Max Mara spring/summer 2023 Ready-To-Wear and Louis Vuitton jewelry.

I see what the designer was trying to do here when it comes to working with that color and fabric but the result doesn't work for me.

Viola Davis
In custom Valentino.

The look is one a lot of mature women actors are using but the color is just too close to her skin tone

Kate Hudson
In Oscar de la Renta spring/summer 2023 Ready-To-Wear and Bulgari jewelry.

Fabulous. It's good to see the people running Oscar de la Renta's atelier are sticking to his point of view when it comes to dressing women. Christian Siriano is giving them a run for their money though.

Quinta Brunson
In Robert Wun spring/summer 2023 Ready-To-Wear.

Andrew Garfield
In Zegna.

Zegna is one of the top Italian menswear houses. The tailoring on this is exquisite. Once you decide on this monochrome palette you have to do something to break the monotony hence the shoes. I don't have to like it but this isn't the Oscar's Red Carpet. At least his looks from the GG to this one are consistent.

by ti-amie Image
Anya Taylor-Joy
In Dior and Tiffany & Co jewelry.

Lily James
In Oscar de la Renta.

I wish Janelle had gone with de la Renta. The short slip under this makes a ton of difference

Jennifer Coolidge
In custom Dolce & Gabbana.

I think she was in D&G at the GG but this is a much better look.

Eve Hewson
In Cong Tri and Bulgari jewelry.

Too straight-jackety

Stephanie Hsu
In Valentino and Cartier jewelry.

Maybe half a shade darker and this would really look great on her instead of fading into her skin tone. It's a safe look and it's styled to perfection.

by ti-amie Image
Ke Huy Quan

No designer attribution so this is probably his own outfit. Traditional-ish? It fits well though.

Brendan Fraser

Again no designer attribution but this is a big man styled to perfection. The pants could be a quarter inch longer but even if this is off the rack it's a good off the rack tux.

Matt Smith

No designer attribution again but who would take credit for this hot mess?

Melanie Lynskey
In Giambattista Valli.

Physically big women are usually assigned something from Omar's Ready to Wear collection in a somber color. She's wearing the color and the gown well. Good for her.

Marcia Gay Harden
In Ruchi New York jewelry.

Too young

by ti-amie Image
Jeremy Allen White
In Giorgio Armani.

Armani tailoring perfection and subtle color play. Nice.

Tyler James Williams
In Cartier jewelry.

The collar on the shirt stops this from being a best dressed for me. He's wearing something different from his GG red carpet look and almost pulls it off.

Thuso Mbedu
In custom Louis Vuitton with REZA, Rainbow K, Anita Ko, Delfina Deletrez, and EERA jewelry.

I wish that they'd used the black material along the hem but otherwise she looks wonderful

Jenny Slate
In Olivier Theyskens spring/summer 2023 Ready-To-Wear.

There is just too much going on in this gown

Sebastian Stan
In Givenchy.

I'm not sure if he wanted casual or formal here. It just doesn't work.

by ti-amie Image
Seth Rogan
In Zegna.

Same house that Andrew Garfield wore but look at the difference.

Emily Uribe
In Alex Perry and Stuart Weitzman shoes.

This works

Anna Sawai
In Acne Studios spring/summer 2023 Ready-To-Wear.

I really like this. She looks so comfortable wearing it

This is the photo that made me go find the looks from the Critics Choice Red Carpet.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie The Oscar noms are out (separate thread is coming). This is today's example of "Great Entertainment Journalism".

The perfect response.

by skatingfan
ti-amie wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 9:13 pm The Oscar noms are out (separate thread is coming). This is today's example of "Great Entertainment Journalism".
I don't think it's quite that straight forward.

by ponchi101 Excuse my stupidity. She was born in Malaysia. Why "identifies as" and not "is"?

by skatingfan
ponchi101 wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 10:38 pm Excuse my stupidity. She was born in Malaysia. Why "identifies as" and not "is"?
Because there were other people nominated for Best Actress who were also Asian but didn't identify as such. Merle Oberan was the first Asian actress to be nominated for Best Actress in 1936, but hid her heritage, and parentage for several reasons.

by ti-amie I was with Ponchi on this one. Thanks for clarifying the situation. I had no idea about Merle Oberan.

by ti-amie Jeremy Clarkson’s Meghan Markle Column Faces U.K. Press Regulator Probe After 25,000 Complaints
The Independent Press Standards Organization has launched an investigation into opinion piece about the Duchess of Sussex written by the former host of 'Top Gear.'
FEBRUARY 9, 2023 11:25AM

The U.K. press watchdog has launched an investigation into a British tabloid column by former Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson that attracted around 25,100 complaints.

On Thursday, the Independent Press Standards Organization confirmed it will probe the Dec. 17, 2022 article in The Sun where Clarkson wrote that Prince Harry was being “controlled” by Meghan Markle, and he was “dreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant ‘Shame!’ and throw lumps of excrement at her.”

The press watchdog will take forward complaints from two parties, The Fawcett Society and The Wilde Foundation, who said they were impacted by breaches of the UK Editor’s Code over accuracy, harassment and discrimination via the column.

“We will make public the outcome of this investigation through our website and on our social media channels when it is concluded,” the press watchdog said in a statement.

Clarkson wrote the opinion piece under the headline “One day, Harold the glove puppet will tell the truth about A Woman Talking B*****ks” after the Harry & Meghan docuseries launched on Netflix. The series sees the couple revealing new behind-the-scenes information about how they were treated by both the U.K. press and royal family, ultimately leading to their separation from royal life.

Clarkson’s tabloid column was removed from The Sun‘s website after it sparked a widespread backlash, including from Clarkson’s daughter, podcast host Emily Clarkson, who said, “My views are and have always been clear when it comes to misogyny, bullying and the treatment of women by the media. I want to make it very clear that I stand against everything that my dad wrote about Meghan Markle and I remain standing in support of those that are targeted with online hatred.” ... erm=165498

by ti-amie Well at least it's not a sparkly romper.


by ti-amie Folks are comparing this to the Super Bowl Half Time show from last night.

Of course the best was Prince who performed live in the rain. May he RIP.

You'll have to watch on YouTube of course.

by ti-amie I mean Rihanna is pregnant so she did the best she could. What surprised me was people didn't realize she was lip syncing.

by ponchi101 Prince. Always underrated as a guitar player. He really could play.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Mon Feb 13, 2023 9:13 pm Folks are comparing this to the Super Bowl Half Time show from last night.
Were they? That's fairly riduclous to me. Maybe they truly thought it was, but I'd chalk it up to an extra dose of happiness about her performance since her hiatus from music has been so long.

by ti-amie Word on the street is that her vocal chords are shot so they were trying to cobble together some "new" music from her but in the end all we get is the lip synching to her past hits. Because of her pregnancy she couldn't move around too much so despite the ravings of her stans people were saying that Bruno Mars and Beyonce put on a better show and of course Prince got thrown in as the ne plus ultra of all Super Bowl Halftime Shows.

Her outfit was designed by an up and coming Irish designer Loewe.

Rihanna Wears Loewe, Alaïa for Super Bowl Halftime Performance in Glendale, Arizona
Rihanna returned to the live stage wearing a bespoke boiler suit with a red bodysuit and breastplate by the British designer Jonathan Anderson and a coat and gloves by Alaïa.

FEBRUARY 12, 2023, 9:14PM

LONDON — It’s Riri in Loewe red.

Rihanna may have changed her mind multiple times before performing at the Super Bowl halftime show — as of Thursday there were 39 versions of the set list — but she knew exactly which brands she wanted to wear: Loewe, Alaïa and Messika.

After seven years of tending to her Fenty brand, and welcoming a baby son with partner A$AP Rocky last May, Rihanna returned to the live stage at the Super Bowl halftime show wearing a bespoke boiler suit with a red bodysuit and breastplate by the British designer Jonathan Anderson.

The boiler suit was accessorised with three vintage diamond brooches from Joseph Saidian & Sons.

Rihanna also wore a pair of low sneakers from the MM6 Maison Margiela and Salomon collaboration.

Halfway through the performance, she added another layer — a floor length puffer coat with matching gloves from Alaia.

Rihanna’s Messika diamonds shined as she wore a red watch with an encrusted bezel.

The singer has previously worn Loewe Paula’s Ibiza sunglasses, but never a full ready-to-wear look collection publicly outside of fashion magazine shoots.

Riri red: The singer wore head to toe Loewe. VARIETY VIA GETTY IMAGES

The red number seemed to take inspiration from Loewe’s spring 2022 collection which featured a red turtleneck dress with a transparent red bodyplate in the middle of the chest and billowy silhouettes.

Rihanna performed at the State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona, in front of a global audience estimated to be 100 million.

In her pre-game press conference with Apple Music Radio on Feb. 9, Rihanna did not reveal what she planned to wear, but she did talk about her priorities for the show.

Asked if she planned to incorporate any elements of Caribbean culture, the Barbadian singer said she’d be “representing for immigrants, representing for my country Barbados, representing for Black women everywhere. I think that’s really important. It’s key for people to see the possibilities, and I’m honored to be here doing this, this year.” ... 235521386/

by JazzNU Some of the best and most talked about ads (not mutually exclusive)

by ti-amie Travolta looks great without his toupee. He should've ditched it a long time ago.

by ponchi101 Alicia Silverstone was always a beauty.
But that she is more beautiful today than when she was 20 is kind of ridiculous.

by ptmcmahon AS a teenager at the time, she stared in a few of my favorite music videos of the time (Aerosmith.) :)

by ponchi101 You mean: Liv Tyler and Alicia Silverstone in CRAZY?
nah, never saw it. NOT. ONE. SINGLE. TIME.
(And I was already hitting 30. Could not take my eyes off the TV)

by ptmcmahon And Cryin'. And Amazing. But yes, Crazy was the best one of all. And I'm younger than both of them so no shame here :)

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 11:47 pm Alicia Silverstone was always a beauty.
But that she is more beautiful today than when she was 20 is kind of ridiculous.

A ton of people on social media were suggesting that they digitally altered her to look that good. No, she just looks that good. I follow the designer on IG that updated the Clueless outfits for the commercial, and she's one of his best friends and his muse. So I've seen a ton of photos and video of her in recent years, she always looks amazing.

by ptmcmahon Might just be me inventing it, but seems like she's lived a fairly ... "natural" life? She's a well known vegan and don't remember hearing of any major incidents or drug/alcohol use. She's also somewhat infamous for her unorthodox parenting ways :)

by ponchi101
ptmcmahon wrote: Wed Feb 15, 2023 5:36 am Might just be me inventing it, but seems like she's lived a fairly ... "natural" life? She's a well known vegan and don't remember hearing of any major incidents or drug/alcohol use. She's also somewhat infamous for her unorthodox parenting ways :)
The parenting things are indeed "not average".
She is a vegan activist. But, as I always say, that is a sample of 1. My GF has a vegan friend, with the entire family being vegan. She once was riding the bus (here in Bogota) and the bus fell on a pothole. She broke two vertebrae in her spine.
Since I can't care less about what other people eat, I don't look up stats on that. But, of course, we all know about the healthy vegans because they are prone to proselytizing. We don't hear about the ones that are not so healthy.
And anyway, Alicia is still only 46. Beautiful as always, but that is still an age in which many, many women still look amazing.

by Deuce I've been a vegan for 40 years - as long as I've been playing tennis - and I've never broken a bone in my body. I've also played hockey and baseball, and have been quite physically active over those 40 years - so plenty of opportunities for broken bones... but none broken, or even fractured.

I simply don't want to contribute to what can undeniably be deemed the torture, suffering, and death of animals simply for the sake of financial profit. And for anyone claiming that eating meat is 'natural'... well, today's factory farms are as far removed from nature as it's possible to be.
I've never seen any evidence that the bones of vegans are stronger or weaker than are those of meat eaters. There is, however, plenty of evidence that the fats in meat lead to poor health (and worse, in some cases).

“One farmer says to me, 'You cannot live on vegetable food solely, for it furnishes nothing to make bones with;' and so he religiously devotes a part of his day to supplying his system with the raw material of bones; walking all the while he talks behind his oxen, which, with vegetable-made bones, jerk him and his lumbering plow along in spite of every obstacle.” - Henry Thoreau.

by mmmm8
ti-amie wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 11:51 pm I was with Ponchi on this one. Thanks for clarifying the situation. I had no idea about Merle Oberan.
The family history there is... something

"For most of her life, Merle protected herself by concealing the truth about her parentage, claiming that she had been born in Tasmania, Australia,[5] and that her birth records had been destroyed in a fire.

She was raised as the daughter of Arthur Terrence O'Brien Thompson, a British mechanical engineer from Darlington who worked in Indian Railways[6] and his wife, Charlotte Selby, a Eurasian from Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka). Her mother also had Māori ancestry.[7] However, according to her birth certificate, Merle's biological mother was Charlotte's then-12-year-old daughter, Constance. To avoid scandal, Charlotte raised Merle as Constance's half-sister.[1][8] Charlotte had herself given birth to Constance at the age of 14 as the result of rape by Henry Alfred Selby, the Anglo-Irish foreman of a tea plantation.[7]"

by ti-amie
mmmm8 wrote: Wed Feb 15, 2023 6:30 pm
ti-amie wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 11:51 pm I was with Ponchi on this one. Thanks for clarifying the situation. I had no idea about Merle Oberan.
The family history there is... something

"For most of her life, Merle protected herself by concealing the truth about her parentage, claiming that she had been born in Tasmania, Australia,[5] and that her birth records had been destroyed in a fire.

She was raised as the daughter of Arthur Terrence O'Brien Thompson, a British mechanical engineer from Darlington who worked in Indian Railways[6] and his wife, Charlotte Selby, a Eurasian from Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka). Her mother also had Māori ancestry.[7] However, according to her birth certificate, Merle's biological mother was Charlotte's then-12-year-old daughter, Constance. To avoid scandal, Charlotte raised Merle as Constance's half-sister.[1][8] Charlotte had herself given birth to Constance at the age of 14 as the result of rape by Henry Alfred Selby, the Anglo-Irish foreman of a tea plantation.[7]"
Good grief!

by ti-amie This has been rumored for awhile now...

by ponchi101 Not that there are any diseases that are "acceptable". But that one is particularly hard on the patient, and the family.
Wish them the best.

by ti-amie There was a BAFTA red carpet. The Brits are not known for their fashion sense. These are from People Magazine. ... ed-carpet/


Florence Pugh who made a lot of noise dissing the director of her film who was allegedly sleeping with Pugh's co-star Harry Styles. Olivia Wilde was the director to clarify.

Angela Bassett

I almost like this. Almost. I wonder if you can push the sleeves up when you eat?

Jodi Turner Smith

It looks as if she's tall and therefore pulls off this gown. It would overwhelm someone short. I don't hate it.

Gwendoline Christie

This is what happens when you work with a stylist. Her first red carpet looks were disastrous.

by ti-amie Image
Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton wore a flowy, one-shoulder white gown on the 2023 BAFTAs red carpet. Her dress, according to Vanity Fair, is her 2019 BAFTAs gown by Alexander McQueen that has been tweaked for this year's event. In her first red carpet appearance as the Princess of Wales, Middleton paired her white gown with black opera gloves and gold shoes. This is the Prince and Princess of Wales' return to the BAFTA Awards since COVID. The couple has attended several times in years' past, and Middleton often chooses McQueen for the big event.
Sophie Turner

Meh. I mean it's okay and well styled but a bit boring

Ana de Armas

If you're going to wear Louis Vuitton at least make sure it fits properly. The bust line is awful and the bodice is too tight. I was going to ask if there is a word in Spanish for tacky but I'm behaving tonight. :D

Michelle Yeoh

Chic mature look. And her hands are free to eat comfortably.

Danielle Deadwyler

You really can't be bigger than a minute to wear Prada well and she looks as if she fits the description.

by ti-amie 2023 NAACP Image Awards Red Carpet


Angela Bassett

Sheryl Lee Ralph
Her hair and make-up are perfect. I just don't like the gown

Serena Williams

Kerry Washington

This is the best I've seen her look on any Red Carpet in a long time. Maybe she found a stylist who doesn't hate her?

by ti-amie Image
Viola Davis

Viola has gone "safe" the last few times she's walked a Red Carpet. I don't like the hair though. I love the bracelet.


Gabrielle Union and Dwayne Wade

All of the pics so far have been from ... 350846002/

The second picture with Gabrielle Union alone is from ... zfeedceleb

Gabrielle along with Quinta Brunson are my top two for the women

by Ainsley
ti-amie wrote: Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:26 pm 2023 NAACP Image Awards Red Carpet

Damn, Zendaya is beautiful and that dress is to die for.

by ti-amie [img]https:Image
From USA Today


Last two from BuzzFeed

Quinta Brunson is officially 4'11" tall. She took the time and had a gown customized to her height and body type. I think she looks great.



Janelle Monae lists herself as 5' tall. Another very short person with a different aesthetic and body type who took the time to get the tailoring right. Her pics are via BuzzFeed

by ti-amie Image
Jonathan Majors

Exhibit A of why big men shouldn't wear off the rack for a Red Carpet. Highwaters, clingy fabric, destroys what could've been a great look.

Tenoch Huerta

Excellent tailoring always wins out in the end doesn't it?

Issa Rae

I guess this is the style she likes. She's got a long slim build. Why hide it with enough fabric to make another gown?

Tracee Ellis Ross

Well at least she's not trying to dress like she's 18 anymore.

Yara Shahidi
Frazer Harrison / Getty Images


by ti-amie Image
Tyler James Williams

A man with a look all of his own. He makes it work.

Method Man

A man in a pale pink crushed velvet suit. And he looks good. Who'd a thunk it?

Terrence Howard, left, and Miranda Pak

Excellent tailoring. A lot of "work" on his face.

Jabari Banks

What is going on with those pants?!

Sujata Day

Traditional done well

by ti-amie Image
Malcolm D. Lee

"Mr. Johnson" from Abbott Elementary. Off the rack on a big man. The cast of that show will get better when it comes to red carpets.

Skyh Black, left, and KJ Smith

If you're going to come dressed like this own your look(s) and they are. :freaking:

Regina Hall
Frazer Harrison / Getty Images

Chris Perfetti
Frazer Harrison / Getty Images

Jacob from "Abbott Elementary". The hat is fun. So are his shoes

Janelle James
Kayla Oaddams / WireImage

Hair and makeup are perfect. She needs to give the girls a bit more support though. She's Principal Coleman from Abbott Elementary

by ti-amie SAG Red Carpet via Vogue

Photo: Getty Images
Jennifer Coolidge

Photo: Getty Images
Aubrey Plaza

Photo: Getty Images
Julia Garner

Whoever "designed" this hot mess must have been in Costa Rica with Aaron Rogers using ayahuasca

Photo: Getty Images
Austin Butler

Excellent tailoring. I'm still thinking about the wide bottom sleeves on the suit jacket

Photo: Getty Images
Paul Mescal

This is how an actor up for the role of James Bond shows up on a red carpet?

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Ana de Armas

Photo: Getty Images
Sarah Polley

Photo: Getty Images
Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller

Judging by his pants legs he spent the extra money and got his tux customized for him. It's hard to say this about a dress this conservative but she doesn't have what it takes to make it really stand out. It just sits on her.

Photo: Getty Images
Ke Huy Quan

Perfect. I don't think he's had a bad look on a carpet this season.

Photo: Getty Images
Michelle Yeoh

What was the idea behind this gown? What was the designer trying to say?

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Angela Bassett

I like what she's been doing hair and make-up wise this season. I wish she was carrying her purse in a way that didn't make it look like she's carrying the flats she's going to change into for later.

Photo: Getty Images
Chris Perfetti

His character in "Abbott" is so nuanced and the last episode really made me sit back and think more about "Jacob". He's still wearing the hat though and I didn't miss what he did with his tie. If he had played it straight with the tie even with the cap I'd love this look.

Photo: Getty Images
Jason Bateman and Amanda Anka

He's a bit too business conference-y. She's Paul Anka's daughter for those of us old enough to remember...

Photo: Getty Images
Li Jun Li

Photo: Getty Images
Rooney Mara

The "i'm naked" look done with class. Then again she is from the billionaire class.

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Quinta Brunson

My first reaction is "ugh"
My second reaction is "wow this is perfectly tailored for her"
My third reaction - see my first reaction

Photo: Getty Images
Claire Foy

Photo: Getty Images
Ariana DeBose

One button is trying to make an escape. She had to pin the jacket closed to avoid a possible wardrobe malfunction. The fit is just bad. Her hair is too casual. Did I cover it all?

Photo: Getty Images
Emily Blunt and John Krasinski
Very interesting gown. Maybe her hair is a bit too casual but that is my only criticism.

Photo: Getty Images
Stephanie Hsu

So much fabric for a tiny person.

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Ashley Park

The modern aesthetic done in a mature way.

Photo: Getty Images
Jessica Chastain

She and Madonna must go to the same person

Photo: Getty Images
Jeanne Moore and Brendan Fraser

It's good to see him back

Photo: Getty Images
Caleb McLaughlin

Nicely done and age appropriate

Photo: Getty Images
Jenna Ortega

This look does work better with less fabric for me

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Andrew Garfield

Casual done to perfection.

Photo: Getty Images
Jordan Firstman

I guess he just got back from Costa Rica

Photo: Getty Images
Eddie Redmayne

Photo: Getty Images
Katharine Ross and Sam Elliott

Photo: Getty Images
Victoria Imperioli and Michael Imperioli

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Patricia Arquette

Photo: Getty Images
Lisa Ann Walter

Well done. She's full figured and this gown is perfection for this "Abbott" actor

Photo: Getty Images
Denny Directo

Different done well. It's a bit casual but it works.

Photo: Getty Images

This is the gown everyone is talking about. I think Zendaya is the only person who could pull it off. I appreciate all the work that went into creating the gown but I really don't like it.

Here's the link to the site. It started acting up so I stopped trying to post more. ... et-fashion

by ti-amie This is my best dressed woman from last night. She's dressed age appropriately, hair and makeup are perfection, and the gown suits her.

Photo: Getty Images
Sheryl Lee Ralph

Photo: Getty Images
Janelle James

Well done. It's hard to pull of a very feminine gown like this and I think she does it.

by skatingfan
ti-amie wrote: Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:21 pm What was the idea behind this gown? What was the designer trying to say?
I like French fries.

by ti-amie
skatingfan wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:31 am
ti-amie wrote: Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:21 pm What was the idea behind this gown? What was the designer trying to say?
I like French fries.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Sun Feb 26, 2023 9:27 pm Image
Malcolm D. Lee

"Mr. Johnson" from Abbott Elementary. Off the rack on a big man. The cast of that show will get better when it comes to red carpets.

Assuming that there wasn't a photo missing, thought I'd clarify, that Malcolm Lee is not Mr. Johnson from Abbott Elementary. He's the director of the Best Man movies, Girls Trip, and several others.

by ti-amie My bad. Sorry sir.

by ti-amie

I'm old enough to remember when it was almost a piece of cake to buy tickets for big name stars. Now I can only imagine what AI could do this already toxic situation. Remember what artists would simply add additional shows if demand was so high?

by JazzNU It's almost like Pearl Jam was 100% correct about them back in the 90s and when nothing was done then, they only got worse.

by ti-amie Wait "Succession" was pulling punches?!

‘Succession’ stops pulling punches in its final season
With an end in sight, the HBO hit breaks out of rinse-and-repeat mode but remains wickedly delightful

Review by Lili Loofbourow

Brian Cox as Logan Roy in Season 4 of HBO's “Succession.” (Macall B. Polay/HBO)

It’s hard to discuss the upcoming season without spoilers, but this glimpse of something like regret in Logan Roy is new. So is the sense that we are finally, after several seasons spent in an admittedly entertaining rut (with Jeremy Strong’s Kendall rebelling against his dad again only to lose again, break down again, bounce back again, rebel again …) entering a period of high-stakes, irreversible change.

When Logan announced last season that he was selling Waystar RoyCo, the family business, to GoJo CEO Lukas Matsson (Alexander Skarsgard), he didn’t just end the contest for the crown that powered the series; he killed the very idea of a Roy dynasty. No kingdom to rule over means no king. That’s a shocking development, only one of many. By rather unstrategically rejecting all his children (well, the three contenders), Logan provoked them to finally unite. Despite some necessary table-setting, therefore, the fourth season is poised to be the show’s best.

What repetitions we do get (and there are several, including a Pierce family subplot) feel pointed and productive. Logan’s party, for instance, rhymes in spirit if not style with Kendall’s 40th birthday fete, which culminated in him weeping over the gifts from his children he couldn’t find in the piles of loot from near-strangers. It also reprises Logan’s fateful birthday party from the pilot, which — even if it ended with Logan hospitalized — had him surrounded by family.

While Logan sulks, Shiv (Sarah Snook), Kendall and Roman (Kieran Culkin) have joined up after being simultaneously clobbered by, well, everyone. They’re “working,” which here means pooh-poohing graphic design ideas other people have come up with for a new media entity they want to launch called “The Hundred.” Kendall describes it as “Substack meets MasterClass meets the Economist meets the New Yorker.”

This is the state of play: As Logan prepares for a life after Waystar, his three younger kids have gathered to build something new, freed at last from their father’s sick need to pit them against one another.


The fourth season doesn’t (at least in the four episodes critics received) break out of that rarefied mode; we will not be litigating the consequences to the public of Roydom and its excesses. This is not that kind of show.

“Smart people know what they are,” Logan tells one of his children this season. This series is smart, and it knows what it is. If it remains narrowly and unapologetically focused on the callow miseries of its billionaires, it is finally, after spinning its wheels for several seasons, ready to push its premise to the breaking point.

Despite how timidly and how often this show about movers and shakers has retreated from any truly irreversible change to its glitzy status quo, “Succession’s” final season has a vision it at least — and at last — has the guts to execute.

Succession (10 episodes) returns Sunday, March 26, on HBO. New episodes air weekly. ... on-review/

by Suliso This is old, but I find these two very funny :)

by ti-amie Zendaya and stylist Law Roach buried the hatchet it seems and collaborated on one of the best red carpet looks this year in India.

Sound on full screen.

by ti-amie More from Zendaya on the same red carpet

by Suliso

Egyptians complaining that a black actress has been cast as Cleopatra. They are probably right that Cleopatra was white, but does it really matter so much 2,000 years later?

by mmmm8
Suliso wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 6:21 pm

Egyptians complaining that a black actress has been cast as Cleopatra. They are probably right that Cleopatra was white, but does it really matter so much 2,000 years later?
I do think they're billing this series as historically accurate in which case it kind of makes sense to complain, but, of course, it should then be a Greek Macedonian instead anyway, rather than an Arabic Egyptian.

by ti-amie Today is Met Gala day. For those of us who use express buses to get home from work (used to in my case) it means if you don't either leave early or wait until after 7 to leave your job you'll be stuck in a traffic jam for at least an hour. They've do a lot this year to promote it though and they've even listed who is coming.

Me reacting to most of this partial list. :vomit:

The rest of the confirmed attendees (same Twitter link)

Lily rose depp
Roger federer
Billie Eilish
Penelope Cruz
Emma chamberlain
Olivia Wilde
Olivia Rodrigo
Kylie Jenner
Rosé Blackpink
Gigi Hadid
Ashley Graham
Cynthia Erivo
Austin Butler
Jenna Ortega

Julia Garner
Kaia Gerber
Timothee Chalamet
Lil Nas x
Lily Collins
Margot Robbie
Ryan Gosling
Bella Hadid
Devon Aoki
Tom Holland
Donatella Versace
Halle Bailey
Kris Jenner
Bad Bunny

Doja Cat
ASAP Rocky
Sydney Sweeney
Lea Michele
Ariana Debose
Mindy Kaling
Coke Sprouse
Miley Cyrus
Salma Hayek
Jared Leto
Naomi Campbell
Nicola &
Brooklyn peltz beckham
Miranda kerr
Katy Perry

Jimin (BTS)
Lady Gaga
Vanessa Hudgens
Rita Ora
Maude Apatow
Camila Morrone
Amber Valletta
Kim Petras
Ice spice
Idris Elba
Nicole Kidman

It's not clear if Jimin of BTS will attend although he's still in New York. Kpop fans are losing it.

by ti-amie Rihanna last night in NYC

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

Jimin got the Lagerfeld look down to a tee.

I like the other man's riff on the same look. Sorry but I don't know who he is.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ti-amie Thanks to Elmo this is okay.

by JazzNU Patrick Mahomes is at the Met Gala looking like he can't afford a tailor despite signing a $450 million contract. The fit is egregious but so much worse in that context. He should have the most tailored suit in the building.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 12:12 am

by JazzNU

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 12:01 am

Jimin got the Lagerfeld look down to a tee.

I like the other man's riff on the same look. Sorry but I don't know who he is.

On the left is Brian Tyree Henry and on the right is Cai Xukun. Brian is an actor that is best known from the TV show Atlanta but has also appeared in a number of movies, and was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar this year. Cai Xukun is also known as just KUN and is a popular Chinese singer.

by ti-amie
JazzNU wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 1:31 am
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 12:01 am

Jimin got the Lagerfeld look down to a tee.

I like the other man's riff on the same look. Sorry but I don't know who he is.

On the left is Brian Tyree Henry and on the right is Cai Xukun. Brian is an actor that is best known from the TV show Atlanta but has also appeared in a number of movies, and was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar this year. Cai Xukun is also known as just KUN and is a popular Chinese singer.
Thanks for clearing up who the Asian man is. Right now the men are hitting the Lagerfeld aesthetic better than the women are although most are sticking to the black and white.

by JazzNU Thank you Stefon Diggs. The other male athletes had been let downs of blandness for the most part.

by JazzNU FYI for anyone wondering about the theme -

by Owendonovan
JazzNU wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 1:12 am Patrick Mahomes is at the Met Gala looking like he can't afford a tailor despite signing a $450 million contract. The fit is egregious but so much worse in that context. He should have the most tailored suit in the building.

Off the rack Miami Vice vibe.

by meganfernandez Oh, god, the bare ankles!!
JazzNU wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 1:19 am

by meganfernandez Hated the sunglasses until I realized it's a Karl Lagerfeld homage.
JazzNU wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 1:15 am

by ti-amie For those of us who are not familiar with the look the late Karl Lagerfeld was known for here are some pics of him.




This is the look everyone was trying to emulate. I think Anna must've laid down the law because very few deviated from it.

by ti-amie All photos from Vogues coverage

Jackson Wang in Louis Vuitton. Photo: Jeff Kravitz / FilmMagic

Cardi B in Chenpeng Studio
Photo: Getty Images

Jenna Ortega in Thom Browne and Marli Jewelry
Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images
Pedro Pascal in Valentino

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Anne Hathaway in Versace and Bulgari

Photo: Getty Images
Jennifer Lopez in Ralph Lauren

Photo: Getty Images
Salma Hayek in Gucci

Photo: Getty Images
Lil Nas X in Dior
Well kinda in Dior...

Photo: Getty Images
Bad Bunny in Jacquemus
I would say he missed with this but the floral theme of camellia's is there so...

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Billie Eilish in Simone Rocha and Cartier jewelry
Definitely the right attitude

Photo: Getty Images
Bradley Cooper in Tom Ford
A miss with the tailoring and patent leather shoes? Not for me anyway
(I see the heels but I'm pretending I don't)

Photo: Getty Images
Olivia Rodrigo in Thom Browne
I feel like I should like this but I don't

Photo: Getty Images
Pete Davidson
Ironically he almost got it right

Photo: Getty Images
Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Nick Jonas in Valentino and Bulgari jewelry
Priyanka crossed the line from haughty bitch to just bitch. He looks like he's trying to find one of the food vendors on 5th Ave but he comes close to the right attitude.

by ponchi101 As much as I dislike this silly event, I love the comments. Way to go, Ti! :clap: :clap: :clap:

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Cara Delevingne in Karl Lagerfeld and Stuart Weitzman shoes
She models for a living and it shows.

Photo: Getty Images
Lizzo in Chanel and Jimmy Choo shoes
There was a lot of Chanel because Lagerfeld at one point ran the House

Photo: Getty Images
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban in Chanel
There's a better picture and explanation of why she's wearing this somewhere. If I find it again I'll add it at the end.

Photo: Getty Images
Margot Robbie in Chanel

Photo: Getty Images
Sabrina Dhowre Elba and Idris Elba
Idris has the right attitude. I don't think his wife is in the business (I could be wrong) so I'll leave her alone. (He should've been the next Bond)

by mmmm8
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 7:45 pm For those of us who are not familiar with the look the late Karl Lagerfeld was known for here are some pics of him.




This is the look everyone was trying to emulate. I think Anna must've laid down the law because very few deviated from it.
Except the people who said FU because Lagerfeld hated "curvy women," general fatness, the color pink, and men showing leg hair, etc.

So kudos to the people who came out in pink, Pedro Pascual with the shorts, and Doja Cat and Little Nas X who dressed as Lagerfield's cat

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Mindy Kaling in SIMKHAI, Kwiat and Fred Leighton jewelry and Giuseppe Zanotti shoes
She looks great but just misses on the proper attitude. So far only Eilish has the right bitch face

Photo: Getty Images
Michelle Yeoh in Karl Lagerfeld
"What, you dare approach me peasant?"
She got it. Every dowager empress in an Asian drama has that look.

Photo: Getty Images
Hannah Bagshawe and Eddie Redmayne in Alexander McQueen
I can so see Karl in his suit and whatever those thingies are. Her gown is actually quite nice but he, like many of the men, got it right.

Photo: Getty Images
Naomi Campbell in Chanel
I don't like the fabric.

Photo: Getty Images
Emily Blunt in Michael Kors and Jimmy Choo shoes
The right aesthetic in terms of the gown and resting bitch face too. Perfection

by mmmm8 I still can't get over with the puffy white organza "hair" coming out of Serena's dress.

There were some nice takes this year.

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Emma Chamberlain in Miu Miu
Miu Miu would never be the right aesthetic for a Lagerfeld homage. That said she looks more bored than arrogant bitch.
Maybe she's on the FU train too mmmm8?

Photo: Getty Images
Keke Palmer in Sergio Hudson and Stuart Weitzman shoes
Not on theme but like Mindy Kaling she looks beautiful

Photo: Getty Images
Jared Leto
Leto and Lagerfeld were friends. That's all I've got to say

This was his other look

Photo: Getty Images
Janelle Monáe in Thom Browne and REZA jewelry
Hated it. Love the Choupette purse though

by ti-amie
mmmm8 wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 8:40 pm I still can't get over with the puffy white organza "hair" coming out of Serena's dress.

There were some nice takes this year.
Sadly she was one of the worst dressed. I haven't seen anyone say anything good about her outfit and I'm including myself and my daughter.

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Tems in Robert Wun and Melissa Kaye jewelry
She's becoming known for her "don't sit behind me" head pieces

Photo: Getty Images
Burna Boy in Burberry
That's the attitude. I mean if you're going to wear something this busy dare someone to ask you what you were thinking

Photo: Getty Images
Julius Tennon and Viola Davis in Valentino
Sorry Viola but I really hate this gown. I like how her husband knows to just let her be the diva and smile at her side

Teyana Taylor in Thom Browne
Bitch face? Check
Sunglasses? Check
Her mother at home saying "Girl pull up your skirt!"

Photo: Getty Images
Brittney Griner and Cherelle Griner in Calvin Klein
Brittney has the right attitude here. I wonder why she didn't wear black though

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Erykah Badu in Marni
Erykah came as a Yoruba priestess from Bahia, Brazil

Photo: Getty Images
Russell Westbrook in Bode
Russ being himself

Photo: Getty Images
Carla Bruni in Karl Lagerfeld

Photo: Getty Images
Stephanie Hsu in Valentino
I love her expression. "Am I a bitch? Do you think I'm a bitch?"

Photo: Getty Images
Stella McCartney in Stella McCartney
If her last name wasn't McCartney would she have a fashion career?

by mmmm8 Image
Photo: Getty Images
Matteo Berrettini in Boss

Edited to add photo credit. :)

by mmmm8
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 8:47 pm
mmmm8 wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 8:40 pm I still can't get over with the puffy white organza "hair" coming out of Serena's dress.

There were some nice takes this year.
Sadly she was one of the worst dressed. I haven't seen anyone say anything good about her outfit and I'm including myself and my daughter.
I liked it unironically :|

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Lily James in Tamara Ralph Couture
I really like this although I think the skirt would get in the way during a private session with a client...
If that is leather it took a lot of work to add ruching let alone make the skirt look as if it flows. I'd pick this as a best dressed

Photo: Getty Images
Brooklyn Beckham and Nicola Peltz Beckham in Valentino
It's so nice to see Posh's real face again...

Photo: Getty Images
Lily Aldridge in Oscar de la Renta and Bucherer Fine Jewellery
Another person in pink. There's a lot of people on that FU express

Photo: Getty Images
Ke Huy Quan in Dior and Fred Leighton and Kwiat jewelry
He let them tailor his suit this time.

Photo: Getty Images
Manu Rios in Karl Lagerfeld

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Alexander Skarsgård in Thom Browne

Photo: Getty Images
Tommy Hilfiger and Dee Hilfiger in Tommy Hilfiger

Photo: Getty Images
Trevor Noah in Thom Brown

Photo: Getty Images
Kristen Stewart in Chanel

Photo: Getty Images
Dr. Dre in Burberry
I probably missed it but I've never seen Dr Dre at one of these before. The suit is tailored to perfection but couldn't the shirt cuffs extend just a bit past the sleeves of his suit jacket?

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Jennie Kim in Chanel
KPop fans had to settle for Jennie from "Blackpink". If you like Chanel this look is perfection.

Photo: Getty Images
Kerry Washington in Michael Kors
She finally stopped terrorizing stylists?

Photo: Getty Images
Tom Sturridge and Alexa Chung in Róisín Pierce and Jimmy Choo shoes
Cute has an age limit Ms Chung.

Photo: Getty Images
Jordan Roth in Schiaparelli
Bring that drama!

Photo: Getty Images
Michaela Coel in Schiaparelli
She was one of the co-chairs of the event
I think this dress is fun.

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Tom Ford in Tom Ford
The shirt cuffs are a bit too long for my taste but I guess designers are like hairdressers? Their hair always looks a mess but they make yours look wonderful

Photo: Getty Images
Halle Bailey in Gucci
Not on theme but beautiful along with Mindy and Keke Palmer

Photo: Getty Images
Jessica Chastain in Gucci
Like others she did the white hair. She also brought her resting bitch face

Photo: Getty Images
Suki Waterhouse in Fendi and REZA jewelry and Robert Pattinson in Dior
She doesn't care and even though he looks like he's trying hard to focus he almost got it right

Photo: Getty Images
Gwendoline Christie in Fendi
Pretty in pink

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Penélope Cruz in Chanel
I was so surprised that this was pale blue. The flashbulbs made it look white.

Photo: Getty Images
Wendi Murdoch
She kept his name huh?

Photo: Getty Images
Gabrielle Union in Prada
I don't get it

Photo: Getty Images
Dwyane Wade in Prada
On theme and well done

Photo: Getty Images
Pierce Brosnan in Tom Ford and Keely Shaye Smith

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Quannah Chasinghorse in Paul Mitchell

Photo: Getty Images
Taika Waititi
Kinda sorta on theme with the jewelry but he's wearing this outfit well

Photo: Getty Images
Rita Ora in Prabalgurung

Photo: Getty Images
Anna Wintour in Chanel and Bill Nighy

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 8:26 pm
Photo: Getty Images
Margot Robbie in Chanel

Sabrina Dhowre Elba and Idris Elba
Idris has the right attitude. I don't think his wife is in the business (I could be wrong) so I'll leave her alone. (He should've been the next Bond)
The original looked better on Cindy Crawford. And despite this (I assume) being one of Karl's designs under Chanel, it's giving Jean Paul Gaultier to me.

Idris' wife is a model. Judge away.

by ti-amie
Sora Choi in one of the best looks of the night.

From a different angle

by ti-amie

by ti-amie
Spending extra money for the tailoring is how you get this result

by ti-amie

by ti-amie And the bride brings down the house

Translation via Google: It doesn't look like a photo of 2023 GISELLE!

I think this is from when she wore the gown the first time

This is from last night

by ti-amie I hope everyone has fun with these pics. I'm glad more people are participating too. There is no right or wrong fashion opinion.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 8:46 pm
Photo: Getty Images
Keke Palmer in Sergio Hudson and Stuart Weitzman shoes
Not on theme but like Mindy Kaling she looks beautiful

FWIW, I'd say she is on theme and so was Mindy and anyone else who went this route. Some people went with Karl's personal style, but many more with his designs. The exhibit is far and away more about his designs than his personal style, so anything that is inspired by that is on theme. And these structural gowns very much fall in line with being inspired by some of his designs at Chanel.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 8:26 pm
Photo: Getty Images
Lizzo in Chanel and Jimmy Choo shoes
There was a lot of Chanel because Lagerfeld at one point ran the House

This is another example. This isn't just Chanel, it's a design that is a near carbon copy of a Lagerfeld runway design when he ran Chanel. So, just saying, there's much more here on theme than I think most would think. Now, it being worn by Lizzo is not on theme and it's hilarious and he would've hated it and that is just fabulous. His work may be deserving of this attention, but the man is not.

by mmmm8
JazzNU wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 4:43 am
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 8:26 pm
Photo: Getty Images
Lizzo in Chanel and Jimmy Choo shoes
There was a lot of Chanel because Lagerfeld at one point ran the House

This is another example. This isn't just Chanel, it's a design that is a near carbon copy of a Lagerfeld runway design when he ran Chanel. So, just saying, there's much more here on theme than I think most would think. Now, it being worn by Lizzo is not on theme and it's hilarious and he would've hated it and that is just fabulous. His work may be deserving of this attention, but the man is not.

She put a picture on her intagram of posing in this gown while eating fries, she knows what she's doing

by JazzNU
mmmm8 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 2:11 pm
She put a picture on her Instagram of posing in this gown while eating fries, she knows what she's doing
Oh I saw it and I loved it. I didn't expect so much crystal clear shade and FUs out of people, but was happy to see them.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 9:12 pm
Stella McCartney in Stella McCartney
If her last name wasn't McCartney would she have a fashion career?
No. I mean, maybe she'd have a small time career with like a boutique right outside of London, but that's about it.

by ptmcmahon
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 10:18 pm
Photo: Getty Images
Anna Wintour in Chanel and Bill Nighy
It looks like she is a dress on a mannequin in a store :)
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 9:29 pm
Photo: Getty Images
Dr. Dre in Burberry
I probably missed it but I've never seen Dr Dre at one of these before. The suit is tailored to perfection but couldn't the shirt cuffs extend just a bit past the sleeves of his suit jacket?
I'm terrible at recognizing most of these people but I don't know if I ever would have figured out this was Dr. Dre.
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 10:40 pm I hope everyone has fun with these pics. I'm glad more people are participating too. There is no right or wrong fashion opinion.
I'm definitely having fun but I have no real opinions as 95% of these look crazy to me :) But I'm not into any of the fashion stuff.

by JazzNU A few additional looks that weren't posted. Here are a few men.


P. Diddy was especially necessary to post, I think he got lost in the shuffle early on, but I saw many who thought he belonged in the best dressed category for the night. Inspired by the Chanel Rose like many other designs of the night.


Harvey Guillen in Christian Siriano. It looks better to me when he's in motion, Harvey clearly loved it. Christian posted photos of it and I think it captured the feel of the outfit more.


Jack Harlow in Tommy Hillfiger. Choices were made, none of them seemingly good. Next time Jack, he usually gets raved about, but this was a miss.


Shai Gilgeous-Alexander in custom Thom Browne.


Stormzy in Burberry. Burberry went with a blue and black for all their designs, most with this rose motif.

by ti-amie I love how Stormzy is wearing that Burberry suit.
I agree that seeing Harvey Guillen in motion changes the way the outfit looks. He was on the FU train too. Thank you Siriano.

Thom Browne was everywhere last night and mostly in a good way. I love how Shai is wearing the ensemble.

I guess Jack Harlow thought he was going to the Grammy's.

by JazzNU And a few women


Dua Lipa in vintage Chanel and among many's best dressed of the night. She was one of the Met co-chairs. She's also wearing a massive Tiffany diamond that got loads of attention.


Olivia Wilde in a Chloe dress that is a vintage Lagerfeld design. Karl designed for Chloe before he was with Chanel.


Yara Shahidi in custom Jean Paul Gaultier. Very nice tribute that doesn't copy most other looks of the night, with the corset gown with pearl detailing, that's very Chanel couture under Lagerfeld.


Devon Aoki in custom Jeremy Scott. Devon was one of Lagerfeld's muses.


Speaking of how questionable Stella McCartney designs are...Aubrey Plaza in this...

by ti-amie
JazzNU wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 7:49 pm And a few women


Dua Lipa in vintage Chanel and among many's best dressed of the night. She was one of the Met co-chairs. She's also wearing a massive Tiffany diamond that got loads of attention.


Olivia Wilde in a Chloe dress that is a vintage Lagerfeld design. Karl designed for Chloe before he was with Chanel.


Yara Shahidi in custom Jean Paul Gaultier. Very nice tribute that doesn't copy most other looks of the night, with the corset gown with pearl detailing, that's very Chanel couture under Lagerfeld.


Devon Aoki in custom Jeremy Scott. Devon was one of Lagerfeld's muses.


Speaking of how questionable Stella McCartney designs are...Aubrey Plaza in this...
I couldn't decide if I liked Dua Lipa's gown because of the fringe at the hem. Otherwise she looks wonderful.

It was good to see mature women like Devon Aoki and Naomi Campbell there. Ironically Naomi wore pink too.

I love the bodice of Yaha Shahidi's outfit. It's the rest of it I can't stand.

As for Stella McCartney that little boutique around the way that's struggling to draw customers would've terminated her contract by now.

by JazzNU Here's a link to the Met Gala exhibit. There are some images from Karl Lagerfeld's designs for anyone interested that is unfamiliar with his work. There are different elements of his designs and examples with associated years. ... ted-images

by ti-amie Bulgari, the jeweler that most of us can't even afford to buy a plain gold band from (if they make such a thing) put on an event in Venice. The stars were Priyanka Chopra, Anne Hathaway, Zendaya and Lisa from the Kpop group Blackpink. They all look stunning.

(Yes I do have a problem with the bodice of Zendaya's gown)

by ti-amie Better

With Blackpink's Lisa

by ponchi101 "Starting from the affordable $500,000..."

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 11:05 pm "Starting from the affordable $500,000..."

by ti-amie I don't watch much US television but does "Queen Charlotte" fall into that category? That's the only show listed here that I've seen.

#Emmy Predictions 2023 - Who Will Likely Be Nominated for Lead Actress in a Drama Series? ... tress.html #Emmys #Emmys2023 #1923TV

by ti-amie

This could possibly get a lot of eyes because of Zendaya.

by mmmm8
ti-amie wrote: Tue Jun 20, 2023 8:26 pm

This could possibly get a lot of eyes because of Zendaya.
Finally, a female coach?


by skatingfan
ti-amie wrote: Tue Jun 20, 2023 8:26 pm This could possibly get a lot of eyes because of Zendaya.
I can practically hear the Oscar buzz already.

by ti-amie I'll give her this. Zendaya doesn't pick roles where she can just waltz through scenes being beautiful.

by ti-amie The menu for tonights vegetarian White House State Dinner for the PM of India.

The Bidens’ India state dinner menu blends Indian, American flavors

By Emily Heil
Updated June 22, 2023 at 10:05 a.m. EDT|Published June 21, 2023 at 7:25 p.m. EDT

When guests sit down for the state dinner Thursday that President Biden and first lady Jill Biden are hosting for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, they will encounter evidence of something that a growing number of diners are learning: Fine dining doesn’t require meat to feel luxurious.

The state dinner, the third of the Biden administration, will be mostly vegetarian, in keeping with the dietary restrictions of its guest of honor. In place of a filet or roast, the main course will be stuffed portobello mushrooms accompanied by a creamy risotto infused with saffron. Guests may select a sumac-roasted sea bass if they choose, along with options for a yogurt sauce punched up with dill and lemon, crisped millet cakes or summer squashes.

The menu, which the White House unveiled at a preview Wednesday, follows the pattern the Bidens have established in their previous two such black-tie affairs: using seasonal American ingredients while incorporating nods to the cuisine of the visiting country. The decision to prominently feature saffron — a signature flavor of Indian cuisine whose yellow-orange color is a Hindu symbol — was just such an homage. And the dessert, a rose-and-cardamom-infused strawberry shortcake, also marries a classic American sweet with distinctly Indian elements.

Jill Biden, who made remarks to reporters during the preview, noted that the flowers on the tables, too, bore saffron’s hue. Biden called the vegetable-forward menu “stunning,” crediting guest chef Nina Curtis, a Californian known for healthful, plant-based cuisine. Curtis — whose résumé includes a stint at the Malibu Ranch luxury health resort — is working alongside White House executive chef Cristeta Comerford and White House executive pastry chef Susie Morrison.

“We have curated a menu that showcases the best of American cuisine seasoned with Indian elements and flavors,” Curtis said at the preview. “It allows guests from both countries to experience something of the other’s culture.”

Guest chef Nina Curtis displays a plate of stuffed portobello mushrooms with saffron-infused risotto during a Wednesday preview of Thursday's state dinner. (Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock)

One overture to the visiting dignitary might not seem obvious. But Curtis said the decision to use millet in the summery opening course — a marinated millet and grilled corn kernel salad with compressed watermelon and a “tangy avocado sauce” — was inspired by the United Nations’ decision to name 2023 “The Year of Millets.” Millet is a grain that grows in poor soil and with little irrigation, and while it was once commonly used in Indian cuisine, it has fallen out of favor, prompting agriculture officials to campaign for its resurgence.

This isn’t the first mostly meatless state dinner to be held at the White House. Of course, when the dining is about high-stakes diplomacy, the menu is chosen with guests’ needs and preferences in mind (the State Department’s chief of protocol typically works with the White House social secretary on this before the menu planning starts). When the Obamas in 2009 hosted Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh, the menu was largely vegetarian (guests had the option of a curry-prawn main course) and the president toasted the honoree with what appeared to be a glass of water.

For the guests who do imbibe, one of the wines accompanying this week’s meal also pays particular homage to the ties between host and guest. A red blend comes from Patel Winery in Napa Valley, which is owned by Raj Patel, who was born in India and settled in California as a boy. Other wines include a 2021 “Kristi” chardonnay from Stone Tower Winery in Leesburg and a brut rose from Domaine Carneros, which is known for making bubbles using traditional French methods but with American grapes.

Curtis said the call from the White House to act as a guest chef was an honor — but a source of understandable stress. “You must understand the pressure I’m under standing here before you — but it’s the kind of pressure that’s also an elation,” she said. “When you are asked by the first lady to come join her at the White House, it’s a feeling I hope many chefs get to have.”

Dessert will include Rose and Cardamom-infused Strawberry Shortcake. (Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters)

Here’s the full menu:

First Course

Marinated Millet and Grilled Corn Kernel Salad

Compressed Watermelon

Tangy Avocado Sauce

Main Course

Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

Creamy Saffron-infused Risotto

Upon request

Sumac-roasted Sea Bass

Lemon-Dill Yogurt Sauce

Crisped Millet Cakes

Summer Squashes


Rose and Cardamom-infused Strawberry Shortcake


Stone Tower Chardonnay “Kristi” 2021

Patel Red Blend 2019

Domain Carneros Brut Rosé

There is video at the link of the place settings. ... nner-menu/

by ti-amie Netflix co-CEO reveals ‘staggering 60%’ of subscribers have watched K-content
“A staggering 60 percent of our members have now watched one Korean title — with viewing of K-content up sixfold globally in the last four years,” says Sarandos

Michelle De Pacina

NETFLIX CO-CEO TED Sarandos highlighted the success of Korean content on the streaming platform, noting that about three-fifths of Netflix’s users have watched a Korean show.

The forum: Sarandos spoke at a forum at Seoul’s Four Seasons Hotel during his three-day visit in Seoul to meet with Korean production partners and government officials, including Prime Minister Han Duk-soo.

“A staggering 60 percent of our members have now watched one Korean title — with viewing of K-content up sixfold globally in the last four years,” Sarandos said, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

“Take just one genre — romance: 90 percent of K-romance viewing now comes from outside Korea. And last year, our Korean movie ‘Carter’ and two TV shows — ‘All of Us Are Dead’ and ‘The Glory’ — hit the Netflix top 10 in over 90 countries. Of course, nothing quite beats ‘Squid Game’ — the biggest TV show in history on any metric we’ve ever seen,” he explained.

Korean storytelling: Sarandos continued on to express his astonishment at the success of Korean content in the U.S.

“Who would have guessed that a TV show made in Korea for Koreans would cause a craze for green tracksuits in America or push sales of Vans sneakers up by nearly 8,000 percent when released on Netflix?,” Sarandos said. “That’s the power of Korean storytelling.”

The investment: In 2016, Netflix invested $700 million in South Korea, and in April this year, the company once again pledged to spend $2.5 billion over the next four years for South Korean dramas, movies and reality shows.

The investment includes working with local organizations to groom young talents — both in front of and behind the camera. One organization is the Korea Radio Promotion Association, which helps local students gain experience in the production industry.

“Between 2022 and 2025, one in five Netflix titles in Korea will have come from a first-time writer or director,” Sarandos said. “Just yesterday, I met 100 students with director Park Chan-wook — all future screenwriters and directors with so much potential. We have to invest in their talent collectively as an industry.”

Asia-Pacific region: South Korea has become one of Netflix’s biggest suppliers of shows and movies, helping add global subscriptions from the Asia-Pacific region, which is the company’s fastest and most consistent source of growth.

Netflix’s conflict: However, the boom led to the company’s conflict with a South Korean mobile carrier SK Broadband over network usage fees.
In 2021, a Seoul court ruled that Netflix must make a restitution payment over its heavy traffic growth, but Netflix is appealing the decision, arguing that the company has no obligation to pay network usage fees. ... ea-content

by ti-amie Brian Jopek
Some of the women in “today’s GOP” declaring war on the “Barbie” movie. I do believe irony is dead.


by ponchi101 :rofl:

by ti-amie This is a very interesting focus on the tailoring and design of men's suits. The man writing this focuses on this area and I guess he's the Joan Rivers (RIP) of mens design.


by ti-amie P2/3

by ti-amie derek guy
Jul 17
One more thing. These principles work for any body type: short, tall, large, slim. One of the great things about tailoring is what once you figure out some of these basic principles, you can apply them to your own dress: collar hugs neck, things hang cleanly, flowing lines, etc.




by ti-amie More ammo for me to rip men to shreds critique mens wear.

Of course everyone can't afford to hop a plane to Italy or Hong Kong but I think he's offering men guidelines for how to dress themselves for a formal, or everyday occasion. It would take time for most to build up a good wardrobe but it's nice to know what to aim for.

by ponchi101 Only thing I will say.
That is not the creation of A TAILOR. That is the creation of A CUTTER. Not the same thing.

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Tue Jul 18, 2023 8:22 pm Only thing I will say.
That is not the creation of A TAILOR. That is the creation of A CUTTER. Not the same thing.
Please explain. I think I understand what you mean though. In other words the person who makes/cuts the fabric?

by ponchi101 A TAILOR is a person that sews and alters clothes; s/he is given a pattern or collection of fabric pieces and proceeds to assemble a suit.
A CUTTER is the one that measures the person, and designs and cuts the individual pieces that will assemble the suit. That is the reason King Carlos' clothes fit so well: a cutter measured HIM and cut the pieces of fabric to fit HIM. A tailor would receive the collection of pieces and assemble a suit with them, but he could assemble them for him, me or you.
The cutter is a creator, the tailor an assembler. And, although a tailor can assemble a great piece, the cutter will create an unique one, meant only for one person.

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Tue Jul 18, 2023 11:10 pm A TAILOR is a person that sews and alters clothes; s/he is given a pattern or collection of fabric pieces and proceeds to assemble a suit.
A CUTTER is the one that measures the person, and designs and cuts the individual pieces that will assemble the suit. That is the reason King Carlos' clothes fit so well: a cutter measured HIM and cut the pieces of fabric to fit HIM. A tailor would receive the collection of pieces and assemble a suit with them, but he could assemble them for him, me or you.
The cutter is a creator, the tailor an assembler. And, although a tailor can assemble a great piece, the cutter will create an unique one, meant only for one person.
I guess I confused the two because in TV land the person measuring and then assembling the garment is always shown to be the same person. They lied! :lol:

by ponchi101 Find in HBO a movie called THE OUTFIT. A delightful piece, in which all this is explained (and then you have a great plot about gangsters).

by ti-amie After looking at the men of different builds in "perfect" suits I don't know if I will ever unsee what the standard is.

by Suliso The king certainly looks very good, but looking good is part of his job description. :)

Now I wonder how he compares with other kings and princes accross Europe.

by Owendonovan Are we giving Santos any points for nailing down the "slob" look?

by ponchi101 Slob look? He looks like a sack of rotten potatoes. I mean, he makes Chris Christie look svelte and fit.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ti-amie If you're planning to see "Oppenheimer" this weekend keep this in mind about the building of Los Alamos.

Alisa Lynn Valdés, M.S.

This quote, from the @nytimes review of the OPPENHEIMER film: "He served as director of a clandestine weapons lab built in a near-desolate stretch of Los Alamos, in New Mexico"...

It was inhabited by Hispanos. They were given less than 24 hr to leave. Their farms bulldozed. 1
Many of those families had been on the same land for centuries. The Oppenheimer's crew literally shot all their livestock through the head and bulldozed them. People fled on foot with nowhere to go. Land rich, money poor. Their land seized by the government.
All of the Hispano NM men who were displaced by the labs later were hired to work with beryllium by Oppenheimer. The white men got protective gear. The Hispano men did not.
The Hispano men all died of berylliosis. These were US citizens, folks. Their land taken, animals killed, farms bulldozed, forced to work for the people who took everything from them, and killed by those people.
For 20 years I have been trying to sell a film based on the story of Loyda Martinez, a remarkable whistleblower whose family's land was seized for the labs. Her dad was one of the men who died from beryllium exposure at the labs. She later went to work there too.
She is a computer whiz who rose to the top of her department at Los Alamos. Then she started digging for info on the Hispano men the labs killed, like her father. She filed a class action lawsuit, and won.

The first Hispano governor of NM, Bill Richardson, appointed Loyda to run the state's human rights commission. She then filed a second class-action against Los Alamos, on behalf of women scientists not paid fairly.
But, no. We want more films about the "complex and troubled" "heroic" white men, who conducted their GENIUS in a "virtually unpopulated" place. These are ALL lies. This is mythology in service to white supremacy and the military industrial complex, masquerading as "nuanced."
Because of what the labs did to the local Hispano people in northern NM, our communities now have the highest rates of heroin overdose deaths in the nation. The generational trauma and forced poverty is outrageous. We need the real stories of Oppenheimer to be told. END

Nolan, Hollywood, the NY Times - all of them should be ashamed. Someone should fund my Loyda Martinez film. She's like @ErinBrockovich - bubbly, beautiful, was a cheerleader & computer genius. Loyda's is the story we SHOULD be hearing. But we get Hot (expletive) Cheetohs.
Loyda Martinez. KNOW HER NAME. One of the bravest and most important women in American history.


Loyda's mother and father. Her dad was driven off their family's land when Oppenheimer and the US government seized it to make the labs. They then hired him, made him work with berrylium without protective gear (his white bosses got PPE) and he died of berryliosis, like many did.


Apologies - corrections. Richardson was the 6th Hispano governor of the US State of NM.
Plesse watch ... 94849.html

There is a video at the end of the thread.

"Hispanos" is not a typo or error. These men and women are descendants of conquistadors who remained in what is now New Mexico.

by ti-amie

by mmmm8 Regarding the men's tailoring notes above - I do think that you'd want a bit more variety in styles, I disagree that that cut looks great on every body type. Some of the principles make sense for all cases (i.e. shirt collar length, proportions) but some things should be styled for different occasions. For example, I think a shorter jacket works for some men/occasions better than a long one. Even the examples he included of King Felipe had a couple where the coat looked a bit big on him.

I think bespoke tailoring, thinking through how the coat works in dynamic movement, and geometry were the key takeaways.

The pant length of world leaders at that summit is a little embarrassing. The dry cleaning service for their suits could take care of that alteration.

by ashkor87 Saw Oppenheimer here in a theatre last Sunday..getting mixed reviews here..mostly because the main story line (witch-hunt) doesn't resonate with non-US audiences. ..

by ashkor87 why should all men wear suits, anyway? I refuse to wear them nowadays.. the Japanese government had even banned them once.. it feels odd to see Japanese, and Chinese and Koreans wearing western suits.. dont they have formal wear of their own?!

by Owendonovan For me, a blazers main purpose is to provide warmth, so unless it's cool to cold out, no chance of me wearing a blazer. If I have to wear a tie, it's usually loosened within 5 minutes of me arriving. Ties and bowties are 100% purposeless, an idiotic fashion item if you ask me.

by ponchi101
ashkor87 wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 11:47 am why should all men wear suits, anyway? I refuse to wear them nowadays.. the Japanese government had even banned them once.. it feels odd to see Japanese, and Chinese and Koreans wearing western suits.. dont they have formal wear of their own?!
Japanese, Chinese and Korean formal attire requires a considerable amount of time to put on. A Japanese formal ensemble is several layers of delicately placed clothing. Imagine having to go through that every day before you go to work.
Owendonovan wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 2:14 pm For me, a blazers main purpose is to provide warmth, so unless it's cool to cold out, no chance of me wearing a blazer. If I have to wear a tie, it's usually loosened within 5 minutes of me arriving. Ties and bowties are 100% purposeless, an idiotic fashion item if you ask me.
Ties and Bowties are the descendant of the Royalty's fashion habit of wrapping pieces of fabric around the neck to use to wipe their fingers clean while eating; the sign of wealth came from the price of the fabric. It extended into modern times because, again, it was a sign of wealth to have a silk tie wrapped around your neck. The commoners simple had to imitate the upper class.
I agree on the silliness. But then, I get on a plane and I see another passenger wearing baggy shorts, the filthiest Birkenstock sandals, a MAGA t-shirt with holes and a cap with a "Nuke the Whales" logo and all I think is: We need a dressing code.

I find that being properly dressed is a sign of a little respect towards your fellow citizens.

by ashkor87 cute note on ties, I didnt know that..

by Owendonovan
ponchi101 wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 2:39 pm I find that being properly dressed is a sign of a little respect towards your fellow citizens.
Yes, being dressed comfortably can be done both stylishly and cheaply. The "just rolled out of bed" look often found in airports, grocery, or big box stores is unfortunately far too common.

by MJ2004 I just watched Andor. I'm not much of a Star Wars fan (just the original two movies for me, please), and I only watched it cause I've heard such great things about it. It really was fantastic. If you're at all open to watching it, I'd definitely recommend it even for non Star Wars fans. Excellent writing, acting and production.

I realize I'm talking about a year old tv series, but I just watched it now and thought it would be worth mentioning.

by ptmcmahon I have been a Star Wars fan since I was a kid watching the original trilogy. I’ve watched almost all the spin offs.

Andor was my favorite Star Wars show/movie I’ve seen since … probably Return of The Jedi. I even enjoy it more then The Mandolarian, which I also really enjoyed.

And yes it’s very much different than most Star Wars - I remember watching a rare space fight scene and saying - hey it seems like Star Wars for a change.

But 100% agree with the recommendation.

by ti-amie I haven't done a fashion post in a long time but I came across two looks that are among the best of the year.

The first is a Versace worn by Beyonce at the LA premier of her tour movie "Renaissance". Versace is never an easy look to pull off but she does here. I do have an issue with the lighting but it seems that she personally approved this photo.

The second is a gown worn by Lisa of the Kpop group BlackPink to the State Dinner thrown by the British in honor of the President of South Korea.


PT KOREA 231123 Lisa #BLACKPINK #BLΛƆKPIИK #Lalisa #LalisaManoban #LISA

by ti-amie George Santos is demanding $20,000 from Jimmy Kimmel for Cameos
The ousted congressman is threatening to take the talk show host to court

December 11, 2023 | 1:39 pm

Jimmy Kimmel announced a new segment on his show last Friday, titled, “Will George Santos Say It?,” in which he “pranked” the former congressman by paying for Cameo videos under anonymous names, requesting that Santos read out absurd messages. The first video in the series, “Jimmy Kimmel Pranks George Santos on Cameo,” brought in 1.4 million views in just three days on YouTube; but Santos may have the final laugh.

Having been booted from Congress on December 1, the self-described “People’s Princess” has continued to serve the public through Cameo, a site where fans can pay celebrities for short, personalized messages. Kimmel’s team wondered just what he would say for money, and jumped on the bandwagon, requesting a congratulations video for winning a Florida beef-eating contest, another for the successful cloning of a schnauzer named Adolf and a third video from “Ron,” who was trying to explain to his estranged wife why he burnt down their shed with fireworks. These were just three videos though; Kimmel says he ordered “about a dozen more of these.”

On its face, it’s a pretty lame prank. After all, the “prank” was just giving Santos money to do something he was happy to do, and the segment was basically free, nationwide advertising for Santos’s Cameo. Presumably, Kimmel will next “prank” a Starbucks employee by getting them to write his name on a coffee cup. Santos currently charges $500 a video, and claimed to The Spectator that he is set to hit $350,000 in revenue from it by the end of the month, and has made over 500 videos, with a log over 400 outstanding.

Some in Kimmel’s audience complained about giving the Trump-supporting Santos money for the segment, but it may get even worse for Kimmel, as it’s possible that he owes Santos tens of thousands of dollars.

The Cameo videos of Santos that went viral on Twitter had been requested for personal use, and then posted to Twitter for the delight of the world. By contrast, though Kimmel’s team used the personal use side of Cameo, those videos were purchased for inclusion on his TV show, arguably a commercial purpose, which would be covered by Cameo For Business; a separate branch that grants commercial rights for using Cameo videos, at a far higher rate.

As such, if Cameo’s terms of service are to be believed, Kimmel has underpaid Santos to the tune of tens of thousands on the four videos he has released so far. “The balance is $21,800 and change” according to Santos, which accounts for the videos and 50 percent business rush rate. The total cost of sixteen or so videos, with just a fifteen-day license, would be $40,000 ($60,000 with a rush fee). For a ninety-day license, that would be $99,008 (or $148,512 with a rush fee).

Santos claims that Cameo is supporting his effort for him to be properly recompensed for his efforts; and though it’s hard to take Santos too seriously, given his track record, Cameo has good reason to do so. Cameo has struggled hard in the post-Covid years, and Santos has returned the platform to a relevancy it hasn’t seen since its heyday. More importantly, if they want other creators to use the platform, they have to ensure that their terms of service are enforced. As of writing, Cameo hasn’t responded to requests for comment.

Referring to the title of Kimmel’s series, when The Spectator asked Santos if there were things he wouldn’t say, he was clear; “Oh I have a lot of things that I won’t say. I’ve rejected over sixty Cameos because they just had outrageous (expletive) that money can’t make me say.”

He said that he wouldn’t say “pro-Osama bin Laden stuff” — noting that “I lived through 911 as a New Yorker, and it’s not gonna happen, never” — and “having the background I have, I’m definitely not going to spew an ounce of antisemitism. It’s just not gonna happen.” Santos used to claim he was Jewish, before clarifying he was “Jew-ish”; and he also once claimed that his mother had died in 9/11 (she didn’t).

As he summed up, “There’s no money that could change that, nobody can pay me to change my guiding compass.”

When The Spectator asked Kimmel to address this charge of misusing the platform and shortchanging Santos, he ducked: “The idea that Mr. Santos would claim we shortchanged him and used credit card purchases improperly proves once and for all that the man is a comedy genius.”

But compliments only go so far. If Kimmel doesn’t pay up, Santos will see him in court; and he’s very familiar with courts by this point. “He’s having fun at my expense, but I’m laughing all the way to the bank.”

Santos’s Cameo went viral on Twitter last week thanks to some of the sillier messages he read out. In one clip, Santos helpfully advises that, “Botox keeps you young, fillers keeps you plump… If you have haters, that means you’re doing something right girl!”

In another, Santos tells “Heath” that he is “so proud of you for coming out as a furry,” and that all of his friends and family accept him for his new “beaver-puss” identity (which Santos helpfully informs us is “a beaver and a platypus.”)

Pennsylvania senator John Fetterman even brought attention to his campaign to expel New Jersey senator and reported Egyptian gold hoarder Bob Menendez by paying for a Cameo from Santos, in which he cheerfully encouraged Bobby from Jersey to “stand your ground, sir. And don’t get bogged down by all the haters out there!” Santos replied to the Fetterman campaign’s posting of the video; “I love this! I wish I knew the Bobby in question! LOL.”

Ross Anderson ... ing-20000/

by ti-amie 2024 Golden Globes Red Carpet

They (tried) to bring glamour back. Too bad so many don't know how to pose...

Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Greta Lee in Loewe

Jon Kopaloff
Florence Pugh in Valentino

Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Jennifer Lawrence in Dior and Tiffany & Co

Perfection is often as simple as this.

Monica Schipper/GA/Getty Images
Emma Stone in Louis Vuitton


Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Timothée Chalamet in Celine

This house is going for young men with relaxed but classic styling. I think he pulls this off.

by ti-amie Image
Gilbert Flores/Golden Globes 2024/Getty Images
Taylor Swift in Gucci

Maybe it's just me but this is boring. Her hair is always the same. She's doing nothing to sell the gown. If you didn't see her name your eyes would move on to someone else.

Michael Buckner/Golden Globes 2024/Getty Images
Margot Robbie in Armani Privé

For me Armani is all about tailoring and this is well done. I bet she'll never want to see pink again when award season is done

Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Rosamund Pike in Dior haute couture

Perfect look for a mature woman. I love the tea-length and the fact that she is actually posing. One of the best dressed (after Jennifer Lawrence)

Jon Kopaloff
Natalie Portman in Dior haute couture

Different woman, different look from Dior Haute Couture. She always seems to wear the same gown though.

Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Dua Lipa in Schiaparelli and Tiffany & Co

When you want to create talk about your gown but don't. She is styled well though.

by ti-amie Image
Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Barry Keoghan in Louis Vuitton

I wanted to dislike this but I don't. The mix of patterns is working here and the shirt gives the right finish to the look.

Gilbert Flores/Golden Globes 2024/Getty Images
Jennifer Aniston in Dolce & Gabbana

I'm as bored looking at this as she is taking the picture. She hasn't changed her look in at least 98 years (just kidding but she's looked the same since forever)

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Jennifer Lopez in Nicole + Felicia

I really don't like this. It's too much dress.

Gilbert Flores/Golden Globes 2024/Getty Images
Meryl Streep in Valentino

I dunno this fabric is too heavy. I like the concept but her torso looks like it's emerging from a cement block.

Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Ayo Edebiri in Prada

This is Prada wilding out and they're doing it well here. Her skin tone shows off the red, the length her wonderful ankles, and the style of shoe is perfect. Another best dressed.

by ti-amie Image
Michael Buckner/Golden Globes 2024/Getty Images
Ryan Gosling

No designer is taking credit for this and I don't blame them. He looks like the last guy that stumbled out of the bar at closing time.

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Lily Gladstone in Valentino

I'm proud of her achievement. My problem is why do designers have so many problems designing for women with large breasts? This is obviously off the rack since the fit is so bad, and no stylist worked with her to tell her how to present herself. If she'd pulled the coat up on her shoulders the effect of the gown would be different.

Jon Kopaloff
Carey Mulligan in Schiaparelli

This is vintage and she's showing it off well.

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Jeremy Allen White in Calvin Klein

Perfection. Look at his pants legs and how they hit the top of his boots. He looks like the guy who stepped over Ryan Gosling on his way out of the bar and climbed into the back seat of his limo after throwing a disdainful look at the guy passed out on the street.

Jon Kopaloff
Julianne Moore in Bottega Veneta

Well designed (that bodice could've been a disaster) and the bias cut of the gown is shown off well here.

by ti-amie Image
Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Billie Eilish in Willy Chavarria

Just for s**ts and giggles no?
Big clothing is in right now but, no.

Gilbert Flores/Golden Globes 2024/Getty Images
Angela Bassett in Dolce & Gabbana

She looks amazing! Mature women are representing on this carpet.

Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Riley Keough in Chanel haute couture

Chanel never knows when to stop IMO. I would like this better if the gown fell straight down with no break. I see how they matched the patterns perfectly but I don't like the breastplate with such a delicate fabric.

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Issa Rae in Pamella Roland

This is the best I've seen her look on a red carpet. This type of structured look works well on her.

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Brie Larson in Prada

The silhouette and styling are perfect. That fabric makes her look as if she's wearing fondant.

by ti-amie Image
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Fantasia Barrino in Dolce & Gabbana

Stop laughing!
If her people let her out in this, if her stylist thought this was a good look, they hate her. I mean the bodice is structured, then this silver fabric shows up, and the bottom looks like they ripped the curtains off the window of a tween's bedroom.

Believe it or not she was not the worst dressed. (It's a tie)

Michael Buckner/Golden Globes 2024/Getty Images
Simu Liu in Givenchy

The only miss is the cuffs. Otherwise this is perfect (I'm not a fan of his shoes either tbh)

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Reese Witherspoon in Monique Lhuillier

Nice. Boring.

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
America Ferrera in Dolce & Gabbana

America is too young for this look. She looks like the mother of the bride here, and what are those thingies on the gown supposed to be?

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Leonardo DiCaprio in Giorgio Armani

HIM in an ill fitting suit? An ill fitting Armani suit? SMH

by ti-amie Image
Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Pedro Pascal in Bottega Veneta

He's been in the business for years and is breaking out now. He's pulling off this look with ease (I'll see if I can find a closeup of his nails). If you haven't seen his WNL skits as a Latina mother you're missing out. Hi-larious
(He does one with Bad Bunny too)

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Kate Beckinsale

This look is so boring (I'm using that word a lot) but if they didn't tell you this was Kate Beckinsale would you know?

Jon Kopaloff
Colman Domingo in Louis Vuitton

I'm not a fan of the faux military look but look at how well tailored the suit is!

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Andra Day in Georges Chakra

Perfect from head to toe. Another Best Dressed

Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Ali Wong in Dior haute couture and Swarovski

Very nice. Very safe. Love her glasses

by ti-amie Image
Michael Buckner/Golden Globes 2024/Getty Images
Helen Mirren in Dolce & Gabbana

Helen Mirren still slaying. This is the best D&G look of the night for me. I hope Ms Gladstone takes a good long look at this picture to see how you wear a coat.

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Cillian Murphy in Saint Laurent

Even though I think he could've closed one more button on his shirt again the tailoring is perfection. Not a bit of sag in the pants leg. I'm glad he's getting recognized for Oppenheimer but he should've gotten awards for "Peaky Blinders".

Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Emily Blunt in Alexander McQueen

I've seen better from them

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Natasha Lyonne in Schiaparelli haute couture

Who gets your vote? Natasha or Fantasia?
Such a talented actor...

by ti-amie Image
Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Orlando Bloom

Well done.

Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Greta Gerwig in Fendi haute couture

Not bad

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Lenny Kravitz in Alexander McQueen

It works.

Jon Kopaloff
Quinta Brunson in Balmain

This is what you get when the designer, the stylist, and the actor work together. She's barely five feet tall and this is tailored to perfection. A best dressed.

Jon Kopaloff
Kristen Wiig in Giambattista Valli

Is this a gown for a woman or a little girl?

by ti-amie Image
Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Hailee Steinfeld in Prada

More fondant

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Bella Ramsey in Prada

Michael Buckner/Golden Globes 2024/Getty Images
Cailee Spaeny in Miu Miu

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Khalid Abdalla

This is actually very well done

Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Gillian Anderson in Gabriela Hearst

Why the unfinished hem though? This was almost a best dressed.

by ti-amie Image
Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Sarah Snook in Prabal Gurung

Nicely done. Says I may be mature but I'm going kicking and screaming...

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Heidi Klum in Sophie Couture

Too much dress

Michael Buckner/Golden Globes 2024/Getty Images
Andrew Scott in Valentino

If you're going to make a bold statement like this at least spend an hour at a tailor. The fit of the pants is just awful.

by ti-amie All images from Vogue UK ... red-carpet

by mmmm8
ti-amie wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 1:51 am Image
Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Barry Keoghan in Louis Vuitton

I wanted to dislike this but I don't. The mix of patterns is working here and the shirt gives the right finish to the look.
I'll dislike it for you! Is he punk or a matador?

I also disliked Helen Mirren's (first time for everything!)

by mmmm8 Fantasia's is by far the worst to me, Natasha Lyonne's at least looks interesting :)

by skatingfan
ti-amie wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 3:24 am Image
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Natasha Lyonne in Schiaparelli haute couture
This give all new meaning to 'It will ride up with wear.'


by ti-amie
skatingfan wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 1:21 am
ti-amie wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 3:24 am Image
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Natasha Lyonne in Schiaparelli haute couture
This give all new meaning to 'It will ride up with wear.'


by ti-amie


by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ti-amie There was another red carpet tonight for the Critics Choice Awards. There were several interesting choices made.

Lily Gladstone first showed up in an outfit that made her look like the great pumpkin to start award season. Christian Siriano has apparently come to the rescue.

by ti-amie

Has no one ever suggested she change her look?

Reese looks good.

by ti-amie

Perfection. Look at the pant legs on Jeremy Allen White

Matt Bomer looks like he's going to the senior prom.

I don't know the last person but I've been seeing a lot of men wearing Celine this year.

by ti-amie

She's been stepping up this award season. I like this.

by ti-amie

I had to look up Ariana Greenblatt because I'd never heard of her. She's sixteen, and she's a Disney kid. I will not drag a 16 year old.

Greta Gerwig otoh, this look they're all going for that makes women look like they're wearing their bed linens just doesn't do it for me.

by ti-amie

Men continuing to play with color and shape is fine. From a strictly fashion viewpoint this is perfection from the tailoring to the presentation. He looks better than the runway model. That said, for some reason I can't get the theme song from the old movie "Superfly" out of my head.

Tom Holland can afford to have his pants altered to fit better. I always felt Prada designed for men and women who are small in stature and build.

by ti-amie

So we've got the return of Superfly and heroin chic on one red carpet. Natasha Lyonne, honey, do something with yourself.

I don't like that gown on Christina Ricci. I wish they'd shown how it was presented on the runway.

by ti-amie

Calista Flockhart (and Harrison Ford)

by ti-amie

This is the best I've seen her look this season. It's not like JLo's over the top rose decorated gown at all. I bet she's going to play some psychopath in her next movie so she's not trapped in the Barbie role/image forever.

by ti-amie

Sigh. She and Aniston need new stylists for hair and makeup.

by ti-amie

Remember when Whoopi Goldberg used to show up to red carpets in man tailored outfits? Ayo is this years fashion darling and it's nice to see her show up here wearing the big clothes that are back and the round sunglasses giving Anderson.Paak vibes or going way back John Lennon.

by ti-amie

I would wear what Celine Song is wearing. Ruffalo, like Bomer, rocking the prom night look. I love the jewelry Sarah Snook is wearing. She doesn't look bad either.

I didn't mean to skip over Angela Bassett. She's done better.

by ti-amie

The pose Brie Larson strikes on the balcony in photo #3 shows what the gown is supposed show.

by ptmcmahon
ti-amie wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:55 am

Has no one ever suggested she change her look?
Maybe it's just my total lack of fashion knowledge, but as an outsider I've certainly never had any issues with her looking the same. If it ain't broke ... :)

by ptmcmahon
ti-amie wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2024 3:16 am

Calista Flockhart (and Harrison Ford)
Now it makes sense. She found someone who someday is going to look skinnier than her!

by ti-amie

Last one. Had to get Lenny in there.

by ti-amie
ptmcmahon wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2024 3:49 am
ti-amie wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2024 3:16 am

Calista Flockhart (and Harrison Ford)
Now it makes sense. She found someone who someday is going to look skinnier than her!
He looks really frail though doesn't he?

by ptmcmahon Yeah much more than I can remember before.

by ti-amie The Emmy's were last night. Here are some of the red carpet looks.

Best dressed. She spent time and had the gown tailored to her

by ti-amie

I like the makeup: I've always liked a dark lipstick and always wore it. I don't understand the gown.

by ti-amie

The waist of the skirt is too high. Otherwise this look would be perfect on her.

by ti-amie

This is the best she's looked so far this award season

by ti-amie

She's finally accepted she's not 25 anymore.

by ti-amie

Calista...I don't like gowns that start with one idea and end with another.

As for Ms Hahn there's a reason women stopped wearing blouses made of that material. Folks at Dior, why?

by ti-amie

Colman Domingo has been spectacular so far this award season. One of the best dressed.

Jeremy did you miss the prom?

by ti-amie

I guess Aubrey signed for the package...

by ti-amie

The gown is fitted to perfection and I kinda sorta like it except for the color.

by ti-amie

This was not what a woman late in her pregnancy should have worn. Then again she wanted people to talk about her and they are.

by ptmcmahon
ti-amie wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:29 pm

Colman Domingo has been spectacular so far this award season. One of the best dressed.
I can tell very little about fashion but I always think Colman looks good!

by ti-amie To me this is the most exquisite gown so far this season. If that skirt is tulle and it's crimped and pleated like that, wow. The bodice is the best rendition of that style I've seen this award season. Look at picture #3 where you see the work that went into creating it and how it fits her perfectly.

It's also good to see Fan Bing Bing who was rumored to have been blackballed for something or other by the authorities back and hopefully working again soon. She is a beautiful woman, and could be the lead in a costume/historical drama.

by Owendonovan
ti-amie wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:16 pm

I like the makeup: I've always liked a dark lipstick and always wore it. I don't understand the gown.
The backdrop is all wrong for this dress and in general.

by ti-amie When you look at how the gown Fan Bing Bing is wearing fits around the bust and how this fits Selena I wonder if the designer realized that for a full busted woman changes needed to be made? Then again this could be a case of Selena deciding she liked the dress and then not going for fittings to make alterations.

I agree. That print and the background are just too much.

ETA: I really like the point you made about the background and how it distracts from what Selena is wearing. Should the stylist and the person who will wear the outfit take that into account? I wonder how far in advance the event posts the backdrop for the red carpet?

by Owendonovan
ti-amie wrote: Thu Jan 18, 2024 3:17 am When you look at how the gown Fan Bing Bing is wearing fits around the bust and how this fits Selena I wonder if the designer realized that for a full busted woman changes needed to be made? Then again this could be a case of Selena deciding she liked the dress and then not going for fittings to make alterations.

I agree. That print and the background are just too much.

ETA: I really like the point you made about the background and how it distracts from what Selena is wearing. Should the stylist and the person who will wear the outfit take that into account? I wonder how far in advance the event posts the backdrop for the red carpet?
Agreed, she needs a boa or something to drape around here and there for that dress.

by ti-amie

It's JLo. It's always all about her. I have no idea what's going on with her eyes but the makeup seems to be a feature at this show.

by ti-amie

My first thought was what's up with those bangs but when she's seen from head to toe they work. I love seeing her knee-high's in the last picture. It's amazing how she can wear a gown like this like it's no big deal.

by ti-amie

Maybe I'm old but just because you can doesn't mean you should. There are other age appropriate ways of bringing the drama. She should talk to Helen Mirren's stylist.

by ti-amie

Rihanna wears this better than the runway model. People are either loving or hating the lipliner. It's really dramatic.

by skatingfan
ti-amie wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 11:35 pm It's JLo. It's always all about her. I have no idea what's going on with her eyes but the makeup seems to be a feature at this show.
Isn't she wearing sunglasses?

by ti-amie
skatingfan wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:15 am
ti-amie wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 11:35 pm It's JLo. It's always all about her. I have no idea what's going on with her eyes but the makeup seems to be a feature at this show.
Isn't she wearing sunglasses?
Word on the street is that she wore those glasses to cover up a bad bit of plastic surgery.

by ti-amie Pics are already up from the Grammy Red Carpet. The only warning I have is remember it's the Grammy's.

by ti-amie

I guess she's channeling Jane Fonda Barbarella...

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

Best dressed that I've seen so far

by ti-amie

Laverne looks great. I don't have any idea who the other person is.

by ti-amie

Kat Graham in Stephane Rolland FW23

Coco Jones in Celia Kritharioti SS24

Billie Eilish in Chrome Hearts x Barbie and Willy Chavarria; Finneas in Givenchy

Paris Jackson in custom Celine

Tyla in custom Versace

by ti-amie

I forgot Serena is a huge Green Day fan.

The girls need a bit more support...

by ti-amie

That's Linda (I don't get out of bed for less that $10grand) Evangelista.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ptmcmahon Like how they completely glossed over Jay-Z :)

Blue Ivy does not look 12 in that picture.

by ti-amie
ptmcmahon wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:09 pm Like how they completely glossed over Jay-Z :)

Blue Ivy does not look 12 in that picture.
The boots give away her age in my opinion. If she put on heels, even age appropriate dress shoes (low heeled pump matching her dress) he'd have had to fight 'em off with a stick.

Still. I need someone to explain the cowboy hat. Maybe her wig person couldn't make it to Los Angeles?
As for Beyonce's outfit I liked the runway/male version better. Her heels make it worse.

by ti-amie Image
Kevin Mazur Getty Images

It's good to see Celine venturing out.

by ti-amie All images via ... mmys-2024/

Taylor Swift
In custom Schiaparelli couture.

In Thom Browne.

Victoria Monét
In custom Atelier Versace.

Not everyone can wear Versace. One of the best dressed of the night

Ice Spice
In custom Baby Phat and Loree Rodkin jewelry.

Everything here, from the bad/cheap wig to the outfit is horrific. One of the worst dressed.

by ti-amie Image
In Atelier Versace.

This walks right up to tacky and stops short. She looks good in this.

Janelle Monáe
In custom Giorgio Armani Privé gown and Yeprem jewelry.

One of the best dressed.

Lana Del Rey
In vintage dress and Fred Leighton jewelry.


Halle Bailey
In Gucci dress and custom jewelry from Pandora in collaboration with Grete Henriette.

Another best dressed. She just had a baby too.

Brandi Carlile

by ti-amie Image
Kelly Clarkson
In custom Jason Wu gown and Jared Atelier jewelry.
She used the diabetes shot to lose weight and she looks good here

Doja Cat
In Dilara Findikoglu.
They say getting inked becomes an addiction
Not as bad as Ice Spice but close. The stylists did her no favor here either. Then again she hangs out on pro Nazi sites on line so...

Heidi Klum
In Lorraine Schwartz jewelry.
Heidi doing Heidi

Summer Walker
Are they doing a new production of Hello Dolly?

Coco Jones
In Celia Kritharioti dress and Swarovski body chain.

I think the v is a bit too deep but otherwise she looks good

by ti-amie Image
Coi Leray
In Saint Laurent with Jacob & Co. jewelry.

Moving on...

Bebe Rexha
In custom Robert Wun dress and jewelry from Graziela and Effy.

Samara Joy
In Carlton Jones dress.

I have two words: support bra!

Kat Graham
In Stéphane Rolland couture and Sterling Forever jewelry.

I hate this. It looks like a nun lost her mind and decided to redo her habit.

Fantasia Barrino
In Cong Tri.

Much, much better from her. Cong Tri is becoming one of the go to designers for red carpets.
Lose the diamond clip on the bottom lip though. It makes you look like you're drooling.

by ti-amie Image
Kylie Minogue
In custom Dolce & Gabbana.

If you can still do it mature doesn't have to mean demure. (See Heidi Klum above)

Allison Russell

This is a good example of perfect styling in a horrific dress. The bodice looks like they covered a floor tile with velvet and I have no idea how many boxes of aluminum foil went into making the skirt.
I have no idea who she is.

Paris Hilton
In Reem Acra gown.

Y'all remember her right?

Ayra Starr
In Jéblanc by Jeniece Blanchet.
Some people remembered this is the Grammy red carpet and not the Oscar red carpet

Sheila E.
Some people remembered this is the Grammy red carpet and not the Oscar red carpet

by ptmcmahon
ti-amie wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:46 pm
Paris Hilton
In Reem Acra gown.

Y'all remember her right?
I am embarrassed to say I sometimes still quote The Simple Life.

by ti-amie Image
Sofia Richie Grainge
In Yves Saint Laurent.

How to do very pregnant on a red carpet

In Jess Grindell couture.

What is this?!

Paris Jackson
In Celine dress.

Kelly Osbourne
In Christian Siriano dress.

Paty Cantú

by ti-amie Image
Eryn Allen Kane

There is just too much going on here.

Bonnie McKee

Please someone explain to me what that is on her head?

Analisse Rodriguez

Updated traditional

Rebecca and Megan Lovell

They're an act called Larkin Poe ?

Holly Laessig and Jess Wolfe

Not a clue

by ti-amie Image
Jessica Ledon and David Guetta

Jon Batiste
In Versace ensemble and Vacheron Constantin watch.

Alexis Roderick, Billy Joel, Della Joel, and Remy Joel

John Legend and Chrissy Teigen
Teigen in custom Sophie Couture.

Calvin Harris and Vick Hope
Hope in Kyha dress.

Some thought was put into their appearance as a couple on the red carpet

by ti-amie Image
Mark Ronson and Grace Gummer
In Gucci.

She's Meryl Streeps daughter.
It would've been nice if he'd worn a shirt and skipped the white socks.


Ed Sheeran

Lenny Kravitz
In Loree Rodkin jewelry.

Jack Antonoff

by ti-amie Image
In Dolce & Gabbana with a Jacob & Co. watch.

In Versace.

21 Savage

Busta Rhymes

We end with the Father of the Bride

by ti-amie The after party looks. There are 20 photos in all. Click into the first one and the names are at the bottom on the page. Then page right.

by Owendonovan Karman Elektra somehow still kicking on the red carpet.

by ti-amie
Owendonovan wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:48 am Karman Elektra somehow still kicking on the red carpet.
I thought she looked a bit rough around the edges but she's lived a life.

Can we talk about Megan Fox though?

by Oploskoffie
ti-amie wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 3:16 am Can we talk about Megan Fox though?
I was like "fine, let's talk about Megan..." And then I thought she wasn't in any of the pictures. And then, well... Oh dear...

by ti-amie Todays news of the stupid ignorant uneducated uninformed

Conservatives Schooled After Claiming Netflix 'Turned' Alexander The Great 'Gay' For Docuseries
After anti-woke conservatives complained on social media about the new Netflix docuseries 'Alexander: The Making of a God' and how it portrays his same-sex relationships with men, people pointed out that Alexander the Great had lovers of both sexes.
Alan Herrera
Feb. 07, 2024


Netflix's latest historical series, Alexander: The Making of a God, is facing criticism from conservative circles for its portrayal of the ancient Greek king, Alexander the Great, engaging in same-sex relationships.

The controversy erupted on social media, with prominent right-wing accounts, such as End Wokeness, condemning the series for "turning" Alexander gay "within the first 8 minutes."

Historians note that Alexander had both sexual and romantic relationships with men and women, including his general and bodyguard, Hephaestion.

In particular, the University of Cambridge Museums & Botanic Garden website recounts that Alexander mourned Hephaestion's death intensely, highlighting the deep emotional bond between them:

"Throughout his life, Alexander married 3 women and fathered at least 2 children but also had several male lovers. Amongst his closest relationships was that with his general and bodyguard Hephaestion, with their relationship often compared by ancient authors to that of the Homeric heroes Patroclus & Achilles who were considered to be a couple in classical literature."

"Alexander, upon his conquering of Persia, is said to have taken King Darius’ eunuch Bagoas as his lover."
"Hephaestion unfortunately perished from fever the year before Alexander’s death – Alexander was said to be devastated & ‘lay weeping on his comrade for a day & night before being pried away’. He cut his hair in mourning and staged elaborate funeral games to honour him."

These facts escaped conservatives who lashed out at Netflix.


Interestingly, these same facts did not escape Jacob Chansley—known widely as the "QAnon Shaman" for his participation in the January 6 insurrection—who issued the following response:

"Just FYI from my reading of history, Alexander the Great was a well known bisexual who actually preferred men."

End Wokeness' post drew almost immediate ridicule.
The Right are losing their minds because apparently they don’t know that Alexander The Great was famously bisexual. 🤣
“I love the poorly educated” - Trump
This isn't the first time Alexander's sexuality has triggered controversy.

In 2004, director Oliver Stone faced legal threats from Greek lawyers over his film Alexander, which depicted the king as bisexual. The lawyers argued that the film was defamatory and called for a disclaimer stating that it was a work of fiction.

Actor Colin Farrell, who portrayed Alexander in Stone's film, acknowledged the challenges of depicting historical relationships accurately. He revealed that filmmakers had considered including more same-sex content but were cautious about alienating homophobic audiences.

Alexander: The Making of a God is currently one of Netflix's most popular shows according to the streaming service’s public ranking system. The series consists of just six episodes, covering just a fraction of Alexander's life.

Netflix has not confirmed whether it has ordered a second season of the series. ... 83930.html

by ti-amie Remember that rag collection that Dolce and Gabbana called a gown Fantasia wore at the start of the red carpet season? The woman has not looked back. This is the best I've ever seen her look and I hope she hasn't peaked too soon because the Oscars are coming but :notworthy: to whoever is styling her now. This is a lot of dress and she's wearing it not the other way around.

This longer jacket look is one I've seen in K-dramas for almost a year now. In Korea they add another tier/jacket and wear the long jacket open on top of it. I think Louis Vuitton did a good job adapting the look for a thicker built European man. It's very slimming on Cooper. I can't bitch about the longer sleeve since it's now a thing.

Both are winners here.

by ti-amie Someone will have to explain this to me. And according to comments this is permanent and extremely painful. He was most likely unconscious during the procedure.

by ponchi101 Don´t they know that: YOU WILL GROW OLD, IDIOT. Let's see how that looks when you turn 40.

by ti-amie Austin Butler in both traditional and new men's looks. He's wearing both to perfection.

by ti-amie If you're wondering what his finger gesture means. I can't do it to save my life.

by skatingfan Butler looks like he has a posture issue in those photos - his head, and neck are quite a bit forward.

by ti-amie
skatingfan wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 12:07 am Butler looks like he has a posture issue in those photos - his head, and neck are quite a bit forward.
Now that you mention it I can't unsee it. Does it look worse in the blue brushed silk pics than in the black suit to you?

by skatingfan
ti-amie wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 12:46 am
skatingfan wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 12:07 am Butler looks like he has a posture issue in those photos - his head, and neck are quite a bit forward.
Now that you mention it I can't unsee it. Does it look worse in the blue brushed silk pics than in the black suit to you?
Yes, and I think the structure of the shirt with the high closed collar, and neck tie are forcing him to lift his head. Leaning your head forward with a neck tie on is very uncomfortable.

by Owendonovan I wonder if incessantly leaning over your phone, through the physically formative years of puberty, can create this kind of effect Butler seems to have?

by ti-amie I would agree with you Owen if it wasn't for the way he's holding his head in the black suit. It has a more traditional shirt and jacket collar and he seems to be holding his head in a more natural position.

I haven't posted pics here but these four people - Butler, Chalamet, Zendaya and Florence Pugh have been on a press tour that makes me tired just reading about it. Most of the pics focus on Zendaya and Chalamet but now I'm going to look for Butler.

Shakes fist at Owen! :lol:

by ti-amie The Dune press tour is now in New York. It's nice to see Zendaya bringing her own personal waiter with her.

by ti-amie I hate the bottom of the gown but I guess they had to something visually.

by ti-amie There was a SAG red carpet but I'll post that tomorrow.

by skatingfan
ti-amie wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:33 am I hate the bottom of the gown but I guess they had to something visually.
It fits with the look of the movie.

by ti-amie
skatingfan wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 3:00 am
ti-amie wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:33 am I hate the bottom of the gown but I guess they had to something visually.
It fits with the look of the movie.
Got it.

My daughter has been trying to get me into Dune but I hated the books and while I sat through the first one the only thing I can tell you is that the camera LOVES Chalamet.

I keep hearing that Dune 2 is awesome so I guess I have to sit through Dune 1 again.

Florence Pugh's look coming up next.

by ti-amie

No matter how I look at this I hate it. I love the fun they had with her eyes though.

by ti-amie

by skatingfan I like Chalamet's look.

by ti-amie
skatingfan wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:56 am I like Chalamet's look.
What's being done with leather these days is simply amazing.

by ti-amie

The designer didn't pair the skirt and jacket Portman is wearing on the runway. There's a reason for that.
I have never cared for Chanel and the suit Michelle Williams is wearing is part of the reason why.

by ti-amie 2024 SAG Red carpet via ... red-carpet

Photo: Getty Images
Greta Lee

Photo: Getty Images
Ali Wong

I hate gimmicks.

Photo: Getty Images
Emma Stone

Photo: Getty Images
Lily Gladstone

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Margot Robbie

I have no idea who/what her plus one is.

Photo: Getty Images
Carey Mulligan

Photo: Getty Images
Jessica Chastain

Photo: Getty Images
Colman Domingo

I think this is his worse look this red carpet season. Maybe it's the boots destroying the pants legs.

Photo: Getty Images
Ayo Edebiri

It's not gingham. I don't think she's failed yet this season.

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
America Ferrera

I would've done something different with her hair but otherwise she looks fabulous

Photo: Getty Images
Anne Hathaway

WTH with that huge buckle and a little bit of midriff showing? I love the necklace.

Photo: Getty Images
Cillian Murphy

I'm wearing this perfectly tailored suit. I did not want to be here so I will rebel by not tying my tie. TAKE THAT handlers.

Photo: Getty Images
Da’Vine Joy Randolph

Photo: Getty Images
Brie Larson

I like this but they could've cut down on the volume of the skirt a bit

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Danielle Brooks

Another one trying to sneak someone in and getting caught. This is literally two different dresses.

Photo: Getty Images
Reese Witherspoon

She's her usual comfortably daring self here.

Photo: Getty Images
Selena Gomez

Perfection. One of my choices for best dressed. This is how you design a dress for a woman with a large bust. The girls are supported well and the foundation being built into the gown gives her a nice silhouette.

Photo: Getty Images
Billie Eilish

Photo: Getty Images
Emily Blunt

I'm a little iffy about the necklace but otherwise this is well done. One of the best dressed.

by ti-amie Image
Photo: Getty Images
Meryl Streep

Photo: Getty Images
Fran Drescher

This looks a bit dated to me. Maybe it's the hair?

Photo: Getty Images
Jeremy Allen White

He's wearing boots and the pants legs are fine. Maybe he told the designer he was wearing boots and gave them time to make the adjustment?

Photo: Getty Images
Bradley Cooper

The tux is off the rack and his tie is crooked.

Photo: Getty Images
Tracee Ellis Ross

by Jeff from TX
ti-amie wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:31 pm Image
Photo: Getty Images
Margot Robbie

I have no idea who/what her plus one is.

Jeff: I think the comforter from dream Barbie's bedroom got tied up with her sash and had no more time to fix it. Her handlers said "walk!"

by ti-amie derek guy
Some comments on the Oscars outfits. The following isn't meant to be mean or shame anyone, but just to help people develop an eye for certain details so that they can be better at deciding what fits them when shopping. 🧵

The velvet, shawl collar dinner jacket here is meant to convey elegance, but the cut ruins the effect. The jacket is too short, the pants are too tight, and the shirt collar is too low on his neck. Compare to Redford in 1974.

Trousers and sleeves should be hemmed. If you want to wear a black dress shirt with a black suit, I think it would look better if the dress shirt was made in a more casual material, like a black denim Western shirt worn without a tie. Outfit is very "welcome to Applebee's."

Very bad material for tailoring. If you want to use a slightly shinier fabric for an evening event, try wool-mohair. It will drape better and not make you look like you're wearing polyester. The fabric here also highlights all the problems with the fit.


by ti-amie derek guy

Not bad, but it would look better if the trousers were pressed (not steamed) and if the jacket was a little longer. A suit jacket should end roughly halfway from your collar to the floor when you're in heeled shoes. Doesn't the silhouette on the right look better?

I think double-breasted jackets look better with a slightly lower buttoning point. This will elongate the lapel line and give you a better V-shaped silhouette. The sleeves on the left also look too tight.

by ti-amie derek guy

The sleeves are too short, and the trousers are too narrow. Dinner suits (aka tuxedos) should also always be worn with some kind of waist covering, such as a cummerbund or vest. If you are wearing a DB tuxedo, you can forgo the waist covering if you never unbutton the jacket.

Terrific. One of the few "innovative DB" designs I've seen. Beautifully tailored, drapes well, and looks elegant. The detail around the fastening point is nice without being gimmicky.

I suspect his lapels are buckling away from his body and his jacket is twisting on him because his armholes are too low. Possibly a ready-made designer garment or made-to-measure. Compare his jacket to any dance scene by Fred Astaire.

by ti-amie derek guy

Well done!! Beautifully tailored, well proportioned, no puckering or pulling. The outfit is tastefully put together.

I think he would look better in a slightly longer jacket, but the outfit is still very beautifully tailored. And I like the cowboy boots.

The "innovations" here don't feel like they add anything: the velvet collar, the trim short jacket, the black dress shirt with tonal tie (very high school prom), and the last button being fastened (was this intentional?). I'd scrap the entire outfit and put him in something else

by ti-amie .38.45
@dieworkwear what about Cillian?


derek guy

He looks great. I wish I saw that photo earlier, as I would have loved to include it as an example of "very well done."

by ti-amie I'll do a full red carpet post tomorrow.
My daughter and I disagree about how America looks here. I LOVE how she's wearing that Versace gown. Where we disagree is her hair. I think it's too casual.

by ti-amie Perfection

by ti-amie She's wearing the hell out of this Versace as well but why the "I'm going to the mall" hair? Too casual.

by ti-amie I think @derekguy would approve of Roger's look.

by ti-amie Red Carpet Looks via ... hotos.html

Ariana Grande, one of the ceremony’s presenters, in Giambattista Valli.Credit...Nina Westervelt for The New York Times

I guess there is someone in there wearing this gown. I can't believe it walked in on its own...

Billie Eilish
Nina Westervelt for The New York Times

Her schtick is getting old...

Greta Lee of “Past Lives,” which was nominated for best picture, in Loewe.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

Emma Stone
Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

I would like this better if the designer had chosen either the peplum or the train instead of both.

by ti-amie Image
Bradley Cooper (in Louis Vuitton), nominated for best actor and best original screenplay for “Maestro,” with his mother, Gloria Campano.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

Why the blue buttons though?

Da'vine Joy Randolph in Louis Vuitton Credit...Frederic J. Brown Agence French Press - Getty Images

Carey Mulligan, nominated for best actress for “Maestro,” in Balenciaga.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

Talk about retro looks. She pulls it off although walking in that must be a...bit difficult

Ryan Gosling, a nominee for best supporting actor and one of the ceremony’s most anticipated performers, in Gucci.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

I guess no one told him this was the Oscar red carpet not the GG's or the Grammy's.

Cillian Murphy Invision via Associated Press

I chose the close up here because the detailing on the shirt is exquisite. I'm also glad he tied the tie this time.

by ti-amie Image
Charlize Theron, one of the ceremony’s presenters, in Dior.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

Mahershala Ali, one of the ceremony’s presenters.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

No tie? Since he's the actor I'll leave his partner alone. They're both too casual for an Oscar Red Carpet.

Robert Downey Jr., winner of the Oscar for best supporting actor, for “Oppenheimer,” and his wife, the producer Susan Downey, both in Saint Laurent.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

Since she's in the business and is listed by name I will ask why she looks angry in that ill fitting gown.
We all know what Downey Jr has been through and I hate to drag him but really dude? Again this is the Oscars not the Golden Globes. I should mention that Ms Downey has been with him through it all. It's just an odd choice on such a big night for him.

Jennifer Lawrence, one of the ceremony’s presenters, in Dior.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

This is a perfect look for her. She's perfectly styled from head to toe. I don't have a problem with long hair at a formal event it just needs to be styled. Margot Robbie didn't style her hair. Jennifer did and it makes all the difference.

Emily Blunt (in Schiaparelli), nominated for best supporting actress for “Oppenheimer,” and her husband, John Krasinski (in Brioni).Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

Matchy matchy and it doesn't work for me.

by ti-amie Image
Jon Batiste, in Zegna, a nominee for best original song and one of the ceremony’s performers, and Suleika Jaouad Batiste, a star of “American Symphony,” in Atelier Jolie.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

Well he's a musician. I like that men are playing with color but I think this is a bit casual for the Oscars.

Sterling K Brown a nominee for Best Supporting Actor
Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

I like the playfulness of this look. It's formal, very well styled and yet you see the man's personality. One of the best dressed men

Florence Pugh of “Oppenheimer,” which won the Oscar for best picture, in Del Core.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

I haven't liked anything she's done this season but then again she was up against Zendaya who was being styled by Law Roach during the Dune 2 promo tour. That said I saw another look at this from the front and I hope to post it later. The fabric is very difficult to work with and she looks decent enough.

Greta Gerwig, nominated for best adapted screenplay for “Barbie,” in Gucci.Credit...Nina Westervelt for The New York Times

Nothing to see here. Moving on.

Matthew McConaughey, one of the ceremony’s presenters, and his wife, Camila Alves McConaughey, both in Versace.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

Was this award show bath optional? Both he and Gosling looked as if they rolled out of bed and threw on their clothing.

by ti-amie Image
Lupita Nyong’o, one of the ceremony’s presenters, in Armani.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

Lupita looks good here. Armani used a "peplum" of feathery material at the waist and repeated the look at the hem. No train. I love the color on her.

Melissa McCarthy, one of the ceremony’s presenters, in Christian Siriano.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

I usually love Siriano but this doesn't hit right for me. I'm not a fan of the huge swath of material wrapped around the wearer.

Chris Hemsworth, one of the ceremony’s presenters.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

Bro culture on the Oscar Red Carpet. At least he looks as if he bathed.

Kate McKinnon, one of the ceremony’s presenters, in Akris.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

Despite the statement choker this comes across as too casual for the Oscars Red Carpet

Michelle Yeoh, one of the ceremony’s presenters, in Balenciaga.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

by ti-amie Image
Justine Triet, winner of the Oscar for best original screenplay, for “Anatomy of a Fall,” in Louis Vuitton.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times


Martin Scorsese, nominated for best director for “Killers of the Flower Moon,” in Armani.Credit...Nina Westervelt for The New York Times

Well tailored looks good at any age

Regina King, one of the ceremony’s presenters, in Versace.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

Another woman wearing Versace well

William Belleau of “Killers of the Flower Moon,” which was nominated for best picture.Credit...Nina Westervelt for The New York Times

Christopher Nolan, winner of the Oscar for best director, for “Oppenheimer,” and his wife, the producer Emma Thomas (in Rodarte).Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

by ti-amie Image
Jeffrey Wright, nominated for best actor for “American Fiction,” in Armani.Credit...Nina Westervelt for The New York Times

The cuffs! If not for that he'd be one of the best dressed men

Jodie Foster, nominated for best supporting actress for “Nyad,” in Loewe.Credit...Jutharat Pinyodoonyachet for The New York Times

Other than putting on a nice gown did she even try?

Leah Lewis of “Elemental,” which was nominated for best animated feature.Credit...Nina Westervelt for The New York Times

I've seen this from another angle and it's a really pretty ethereal gown. This angle doesn't do it justice.

Ava DuVernay in Louis Vuitton.Credit...Nina Westervelt for The New York Times

Belt buckles for straps? Miss me.

David OyelowoCredit...Nina Westervelt for The New York Times

I have no idea what's going on here.

by ti-amie Portraits from the Vanity Fair after party are interesting studies. My fave is the best director winner and his wife.

by ti-amie Zendaya is promoting her new tennis related movie "Challengers" and showed up at the London premier dressed and styled by Law Roach. I'm not a big Thom Browne fan but I think this is such an interesting take on a tennis kit. Will someone try and adjust it for real match play?

by skatingfan
ti-amie wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 8:41 pm Zendaya is promoting her new tennis related movie "Challengers" and showed up at the London premier dressed and styled by Law Roach. I'm not a big Thom Browne fan but I think this is such an interesting take on a tennis kit. Will someone try and adjust it for real match play?
I feel like the the most adventurous stylish players like Serena, and Muguruza have left the sport at the moment, and I'm not sure who really fills that role at the moment. Maybe Gauff in a few years - if she wore the skirt at Wimbledon, and then removed it prior to playing it could be something.

by ti-amie
skatingfan wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:09 pm
ti-amie wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 8:41 pm Zendaya is promoting her new tennis related movie "Challengers" and showed up at the London premier dressed and styled by Law Roach. I'm not a big Thom Browne fan but I think this is such an interesting take on a tennis kit. Will someone try and adjust it for real match play?
I feel like the the most adventurous stylish players like Serena, and Muguruza have left the sport at the moment, and I'm not sure who really fills that role at the moment. Maybe Gauff in a few years - if she wore the skirt at Wimbledon, and then removed it prior to playing it could be something.
That is a great style idea about the skirt.

You're right about the players and style right now. The kits are mostly bland and boring.

by ti-amie Here's a retrospective on Serena's on court looks. Puma kits were really well designed.

by ponchi101
skatingfan wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:09 pm
ti-amie wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 8:41 pm Zendaya is promoting her new tennis related movie "Challengers" and showed up at the London premier dressed and styled by Law Roach. I'm not a big Thom Browne fan but I think this is such an interesting take on a tennis kit. Will someone try and adjust it for real match play?
I feel like the the most adventurous stylish players like Serena, and Muguruza have left the sport at the moment, and I'm not sure who really fills that role at the moment. Maybe Gauff in a few years - if she wore the skirt at Wimbledon, and then removed it prior to playing it could be something.
Mugu? I always felt she dressed so conservatively.
Tells you how much I know about fashion.

by ti-amie Zendaya doing a homage to Venus Williams and Serena Williams during (at the end of?) her press tour for her tennis related movie Challengers. Great work by her and her stylist Law Roach.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie Live and learn.

by ti-amie The Met Gala was last night. I thought it would be better to just let others do the presentation/talking this time with all the legal stuff going on. Here's the theme:
Borrowed from English writer J.G. Ballard's 1962 short story of the same name, the Met Gala 2024's “Garden of Time” theme worked in conjunction with the Costume Institute's spring exhibition, “Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion.”
And yes Zendaya wore two looks

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

Sam Smith and his partner

by ti-amie

by ti-amie derek guy
*chef's kiss* perfecto


by ti-amie

by ti-amie

You either love or hate this.

by ti-amie

I still don't know exactly what her claim to fame is but she is the epitome of "sand" in her gown and with her accessory.

by ti-amie This is wonderful and in the theme of fantasy.

by ti-amie


by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

On site...

by ti-amie

Sorry but WTF...oh nevermind. Stunning

by ti-amie
She has really shown that a physically large as in tall and thick woman can be beautifully dressed. She didn't start out like that.

by ti-amie

This is better than what she wore on the red carpet.

Another miss by her

by ti-amie

Her worst look of the season for me

Great job by her stylist

I don't like this

by ti-amie
I hate everything about this look

I guess he's the Mad Hatter? I don't like the fabric or anything about this either

by ti-amie

The dress is too long

by ti-amie
All they could find was aluminum foil to make a dress for her?

The waist should be about 3/4 of an inch lower

If you say so Anna.

by ti-amie

I think Idris in briefs and an undershirt would look better than most of the men last night.

by Owendonovan In some ways I wish they would really go all-in and take it a step further. You'd only wear anything showed there to a gala or red carpet event, not to dinner, camp it up or something.

by ti-amie
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 07, 2024 11:14 pm
Here is the backstory.

by ti-amie I don't like Serena's gown. And I really don't like the first picture that makes it look like Serena has a swollen lip. The second picture is fine.

by ti-amie There was video circulating on Reddit yesterday about the horrible treatment the K-pop band Stray Kids received from the photographers on the Red Carpet. Billboard picking up the story is a very big deal and takes it global instead of staying a story within the Asian Diaspora.

Met Gala Photographers’ Stray Kids Ridicule Exposes Need for Greater Cultural Inclusivity in Western Entertainment
Perhaps the prospect of shooting an eight-member K-pop boy band could be a new professional challenge instead of something to bemoan.
By Jeff Benjamin

The 2024 Met Gala should have been a strictly star-powered triumph for Stray Kids, when the current faces of Tommy Hilfiger set a historic first at fashion‘s biggest night out. Yet amid the glamour, Stray Kids fans — and, possibly, some of the members themselves — were left with the experience marred by their disrespectful treatment by red-carpet photographers, highlighting the systemic barriers still faced by non-Western artists in Hollywood.

The eight-member Billboard 200 chart-toppers attending the Met Gala marked the first time an entire group has hit the glitzy gala together. Making their Met Gala debut in custom-designed suits alongside Tommy Hilfiger himself, members Bang Chan, Changbin, Lee Know, Hyunjin, Felix, Han, Seungmin and I.N arrived at the Metropolitan Museum of Art collectively in navy jackets that would soon reveal the custom ‘fits in various shades of the clothing brand’s signature red, white and blues underneath.

But a few feet away, amid the flurry of camera flashes that surrounded all sides of the Gala entrance, derogatory comments from on-site photographers groaning about the group’s “robot” demeanor, annoyed that the reveal took place with their backs to one group of photogs, and thinking the band would only understand Korean reveal the thinly veiled prejudices that still plague the industry.

(Note: The video below includes subtitles that don’t always match what can be heard.)

As The Daily Mail noted, some paps said people would get “confused” because the group took photos with their coats on and off — a racist stereotype that people of Asian descent are challenging to differentiate visually. One photographer can be heard making his peers laugh after joking that viewers would think “two K-pop bands” attended the 2024 Met Gala. (From this reporter’s findings from the last 48 hours, no one has made that mistake.)

The incident shed light on the unfair challenges international celebrities like Stray Kids face navigating less familiar territory in pursuit of global success.

Despite instances where SKZ easily and comfortably adapted to the American media landscape via live interviews like BUILD Series or People TV, last year’s MTV VMAs, or various Fashion Weeks, the singers still face barriers and a dismissive attitude toward their presence. It reflects a lack of understanding while underscoring the need for greater cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in entertainment.

Most of the Kids’ media experience is with Korean and Japanese events, which have systems and red carpets structured differently than in the States. At a typical K-pop event, press conference or awards show, there is a platform for artists to pose for photographers who are all collectively shooting together during a dedicated photo time. Guided by an MC, host or team leader like Bang Chan, the artists almost always coordinate their pose to their left, center and right for everyone to get a range of angles and shots. After that dedicated time, photogs are left to their own devices to get the best pics.

With this context, Stray Kids did attempt to show love to all sides of the photographers on the Met Gala carpet by staggering themselves so four members were more forward toward one side of the cameras and then turning around so the other four were more forward for the second group of photogs. Also of note: While the photographers knew Stray Kids were a K-pop act, members Bang Chan and Felix grew up in Australia and Seungmin spent some time living in Los Angeles; assuming that an English comment would slide past them (including “What’s Korean for ‘right’?,” which elicited laughs from the paps) is incredibly close-minded.

While it is important to understand that photographers need usable and workable photos to fulfill their livelihoods, the diversity that Stray Kids bring to a function like the Met Gala should be celebrated rather than marginalized. Perhaps the prospect of shooting an eight-member boy band could be a new professional challenge instead of something to bemoan.

Korean artists have been attending the Met Gala for over a decade, with guests like PSY and Siwon of Super Junior attending more than 10 years ago and, more recently, seeing the likes of BLACKPINK‘s Jennie coming for her second Met Gala this year. Considering fashion’s consistent and growing affinity for K-pop partnerships, even more K-pop groups are likely to attend in the future.

Whether the comments were heard or not, Stray Kids moved with grace and poise on the carpet, and their presence alone reminds us of the importance of inviting and embracing different cultures, people and perspectives.

From the reality show that created their group in 2017, Stray Kids have had an unwavering determination to defy expectations and rise above adversity. Despite obstacles, the band’s overarching talent, humility, and tireless spirit to continue forward are not only recognized by one of the world’s most prestigious events but increasingly felt across the different Billboard charts. As they continue to break boundaries and challenge norms, Stray Kids can show how they won’t just make waves in the music industry, but help reshape long-held perceptions and inspire greater change. ... 235676602/

by ti-amie Here is Hilfiger and the members of Stray Kids (two of whom are Australian) getting dressed for the Gala. It shows the beautiful tailoring and the thought that went into each mans suit.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by Owendonovan I couldn't get through the entire video.
It's hard to watch, I stopped where he starts to drag her.

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs seen physically assaulting Cassie Ventura in 2016 surveillance video obtained by CNN
By Sandra Gonzalez and Elizabeth Wagmeister


A 2016 surveillance video obtained exclusively by CNN shows Sean “Diddy” Combs grab, shove, drag and kick his then-girlfriend Cassie Ventura during an altercation that matches allegations in a now-settled federal lawsuit filed by Ventura in November.

The footage, compiled from multiple camera angles dated March 5, 2016, appears to show the rapper, producer and business mogul during an incident that, according to Ventura’s complaint, occurred at the now-closed InterContinental Hotel in Century City, Los Angeles. CNN verified the location based on publicly available photos of the former hotel’s interior.

In the video, Ventura exits a hotel room and walks to a bank of elevators. Combs, holding a towel around his waist, runs down a hall after Ventura. He grabs her by the back of the neck and throws her to the floor. Still holding his towel closed with one hand, he then turns to kick her, the video shows.

As Ventura is on the ground, Combs retrieves a purse and suitcase from the floor near the elevators. He turns around and kicks Ventura again as she lies motionless on the floor. About four seconds transpire between the two kicks, according to the video. He then briefly drags Ventura by her sweatshirt toward a room before walking away.

Ventura is then seen slowly standing up. She gathers items from the floor and moves to pick up a phone on the hallway wall near the elevators. Combs, still in a towel and socks, returns. A mirror directly across from the security camera shows Combs appearing to shove Ventura.

Seconds later, he sits down on a chair, grabs an object off a table and forcefully throws it toward Ventura. Combs is seen walking away, then turns toward Ventura once again when an elevator door opens and someone appears to exit.

Ventura, who reached an undisclosed settlement with Combs, declined to comment on the video obtained by CNN.

Ventura’s attorney, Douglas H. Wigdor, said: “The gut-wrenching video has only further confirmed the disturbing and predatory behavior of Mr. Combs. Words cannot express the courage and fortitude that Ms. Ventura has shown in coming forward to bring this to light.”
CNN has reached out to representatives for Combs for comment. Combs has previously denied Ventura’s allegations.

When contacted by CNN, a representative for InterContinental Hotels said on Friday, “This hotel is no longer under IHG management, and we do not have any access to prior incident records or footage.”

Ventura’s lawsuit
Combs and Ventura, a model and singer known for songs like “Me & U,” were in an off-and-on relationship from 2007 – 2018. The two were photographed together at the Los Angeles premiere of the film “A Perfect Match” on March 7, 2016.

According to Ventura’s complaint, which cited the altercation as occurring “around March 2016,” Combs became “extremely intoxicated and punched Ms. Ventura in the face, giving her a black eye.”

After Combs fell asleep, Ventura attempted to leave the hotel room, but he woke up and “followed her into the hallway of the hotel while yelling at her,” the complaint said.

“He grabbed at her, and then took glass vases in the hallway and threw them at her, causing glass to crash around them as she ran to the elevator to escape,” the complaint alleged.

After Ventura got in the elevator, her complaint states that she took a cab to her apartment.

“Upon realizing that her running away would cause Mr. Combs to be even angrier with her, and completely stuck in his vicious cycle of abuse, Ms. Ventura returned to the hotel with the intention of apologizing for running away from her abuser,” the complaint claims. “When she returned, hotel security staff urged her to get back into a cab and go to her apartment, suggesting that they had seen the security footage showing Mr. Combs beating Ms. Ventura and throwing glass at her in the hotel hallway.”

The complaint alleges Combs paid the InterContinental Century City $50,000 for the hallway security footage of the incident. The incident was part of a number of allegations made in the November lawsuit in which Ventura claimed she was raped in 2018 and subjected to years of repeated physical and other abuses by Combs.
Ventura, who was formally signed to Combs’ label, claimed in her suit that he “exerted his power and influence” over her throughout the course of their professional and romantic relationship. According to the complaint, she was 19 when they met and Combs was 37, and their business relationship lasted until 2019. It detailed claims that Combs was physically violent toward Ventura and forced her to engage in various sex acts with other men during that time.

Ben Brafman, an attorney for Combs, said in a statement to CNN on the day it was filed, “Mr. Combs vehemently denies these offensive and outrageous allegations.”

The suit was resolved the following day.

“A decision to settle a lawsuit, especially in 2023, is in no way an admission of wrongdoing,” Brafman told CNN in a statement at the time. “Mr. Combs‘ decision to settle the lawsuit does not in any way undermine his flat-out denial of the claims. He is happy they got to a mutual settlement and wishes Ms. Ventura the best.”

Details of the settlement were not disclosed.

Ongoing legal issues
Since November, Combs has faced five other civil lawsuits accusing him of a range of sexual misconduct and other illegal activity. He has denied the allegations, and the cases remain active.

Authorities searched Combs’ homes in California and Florida in March as part of a federal investigation carried out by a Department of Homeland Security team that handles human trafficking crimes, according to a senior federal law enforcement official briefed on the investigation. The investigation stems from many of the same sexual assault allegations put forth in the civil lawsuits, according to a second law enforcement source familiar with the searches.

Aaron Dyer, an attorney for Combs, issued a statement at the time, calling the searches a “gross overuse of military-level force.”

“This unprecedented ambush – paired with an advanced, coordinated media presence – leads to a premature rush to judgment of Mr. Combs and is nothing more than a witch hunt based on meritless accusations made in civil lawsuits,” he said. “There has been no finding of criminal or civil liability with any of these allegations. Mr. Combs is innocent and will continue to fight every single day to clear his name.” ... index.html

by ponchi101 This is one thing that I don't get. Why are these kind of acts allowed to be settled? You are basically putting a price on violence. And if you can pay it...

by ti-amie It's been common knowledge for many years the Sean Combs is a PoS. It's one thing to "know" because it was word on the street but it's another thing to see it and be forced to come to grips with what is now known because everyone has seen and knows. I don't think he's released a statement either because after all what is left to say?

by ti-amie LA District Attorney explains why he can’t prosecute Diddy after video of him punching and kicking Cassie
Oliver O'Connell New York, Mike Bedigan

The office of Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón has said charges cannot be brought against Sean “Diddy” Combs following the circulation online of a video showing the music mogul punching and kicking his former girlfriend Casandra “Cassie” Ventura.

A statement, released on Friday, said: “We are aware of the video that has been circulating online allegedly depicting Sean Combs assaulting a young woman in Los Angeles. We find the images extremely disturbing and difficult to watch.

“If the conduct depicted occurred in 2016, unfortunately we would be unable to charge as the conduct would have occurred beyond the timeline where a crime of assault can be prosecuted.

“As of today, law enforcement has not presented a case related to the attack depicted in the video against Mr Combs, but we encourage anyone who has been a victim or witness to a crime to report it to law enforcement or reach out to our office for support from our Bureau of Victims Services.”

Captured from multiple angles and obtained first by CNN, the footage shows Combs in a towel chasing Ms Ventura down the hallway before attacking her near elevators. He then attempts to drag her back down the corridor.


According to CNN, Combs later paid the InterContinental Century City $50,000 for the hallway security footage.

The video appears to corroborate several allegations made in a lawsuit brought by Ms Ventura in 2023, in which she claimed she was trafficked, raped and beaten by Combs on many occasions over 10 years.

According to the complaint, which cited the altercation as occurring “around March 2016,” Combs became “extremely intoxicated and punched Ms Ventura in the face, giving her a black eye”.

After the mogul fell asleep, Ms Ventura had attempted to leave the hotel room, but he woke up and “followed her into the hallway of the hotel while yelling at her”, the complaint said.

“He grabbed at her, and then took glass vases in the hallway and threw them at her, causing glass to crash around them as she ran to the elevator to escape,” it stated.

The lawsuit also claimed that Combs brought the singer into his “ostentatious, fast-paced, and drug-fueled lifestyle” not long after she met him, and signed her to his label in 2005 when she was just 19 and he was 37.

Ms Ventura said that the pattern of abuse began as soon as their relationship started and that, as she was trying to end it in 2018, he forced himself into her Los Angeles home and raped her.

The lawsuit against Combs was settled a day after she filed it for an undisclosed amount of money.

Ms Ventura told CNN at the time she had chosen to “resolve this matter amicably”, while Combs’ attorney said the settlement was “in no way an admission of wrongdoing” and didn’t change his denial of the allegations.

The Independent has contacted representatives for both Combs and Ms Ventura for comment about the incident shown in the surveillance footage.

It comes amid a string of civil lawsuits leveled at the rapper and music mogul which have accused him of sex trafficking, sexual abuse and rape.

Federal agents with US Homeland Security raided two of the rapper’s houses in Los Angeles and Miami on 25 March as he faces a string of accusations. These date as far back as the 1990s, when he founded his record label, Bad Boy Records.

Combs has strongly denied all of the allegations against him. His attorneys have branded the lawsuits and their accusations as money grabs, “baseless” or “sickening.” The entertainer has not been formally charged or accused by federal prosecutors of any crime. ... 47334.html

by Owendonovan
ponchi101 wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 11:38 am This is one thing that I don't get. Why are these kind of acts allowed to be settled? You are basically putting a price on violence. And if you can pay it...
I'm curious who/what will be the reckoning of the have/have nots. This tiered version of justice is being used more and more through these kinds of civil lawsuits, non-compete and NDA's. It's whole different level of freedom I'd love to experience to feel the difference.

by ti-amie Is this really the President of Argentina? Why is he dressed like this?!

by ponchi101 He is famous down here for his scruffy looks. Makes him more "relatable". (Talking about the argie president)
Argentinian men are usually very poorly dressed and coiffed. My GF, for example, finds it odd (and likes it) that I do go to the barber with frequency. And that I do get my beard trimmed.