by ti-amie A player got a Flagrant 2 called on him and was ejected from a game last night.
I'm surprised Bill Laimbeer isn't in every one of these. #justsaying

by ponchi101 I am not saying that was good. It had to be stopped.
But when some players complain about how physical the game is today, I have to wonder what they would have said if they had ever played against Moses Malone. He did not commit flagrant fouls but, if he was going for the rebound, you better had been ready for one or two broken ribs.
Or be Rodman.

And it was 82 games of that.
I never saw Jordan backing down from anybody, even Laimbeer.

BTW. I saw the game last night. Compared to what happened in that game, the fouls displayed above are like Flagrant 4 or 5.

by Fastbackss I miss basketball like that.

by ti-amie
Fastbackss wrote: Thu Jan 28, 2021 9:21 pm I miss basketball like that.

Me too.

by JazzNU I miss it too.

There have been some of the softest technicals called in the history of fouls called this year. Draymond getting a tech for yelling at his own teammate that knocked him out of the game. Kelly Oubre for blowing a damn kiss. It's insane, they've got to dial it back. They rescinded Draymond's, but it's not like they did it quick enough to get him back in the game, so still not okay.

The team I think of that would scare today's players is definitely the Bad Boys of Detroit. But the player that comes to mind first that I think none of them would want any part of is Charles Oakley.

by ponchi101
JazzNU wrote: Thu Jan 28, 2021 11:05 pm I miss it too.

The team I think of that would scare today's players is definitely the Bad Boys of Detroit. But the player that comes to mind first that I think none of them would want any part of is Charles Oakley.
I had forgotten the man. Playing basket-brawl.

by Fastbackss I grew up a Knick fan. I loved how hard nosed they were. I had an Oak t-shirt as well as an Anthony Mason "mase in yo face" shirt. Went to a charity dinner and Mason sat at my table. The man was so broad it was scary. RIP

PS - team Oak over Dolan all day every day.

by ti-amie None of today's players would last a quarter against the Bad Boys of Detroit. They'd all run off the court crying for their mothers.

Even Lebron although I think if he'd had a chance t work with Laimbeer...

by JazzNU Great WNBA news today.

by ponchi101 Good news indeed. Having that grifter as an owner of a team did not look good for the league.

by JazzNU

by ti-amie Too much, too soon for Blake. They got him out of the clutches of the Trashians but he hasn't been the same player since. I'm not sure what he will bring to another team.

by ponchi101 He can help several teams. The issue will be salary; he is no longer a premium player.

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Fri Mar 05, 2021 7:04 pm He can help several teams. The issue will be salary; he is no longer a premium player.
Thanks for clarifying what I meant. :)

by JazzNU Nets are in the lead to get him. Yes, I'm serious.

by JazzNU

by ponchi101 Conflict of feelings. I would like Griffin to win a ring. I don't want Harden to.
I guess they are the favorites in the East, if they stay healthy.
ASG: Curry's three point win was ridiculous. Hitting those two green balls was absurd.

by JazzNU Steph is having a night. It's been great.

The 3-point contest has always been my favorite, even before they got stars to compete in it. I like the changes they've made, and love that they made it 2 rounds this year with the game being played right after. Mike Conley was great, I'm glad he was able to get his moment there before Steph stole every ounce of his thunder.

by ponchi101 My take: Conley has been an underrated player all of his career, because he was in Memphis. I am rooting for Utah this year because they have several players that I would like to see win a ring, Conley being one. Plus, I would love to hear Mitchell ask Shaq "what do you say now?"

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 3:14 am My take: Conley has been an underrated player all of his career, because he was in Memphis. I am rooting for Utah this year because they have several players that I would like to see win a ring, Conley being one. Plus, I would love to hear Mitchell ask Shaq "what do you say now?"
You're the second person to say Utah is the team to watch this year. Interesting.

by ponchi101 I am not saying Utah is the team to watch. When the Lakers get AD back, they are the defending champions and I would not bet against them. I am saying I am rooting for Utah, which is different. Remember my track record regarding predictions ;)
Even Philly would be great. They also have a few players that I enjoy and it would mean Danny Green would get a fourth ring with a different team (and five in total, I think). I don't like Embid but I can live with him.
But unless AD does not come back, I do not see anybody taking down LA in 7 games.

by JazzNU The Nets can take down the Lakers in 7 with AD. Will it happen? Who knows, it's a bit of a wild card once we get there, the Cavs did win it that one year. But they can do it, and even more likely now with Blake and DeAndre both upping their defensive scheme. DeAndre gets forgotten and should never be. I wouldn't count on the Clippers either, though less likely, but if they bring their A game, stranger things have happened.

The Jazz. I'll believe it when I see it. I've never liked the Jazz as a team because Utah and sheesh, UTAH! But I've liked Mike since college. I like Donovan. I've liked Quin since his Mizzou days. But they don't tend to get it done in the playoffs when they are supposed to. They show up somewhat, but it doesn't can't get them to the finish line. They are a prove it team. You want us to believe you can do it? Prove it to us by actually doing it, not just saying it and showing us something in the regular season. People take the Heat seriously now even though they are a shell of themselves this season with injury and covid, because they proved it last year. Utah has been great this year in the playoffs with this lineup. It's the regular season, we know Utah is good in the regular season, they've been good for several years. No one really owes them special recognition for ranking good in the regular season. Let's see how they do when it really counts.

Honestly, with the way Donovan and Rudy are acting, not getting to the Finals may sink chances of changing their narrative for this particular lineup. And if they keep talking, it's going to be Title or Bust soon enough as a put up or shut up.

by ponchi101 I have grown a soft spot for UTAH (the state) since my place is close to it and the little traveling I have done there has been very nice. South Utah is very liberal; towns like Moab are actually little sanctuaries for open minded people. Example: everybody was smoking pot there, and we had a fantastic dinner at a restaurant called "Twisted Sistahs", where I was the only man holding hands with a woman (there were gay couples of both sexes). Salt Lake City seems to be the stronghold for retrograde thinking.
Still, BB wise: what you say. They are playing great but they remind me of the 1990's Atlanta Braves: a team built to win a regular season but with no proven record in the post season. The other west teams all have their issues so I guess the Lakers (with AD) get to the finals with no problems, and then Phila and Brooklyn slug it out for the final.

by JazzNU So, I'm sure what you're saying is true. For you. But it wouldn't necessarily be for me. I've said this before, but liberal should never be confused with being an okay place for a black person to visit and live. The sad truth. Oregon is a liberal state, but it's also a state built to be for whites only and that still resonates there in many ways, so you have to be very careful about where you are. The same for Utah. They, and the Mormon Church have a truly shaky recent past where black people are concerned. Both states have made progress for sure, but long way to go, their respective histories making it longer than it should've been.

Now I can't go just anywhere in general, to be clear, no matter the state. I can tell you some very shaky areas in PA, NY, and MA with no problem. So it's not just the south or Oregon or Utah. But the lack of diversity in Oregon and Utah truly doesn't help matters.

by Suliso JazzNu: simply out of curiosity have you been to Utah? I haven't, but would love to for the nature.

I went to grad school in Oregon. Found it a pleasant place to live, but of course I'm a tall white guy...

by JazzNU Never been to Utah. Don't truly have an interest in going, though for something specific I would. Like if I had an opportunity to go to the Sundance Film Festival especially if it was with a friend that worked in the industry, I'd go in a heartbeat.

From everything I've seen and heard, almost everything outdoor is beautiful there.

Oregon. I know people that love it there, especially Portland and Eugene. But, yeah, all these positive things are coming from white people so hard to get a read on if I'd be more comfortable there now than on a brief visit I had there many moons ago.

by Suliso I guess there is no other way to check than by trying again. :)

I'd speculate also that to some extent these things depend on how one is treated and to some how one feels about sticking out visually/culturally. I personally don't care as long as it's not physically unsafe. Have spent a couple of months in India rarely seeing any white people on streets and none at all at work.

by JazzNU It's definitely about treatment and not sticking out. I'm used to being one of a small number of black people, I grew up in an overwhelmingly white suburb of Philly. A big change from San Francisco where I'm originally from. My college and grad school where the same as junior high and high school. I'm well versed in the setting. But certain ones are uncomfortable and others are not. It's not just the makeup, it's the people themselves. Some see black as a threat, others don't. Some feel empowered to demean, others do not. The region tends to play a factor in whether it's kind of okay and accepted or frowned upon to do that.

My nephew was in India for 3 weeks with his with his private school and got called all manner of racial slurs while there. Would've come home early if he could've. I know other black people who have visited India and had similar experiences or worse. My white friends have experiences similar to yours when visiting there.

When I visited Europe back in high school, my friend and I, at times, stuck out like a sore thumb, on a few occasions it was like we were an exhibit at the zoo. Luckily, that was rare, but it happened in the smallest towns sometimes. Like the strangest thing was when we were standing in line at a store in a small German town, my friend shifted her eyes to stare at me somewhat alarmed because she was trying to figure out if I was touching her hair, but my hands were in front of me, so was it not me touching her hair? Because someone definitely was. I was not. The two women behind us were. Holding and stroking her hair to get a feel for it. They were fascinated by the braids she had and felt it okay to touch. It ended up being okay though super bizarre and they proceeded to ask us all these questions about her hair. But the energy of these small towns was never one that was threatening or concerning, it was more curious and naive.

Plenty of positive stories among friends and family visiting different places in the world (my trip to Europe counts among the positive experiences FYI). Same here in the US. But going just any place and assuming it will be okay because it was for someone else, isn't something that is good to rely on. It's not necessarily an indicator of how things will go for me and those that look like me. Unsafe entails more than just the crime rate of an area unfortunately. But I'd love to live in that Utopia one day.

by Suliso
JazzNU wrote: Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:39 am
My nephew was in India for 3 weeks with his with his private school and got called all manner of racial slurs while there. Would've come home early if he could've. I know other black people who have visited India and had similar experiences or worse. My white friends have experiences similar to yours when visiting there.
Not surprised at all I'm afraid. They treat even their own darker skinned citizens with prejudice. Racism is not limited to white people... The Middle East is another area pleasant to me, but not necessarily for you. I'm yet to visit a fully black area (other than few neighbourhoods in US).

by JazzNU I have friends and cousins that have visited Abu Dhabi and Dubai in recent years. Great experiences thus far I'm happy to report. I don't know a ton that visited other areas of the Middle East other than Doha and Turkey (also great experiences). Definitely heard stories of visits that went good overall, but a few things didn't go so great, but those were several years ago so hopefully that won't be as common as it once was in that region.

The only place in the Middle East I've truly thought I'd visit at some point is Turkey (though to be fair, I think of it as Europe). With a possibility of maybe going to Jordan at one point. I have several college friends from both.

by Suliso Maybe the far east where foreigners rarely go, but otherwise I too wouldn't count Turkey as part of the Middle East.

by ponchi101 You stories about India remind of why, when people tell me about India's "spirituality", I wonder what I they are talking about.
Txs for your post, JazzNu. It is always so eye-opening.

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:04 pm You stories about India remind of why, when people tell me about India's "spirituality", I wonder what I they are talking about.
Txs for your post, JazzNu. It is always so eye-opening.
A few years ago the part of the telephone company I worked for went on a "let's give non whites organizations" kick. There was a group for African Americans, Latinos were lumped together I think, although there might have been a Puerto Rican only group. The biggest fight took place in the Asian Group. North Asians - Chinese, Japanese, Koreans (ignoring the issues between those three groups) did not consider South Asians "Asian". It was ugly. It led to the idea dying a quiet death.

by Suliso That was culturally insensitive from your company trying to force together Indians and Chinese like that. I'm pretty sure either community would prefer dealing with white people than with each other.

by ti-amie
Suliso wrote: Wed Mar 10, 2021 7:39 pm That was culturally insensitive from your company trying to force together Indians and Chinese like that. I'm pretty sure either community would prefer dealing with white people than with each other.
I wish I could say that you're wrong.

by Suliso I have a question... There is this article about NBA player using anti Semitic slur. All press articles assume that everyone understands what exactly he said and why it is so offensive. I do not... Anyone willing to explain?

Miami Heat player Meyers Leonard will be away from team 'indefinitely' after using slur
"I am deeply sorry for using an anti-Semitic slur during a livestream yesterday," Leonard said.

In the video, Leonard can be heard saying: “F------ cowards. Don’t f------ snipe me, you f------ k--- b----.” ... y-n1260387

by JazzNU Yes, the press is assuming everyone knows what was said. What you've posted is actually more than I've seen to help spell it out more. It's possible that this is more of an American slur than one that is internationally known. The word beginning with the K is the slur there, everything else are just the common curse words. It is an incredibly derogatory way to refer to Jewish people. I tend to think of it as the most offensive one.

I suspect there's something seriously wrong with Meyers, this is a troubling pattern. But apart from that, there's something wrong with the gaming culture imo as this is not the first, second, or tenth time this has happened during a gaming live stream. E-Sports isn't old enough to have so many incidents like this.

by ponchi101 Idea: The gaming culture leads to this because, after all, you are ALONE IN A ROOM. You may belief that in reality, nobody is listening or seeing what you are doing. I am sure that these games have modes in which you play against the machine, not another player far away.
Maybe some people, this guy included, are starting to have problems realizing where reality (the audio feedback) and the fiction (the game environment) get mixed. So he maybe thought he was really alone, with no one listening.
Not excusing him, just wondering how this event took place. As JazzNu says, it is not as if that slur is not well known in the USA.

by JazzNU

by JazzNU I think of Shawn Bradley as a Sixer. Goodness was he a bust. In a year with Chris Webber, Penny Hardaway, and Jamal Mashburn, the Sixers chose Shawn with the #2 pick. Yeah. He was able to make a decent enough career in Dallas.

And that's especially great because I can tell you for a fact spending time with many brain injured and spinal cord patients at my mom's hospital, him being paralyzed is rough of course, but it is SO, SO MUCH more difficult because he's 7 ft. 6 in. That is incalculably difficult to manage, so thank goodness he's as rich as he is. He likely already has a custom home to fit his size and can afford to make any changes that will be needed to make it more comfortable and easier to navigate now. And can hire two or three times the home health staff that will likely be needed to aide him in movement. I wish him the best in his rehabilitation.

by ti-amie

by Suliso Lamarcus Aldridge (35) has retired with immediate effect due to heart trouble. ... alth-scare

by ti-amie
Suliso wrote: Thu Apr 15, 2021 5:24 pm Lamarcus Aldridge (35) has retired with immediate effect due to heart trouble. ... alth-scare
I just read this. I have to take back the negative things I said about him. An irregular heart beat is no joke.

by ponchi101 Feel very sorry for him. He was a classy person and gave his best at both Portland and S. Antonio.
I hope it was just a minor issue and he will be healthy for the rest of his life.

by JazzNU

by JazzNU So, so young.

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 Calling KD the most prolific scorer in the game EVER... wow. I really know nothing about basketball.

by Suliso Can we agree that Clippers are no longer title favorites? They have a serious difficulty dealing with Doncic and his supporting cast.

by patrick Yes.

by ponchi101 As I said in the 2021 topic: The Clippers are NEVER a title favorite.
And Luka can be and has been a jerk in several occasions, but if they give me Luka to take the final shot with 1 second left for the win, sure. There are way worse players to pull that one out. The guy likes those situations.

by JazzNU Danny Ainge is stepping down and Brad Stevens is taking over as head of Basketball Operations and he'll lead the search for a new head coach.

For Ainge, I guess bragging about your picks haul and doing barely anything with them or your assets was wearing thin. And I doubt him showing his ass this past week and just how out of touch he was with his players didn't help matters.

For Brad, he's failing up. Apparently he's worn down from coaching by the Bubble and welcomed the transition. Man isn't even 50 and talking about worn down? Uh, okay, though my first inclination is FOH.

by JazzNU

by ponchi101 Preemptive appeasement with Lillard?
I liked Stotts, but yes, he was not delivering. He will find work soon.

by JazzNU

by ponchi101 James Harden goes from scoring champion to league leader in fouling out, in one season?

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:32 pm James Harden goes from scoring champion to league leader in fouling out, in one season?
They finally started calling him on the sneaky little fouls he commits to get others to react. About time.

by JazzNU Stan Van Gundy out in New Orleans. And Scott Brooks is out in Washington after they couldn't reach an agreement.

SVG isn't shocking, they're looking for ways to explain why Zion isn't taking the league by storm the way they touted. We may very well be on our way to 4 coaches for Zion in 4 years at this rate. They truly need to pick someone and commit for at least 2 years.

Scott Brooks on the other hand. I have no idea where this other offer he seems to think is forthcoming will be coming from, but okay. Wizards fans will be thrilled.

by ponchi101 Dear Pelicans:
A fan

by patrick
JazzNU wrote: Wed Jun 16, 2021 4:00 pm Stan Van Gundy out in New Orleans. And Scott Brooks is out in Washington after they couldn't reach an agreement.

SVG isn't shocking, they're looking for ways to explain why Zion isn't taking the league by storm the way they touted. We may very well be on our way to 4 coaches for Zion in 4 years at this rate. They truly need to pick someone and commit for at least 2 years.

Scott Brooks on the other hand. I have no idea where this other offer he seems to think is forthcoming will be coming from, but okay. Wizards fans will be thrilled.
Wonder what Westbrook is thinking after Brooks been let go. Westbrook has had his best numbers under Brooks.

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Wed Jun 16, 2021 4:02 pm Dear Pelicans:
A fan

I hope not. I would easily take Teresa Weatherspoon over Becky for the Pelicans. Becky having damn near a coordinated PR campaign behind her to get every HC job (which I do think she should get soon) makes it seem like she's the only qualified female head coaching candidate and I hate it.

by ponchi101 I am obviously not as much of a fan of the Pelicans as I should be. I did know about Weatherspoon. Reading her bio, would be a good choice.

by JazzNU Rick Carlisle has quit his head coaching job with the Dallas Mavericks. Not fired, quit. This is one day after the GM was fired. There are very loud whispers of a Shadow GM in Dallas controlling entirely too many decisions and it not going over well with many.

7 open HC positions now. Don't be surprised if that number increases if a series ends tonight. Should happen regardless honestly.

by ti-amie I'm surprised that no one here has talked about that fourth quarter collapse by Philly last night that included Embiid missing two clutch free throws.

by ponchi101 Still so in shock that I really did not know even if mentioning it. JazzNu started, so sure, that was painful to watch. Unless you are a Hawks fan.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:52 pm I'm surprised that no one here has talked about that fourth quarter collapse by Philly last night that included Embiid missing two clutch free throws.
I posted about it in the Season thread. But honestly, they've been pitiful in this way more than once, it's another day for me. Was more points but really, no worse collapse than Game 4, for instance.

Is it getting too confusing having two different threads? We can just have this one going forward, not start a season thread for 2021-2022 when the time comes.

by ti-amie I messed up because I saw you post(s) after I posted.

by patrick Sixers wasted Curry and Embiid 30 pt games. Besides Simmons and his FT issues, what about max player Harris scoring only 4. Thought Harris was paid TOO much.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 12:26 am I messed up because I saw you post(s) after I posted.
Okay, but my question is an open one. It's happened enough that I've wondered if people just preferred the one.

by JazzNU

by patrick OKC keeps getting draft picks

by JazzNU
patrick wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:14 pm OKC keeps getting draft picks

by JazzNU
JazzNU wrote: Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:36 pm Rick Carlisle has quit his head coaching job with the Dallas Mavericks. Not fired, quit. This is one day after the GM was fired. There are very loud whispers of a Shadow GM in Dallas controlling entirely too many decisions and it not going over well with many.

by ti-amie This Clippers vs Suns game.

by JazzNU

by JazzNU Dame openly stated his preference for Jason Kidd or Chauncey Billups before the search ever began. Jason opted out of the search. So Chauncey has a good shot, but he's a finalist elsewhere too, I think maybe it was the Celtics. Not clear if there are others being brought in for second interviews with the Blazers.

Reminder - the Blazers owner is now a woman.

by JazzNU An obvious and targeted hiring, but a good one. Let's see if it has the desired effect on more than just the players. Credit to Brad not putting his head in the sand like all that were before him.

by JazzNU Doesn't exactly speak well for the current climate in Dallas

by JazzNU

by JazzNU

by ti-amie
JazzNU wrote: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:00 am
Is it true Lillard isn't happy? I'm also reading about his rape accusation from a few years back is making some uncomfortable with him being chosen?

by ponchi101 Who was accused of rape? Chauncey or Lillard?

by ti-amie Chauncey.

by ti-amie

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:13 pm
Is it true Lillard isn't happy?
No, he wasn't happy with losing being the status quo. Lillard specifically asked for either Jason Kidd and Chauncey Billups to be the new head coach.

by ti-amie
JazzNU wrote: Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:10 pm
ti-amie wrote: Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:13 pm
Is it true Lillard isn't happy?
No, he wasn't happy with losing being the status quo. Lillard specifically asked for either Jason Kidd and Chauncey Billups to be the new head coach.
To read NBA Twitter you'd think Lillard had already packed his bags for...LA or Indy or Dallas or...

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:53 pm

by JazzNU ^^ People are being very dismissive of this because it doesn't fit into their narrative that Becky is the right person for every single coaching vacancy and isn't losing out on the merits. And that apparently makes them unable to read clearly too. People are all "Pop wouldn't do that, the Spurs wouldn't do that to her." This article specifically says "San Antonino figures" not "Spurs Organization." This very likely is not Pop and company talking about Becky, but instead it's that the Blazers (and other teams) have reached out to former and retired Spurs players, which has become very common in these searches. Given that Lillard is twitchy to say the least at the moment, if what they hear isn't positively glowing, yeah, that might explain of why she hasn't progressed further in interviews though she got to the final round with Portland.

And here's another thing people have amnesia about where Becky is concerned. I do wonder about her day to day responsibilities, because I'm still completely confused why after years on Pop's staff, he put Tim Duncan in as his replacement coach, before he put Becky in. It was strange when it happened, I'm still confused by it. I like her, she seems like she's ready for a head coaching position, but I also think it could easily be true that Pop isn't necessarily letting her (and others) on his staff do nearly as much as assistants on other staffs. They just lost one of their best assistant coaches to the Celtics, which makes me wonder if that guy knew he needed to leave in order to get an offer for head coaching. That's exactly what the new head coach of the Celtics did, he left the Spurs after several years, was an assistant with the Sixers for a year, the Nets for a year, and now head coach.

by JazzNU Even though I do like Becky and I hope she gets a chance very soon, given the choice, if I'm personally hiring the first female NBA coach, with very few exceptions (like the Pelicans or the Spurs), I'm going Dawn Staley every damn time. All these openings are very unfortunate timing for her.

by ti-amie What do you guys think? I like Siakam a lot.

by ponchi101 Siakam at center does the trick. He was very good with the Raptors during their championship run.

by JazzNU I might be able to be talked into it, but no, I don't like this move.

by ti-amie
JazzNU wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:01 pm I might be able to be talked into it, but no, I don't like this move.
Is it Siakam or the deal in general? Some think they should try and keep Wiggins.

by patrick To me, Siakam is overrated. Guess having Leonard and winning a title in 2019 will do the trick.

by JazzNU
patrick wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:56 pm To me, Siakam is overrated. Guess having Leonard and winning a title in 2019 will do the trick.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:05 pm Is it Siakam or the deal in general? Some think they should try and keep Wiggins.
I don't dislike Siakam, but I'm not high on him either. And I'm not into this deal at all. I don't think we should bail on Wiseman right now. And Wiggins has shown that this role might suit him, so I don't want to get rid of him either, but I'm much more open to moving Wiggins. But even then, this supposed asking price for Siakam seems very, very high to me. Great deal for Toronto, but not so for Golden State.

In general, I want very few serious roster changes until Klay is back in the lineup. Some things that don't seem to be working, may look a whole lot different when he's back in there.

Also, any team that trades Wiggins to Toronto and doesn't milk that for more than his actual value is getting finessed. Seriously, don't fall for that Warriors.

by JazzNU

by ti-amie NBA Twitter has be going HAM on Ms Nichols, daughter of Diane Sawyer and playwright Mike Nichols for her comments. She is, for ABC, what could be called a "legacy" hire since her mother worked for ABC for years. ABC is the parent company of ESPN. No mention of the Sawyer connection is made in this article. NBA Twitter, however, mentions it. A lot.

Rachel Nichols Out for N.B.A. Finals Coverage on ABC
Comments made by Nichols that were caught on tape caused tremendous upheaval within ESPN over the past year. Nichols, who is white, suggested that a Black colleague, Maria Taylor, had been selected for a marquee job because of her race.

By Kevin Draper
July 6, 2021, 12:47 p.m. ET

Rachel Nichols, who was expected to be ABC’s sideline reporter for the N.B.A. finals, will not work that role when the first game of the series tips off Tuesday night, ESPN announced. She will be replaced by Malika Andrews.

Nichols was the sideline reporter for the finals last year and during ESPN’s most important N.B.A. games this season. Both ABC and ESPN are owned by Disney.

The decision to have Andrews be the sideline reporter instead was made after The New York Times reported that Nichols, who is white, made disparaging comments about a Black colleague, Maria Taylor, last year. Among other things, Nichols said that Taylor was picked to host N.B.A. finals coverage last season because ESPN was “feeling pressure” about diversity.

The comments were accidentally captured on camera and uploaded to a server at the company’s headquarters in Bristol, Conn., then spread widely among ESPN employees.

“I wish Maria Taylor all the success in the world — she covers football, she covers basketball,” Nichols said in July 2020. “If you need to give her more things to do because you are feeling pressure about your crappy longtime record on diversity — which, by the way, I know personally from the female side of it — like, go for it. Just find it somewhere else. You are not going to find it from me or taking my thing away.”

Nichols will host episodes of “The Jump” on-site throughout the finals. Nichols has hosted that show, ESPN’s daily N.B.A. show, since 2016.

Nichols commented publicly on the recording and what she said about Taylor for the first time on Monday’s episode of “The Jump.”

She kept her comments brief, saying she did not want to distract from the crescendo to the N.B.A. season. But Nichols added that she did not “want to let this moment pass without saying how much I respect, how much I value our colleagues here at ESPN, how deeply, deeply sorry I am for disappointing those I hurt, particularly Maria Taylor, and how grateful I am to be part of this outstanding team.”

She was joined on the show by Kendrick Perkins and Richard Jefferson, two Black former N.B.A. players who are regulars on “The Jump.” Perkins thanked Nichols for “accepting responsibility” and added that he knows her heart and that she is a “great person, great individual.” He said Taylor was a great person as well.

Taylor will host episodes of “NBA Countdown,” ESPN’s pregame and halftime show, during the finals. But if the finals, between the Phoenix Suns and the Milwaukee Bucks, go to a seventh game, ESPN could have a dilemma to solve. Taylor’s contract with ESPN expires near the end of the finals, and to date the two sides are not close on a renewal. ... &smtyp=cur

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:48 pm NBA Twitter has be going HAM on Ms Nichols, daughter of Diane Sawyer and playwright Mike Nichols for her comments. She is, for ABC, what could be called a "legacy" hire since her mother worked for ABC for years. ABC is the parent company of ESPN. No mention of the Sawyer connection is made in this article. NBA Twitter, however, mentions it. A lot.
This is incorrect. Diane Sawyer has no children. Diane Sawyer was married to the exceptional film and theater director Mike Nichols. One of his children, his son, is married to Rachel, hence the last name. Rachel is Diane's step-daughter-in-law. No one has any direct knowledge of how she got her job, but she was married by the time she joined ESPN and Diane was the grand dame there at the time so cause for speculation.

Malika is an upgrade to Rachel, all day everyday.

by ti-amie

by patrick Guess those teams are willing to continue paying that max contract.

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 Serious, ignorant question. Why would the Warriors pick Damian? They already have the best guard in the league, why go for the second, when they really don't need him?
On the other hand: Steph and Dame in the same team. How long before the 3 point record is shattered? AND Klay. 35 3-pointers in one game would not be out of the question. Or would it?

by JazzNU

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Fri Jul 16, 2021 10:25 pm Serious, ignorant question. Why would the Warriors pick Damian? They already have the best guard in the league, why go for the second, when they really don't need him?
On the other hand: Steph and Dame in the same team. How long before the 3 point record is shattered? AND Klay. 35 3-pointers in one game would not be out of the question. Or would it?

I'm not sure people are thinking that far ahead, just trying to configure a superteam and figure they'll work it out if they can land him. Also, think it's really easy to forget about Klay often in these things for many. Such a lengthy period he has missed.

I'm not expecting to land him. And I think it's a mistake to assume people are open to returning home unless they say that specifically.

by JazzNU Days numbered? He also said he hasn't asked for a trade (throwing a lot of people's credibility into doubt given the specificity of the BS they were peddling yesterday), but this hardly shows confidence in staying.

by ponchi101 Don't know if he burned a bridge there, but certainly there are some charges tied to the foundations.

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Sat Jul 17, 2021 8:12 pm Don't know if he burned a bridge there, but certainly there are some charges tied to the foundations.

The shade towards his team mates. I think he may have punched his ticket out.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Sat Jul 17, 2021 9:04 pm
The shade towards his team mates. I think he may have punched his ticket out.
I'm not sure he'll be going anywhere even with a request. Maybe, but it would have to be very enticing. Like a trade with the Pistons to get Cade or trade with OKC to get a haul of #1 picks to get in on this kid that if he can dribble the ball once in the court will one of the biggest gets in recent memory in next year's draft even if he' proves to be a bust. Dame is all Portland has, so letting him get away is not on the top of the list. More likely they will get aggressive in the trade and draft to help with shaping a better team around him. Dame's also not dumb, he's got to be thinking about where he might land if he demands a trade. OKC ain't it. And Trailblazers will likely want an All-Star in return, not just picks, so who is a legitimate trade partner? Outside of the Sixers, hard to come up with a good one and that's not the ideal one to start with. Pairing Ben with Dame is desirable, not switching them out for one another.

His teammates can be as offended as they want to be. He's not playing with All-Stars and it's a problem for his chances to advance in the playoffs. Period. I think the previous commitments he's shown to the team were based off thinking his teammates would get to that point. But none of them have and he's falling behind other teams. And this is in a year with an injured Warriors team, so understandable that he's not optimistic about his future prospects with his team vs. the others in the West.

by JazzNU

by JazzNU ^^ There were a few times, especially during free agency when Woj said he'd be discussing XYZ and I was interested, but it was on The Jump and I said hell no. If enough were like me, then here we are.

That "apology" was the weakest I've ever seen and I think it's why we're here now. It was just a colossal (expletive) to have her phone in a 10-second "I'm sorry" and dump it off to her black co-workers for 2 minutes. She didn't even try to pretend she was truly sorry, I was shocked at how much she wasn't willing to even fake remorse to save her career. It was just stunningly bad decision-making from her, the producers and the higher ups at ESPN.

by ti-amie
JazzNU wrote: Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:06 pm ^^ There were a few times, especially during free agency when Woj said he'd be discussing XYZ and I was interested, but it was on The Jump and I said hell no. If enough were like me, then here we are.

That "apology" was the weakest I've ever seen and I think it's why we're here now. It was just a colossal (expletive) to have her phone in a 10-second "I'm sorry" and dump it off to her black co-workers for 2 minutes. She didn't even try to pretend she was truly sorry, I was shocked at how much she wasn't willing to even fake remorse to save her career. It was just stunningly bad decision-making from her, the producers and the higher ups at ESPN.
Entitlement. She'll land somewhere on her feet. Or write a book.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie He's done with the Sixers? Isn't it, shouldn't it be the other way around?

by ponchi101 The Sixers, and specially the fans, must be heartbroken. Really.
If anybody picks him up it has got to be for pennies.

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 7:14 pm The Sixers, and specially the fans, must be heartbroken. Really.
If anybody picks him up it has got to be for pennies.
Fans are already saying he'll be playing in Shanghai next season.

by ti-amie So this was in my TL today

As a Dubs fan - no Simmons. He's useless. I agree about Wiggins.

by ponchi101 It would be good for the league in that the best 3-point shooting team in the league, regardless of the stats (Steff and Klay, enough said) would get the worst 3-point shooter in the league. Sort of return to the mean ;)
(And no, I really can't see what Simmons could bring to the Warriors, and yes, out with Wiggins).

by JazzNU

by JazzNU Glad to see the NBA didn't fall for this BS exempt request. Can't play at Warriors' home games without the vaccination. We won't miss his selfish, ignorant ass.

by ti-amie More NBA covidiocy

by ti-amie Studying Black History and watching TFG's press conferences.

by ponchi101 I am glad you keep finding memes, because I can't find anything else to say.

by ti-amie

I hate the retweet if you agree stuff but I'm glad Kareem is speaking out.

by ti-amie The NBA’s Anti-Vaxxers Are Trying to Push Around the League—And It’s Working
Conspiracy theories in the locker room. Mask police in the arena. Superstars trying to avoid the shot. After bringing back the culture from Covid, basketball confronts its own civil war


One by one, the basketball players — non-vaccinated star here, fully-inoculated veteran on mute down there, a full-on anti-vaxxer front-and-center — logged into the video conference. The annual summer meeting of the powerful NBA union had gone virtual again on August 7, and high on the agenda for the season ahead was a proposed mandate from the league office that 100 percent of players get vaccinated against Covid-19.

One response echoed from squares across the screen, according to players and an executive on the call: “Non-starter. Non-starter.”

The NBA had relied on science above all to lead the sports world through the Covid nightmare, from the league’s outbreak-driven shutdown to a pandemic-proof playoff bubble in Disney World to game after game with fans back in the stands. But after two plagued seasons of non-stop nasal swabbing, quarantining and distrust, unvaccinated players were pushing back. They made their case to the union summit: There should be testing this year, of course, just not during off-days. They’d mask up on the court and on the road, if they must. But no way would they agree to a mandatory jab. The vaccine deniers had set the agenda; the players agreed to take their demands for personal freedom to the NBA’s negotiating table.

This month, league officials caught a break: Two of America’s most progressive cities, New York and San Francisco, would require pro athletes to show proof of one Covid-19 vaccination dose to play indoors, except with an approved medical or religious exemption. Which meant that one of the NBA’s biggest stars — one known for being receptive to conspiratorial beliefs — would be under heavy pressure to get a shot. And if Brooklyn Nets superstar Kyrie Irving could be convinced to take the vaccine, then maybe, just maybe, the whole league could create a new kind of bubble together.

Irving, who serves as a vice president on the executive committee of the players’ union, recently started following and liking Instagram posts from a conspiracy theorist who claims that “secret societies” are implanting vaccines in a plot to connect Black people to a master computer for “a plan of Satan.” This Moderna microchip misinformation campaign has spread across multiple NBA locker rooms and group chats, according to several of the dozen-plus current players, Hall-of-Famers, league executives, arena workers and virologists interviewed for this story over the past week.

The league’s virus-hunters denied a religious-exemption request from a vaccine-denying player in San Francisco this weekend, lighting a powder keg on a combustible mix of race, religion, class and clubbing in a time of Covid, aimed at some of the most influential role models in America. General managers remain confident they can get superstars vaxxed by opening night. And in a concession to the Delta variant, all courtside players and personnel will be required to wear masks on arena benches and around practice facilities for the foreseeable future, Rolling Stone can reveal. According to near-final medical guidance outlined to RS on Saturday, however, unvaccinated players have forced the league to cave on nearly every other demand.

“The NBA should insist that all players and staff are vaccinated or remove them from the team,” NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar tells Rolling Stone. “There is no room for players who are willing to risk the health and lives of their teammates, the staff and the fans simply because they are unable to grasp the seriousness of the situation or do the necessary research. What I find especially disingenuous about the vaccine deniers is their arrogance at disbelieving immunology and other medical experts. Yet, if their child was sick or they themselves needed emergency medical treatment, how quickly would they do exactly what those same experts told them to do?”

Jonathan Isaac is known less by the average basketball fan for his play than for being that guy who stood up with his jersey on during the national anthem in the NBA bubble, while every other player on the court took a knee in a t-shirt declaring BLACK LIVES MATTER, amid a global reckoning on race and police killings. “I’m not going to sit here and point my fingers at one group of people,” Isaac, who is Black, tells RS. “I would do it again.”

The Orlando Magic’s 23-year-old starting forward is deeply religious — and proudly unvaccinated. When NBA players started lining up for shots in March, Isaac started studying Black history and watching Donald Trump’s press conferences. He learned about antibody resistance and came to distrust Dr. Anthony Fauci. He looked out for people who might die from the vaccine, and he put faith in God.

“At the end of the day, it’s people,” Isaac says of the scientists developing vaccines, “and you can’t always put your trust completely in people.”

Isaac considers un-vaxxed players to be vilified and bullied, and he thinks “it’s an injustice” to automatically make heroes out of vaccinated celebrities. He rejects the NBA’s proposal for a vaccine mandate and social distancing for players like him during team travel: “You can play on the same court. We can touch the same ball. We can bump chests. We can do all those things on the court. And then when it comes to being on the bus, we have to be in different parts of the bus? To me, it doesn’t seem logically consistent.

“If you are vaccinated, in other places you still have to wear the mask regardless. It’s like, ‘OK, then what is the mask necessarily for?’” Isaac continues. “And if Kyrie says that from his position of his executive power in the NBPA, then kudos to him.”

Enes Kanter — the veteran center, devout Muslim and outspoken liberal — senses a creep of the religious right upon his workplace, which just happens to involve players like Isaac sweating all over him and yelling in his face: “If a guy’s not getting vaccinated because of his religion, I feel like we are in a time where the religion and science has to go to together,” he tells RS. “I’ve talked to a lot of religious guys — I’m like: ‘It saves people’s lives, so what is more important than that?’”

Kanter’s current franchise, the Boston Celtics, had multiple players unvaccinated as of Thursday, he and a teammate say. The NBA claims that 90 percent of its more than 450 players — star veterans and players trying to make rosters alike — have received at least one shot, a rate lower than the conservative NFL. League officials provide weekly data and studies to teams with un-vaxxed players, many of whom they hope will be inoculated before the regular season begins on October 19. Inside practice facilities next week, vaccinated players expect to spend time convincing skeptical players to avoid a competitive disadvantage. “If you’re a player and you’re not vaccinated and you miss a week or two weeks,” Kanter says, “it could literally change the whole season — and we’re trying to win a championship!”

Full article HERE: ... d-1231988/

by ti-amie

This could really serve as the tl:dr for that Rolling Stone article.

by ponchi101 I have said it many times. Kareem is maybe the GOAT as a player. But off the court, there is no doubt that the man is the most thinking former player. His writing is absolutely mandatory reading (regardless of the subject) and he is the voice of reason incarnate.

by JazzNU Isaac showed his ass some time ago, so nothing surprising there.

I'm very wary of anything Matt Sullivan is writing about the Nets and Kyrie Irving.

by ti-amie

by JazzNU NBA is over 90% vaccinated. It was announced a couple of months ago and reiterated several days ago (think I posted it). NBA is well ahead of the NFL, they were nowhere near this high heading into training camps.

by ti-amie

Full statement from Michele Roberts:

by ponchi101 Don't know if the photo has been manipulated, but, I want that T-shirt.

by ti-amie

I wonder how many no vaxxers will finish up their "research" and get vaxxed.

by ti-amie My mother used to say show me who your friends are...

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Wed Sep 29, 2021 7:24 pm

I wonder how many no vaxxers will finish up their "research" and get vaxxed.
I saw quite a few teachers and healthcare workers in NY managed to miraculously wrap up that research just in time. Hard to pay that mortgage and car note with your so-called freedom.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Wed Sep 29, 2021 7:38 pm My mother used to say show me who your friends are...

Can't believe that hashtag. This was in the replies thank goodness.


by ti-amie

by JazzNU Oh yes they can. And should. Ben's the one that's messing around and gonna find himself in OKC and wondering where it all went wrong as he hits up Nerlens Noel for his attorney's contact info.

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 Some lawyers are starting to salivate...

by JazzNU I honestly wasn't sure this fool would be allowed back home with his BS, but I'm guessing that no game check hit home more than anything else, since he's basically only two levels above a bust and needs every penny he can get. Legit shocked any of these guys was thinking they'd be getting paid when they are missing games for voluntarily being ignorant.

by ti-amie Idiots.

by JazzNU I recognize way too many names on this list. One of my favorite college basketball players ever is included here, and though no less dumb, at least that makes more sense, he played in the NBA but it had to have just about all been at league minimums and wasn't for many years, he wasn't a sought after pro despite his college success. That Tony, Glen, and Darius, for instance, are among these is insane. There's so little money in this scheme, the risk/reward makes it a pass every time for guys like that. Just idiotic.

by JazzNU Blinked first. Thinking someone doesn't want to be in OKC and looked at a lower than expected bank balance and decided he was playing a game he wasn't quite ready for. Him and Rich were apparently under some flawed understanding of the CBA and thought the money that wasn't paid would be come back in a trade. It will not.

by ti-amie


Another one finding out.

by ponchi101 I find that fair, and the proper tone to set. Indeed, you are free NOT to get vaccinated. The Nets are free not to allow you to play.

by ti-amie Basketball Twitter at its - funniest because it's true best.

by JazzNU

by ponchi101 Impossible for me to follow down here. I even wonder if ESPN L. America knows about the WNBA.
Good for Chicago :clap:

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 1:19 pm Impossible for me to follow down here. I even wonder if ESPN L. America knows about the WNBA.
Good for Chicago :clap:
That's just a damn shame. WNBA has been doing a great job of steadily growing their brand and increasing their audience (women's college bball is the same). The NBA players have also been openly supportive of the teams and players, which helps to get more eyes on it more often. And during the playoffs, it was common to see the respective NBA team's stars cheering them on courtside.

by JazzNU

by ti-amie We watched ESPN's 30for30 on the Bad Boys the other night.

Seeing that Anthony Davis is injured I got to thinking about which current NBA players would've made it to stardom back in the day. LeBron is physical enough to have made it. Stephen Curry despite his size would've made it. Harden would've been left crying in a corner. Ironically I think Lillard would've been able to play in that era. Chris Paul would've tried. Players like Davis and Embiid are big but I don't see them play the way Laimbeer et al did back then.

I'm sure I'm leaving some players out.

by ponchi101 The bad boys had the reputation, but there were others. I don't think the new guys would have liked going for a rebound against Moses Malone or Rodman. Those two did not mind flying elbows.
The great ones would have made it at any era. I still wonder how come nobody ever stopped by Kareem's house and asked him to teach him his skyhook. Kareem would have been efficient in this era.
Wonder how long it would have taken MJ to learn to shoot 3's. One off season?

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:22 am The bad boys had the reputation, but there were others. I don't think the new guys would have liked going for a rebound against Moses Malone or Rodman. Those two did not mind flying elbows.
The great ones would have made it at any era. I still wonder how come nobody ever stopped by Kareem's house and asked him to teach him his skyhook. Kareem would have been efficient in this era.
Wonder how long it would have taken MJ to learn to shoot 3's. One off season?
That's a good question about MJ. The man is so competitive he would've done exactly what you said. One season of Curry and Thompson making it rain would've had him in the gym until he got it just right.

Agree about Malone and of course Rodman who MJ recruited to make sure someone had his back going inside. Kareem could get physical when the occasion called for it.

by JazzNU

by JazzNU Good move for her. I'm not sure Pop is retiring anytime soon, and even if he is, I've had my doubts she'd be named the head coach when he retires. And coaching under Pop doesn't appear to be the path to head coaching that so many like to pretend it is. Several recent new NBA head coaches have been under him, but they don't get a head coaching job until they leave for another team first.

by ti-amie I saw some people on NBA Twitter expressing concern about her leaving the NBA umbrella for the WNBA. We'll see.

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 And this dinosaur must point out that four of those five made it when there were no 3 pointers, and the fifth one did it by bumping into everybody but the usher to get foul shots called.
But still amazing for Steph.

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:53 pm And this dinosaur must point out that four of those five made it when there were no 3 pointers, and the fifth one did it by bumping into everybody but the usher to get foul shots called.
But still amazing for Steph.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 4:57 pm I saw some people on NBA Twitter expressing concern about her leaving the NBA umbrella for the WNBA. We'll see.
She's in a tough spot. I think this was probably her best option for the next few years. Seems like it would be very tough for her to make a lateral move in the NBA given how tied she is to Pop and how that would look.

by ti-amie

And the beat goes on...

by ti-amie

by ti-amie What was that about the Detroit Bad Boys?

by ponchi101 And let's not forget MOSES Malone. Another roaming fire hydrant while on the court.

by JazzNU

by JazzNU ^^ One of my two choices to be the first female head coach in the NBA. As I've mentioned in the past, I think Becky is a good future candidate, but I've found her to be a media darling more than the best candidate in recent years.

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 That's rough :rofl:
Lebron passed Kareem for most points scored, regular season & post season combined.
But Kareem never hit a single three pointer, for obvious reasons. And he played 72 games per season.
Still, records are there to be broken. So, good for Lebron.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Sun Feb 13, 2022 7:40 pm

Not Josiah's best work, he's usually more in the know than this. Anyone that knows Ben Simmons knows a much funnier joke would've been strippers showing utter relief that they weren't going to see a drop off from Ben leaving town or James calling Ben to ask for recommendations.

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Sun Feb 13, 2022 7:58 pm That's rough :rofl:
I don't think it's that funny because of what I said, but not rough, just accurate. A stripper that gave him a lap dance the night before the trade deadline and posted that night on Twitter that Harden told her he was going to the Sixers and people clowned her for it. Harden has a long and storied history with frequenting strip clubs, only bested by Lou Williams in recent years.

by ponchi101 Which I don't doubt one bit.
And it can be funny, rough and accurate, all at the same time :thumbsup:

by ti-amie

My picks: Russell, Frazier, Thomas, Jordan, Duncan

by ponchi101 But I think that the pick is: what decade? You can't choose from different ones.
And if you tell me you have a team with Wilt, Russel and West in it, I can't see how to go against that.
(Assuming we are playing in a non-3 pointer era)

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Tue Mar 29, 2022 2:08 am But I think that the pick is: what decade? You can't choose from different ones.
And if you tell me you have a team with Wilt, Russel and West in it, I can't see how to go against that.
(Assuming we are playing in a non-3 pointer era)
This is why I did what I did.Maybe Rex was wrong?

by ponchi101 If that is the case, I would have such a hard time keeping Dr. J out of the team.

by ti-amie I picked Clyde because I'm a native NY'er and loved the way he played point guard. It was tough picking him over Dr J though.

by patrick Russell - Erving - Magic - The Dream(just decided to pick a different player other than Jordan) - Duncan.

James would definitely be my 2010s choice.

by JazzNU

by ti-amie

StephenA gets paid big bucks to yell at us and stir the pot. Still, that comment is absurd.

by JazzNU Fleeced

by Suliso Rockets?

by patrick Rockets are in Houston.

by JazzNU
Suliso wrote: Thu Jun 16, 2022 4:46 amRockets?
Yes, the Houston Rockets got fleeced in this deal.

by ponchi101 Now, Luka has to share a bit more and learn that he has the support, and Dallas can be really good next year. They already are, but they are a 1 1/2 men team (I like Brunson).
And, they were really good this year too, just not ready to take down the Suns AND Warriors one after another.

by ti-amie

by JazzNU

by JazzNU

by JazzNU

by JazzNU
JazzNU wrote: Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:24 pm

by ponchi101 A fair price, but sad to see Dejounte go.
It is not going to make any difference, unless there is a true diamond in the rough for SA in the draft. And I believe (or have read) this is a pretty thin draft.

by JazzNU Buckle up.

by ponchi101 Is he starting to carry too much baggage? Serious question. Other than his obvious championships with the Warriors, who were already a great team, he seems to be a bit disruptive. And for a guy of his caliber, he does not seem to make other players "better around him".
I really don't know.

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Thu Jun 30, 2022 7:48 pm Is he starting to carry too much baggage? Serious question. Other than his obvious championships with the Warriors, who were already a great team, he seems to be a bit disruptive. And for a guy of his caliber, he does not seem to make other players "better around him".
I really don't know.
All 29 teams are expected to offer trade packages, so that would suggest we are nowhere near reaching that point.

by JazzNU
JazzNU wrote: Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:24 pm

by JazzNU As expected.

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 That is a pretty funny tweet.
From the Mavs to the Knicks. Good luck.

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Thu Jun 30, 2022 9:38 pm That is a pretty funny tweet.
From the Mavs to the Knicks. Good luck.

by JazzNU

by JazzNU

by JazzNU

by patrick Guess that is why Harden going to rework his deal in Philly so they can get Tucker

by JazzNU Brad Stevens FTW

by JazzNU

by JazzNU

by JazzNU

by ponchi101
JazzNU wrote: Fri Jul 01, 2022 9:23 pm Brad Stevens FTW

I don't get it. They are not weak at that position, and are trading some assets.
They reached the finals, it is a young squad, they have the proper coaching staff. Just be a little patient, that is all. Jalen and Tatum are simply going to get better. Let them gel a bit more.

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Fri Jul 01, 2022 10:27 pm
I don't get it. They are not weak at that position, and are trading some assets.
They reached the finals, it is a young squad, they have the proper coaching staff. Just be a little patient, that is all. Jalen and Tatum are simply going to get better. Let them gel a bit more.
Pacers got fleeced. This is an excellent trade for Boston and they gave up very little to get him.

by ti-amie Interesting look back.

by ponchi101 A respectful move, and very well deserved.

by ti-amie The entire season? WTH did he do? ... =share-url

by ponchi101 Consenting relationship with a female employee. Violation of team policies.
Again. Consenting.

by Deuce It is yet another sign that the world has gone insane when a mutually consenting relationship is punished. Assuming that both parties are of the age of majority - which is obviously a very safe assumption in this case -, how can a mutually consenting relationship possibly be "inappropriate"?!!?
And not only is it punished - but it's punished more severely than is behaviour which actually does obvious harm...

It is quickly getting to the point where people will no longer be able to so much as look at each other or say 'hello' without someone loudly objecting and inflicting punishment.
Again - this is the absolute definition of insanity.

And if one is looking for irony - and blatant hypocrisy -, one need look no further that the man chosen to replace him as Celtics coach:
"Joe Mazzulla has developed a rather unfortunate habit of finding his way into the police blotter. The first incident came in 2008, when Mazzulla was charged with underage drinking and aggravated assault at a Pittsburgh Pirates game. In 2009, Mazzulla was suspended by West Virginia coach Bob Huggins for his arrest on charges of domestic battery. Mazzulla allegedly grabbed a woman by the neck at The Lady Lizard bar in Morgantown, W.Va. Both incidents involved alcohol.” – ESPN.


by ti-amie

For Matt Barnes to come out like this...

by ponchi101 Wasn't Barnes involved in a serious domestic assault issue at one time? Something related to his ex-wife and another NBA player?
If such a situation is "messier", then, please, let the law handle it.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:06 pm Wasn't Barnes involved in a serious domestic assault issue at one time? Something related to his ex-wife and another NBA player?
If such a situation is "messier", then, please, let the law handle it.
Do you think they're giving him a year suspension to allow him to resign?

by ponchi101 I am really lost. The little bit I read was what I said above: he was being suspended because he was having an "affair" with a female employee, but it was consensual. Then, I have read nothing more, until you posted the Barnes' tweet, which makes it sound as if something very messy is going on.
I hope not, as I like Ime (as much as I dislike the Celtics). But by now, we know about "first reports".

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 Wish him well. :pray:

by ti-amie


by Suliso With all this talk about Doncic's hot start of the season (8 straight 30+ games) I was wondering what is the all time list and at any stage of the season. According to the article below 10+ has only been done 27x. Surprisingly few times, I would have guessed players like Jordan or James would be doing it every season. ... ory/32904/

by ponchi101 Wilt with a record 65 straight games.
Sometimes it is easy to forget how great that man was. At a time when defenses were much more stingy than now, and from a man that was not a great free throw shooter.
Still, Luka's streak is also impressive. He finally arrived in shape for the season, and it shows.

by Suliso Chamberlain is a legend no doubt, however wasn't it a time when basketball was dominated by centers? And vast majority of scoring was by 2-3 guys only. 3-point line for sure didn't exist in his time. Really difficult to compare. Jordan or Harden is a lot more relevant.

by ponchi101 Totally. With the 3 point line, the game has spread out. Defenses in the past were grouped around the elbows and when somebody was coming in, they would collapse around that person.
Men like Wilt, Kareem or Russell never left a game without one big new bruise. You had those people in there, especially for that: Moses Malone, Laimbeir, Robert Parish. Of course, Wilt was also very capable of leaving you with a bruise yourself.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie People are already saying Vaughn is a placeholder for Udoka.

by ponchi101 Serious here. I have not followed up the story anymore.
Have any charges been pressed against Udoka? Outside of the Celtics organization, has he been accused of any wrongdoing by anybody or any legal organization?
Has the woman in the relationship spoken against him? Matt Barnes tweet said something along the lines that this is very, very serious, but nothing else has come up, and Barnes is not a source I would trust immediately.

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Wed Nov 09, 2022 9:03 pm Serious here. I have not followed up the story anymore.
Have any charges been pressed against Udoka? Outside of the Celtics organization, has he been accused of any wrongdoing by anybody or any legal organization?
Has the woman in the relationship spoken against him? Matt Barnes tweet said something along the lines that this is very, very serious, but nothing else has come up, and Barnes is not a source I would trust immediately.
No, and no.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie My takeaway from the Warriors vs Grizzlies game yesterday. Somewhere Bill Laimbeer is smiling.
Oh yeah Klay was given a technical.

by ponchi101 It was not a "nice" game. The Warriors came out really ready to show Memphis they are far from a dynasty still. Klay behaved like a total boor, and Poole (of all people) got two technicals, the second completely uncalled for, because he did not stop talking.
Golden State has to go to Memphis sooner or later. If the Grizzlies do not come out swinging there, this may become one nasty "I own you" relationship.

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Mon Dec 26, 2022 8:05 pm It was not a "nice" game. The Warriors came out really ready to show Memphis they are far from a dynasty still. Klay behaved like a total boor, and Poole (of all people) got two technicals, the second completely uncalled for, because he did not stop talking.
Golden State has to go to Memphis sooner or later. If the Grizzlies do not come out swinging there, this may become one nasty "I own you" relationship.

The Bad Boys are my heroes to this day. :D

by Suliso Funny factoid - 4/5 top scorers, 4/5 rebounders and 2/5 assisters come from outside USA. That's some change from 30 years ago.

by ponchi101 Heck. Fun factoid: 3/5 NBA first team from last year came from outside the USA: Doncic, Jokic and Giannis. And that was because Embid and Jokic both play centers.
And remember: 4 years in a row with an European MVP (Jokic and Giannis). And this year it will be 5, especially the way Luka is playing.

by Suliso Doncic makes it look easy. There are many players visually more athletic than him, but that doesn't hinder him.

by ponchi101 He is an oddity. If he were to really get in shape, he would be scoring 35/15/15 every night.
Last night's game Vs the Knicks was surreal. Especially his last bucket to force OT.

by Suliso He's in great shape this season unlike last year. I think his body type doesn't allow for more bulk before it starts hindering him. In tennis terms he's more like Federer there as Giannis is more like Nadal.

by Suliso Lebron James is likely to beat the all time scoring record later this season. Everyone else in the top 10 is already retired.

by ponchi101 The record is the record.
But this will come with a lot of things to talk about. Kareem never hit a 3 (because there were none), and of course he spent a few years at UCLA, while Lebron came straight out of high school.
I will not like it because I am a huge fan of Kareem, but it will happen, so be it. And while I have never rooted one single time for Lebron, off the court he has behaved in many exemplary ways. So it will be a good relay.

by Suliso Sure, but if you want to look at per game basis Jordan and Chamberlain are far ahead of both.

by ponchi101 As I said, a record to be talked about. Eventually it leads to the GOAT of basketball, and then it gets complicated; Jordan, Russel, Wilt, Kareem, and now Lebron. Who is it?

by Suliso Another random factoid: Milwaukee Bucks could have been a dominant team by picking Giannis and Embiid as back to back draft picks. Instead they wiffed by taking Jabari Parker (who?) at #2

by ponchi101 Jordan was picked 3rd, when he was drafted. Hakeem was first (a good pick) but Sam Bowie, at #2, fizzled in the NBA.
Very hard to know who will truly become a great player once they move to the pros. And Jabari Parker had a very good college career.

by Suliso I agree, but sometimes the pick is laughable already when made. Latest example - Sacramento passing on Doncic at #2 in 2018. Of course Phoenix should have taken him, but at least they got a solid player and are doing well.

by ponchi101 I didn't know he was passed by Sacramento. He was already spoken of like a god in Europe. So, yes, that was dumb.

by ti-amie

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 4:06 pm Jordan was picked 3rd, when he was drafted. Hakeem was first (a good pick) but Sam Bowie, at #2, fizzled in the NBA.
Very hard to know who will truly become a great player once they move to the pros. And Jabari Parker had a very good college career.

Old conversation, but since I'm only seeing it now, thought I would point out that picks, probably in any sport, shouldn't be looked at in a vacuum. Jordan is regularly talked about as going 3rd and the Trailblazers get clowned for passing at him with barely anyone taking the time to point out that HOF PG Clyde Drexler was picked by them in the draft the year before. Clyde wasn't a good pick, he was a great pick. And he played the same position in the same style as Michael Jordan. In Today's NBA, it is unlikely that a team would pass on Jordan while having Clyde because having two shooting guards is a thing now and the take the best player and make it work is a thing now. That wasn't the game in the 80s. Big men still ruled and defense wasn't something that could be viewed as a luxury. The Trailblazers needed a center, hence their pick.

That he was a bust is irrelevant to the point. If the Trailblazers had that need for a PG and passed on him, that's when it's more damning in the 80s style game. But people like to just grab onto the hey, the guy before Jordan in the draft was a bust. Oh Hakeem went first and, can't argue with that. Well, Clyde, again, same deal as Hakeem, from the same Houston Phi Slama Jama squad, can't be argued with either, and that's the real comp that people need to use in the Jordan draft convo but rarely is. Both Hakeem and Clyde are considered two of the greatest players ever in the NBA.

by ponchi101 After Lebron's passing of Kareem in all time points scored, one has to wonder if this time that record will never fall.
But there is another. Jayson Tatum just became the youngest ever to hit 1,000 three pointers, at a bit under 25yo. This is his sixth year in the league. So, depending on where Steph will leave that record when he retires, and if Tatum has longevity, that record may not be set in stone.

I have to hate him because he is a Celtic, but he plays a wonderful game :) Gotta admit that.

by Suliso The only objection I have is that never is a really long time. For how long do you think NBA will continue to exist?

by ponchi101 As long as America exists.
Indeed, never is a long time. The record may fall if somebody that shoots threes at a high rate plays long enough. On the other side, with the penchant for players not to play all 82 games in a season, that takes away from the possibility. And, we have to wait and see where LBJ leaves the record when he retires.
I don't think I will see it broken.

by Suliso The last sentence is very likely, but really long term who knows? Maybe someone someday can shoot 50% from a center line...

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:28 pm After Lebron's passing of Kareem in all time points scored, one has to wonder if this time that record will never fall.
But there is another. Jayson Tatum just became the youngest ever to hit 1,000 three pointers, at a bit under 25yo. This is his sixth year in the league. So, depending on where Steph will leave that record when he retires, and if Tatum has longevity, that record may not be set in stone.

I have to hate him because he is a Celtic, but he plays a wonderful game :) Gotta admit that.
FWIW, I love Jayson and Jaylen. I HATE the Celtics. The Boston of it all plus a Lakers fan growing up.

I love Dak Prescott. I hate the Cowboys. And I loathe the Cowboys fans.

I root for them as players to have success, not for their teams. Jordan was putting up 60 points and losing and many others have followed suit. Good individual performances regularly happen in losses and that's what I hope for for the players I like on the teams I dislike.

by ponchi101 Not love him, but I can go with what you say. And I can live with Jaylen too. ;)
And yes, my dislike of Boston comes from me arriving in the USA just when the Lakers/Celtics were the big rivalry. Since The Spurs were no good at the time (except for Gerwin) I had to root for somebody. My roommate was a Lakers' fan, so I followed that in the finals.

by ti-amie It's this man's 60th birthday today.


by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by JazzNU

by ponchi101 Coaches get too much credit, they get too much blame.
He has been solid for the last years, so one bad stretch should not lead to this.

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 3:23 pm Coaches get too much credit, they get too much blame.
He has been solid for the last years, so one bad stretch should not lead to this.
I'd argue many coaches don't get enough credit. A chosen few get entirely too much credit, some of them inexplicably so, but others, not so much. And that's what leads to some superstars thinking they don't really need a coach or anyone can be slotted in as the coach as long as they are the players.

by JazzNU Quin was named the coach after days of reports about negotiations before that

by ti-amie If this proves to be true what an idiot. There is another phrase but I'm respecting the board.

by ponchi101 The news about him lately have been disturbing. Too early to make judgements, but...

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 Do so.
But that takes away any chances for Memphis.

by ti-amie Shams Charania :verified_legacy: 🤖
Just in: Glendale, Colorado police has closed its investigation into Grizzlies star Ja Morant with no charge or crime: “There was not enough available evidence to charge anyone with a crime.” Full release:


by ti-amie

Lemme get this straight. He slipped and his ankle was "sore". I'm trying to picture him telling Jordan his ankle was "sore" and he was skipping a game.

by ponchi101 The video is on line. Looks to me like the Delpo injury at Queens; it looks like very little happened.
Then he walks out of the Arena wearing a full boot, so I don't think he is faking it. Why would he, anyway?
I have nothing against KD, I have nothing against him. He is, indeed, an incredible player and the accolades are earned. But he also has a ton of bad luck regarding injuries.

by ti-amie

You're correct. It doesn't look like anything but ya never know. The fact that he said it was "sore" is what made me wonder. This is only a 9 second clip. The other clip was 10 seconds. In the comments they're saying he practiced for ten more minutes after this so...

by JazzNU

by ti-amie I hope he takes the counseling seriously. I know that the NBA does orientation programs for players when they enter the pros but in a case like this where there seem to have been previous untreated mental health issues I wonder how far they go?

by ponchi101 I hope it will be possible to be done concurrently with him playing. But, get better first.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 1:13 am I hope he takes the counseling seriously. I know that the NBA does orientation programs for players when they enter the pros but in a case like this where there seem to have been previous untreated mental health issues I wonder how far they go?
Not sure about the nature of the counseling. I wouldn't assume it's mental health.

by ti-amie Adrian Wojnarowski :verified_legacy: 🤖
ESPN Sources: Grizzlies star Ja Morant met with NBA commissioner Adam Silver in New York today. Morant has left a counseling program in Florida and moves closer to ramping up for return to season now. He must wait on league announcement of findings in probe, expected soon.


by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 Too much. No charges have been pressed. No offenses committed. Consenting adults at a closed location. And a first time "offender".

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Wed Mar 15, 2023 8:13 pm Too much. No charges have been pressed. No offenses committed. Consenting adults at a closed location. And a first time "offender".
Oh please, this is fine and plenty warranted. He's lucky it's not more. If you're thinking it's too much, it makes me think you've skipped a few chapters of this book.

by ponchi101 No. I have been following this. If it is for the accumulated issues like the alleged punching the kid, and the laser beam, then I can re-think.
If it was only for the IG video, I say too much.
Anyway, you know my position. The leagues are acting like some sort of moral majority court, and I disagree on that. The leagues are professional entertaining enterprises. If you break the law, let the law nail you. Not the company you work for.

by JazzNU

by ti-amie The gambling jones is a rhymes with witch.

by ponchi101
ti-amie wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 12:09 am The gambling jones is a rhymes with witch.
Expand, please.
Is there no conflict of interest for the Hawks owner?

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 12:30 am
ti-amie wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 12:09 am The gambling jones is a rhymes with witch.
Expand, please.
Is there no conflict of interest for the Hawks owner?
I figure Jordan needs the money. Regarding the Hawks owner I don't know.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:43 am
ponchi101 wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 12:30 am
ti-amie wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 12:09 am The gambling jones is a rhymes with witch.
Expand, please.
Is there no conflict of interest for the Hawks owner?
I figure Jordan needs the money. Regarding the Hawks owner I don't know.

Don't think that's it. If you've seen any video of him at the games recently, he's about reached the end of his rope with how the team is performing so this isn't that surprising. Some of that is on him, some of it is on the players, and a healthy amount is on unspeakably bad luck. They may get more bad injuries to key players when they are starting to gain momentum than any other team in the league. It's happened over and over again with them.

I'm not sure if there are rules against owning two teams. And it may be that it is okay when there is a shared ownership stake. But the other owners have to approve new owners, so if there was a concern, that's really the failsafe even if there is no official rule in place.

by ti-amie If Mavs protest, what are the chances the Warriors lose their big victory in Dallas?
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban has threatened to file a protest of the Warriors’ 127-125 victory Wednesday in Dallas

PUBLISHED: March 23, 2023 at 3:33 p.m. | UPDATED: March 23, 2023 at 3:36 p.m.

The Warriors’ victory in Dallas was still standing at the end of business Thursday, and it likely will withstand a threatened protest by Mavericks owner Mark Cuban.

Cuban had 48 hours to file an official protest of the Warriors’ 127-125 victory Wednesday night. That gives him until the end of business Friday, or perhaps a few hours more, coinciding with the final buzzer of Wednesday night’s game.

If a protest is filed, both teams will have five days to present evidence to support its side of the argument. Commissioner Adam Silver will make a ruling within five days of receiving the evidence. There hasn’t been a successful protest since 2008, according to ESPN and the Associated Press.

At issue is a play late in the third quarter that gave the Warriors an uncontested basket in a game that ended with a two-point margin. Coming out of a timeout, the Warriors inbounded the ball under the Dallas basket while the Dallas players, all five of them, were at the opposite end of the floor, thinking it was their ball.

Cuban, who had told ESPN during the telecast that he would protest the play if Dallas lost by two points, took to Twitter after the game.

“The ref called Mavs ball,” he wrote. “The announcer announced it. Then there was a timeout. During the timeout the official changed the call and never told us. Then when they saw us line up as if it were our ball, he just gave the ball to the Warriors. Never said a word to us. They got an easy basket. Crazy that it would matter in a 2-point game. Worst officiating non-call mistake possibly in the history of the NBA . All they had to do was tell us and they didn’t.”

The Mavericks’ protest will be based on one of the game officials causing confusion by not alerting players and coaches who had the ball, according to The Athletic.

Sean Wright, chief of the officiating crew, said it was always the Warriors’ ball, the call was never changed.

“Initially on the floor, the original signal was in face Golden State ball, as this can be seen on video,” Wright told a pool reporter. “There is a second signal, but that signal is for a mandatory timeout that was due to the Mavs.”

The Warriors got few chuckles out of it all, along with the free basket. Coach Steve Kerr said it was the best after-timeout play he’d drawn up all season.

“It worked brilliant,” he said, “just the way we got organized and confused them.”

The truth is, Kerr initially was confused too.

“I had to stop and think, ‘Wait, aren’t we — isn’t this our basket?’ Because I had drawn up a play for an … underneath baseline out-of-bounds,” he said. “And when they were down at the other end, I had to stop and think, ‘Is this right.'”

Jordan Poole, the inbounder on the play, took note of all the Mavericks at the wrong end of the floor and emphatically urged the official to give him the ball. The instant it happened, Poole passed to Looney for the uncontested dunk.

“Probably the easiest two points Loon’s ever had and easiest assist JP has ever had,” Steph Curry said.

“I was just glad JP passed to me…I needed that to get to my double-double,” said Looney, who finished with 12 points and 12 rebounds.

The controversial win gave the Warriors the a playoff tiebreaker with the Mavericks and Golden State consecutive road wins for the first time this season. The Warriors hold a putrid 9-29 road record, but hold the No. 6 seed in the Western Conference. ... in-dallas/

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 I saw the game. I'm with the Mavs in this one.

by JazzNU It's very clearly a signal for the Warriors and then a timeout call for the Mavs. But if you thought that was your ball, what's even stranger is no one on the Mavs going anywhere near where the ref with the game ball was. It's super strange that they just didn't do anything at that point. Like timeout was over.

Mark Cuban yelling about his own announcer's mistake as proof of what the real call was is hilarious. That guy is a Mavs employee, not some extension of the refs.

And acting like there weren't ample opportunities to win the game after this is a massive joke. It's giving major Houston Rockets energy. Will we get a detailed report about this in the off season as well?

by JazzNU This is likely to be a whole lot of nothing. The bigger ref news this week is Fred VanVleet spent his money very well paying his fine after he when on his rant 2 weeks ago.

by patrick Can we have a replay of Van Vleet fine where he did not care what he said about the ref

by JazzNU
patrick wrote: Fri Mar 24, 2023 1:22 am Can we have a replay of Van Vleet fine where he did not care what he said about the ref
I'm sorry, not sure what you're asking for. The rant or something else?

by patrick Rant

by JazzNU

by ti-amie

by JazzNU Click the second one for an article if you want details on the new CBA

by JazzNU

by JazzNU They did it to themselves. There was zero finesse in their move yesterday. You gotta do better than that when you're gonna tank.

by ponchi101 I am a bit confused. Cuban EXPLICITLY said their best move was to lose, and I read in another article that the NBA had already fined him $600K for this blatant tanking.
I don't see what is there to investigate.
Plus. The NBA has forced owners to sell their teams for blatantly immoral stuff (The Clippers' sale, for example). If the owner of one team does openly speak about tanking, what sort of penalty should there be? This goes straight against the core of any competitive league. At the very least, season pass holders should be compensated. At worst, this person has to go.

by ti-amie I missed this. It had to be really bad for an investigation to be started.

by JazzNU This was the clumsiest ish I've seen a team string together in a very long while. The Spurs have been tanking all season for Wembanyama and they've been more subtle than this was. Investigation, fine, and likely loss of draft pick well deserved for the Mavs.

by ti-amie Wow.

by JazzNU

by JazzNU Not just a slap on the wrist, barely a tap. That was the most obvious tank job I can recall because it wasn't just headed into the game, it was also in-game tanking as well. This will not deter any other team to scheme to keep a protected draft pick, that's for sure.

by ponchi101 Agree. This was extreme, especially for a team that still had a mathematical chance to make the play-in. They basically said "we don't care about the post-season".
And it won't deter anybody else, as you say.

by JazzNU

by JazzNU Super ridiculous firing.

by patrick Unfortunately for Williams, 2 blow out losses in elimination games in consecutive years and his feud with Ayton was at the top of the list. Now, will Ayton step his game up next year with a new coach and Durant in place for an entire year.

by JazzNU
patrick wrote: Sun May 14, 2023 1:29 pm Unfortunately for Williams, 2 blow out losses in elimination games in consecutive years and his feud with Ayton was at the top of the list. Now, will Ayton step his game up next year with a new coach and Durant in place for an entire year.
That's putting blame on Monty without any context and that he doesn't deserve. And if the owner is stupid enough to choose Ayton over Monty, who both Booker and Durant love and respect, the main reason that he had Phoenix on his list of teams he'd go to for a few years now, then he's even dumber than I was thinking he was.

by ti-amie He should've been suspended for the season after the first incident went public. Those so called "friends" in this post with him will be gone once the NBA kicks him out.

by ti-amie

I can't wait to hear the TNT guys on this. Today's game is on ABC/ESPN so I'm sure Stephen A will be bloviating about it.

by ti-amie Temetrius Morant's agent

Temetrius Jamel "Ja" Morant is an American professional basketball player for the Memphis Grizzlies of the National Basketball Association. He played college basketball for the Murray State Racers, where he was a consensus first-team All-American as a sophomore in 2019. Wikipedia
NBA Front Office

by ponchi101 About Monty. He was without C. Paul, and the KD trade left him without a bench. Plus. Are there really many better coaches out there?
Micro management at its worst.

About Ja. What is he thinking, and does he have any friends to tell him to stop it?

by patrick
JazzNU wrote: Sun May 14, 2023 2:55 pm
patrick wrote: Sun May 14, 2023 1:29 pm Unfortunately for Williams, 2 blow out losses in elimination games in consecutive years and his feud with Ayton was at the top of the list. Now, will Ayton step his game up next year with a new coach and Durant in place for an entire year.
That's putting blame on Monty without any context and that he doesn't deserve. And if the owner is stupid enough to choose Ayton over Monty, who both Booker and Durant love and respect, the main reason that he had Phoenix on his list of teams he'd go to for a few years now, then he's even dumber than I was thinking he was.
Then what is the context on Williams? As you know, someone has to unfortunately take blame of developing situations.

by JazzNU
patrick wrote: Sun May 14, 2023 7:39 pm
JazzNU wrote: Sun May 14, 2023 2:55 pm
patrick wrote: Sun May 14, 2023 1:29 pm Unfortunately for Williams, 2 blow out losses in elimination games in consecutive years and his feud with Ayton was at the top of the list. Now, will Ayton step his game up next year with a new coach and Durant in place for an entire year.
That's putting blame on Monty without any context and that he doesn't deserve. And if the owner is stupid enough to choose Ayton over Monty, who both Booker and Durant love and respect, the main reason that he had Phoenix on his list of teams he'd go to for a few years now, then he's even dumber than I was thinking he was.
Then what is the context on Williams? As you know, someone has to unfortunately take blame of developing situations.

The owner is the one to blame more than anyone else, he's the one who has driven all of the changes, and the GM seems to have barely been calling the shots since the ownership change. You can't decimate your bench in a trade and then be surprised that you are hampered when your starters have injuries and the backups are more like 4th string, especially when 2 of those starters have a healthy history of injuries. I think KD played in 8 regular season games so hardly time to figure out the best combo and chemistry. KD has struggled most of the playoffs, even though he's been technically good, he hasn't been his version of great this postseason. The final game was missing 2 of their starters in the lineup so to be surprised it's a blowout to the #1 seed is a joke. It was always going to be a blowout once that happened those two things were announced when you're lacking your experienced bench players that used to put up very respectable numbers in that situation to help get you to a win and are the reason that the Nets didn't completely fall apart after the trade.

This is an owner who came in with an agenda and that clearly included getting rid of the coach. Who is he getting exactly as his replacement? No one who has anywhere near the same relationships and respect with All Star players that's for sure, because that coach isn't currently on the market. But I'd assume he has someone in mind since this has clearly been the plan from the start.

by JazzNU

by JazzNU Darryl Morey's commitment to Harden above all else is a touch disturbing. Hopefully he doesn't go full Rockets and hire D'Antoni.

by ponchi101
JazzNU wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 5:01 pm Darryl Morey's commitment to Harden above all else is a touch disturbing. Hopefully he doesn't go full Rockets and hire D'Antoni.
As you frequently say, that would be hilarious.
I know that they lost game 7 by a blowout, but it was against a very good team and against a player that simply could not miss that day. I believe that some of these firings are complete over reactions.

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 5:12 pm
JazzNU wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 5:01 pm Darryl Morey's commitment to Harden above all else is a touch disturbing. Hopefully he doesn't go full Rockets and hire D'Antoni.
As you frequently say, that would be hilarious.
I know that they lost game 7 by a blowout, but it was against a very good team and against a player that simply could not miss that day. I believe that some of these firings are complete over reactions.
They are most definitely over reactions. Go ahead and fire Doc if you want, that was a possibility regardless of the manner with which they lost the series as long as it was a loss, it was always on the table. And I'm not saying there's no reason to do it in a grander sense, but in that Game 7, you can't ever win that game when your current MVP scores 15 and your former MVP scores 9, which is less than half of what the best player on the other team scored on his own. You will never win that game that way, and there wasn't a damn bit of that that was coaching, it was them not being up for the moment. And it also wasn't coaching when at the end of Game 6 when you were ahead or competitive the entire game, then you get a little bit down in the final like 2 minutes of the game and both your stars don't give their all to the final second to try close out the series at home. It was strange and called out when it happened in real time by the broadcast team given how bizarre it was. The opposite of what you see from Jimmy Butler, for instance, and given the stakes, truly a bad look from both.

Also, firing Doc to keep James Harden? I would understand it so much more if James' Harden showed on a regular basis both on and off the court especially with conditioning that basketball was his #1 priority. But that hasn't happened in many, many years.

by ti-amie I'm so glad people are finally talking about Harden's cavalier attitude to the sport that has made him wealthy. He's never played consistently great ball and I was not surprised at his disappearing act in Game 7.

Something happened in the locker room at half time though. The Sixers that took the floor in the third quarter seemed directionless and taken by surprise by how Boston adjusted and ran them off the court. Doc should've called a time out early to try and regroup but it seems he had no idea what to do either. For a league MVP Embiid was also MIA. I seem to remember he had injuries but still. I'm old enough to remember Willis Reed walking out on court with no knees to lead his team. Today's players get an owwie and they can't play.

They want to keep Harden who will, mid season, demand a trade.

by ti-amie Super 70s Sports
Michael Jordan won 25 of the final 26 playoff series he played in. Enjoy your Tuesday.
Image ... 3684873217


by ponchi101 But I don't think we are expecting them to be Jordan. If they play like Pippen that would be good enough.

by JazzNU
ti-amie wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 7:31 pm Super 70s Sports
Michael Jordan won 25 of the final 26 playoff series he played in. Enjoy your Tuesday.
I love Jordan...but holy cherry picking and unnecessary since he's impressive either way. Tell me how those earlier playoff series went before that chosen cutoff date.

by ti-amie The 30 for 30 on the Bad Boys and how Chicago became THE BULLS is one of their best ever shows. Bill Laimbeer is one of the most under rated players. He accepted his role and excelled at it. Rodman's defensive play is also not talked about. Isiah Thomas, all of the Bad Boys were the precursors to the Bulls Dynasty.

That said Jordan was the right man at the right time. That game he played sick as a dog ensured his deification.

by JazzNU Spurs have been rewarded handsomely for their tank job this season.

by ponchi101
JazzNU wrote: Wed May 17, 2023 12:30 am Spurs have been rewarded handsomely for their tank job this season.
:bananas: :yahoo: :bananas: :yahoo: :bananas: :yahoo:

by JazzNU
ponchi101 wrote: Wed May 17, 2023 12:43 am
JazzNU wrote: Wed May 17, 2023 12:30 am Spurs have been rewarded handsomely for their tank job this season.
:bananas: :yahoo: :bananas: :yahoo: :bananas: :yahoo:
Almost every other time you'd be railing about the NBA needing to do something about tanking being rewarded, but make it the Spurs and you're jumping for joy, huh?

by ponchi101 In all seriousness, there is a lot to work on. Nobody wins just with one guy. And they let go any and all players that were any good. So it will take a while.

About tanking. No, I still say the same. It should be punished, as Dallas was punished for the last game tank job. And if you tell me how this league, or any other league, can rein it in, I will be with you.

by ti-amie And he's only 19. I know Pop is a good coach but it's going to take 3-4 years for him to really be a force.

by JazzNU

by patrick Seem like Spurs always hit the center lottery : Robinson, Duncan and now Wembanyama

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 That's ridiculous :rofl:

by ti-amie The first time I saw Kareem Jabbar (he was then Lew Alcindor) was sobering. These men are so tall. I know it sounds like the response should be "d'uh" but standing near them like Mbappe is doing is just mind blowing.

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 Barkley is sometimes controversial. This time, I say he is completely right.

by ti-amie NBA players walk a "red carpet" every day before a game. Some of the looks are bizarre and some are just "man with too much money and little fashion sense" wore this. I've been meaning to do this for a while but I don't know if the walks should go here or in "Style and Entertainment". I mean when Barkley is commenting on fashion...

by ti-amie

by ti-amie Jokic from last night.

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 Since the Finals are done, the league announced the suspension for Ja Morant. 25 games for the next season, with other conditions to be met.

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Fri Jun 16, 2023 4:16 pm Since the Finals are done, the league announced the suspension for Ja Morant. 25 games for the next season, with other conditions to be met.
I read that the suspension will cost him around $50m?

by ponchi101 Haven't seen that. But that is such a high figure that it seems some sponsorship deals might be involved.
He needs some true friends. A big NFL linesmen to go to his house, take his guns, and tell him "I have them. I will give them back to you in 15 years".

by ti-amie

by ti-amie It is 25 games without pay but of course I can't find the post of the person who estimated what the financial hit would be.

Found it.

Morant's statement is what you'd expect. HIs PR people have had time to craft a word salad.

by ti-amie Zion Williamson who spent most of the season on the bench injured or something, is the subject of trade rumors. The baby mama drama around him right now is epic so maybe someone decided he needs a change of scenery? Like Sir Charles said he needs to get in shape to play. They're not going to keep throwing money at his "potential".

by ti-amie

The union has to do this.

by ti-amie

by ponchi101 About Zion. Sure, he is an incredible player. But if you don't play, hard to blame the Pelicans for wanting to trade him.

by ti-amie

by Fastbackss "Thanks for your help Chris"

by ti-amie

I like this kid already. :)

(That subway pic looks fake but...)

by ponchi101 Yep. So far, seems like down to earth to me.
And if it is the first time in NYC, you HAVE TO take the subway one day. Just to say you did.

by ti-amie Here's the video of him taking the train as we say here in NYC. The expression on that man's face who was standing there minding his business when the moment started. Looks like he took the "D" train.

by ti-amie The mind boggles...

by ponchi101 Ah, excuse me? You are getting Chris Paul because the Warriors DO NOT HAVE a good enough point guard? Or two?
I understand that Poole may want to go out; after the Draymond punch and the response by the organization, I suppose there could be some hard feelings.
But to the wizards?
I have said it before: I know very little about basketball. But this seems like a loss-loss trade to me. Maybe except for Paul.

by ti-amie
ponchi101 wrote: Thu Jun 22, 2023 8:05 pm Ah, excuse me? You are getting Chris Paul because the Warriors DO NOT HAVE a good enough point guard? Or two?
I understand that Poole may want to go out; after the Draymond punch and the response by the organization, I suppose there could be some hard feelings.
But to the wizards?
I have said it before: I know very little about basketball. But this seems like a loss-loss trade to me. Maybe except for Paul.
I can't see Chris Paul's personality working within the Warriors framework. He is selfish and doesn't understand teamwork. I've never been a fan and I agree this is lose/lose for the Warriors.

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by skatingfan
ti-amie wrote: Sun Jul 02, 2023 7:29 pm
Interesting that the twitter limits even shows up when the tweet is linked to another website.

by ti-amie They really want us to believe Britney Spears tapped this kid on his shoulder?

Spurs' Victor Wembanyama describes security incident with Britney Spears
ESPN News Services
Jul 6, 2023, 05:52 PM ET

LAS VEGAS -- San Antonio Spurs rookie Victor Wembanyama said Thursday he believes Britney Spears grabbed him from behind as he was walking into a restaurant at a Las Vegas casino, and that the security detail he was with pushed the pop star away.

Wembanyama said he wasn't told that Spears was the person who grabbed him until hours later.

Spears filed a police report claiming she was struck by a security guard while trying to get the attention of Wembanyama, according to TMZ, which first reported alleged details of the incident that took place Wednesday night near a restaurant at the ARIA hotel and casino.

TMZ said Spears was in a group of four trying to enter a restaurant for dinner and that she "was swarmed by fans as she entered the casino."

TMZ said Spears noticed Wembanyama and tapped him on the shoulder in an effort to get his attention; Spears, the site said, wound up being struck in the face and having her glasses knocked off.

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department issued a statement to the Los Angeles Times saying officers responded to a "battery investigation" at that address without specifying any individual names. The statement went on to say that "no arrest or citations have been issued" and that "no further details will be provided at this time."

Spears' representatives did not respond to a request by The Associated Press for comment.

Wembanyama said security advised him to not stop for anyone as he walked into the restaurant, mindful that pausing could cause a stir and allow a crowd to build.

"Something did happen, a little bit, when I was walking with some security from the team to some restaurant," Wembanyama said. "We were in the hall. There was a lot of people, so people were calling (at) me, obviously. There was one person who was calling me but we talked before with security.

"I couldn't stop. That person was calling me, 'Sir, sir,' and that person grabbed me from behind," Wembanyama said. "I didn't see what happened because I was walking straight and didn't stop. That person grabbed me from behind -- not on my shoulder, she grabbed me from behind. I just know the security pushed her away. I don't know with how much force but security pushed her away. I didn't stop to look so I could walk in and enjoy a nice dinner."

Wembanyama said he was unaware the situation had made headlines until Thursday.

"I didn't know for a couple hours, but when I came back to the hotel ... I thought it was no big deal, and then security of the Spurs told me it was Britney Spears," Wembanyama said. "At first, I was like, 'You're joking,' but yeah, it turns out it was Britney Spears. I never saw her face. I just kept walking straight."

Wembanyama will make his NBA Summer League debut with the Spurs on Friday night in Las Vegas against the Charlotte Hornets. He signed some autographs for fans at the ARIA on Wednesday night and did the same for a small number of onlookers as he entered a local high school for practice with the Spurs on Thursday morning.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. ... ney-spears

Spears official height is 5'4"
Wembanyama is listed at 7' 5"

by ponchi101 24 inch stilettos? Sure, no problem.
yep, that makes no sense

by ti-amie Wishing Bronny and his parents the best.

LeBron James’s son, Bronny, out of ICU after suffering cardiac arrest on court
18-year-old said to be in stable condition after emergency
Teenager is one of best young player in the United States

Bronny James was due to play for USC this coming season. Photograph: Gregory Payan/AP

Tom Lutz
Tue 25 Jul 2023 11.09 EDT
LeBron James’s eldest son, Bronny, collapsed on court on Monday after suffering a cardiac arrest, a family spokesperson has confirmed.

“Yesterday while practicing Bronny James suffered a cardiac arrest,” the spokesperson said in a statement. “Medical staff was able to treat Bronny and take him to the hospital. He is now in stable condition and no longer in ICU. We ask for respect and privacy for the James family and we will update media when there is more information.

“LeBron and Savannah wish to publicly send their deepest thanks and appreciation to the USC medical and athletic staff for their incredible work and dedication to the safety of their athletes.”

The 18-year-old is one of the most promising young players in the US and was due to play for the University of Southern California this year.

LeBron James has been a vocal supporter of Bronny’s basketball career, and often flies to watch his son play during the NBA season.

“I understand how important fatherhood is, just coming from a no-father household,” said James in May. “We always try to support each other in all our endeavors. I’m only as good as my family.”

LeBron and his wife, Savannah, have two other children, son Bryce and daughter Zhuri. Sixteen-year-old Bryce is also considered an elite basketball prospect.

The 38-year-old LeBron has also spoken about his desire to continue his NBA career until he can play alongside Bronny.

“My last year will be played with my son,” James said last year. “Wherever Bronny is at, that’s where I’ll be. I would do whatever it takes to play with my son for one year. It’s not about the money at that point.”

NFL player Damar Hamlin, who suffered a cardiac arrest during a game in January, tweeted his support after the news broke.

“Prayers to Bronny & The James family as well. here for you guys just like you have been for me my entire process,” he wrote.

Another USC player, Vincent Iwuchukwu, suffered a cardiac arrest last July. He went on to play in 14 games for the Trojans last season. The team is due to leave for a pre-season tour of Greece and Croatia next week. ... SApp_Other

by ponchi101 Wow. At 18. Hope it will have no further consequences.

by ti-amie Michelle Beadle explains why ‘TNT dominates ESPN’ in NBA coverage
"That position and that show has never been allowed to marinate and it’s sort of why you continue to see change."

ESPN’s layoffs as of late have been well documented, with the latest coming in the form of longtime NBA analyst Mark Jackson. The company’s NBA coverage next season will look entirely different after this round of layoffs, and is a culprit for why former NBA Countdown host Michelle Beadle believes that TNT is “dominating” ESPN in their NBA coverage.

Beadle famously served as one of the hosts of NBA Countdown from 2016-2019 before leaving the company entirely in the summer of 2019.

She particularly detailed in an interview with Front Office Sports how she believes that NBA Countdown has never been given “a chance to marinate.”

“That position and that show has never been allowed to marinate and it’s sort of why you continue to see change,” said Beadle. “It’s unfortunate and it’s why TNT dominates because they’re allowed to marinate for decades and the product gets better with year after year. So that’s my simple take on what I observed while I was there [at ESPN].”

Beadle certainly has a point when you compare ESPN’s pregame show NBA Countdown to TNT’s Inside The NBA. There have been five NBA Countdown hosts (Maria Taylor, Sage Steele, Doris Burke, Michelle Beadle, and Hannah Storm) that are either no longer employed with the company or simply aren’t involved in the show anymore.

Meanwhile, NBA on TNT has stuck with their cast of regulars including Shaquille O’Neal, Charles Barkley. Ernie Johnson, and Kenny Smith. That group has been together since O’Neal joined the company in 2011.

One of ESPN’s recent layoffs included Jalen Rose, who was a part of the NBA Countdown crew this past season, meaning that the show will yet again have another year of turnover. ... erage.html

by ponchi101 The show was not TNT's challenger. The TNT crew is truly unique.
But it was also not a bum. Burke, Steele and Taylor know their stuff. Burke and Steele are particularly versed on hoops. I forget which NBA player stated that Burke was actually the best basketball commentator in all networks. I enjoyed it when I watched it.

by ti-amie Shams Charania 🤖
Rockets working to trade Kevin Porter Jr. along with draft compensation in wake of charges of felony assault and strangulation due to alleged attack on girlfriend, per sources.

Details at

This guy has been bad news for a long time it seems.

by ponchi101 And, who will take him? And why?

by Fastbackss

by ti-amie Bam Adebayo was like "dude"

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ti-amie

by ti-amie Oh so he's not getting the calls he used to get by flopping or defenders, oh, I don't know, breathing on him?

by ti-amie Meanwhile shenanigans continue. How is this a foul on Draymond?

by ponchi101 Because somebody has to do a proper study on FOULS in the NBA, and how they are affected by bias (from the refs).
Mind you, I don't like Draymond that much. He has been a jerk his entire career. but that he is biased AGAINST is a hard thing to deny.

by Fastbackss Haven't checked this thread in while, but it hasn't been a banner month for Draymond since then...

by ti-amie

The only vision that counts on the Lakers is that of Lebron but I guess he thinks the title player/coach is too much responsibility. He needs someone to take the blame.

I said what I said.

by ponchi101 And you are right.