by ponchi101 For those moments in which we really wonder why we play this game. Actually, for when we wonder if life is worth living, like when going up two sets to none and one break, only to see it all washed away in a wave of 120 unforced errors :ax

by ponchi101 On this day, Monday 8th of January 2021 (Tuesday 9th in Australia), a bandwagon of 44 innocent souls found themselves as passengers of a madman driving a Mercedes bus down an autobhan, brakes be damned, in the dark. Jan Lenard Struff, a man that defines his game with power, found himself like a metaphor of a Porsche in a mud field. This is a man that has one philosophy: if you hit a ball too hard and it landed way out of the court, the solution is simple: hit it harder.
Jan-Lenard simply is made of the wrong struff. He reminds of another Teutonic figure, the philosopher Kurt Gödel. Gödel developed a special theorem which proves that in any formal system, there will always be propositions that cannot be proven right or wrong. Struff follows that pattern: the easiest sitter or the toughest passing shot are met with the same level of uncertainty, the same degree of madness for the spectator. Gödel, who finished his life mad, would approve. Struff, who has decided to begin his life in lunacy, is undecided still.
Surprisingly, one person picked Struff's opponent. The name of this sadistic person, who obviously knew something and did not share that info, will remain lost in the myth of this site. His laughter, however, will reverberate in the ears of the dead 44, still screaming as they fall forever down the legendary Cliffs of Insanity surrounding the Sea of Despair at TAT2.0.
May their souls be spared the eternal flames. Or, at least, may them sleep well tonight.

by Ribbons Two words: Aravane Rezai

by ponchi101 Oh, if we were to go that way we basically have to write down all the players in both tours.
But we will start making our new history here. Those great moments in TAT1.0 will be in lore...

by ptmcmahon This thread shouldn't be 24 hours old without mention of Bondarenko.

by the Moz How about Gasquet??

by dave g One of the most successful crashing of a bandwagon was managed by Caroline Wozniacki. I can't remember the year, but it was the first round of Wimbledon. She had be ranked number 1 the previous year, and one of the posted mentioned that being the number 1 pick on day 1 of Wimbledon was a sigh of greatly she had fallen off. She then managed to lose and take over 100 people with her.


by ptmcmahon Before she got near the top of the rankings she was always my go to first round or two of slams (probably 9-10 times)...and she never let me down THEN, so I will never bear her any ill SP will.

by Oploskoffie
ptmcmahon wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:44 pm This thread shouldn't be 24 hours old without mention of Bondarenko.
Absolutely! :D Not sure if Alona or Kateryna did more SP damage, but getting BondarenKO'd was a thing once upon a time.

by ptmcmahon I think Alona was the worse one, although Kateryna stayed on longer and then knocked some people out who picked against her.

And can't believe I didn't clue in to the Bondaren-KO until now...

by Omess
Oploskoffie wrote:
ptmcmahon wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:44 pm This thread shouldn't be 24 hours old without mention of Bondarenko.
Absolutely! :D Not sure if Alona or Kateryna did more SP damage, but getting BondarenKO'd was a thing once upon a time.
Oh yeah the glorious moment of the SP

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

by Liamvalid CSN must have had some great moments over the years-or was it just me she used to torment?

by JazzNU
Liamvalid wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:28 pm CSN must have had some great moments over the years-or was it just me she used to torment?

Not just you. I think everyone who is a regular must have a CSN story.

by Drop-shot Pospisil at the USO deluded 100+ I believe based on warmup events. Lost in R-1 and took down like 30% of the pool.

by ptmcmahon I've had to mostly abandon it the last few years, but for the first few years I had a rule - if you see a Canadian in the list, pick against them. Rarely let me down.

by sokol
ptmcmahon wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:44 pm This thread shouldn't be 24 hours old without mention of Bondarenko.
The first name that came to my mind when I saw this thread. ;)

by ponchi101 On this day, February 13th 2021, the Taiwanese player Su Wei Hsieh decided to treat everybody to a Chinese New Year firecracker but in special places. Mainly, their back-pocket, where the sino-petard blew up in the behind of 32 souls that felt that her style or, rather, her lack of form, would not be enough to deal with the powerful czeck Vondrousova.
Hsieh did not even break a sweat. A convincing 4 & 2 put to rest any hopes of survival for those that never thought that Taiwan is a land that specializes in dealing with much bigger foes (China). Hsieh's lunatic strokes are there to remind all amateurs of one simple fact: look at how she hits and then ask yourself: how come I suck so bad, and she doesn't?
32 people will wonder that forever.

by ponchi101 Numbers wise, the defeat of Felix Auger-Alliasime was not earth shattering. But it was the percentages and the way that the young Canadian led his pickers to the slaughter that makes him a worthy resident in our annals of infamy. With only 21 sorrowful souls alive in the pool, 16 put their hopes on him. And after an auspicious start in which he took the first two sets 3&1, many a player must have packed it for the night, ready to celebrate having reached the second week of the event. A glass of fine whisky or even wine would be more than justified.
76% of the pool would either contemplate in horror how that achievement would evaporate as the pesky Russian would simply not go away, or would read about it the next morning. Many would wake up to realize that their tennis soul had perished while they slept, while their subconscious machinated what brilliant next move would guarantee them silverware that now would never come. But no, Felix would cadaverically start missing shot after shot, until he had dug his own grave, on a hard court no less.
Again, 16 dead in an SP means little; much worse scenarios had happened. But the putridness of this loss will stench our quarters for a considerable while.
Until the next Galopoli happens.

by Liamvalid Karatsev must be included in this thread now, steadily taking out players left and right as the draw has progressed. He’s just taken out the Dimitrov pockets too to leave us with a winner

by ponchi101 He took out the Schwartzman's, then Felix's and the rest of the pool.
In going with the current theme for everything, he has been not like suicide, but like pestilence.
And indeed, he gave us a winner. In not a nice way. So his name shall live in infamy.

by ponchi101 In this year 2021 of the Lord and Pestilence, the Spaniard Roberto Enrique de la Caridad el Jabugo y el Manchego Bautista Agut took down a total of one quarter of the suicide pool, barely entering the second round of a Slam marked by the feverish delusions of a world raged by a real pandemic, and our little private space raged by the deranged dreams of people attempting to master this game.
Bautista Agut, famous as a tenacious competitor, went down meekly, with one meager set in his favor by a score of 6-3, while his opponent plastered him in the other three. A truly forgettable performance which would be indeed not worthy of any comments, were it not for the blood unnecessarily spilt by those that put their trust on him.
May his name live in infamy forever.

by mmmm8
ponchi101 wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:03 pm In this year 2021 of the Lord and Pestilence, the Spaniard Roberto Enrique de la Caridad el Jabugo y el Manchego Bautista Agut took down a total of one quarter of the suicide pool, barely entering the second round of a Slam marked by the feverish delusions of a world raged by a real pandemic, and our little private space raged by the deranged dreams of people attempting to master this game.
Bautista Agut, famous as a tenacious competitor, went down meekly, with one meager set in his favor by a score of 6-3, while his opponent plastered him in the other three. A truly forgettable performance which would be indeed not worthy of any comments, were it not for the blood unnecessarily spilt by those that put their trust on him.
May his name live in infamy forever.
His new name, born in tragedy and bloodshed. RECeJeMBA.

by ponchi101 Sunday Bloody Sunday is both a historical occasion in the annals of the terrible Irish conflict, and a fantastic song, stemming from that same dreadful day, by the Irish group U2. The moniker, however, will now be a remembrance of this date in which a healthy cadre of participants entered the day, and were slaughtered mercilessly by the combined efforts of Sorana Cirstea and Vika Azarenka. Both gave plenty of hope to their pickers, as Cirstea took the first set to a tie break only to then do her disappearing act, and Azarenka actually won the first set and kept fighting to the end.
Marketa Vondrousova did one soul in, in another hard fought match, so the entire group of guppies that swam up this creek met a carnivore which was particularly hungry on this day.
May our souls be redeemed in future contests. Although most likely this will happen again.

by ptmcmahon I would have picked either of them today, but had already used both so “had” to pick Zidansek. Sbalenka losing earlier than I thought worked out.

by ponchi101 And to complete one of the bloodiest days in the history of this game, the Mighty Serena Williams also bit the dust, taking with her 4 more souls.
A day that started with 37 players, ends with 3 alive. Will they manage to limp to the finish line or will some other demon slay them in the coming days?

by JTContinental I missed the part where Cirstea won a set--FAKE NEWS!

by ponchi101
JTContinental wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 7:52 pm I missed the part where Cirstea won a set--FAKE NEWS!
Embarrasing!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:
I meant "took the first set to a TIE BREAK", but as I was one of the victims, I will claim the tears in my eyes made me miss my proper spot.
I guess there goes any sort of credibility I have had in this forum :cry:

by Mrblandston Never, EVER pick Sam Querry.

by ponchi101 On a soggy and muggy London day, 30 naive souls went up the London Tower, metaphorically, to see a demonstration of how the ax and the block were used in medieval times. They were not aware that the exhibition would involve their necks, as the slightly built Colombian Maria Camilita Osorio Serrano decapitated them all by chopping down Ekaterina Alexandrova, heavily favored to win the match.
The largest bandwagon of the day thus met its demise.
Their bodies will be thrown into the Thames, left to float out of sight and stink the Atlantic.

by joanjettson What about Miss Double Cheek'd Tati? She once was a legendary goddess of fickle fate, but I do not recall her specific myth / origin story. (Or last name)

by ponchi101 On a muggy and rainy London afternoon, 30 souls were brought to the London tower...
No. No. The deja vu is so absolute. A young woman whose last name ends in OVA. 30 corpses. And unknown assassin. A good pick that went terribly wrong, like a young woman turning a wrong corner in a dark alley in the city, in the late XIX century, and finding that a Mr Jack and his knife were awaiting for her.
A terrible demise, 30 people in shock, as this promising young player lost to a Miss Raducanu, of British nationality but Romanian roots. Romania, land of the blood thirsty, famous count that has ideologically has struck once again.
The souls of these losers will be dragged, one by one, to an obscure Pub where they can drown their grief and sorrow. May them rest in peace or get completely skunk-faced, knowing that they did what was logical, but the twisting blade...
Damn, just ran out of dumb British metaphors. Sorry you people were slaughtered. We will join you soon, rest assured.

by ptmcmahon
joanjettson wrote: Thu Jul 01, 2021 12:51 pm What about Miss Double Cheek'd Tati? She once was a legendary goddess of fickle fate, but I do not recall her specific myth / origin story. (Or last name)
Tatiana Golovin. Career high of #12, but barely above .500 at the slams, including six first round losses. Don't remember if there was ever one huge incident with her..she just constantly let her pickers down.

A quick image search also shows lots of swimsuit, modelling could definitely question her focus at times (and perhaps that is where double cheek came from?)

by Improbabledream It should be called the Gilles Simon memorial hall of fame where you enshrine of all of those who have let us down.

by ponchi101 Did the Andrey Rublev loss to Marton Fucsovic qualifies as a great moment in the annals of the Suicide Pool? You be the judge:
4-1 record against his opponent.
Last three sets played were 2, 2 & 1, prior to W.
Fucsovics told Rublev "I don't want to play you again ever" after a recent loss.
Rublev went up 2 sets to 1.
The fourth set was a 6-0 drubbing, by Fucsovics.

And then he takes out 56% of the pool, by playing miserable tennis for two sets.
Yes, this qualifies totally as a putrid performance.
May Andrey Rublev NEVER win a slam.
May his name live in infamy.
May he go bald and fat at age 26
A curse on his house.

And may all of us, his victims, learn from this match. Do not trust this man with your tennis destiny every again.

by ptmcmahon The worst part... it's the day when the two halves of the draw merge and you can "relax" a little knowing you have extra picks.

by ashkor87 Lovely stories...
at RG, I was enticed and beguiled by the beauty of her name - should have remembered not to bet on someone playing her first major! I refer to, of course, the musical, sonorous Osorio Serrano..

by ponchi101 And at the USO, Vs a guy called Griekspoor, Jan Lennard Struff decided to, once again, wipe out the largest wagon of the day.
28 souls fell, and fell, and fell. This was the stock market crash of 87, or some other NYC metaphor for people that simply did not know what on earth hit them.
The sole consolation? Well, really none, but you can bet that lots of more players would have picked Struff had they not died yesterday. It was a good choice, as he would have met Novak.
Pitiful. Let the Struff household be struck by the pox :cry: :cry: :cry:

Saw an OG forgotten legend today. Playing in essentially a full leg cast - karma for the many SP lives she and her sister knocked out
by mmmm8
Saw an OG forgotten legend today. Playing in essentially a full leg cast - karma for the many SP lives she and her sister knocked out

by dryrunguy
mmmm8 wrote: Wed Sep 01, 2021 8:14 pm 20210901_160622~3.jpg

Saw an OG forgotten legend today. Playing in essentially a full leg cast - karma for the many SP lives she and her sister knocked out
"She just needed a little support." ~ Venus Williams

by ponchi101 We talk a lot about "rules" to play this game. NEVER pick a French, never pick from a match where there is a Chinese player, and a lot of other silly rules. One of them is, at times, do not pick against qualifiers. Our logic has been that they come in in form, after having played three matches to reach the main draw.
Well, because I lost by picking against TWO qualifiers, but that rule is quantifiable, I decided to check. How well did the Qualifiers do here?
Here are the lists:
Molcan (into 3rd round)
Trungelliti (into 2nd round)
Likel (lost to Molcan, fellow Q)
Otte (into 2nd round)
Zapata Miralles (LL, beat F. Lopez 1st round)
Van de Zandschulp (into 3rd round)
Karlovic (lost 1st round)
Marterer (lost 1st round)
Halys (lost 1st round)
Gojowczyk (Into 3rd round)
Rune (lost to Novak, 1)
Donskoy (lost to FAA, 12)
Creesy (beat Carreño Busta, 9)
Majchrzak (lost 1st round)
Laaksonen (into 2nd round)
Hoang (lost 1st round)
Eubanks (lost 1st round)
Kukushkin (LL, lost 1st round IN FIVE)

18 in total, including the LL's that made it through. 8 through to the second round, but two lost to a very high seed (#1 and #12) and one even beat a high seed (#9). And one lost to a fellow Q, so that was pre-ordained. So, if you take out those four special cases, it was 7 out of 14, for a perfect 50%

R. Marino (Lost to Svitolina, 5)
Minnen (LL) (into 2nd round)
Loeb (lost to Swiatek, 7)
Raducanu (into 2nd round)
Ruse (lost to Voundrosova)
Dart (lost 1st round)
Konjuh (lost 1st round)
Boulter (lost 1st round)
Sharma (lost to Krejcikova, 8)
Parrizas Diaz (lost 1st round)
Bucsa (lost to Teichmann, Cincy runner up)
Galfi (lost to Martic, 30)
Kr. Pliskova (into 2nd round)
Masarova (into 2nd round)
Rakhimova (LL, into 3rd round)
Grammatikopoulou (into 2nd round)
Masarova (into 2nd round)
Schmiedlova (into 2nd round)
Danilovic (into 2nd round)
Sherif (LL, lost 1st round)

9 won, out of 20. But 4 lost to high seeds (#5, #7 and #8) OR Teichmann, who was a recent runner up at Cincy. So, in the WTA, it would be 9 out of 16, for a better than average 56%. If you feel that Martic (#30) would also be a given, it would be even more skewed towards NOT picking against a qualifier.

So it seems that we have been right. Picking AGAINST a qualifier is at best a 50/50 proposition in the ATP (unless they play a high seed, and why would you pick a high seed this early?) or, in the WTA, worse than average. We have been warned.
(I will repeat this at the Aussie, to get more numbers)

by ponchi101 Angelique Kerber. On this day, well, she sucked. She took out almost 1/2 of the pool, losing to 19 yo L. Fernandez (by one day).
Not much to say. Simply, Fernandez just played better in all facets. A good pick, that simply blew up on some people's faces.
Go get drunk.

by gernblandston There HAVE to be a million Sam Querry stories in this place. EVERY TIME I break my embargo on him, thinking OK THIS TIME HE WON'T (expletive) IT UP HIS OPPONENT ONLY HAS ONE LEG he (expletive) it up. NEVER AGAIN I SAY.

by ponchi101 And this happened to you... when? Because for me it was around 2007. I scan the draws to see where he is just to avoid him... ;)

by dave g This looks like it is heading to a different type of "Great Moments in the History of Suicide pools". We might have a lot of people miss the first day deadline because no one will be sure who is actually playing until the resolve the Djokovic visa issue. :roll:

by ponchi101 I doubt anybody was picking Novax for the first day, so we will see.
But if somebody that enters the pool picks Novax, and loses due to deportation, well, I gather that says a lot about how closely they follow tennis :D

by patrick Did anyone say Gasquet US last second pullout was one?

by ponchi101
patrick wrote: Fri Jan 14, 2022 5:32 pm Did anyone say Gasquet US last second pullout was one?
I started this topic just for NEW great moments. Like, when something happens, we can record it here for posterity. So we don't have a a historical account of the disasters that took place at TAT1.0. I guessed I wanted to have those events like Pospysil @USO, Wozniacki @USO and other similar Titanic events recorded.
But sure, Gasquet's pull out was memorable.

by ptmcmahon
ponchi101 wrote: Fri Jan 14, 2022 5:10 pm I doubt anybody was picking Novax for the first day, so we will see.
But if somebody that enters the pool picks Novax, and loses due to deportation, well, I gather that says a lot about how closely they follow tennis :D
Think Dave meant in case the draw gets majorly altered - ie you pick someone and then they get moved to a different spot.

I definitely won't be picking any seeded players if this isn't resolved at least!

by ponchi101 January 17th, 2022. Thanasis Kokkinakis, a man with a first name that has clear greek connotations that relate to DEATH (thanos), decided that after having his best week ever on tour he would drive the #1 bandwagon of the day into the deep, dark, shark infested waters of Australia and take with him 31 souls, all of them safe in the belief that he had just won his first tournament ever and was bound to play decent tennis.
How wrong they were.

by ponchi101 On January 21, 2002, a man that erroneously had his name translated as "LION", got tamed by Adrian Mannarino, a man of such Un-possessing tennis skills that his nickname in Latin American sports channels is "The Professor". Slow balling Karatsev to death, Mannarino in that way put over 50% of the SP out of their misery, whipping them into the realization that even the surest pick simply can blow up in your face with the stench of doubly fermented french Roquefort.
Not to be outdone, Lorenzo Sonego also packed the bags for 12 more souls, losing to somebody so inane I really won't waste time looking it up. The pool was left with just 11 players by the 6th day, all of them laughing their way to their eventual death, at the hands of some other unknown character.

by ponchi101 January 22nd, 2022. A greek tragedy unfolded. A woman by the name of Maria Sakkari, upon which 53 innocent souls had placed their faith to beat a much less accomplished foe, ended up being a Trojan mare and lost pitifully, barely recording a blip while on court.
A sad unfolding for more than half of the pool, which had already dodged way too many arrows.
Then, Paula Badosa, from Spain, proceeded to lose to Madison Keys, a wonderful player that has never been known for mental fortitude. All in all, only five souls survived the day.

by ponchi101 I worked out these numbers for the 2021 USO. These are the same figures for the Aussie:
Tsurenko. 1R. Lost to Barty(1)
Bronzetti. 2R
Hartono. 1R. Lost to Anisimova
Zheng. 2R
Kuzmova. 1R. Lost to WC (Wang)
Bucsa. 1R. Lost to Van Uytvanck
Trevisan. 2R.
Dolehide. 1R. Lost to Collins (27)
Volynets. 1R. Lost to Haddad Maia
Jang. 1R. Lost to Kovinic
Tomova. 1R. Lost to Cornet.
Hart. 1R. Lost to Swiatek (7)
Voegele. 1R. Lost to Kasatkina (25)
Marino. 1R. Lost to Bouskova.
Baptiste. 2R
Bektas. 1R. Lost to Samsonova

Caruso (LL). 1R. Lost to Kecmanovic
Kukushkin. 1R. Lost to Paul.
Escobedo (LL). 1R. Lost to Bublik
Etcheverry. 1R. Lost to Carreño Busta (19)
Tabilo. 1R. Lost to Alcaraz (31)
Albot. 2R.
Milojevic. 1R. Lost to McDonald
Hanfmann. 2R.
Safiulin. 1R. Lost to Molcan.
Barrios Vera. 1R. Lost to Daniel (Q)
Souza. 1R. Lost to Sinner (11)
Trugelitti. 1R. Lost to Tiafoe.
Marterer. 1R. Lost to Fritz (20)
Lehecka. 1R. Lost to Dimitrov (26)
Skatov. 1R. Lost to Gombos (Q)
Gomez. 1R. Lost to Cilic (27)
Machac. 2R.
Broady. 1R. Lost to Kyrgios.

It did not work that well for the qualies this time. For the WTA, if you exclude those that ended up playing seeded players, they went 3-8. For the ATP, excluding the 6 matches Vs seeded players, they went 3-9. No qualifier beat a seeded player (it happened at the USO) and generally, this time it was a good idea to pick against qualifiers in the first round.
So, the data for the Aussie seem different than for the USO. Let's check it again by RG.

by ponchi101 May 23rd, 2022. Nuria Parrizaz Diaz leads 30 people down to their truly non-descript grave, going down meekly to a french player named... Jeanjean. This is the tennis equivalent of dying at the hands of a person called DIMSUM. LOLLY POP. CHEE CHEE.
What a shame.

by meganfernandez
ponchi101 wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 4:46 pm May 23rd, 2022. Nuria Parrizaz Diaz leads 30 people down to their truly non-descript grave, going down meekly to a french player named... Jeanjean. This is the tennis equivalent of dying at the hands of a person called DIMSUM. LOLLY POP. CHEE CHEE.
What a shame.
Never pick against a player with a fantastic name! :)

by JTContinental
meganfernandez wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 5:34 pm
ponchi101 wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 4:46 pm May 23rd, 2022. Nuria Parrizaz Diaz leads 30 people down to their truly non-descript grave, going down meekly to a french player named... Jeanjean. This is the tennis equivalent of dying at the hands of a person called DIMSUM. LOLLY POP. CHEE CHEE.
What a shame.
Never pick against a player with a fantastic name! :)
Or bet against a homer!

by ashkor87
ponchi101 wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 3:40 pm January 17th, 2022. Thanasis Kokkinakis, a man with a first name that has clear greek connotations that relate to DEATH (thanos), decided that after having his best week ever on tour he would drive the #1 bandwagon of the day into the deep, dark, shark infested waters of Australia and take with him 31 souls, all of them safe in the belief that he had just won his first tournament ever and was bound to play decent tennis.
How wrong they were.
Yep, I was one of those innocents...should have expected this from Kyrgios' bestie

by ponchi101 Ok, Roland Garros WC, Qualies and LL report. These were the matches in 1R.
O'Connell (WC) - 1R (Bedene)
Kuznetsov (Q) - 1R (Schwartzman-15)
Varillas (Q) - 1R (FAA - 9)
Ugo Carabelli (Q) - 2R (Karatsev in 1R)
Gojo (Q) -2R (Giannessi (L) in 1R)
Gianessi (LL) - 1R (Gojo (Q))
Potov (Q) - 1R (BVDZ -26)
Moutet (WC) - 2R (Wawrinka in 1R)
Ofner (Q) - 1R (Zverev-3)
Barrere (WC) - 2R (Daniel in 1R)
Mmoh (WC) - 1R (Zapata-Miralles (Q))
Zapata Miralles - 3R
Rodriguez (Q) - 1R (Fritz-13)
Guinard (WC) - 1R (Norrie-10)
Kubler (Q) - 2R (Kudla in 1R)
Borger (Q) - 1R (Khachanov-21)
Londero (LL) - 1R (Alcaraz-6)
Tsonga (WC) - 1R (Ruud)
Tseng (Q) - 1R Sousa
Zeppieri (Q) - 1R (Hurkacz-12)
Gombos (Q) - 1R (Cachin (LL))
Cachin (LL) - 2R (Gombos (Q) in 1R)
Pouille (WC) - 1R (Kolar(Q))
Kolar (Q) - 1R (Pouille (WC))
Agamenone (LL) - 1R (McDonald)
Fratangelo (Q) - 1R (Sinner-11)
Simon (WC) - 2R (1R PCB-16)

Straight up: 7 out of 27 matches.
Playing against seeded players: one win (WC Simon vs PCB), out of 8 matches
Also excluding matches between equal Q's/LL(WC: 16 matches left.
5 out of 16 matches won by Q's/LL/WC. But two were WC that had been high ranked players in the past.

Tsurenko (Q) - 1R (Swiatek-1)
Schunk (LL) - 1R (Halep-19)
Baptiste (Q) - 1R (Kalinina)
Jeanjean (WC) - 3R (Parrizas Diaz in 1R)
Andrianjafitrimo (WC) - 1R (Pliskova-8)
Ferro (WC) - 1R (Badosa-3)
Selekhmeteva (Q) - 1R (Juvan)
Krunic (Q) - 2R (Rakhimova in 1R)
Zhu (Q) - 1R (Kudermetova-29)
Voleynets (WC) -2R (Golubic in 1R)
Tomova (LL) - 1R (Colins-9)
Contreras Gomez (Q) - 2R (Udvardy in 1R)
Sramkova (LL) - 1R (Kasatkina-20)
Bara (Q) - 1R (Putintseva)
Buzarnescu (LL) - 1R (Brengle)
Grammatikopoulou (Q) - 1R (Saville (WC))
Saville (WC) - 3R (Grammatikopoulou ((Q) in 1R)
Jaquemot (WC) - 2R (Watson in 1R)
Noskova (Q) - 1R (Raducanu-12)
Jani (LL) - 1R (Bencic-14)
Bonaventure (Q) - 1R (Andreescu)
Bjorklund (Q) - 1R (Vekic (Q))
Vekic (Q) - 2R (Bjorklund (Q) in 1R)
Monnet (WC) - 1R (Muchova)
Gasanova (LL) - 1R Bouzkova
Marino (Q) - 1R (Gauff-18)
Bucsa (Q) - 1R (Haddad Maia)
Danilovic (Q) - 2R (Galfi in 1R)
Niemeier (Q) - 1R (Stephens)
Tan (WC) - 1R (Osorio)

Straight up: 8 wins out of 30
Against seeded players: 0 wins out of 10 matches
Also excluding matches between Q's/LL/WC: 18 matches left
6 out of 18 matches won by Q's/LL/WC. Three were WC's although this time they are young players, whom the FFT obviously see as promising (Jeanjean and Jacquemot) and Saville, who has been ranked higher.

So, with three slams now, it seems that our saying of "not betting against Q's/LL" is not supported by data. After last year's USO, qualifiers and LL have won less than 50%. Wildcards against non-seeded players can be seen as a bit more favorable

by ponchi101 Sunday, May 29 2022. On this day, a young woman piloted a full 19 out of 27 people (70%) to an ungodly demise, as she lost to all of 4'12" Martina Trevisan, a girl with a lovely smile but seemingly nothing else. It was so awful, that a new term came to mind when describing the event:
It will be used, from now on, when a tragedy occurs and one reaches for the Russian language to say something along he lines of "Oh Dear!". Or, if used forcefully, "#$%&#?¡#$%%&$#!?¡*#*#*?&%$¡]}%$&#$#?¡*@@@&%$¡&@ damn!!!!!!"
One wonders whose name should live in infamy from now one: Aliaksandra's or Martina's.
May the souls of the dead ones be protected (at least until Wimbledon 2022).

by ponchi101 A former champion. A lefty. Her opponent barely squeaked by her two previous rounds. Excellent pick. Right?
Not quite. Angelique Kerber, on Friday July 1st 2022, decided to play a listless match, reminding people that time waits for no one, and she has been dating him for some time now. Sure, two close sets, which only made it more miserable for 21 souls, around 40% of the remaining 49 souls. And then, Alison Riske-Amritraj, a fine grass court player but a person that is warning her, with her very own last name, that picking her is never something without peril, wiped out 6 more, to lead a day of slaughter and suffering.
The smorgasbord at the pub, on the other hand, was superb.
May these people rest in peace. AFTER the fortnight. Right now, suffer as you must.

by ponchi101 Once again, I looked at the numbers for qualifiers, WC's and LL's after the first round, to keep testing whether picking AGAINST A QUALIFIER (a common NO-NO in SP lore) is actually bad.
Legend: ALL players in first column are Q's, unless marked as WC or LL. If losing after 1R, the second name is the player they played IN THE FIRST ROUND, plus ranking.

Rosol - 1R (Basilashvili 22)
Rijthoven (WC) - 4R
Wawrinka -1R (Sinner 10)
Couacaud - 1R (Isner 20)
Clarke (WC) - 1R (Harrison Q)
Harrison - 2R (Clarke)
Albot - 1R (Goffin)
Vavassori - 1R (Tiafoe 23)
Merterer - 1R (Bedene)
Peniston (WC) - 2R (Laaksonen)
Purcel - 1R (Mannarino)
Ymer (LL) - 1R (Garin)
Huesler - 1R (Grenier LL)
Kolar (LL) - 1R (Bonzi)
Kukushkin - 1R (Brooksby 29)
Bergs (WC) - 1R (Draper)
Broady (WC) - 3R
Kozlov (LL) - 1R (Schwartzman 12)
Kuhn - 1R (Nakashima)
Jubb (WC) - 1R (Kyrgios)
Ritschard - 1R (Tsitsipas 4)
Zapata Miralles - 1R (Sock Q)
Novak - 2R (Bagnis)
Kubler - 3R (Evans 28)
Gray (WC) - 2R (Tseng)
Borges (LL) - 1R (McDonald)

Straight up: 6 wins, 20 loses
Matches between Q, LL, WC's: 2. 24 matches to further look at.
Matches against seeds: 8. 7 loses, 1 win
Matches against non-seeds: 16. 6 wins, 10 loses

Fett - 1R (Swiatek 1)
Kartal (WC) - 1R (Pattinama LL)
Pattinama (LL) - 2R (Swiatek)
Harrison - 2R (Rus)
Bektas - 1R (Andreescu)
Vandeweghe (LL) - 1R (Rybakina)
Chirico - 1R (Badosa 4)
Fourlis - 1R (Flipkens)
Schunk - 1R (Buzarnescu)
McHale - 1R (SST 32)
Williams (WC) - 1R (Tan)
Boulter (WC) - 3R (Burel)
Chwalinska - 2R (Siniakova)
Swan (WC) - 1R (Garcia)
Contreras - 1R (Linette)
Hontama - 2R (Tauson)
Kawa- 2R (Marino)
Bjorklund - 1R (Jabeur 3)
Hives - 1R (Sakkari 5)
Saville (WC) - 1R (Tomova)
Sharma - 1R (Maria)
Wickmayer - 1R (Zhu)
Inglis - 1R (Galfi)
Burrage (WC) - 1R (Tsurenko)

Straight up: 6 wins, 18 loses
Matches between Q, LL, WC's: 1. 23 matches to further look at.
Matches against seeds: 4. 4 loses.
Matches against non-seeds: 19. 5 wins, 11 loses

After a full year of looking at these numbers, I can no longer say that picking against a qualifier IS A BAD STRATEGY. At the '21 USO, they seemed to be a 50% choice. But here at Wimby, as it happened at the AO and RG, picking against them is a HIGH percentage plot. They seem to win only about 1/3 of the times, AGAINST non-seeds, and against seeds, regardless of them being a high or low seed, their percentage has been awful. Here, only one Q going against a seed won (Evans, 28) and WC's did marginally better, still falling below 50%.
So, I may do it once more at this year's USO but, as a rule, it seems picking AGAINST a Q, specially if you are a medium to low seed, is a good percentage move.

by ponchi101 On this day (actually, yesterday), Bianca Andreescu, a.k.a. Anna Karenina, Blanche Dubois, Ophelia, Juliet, Alize Cornet, Emma Bovary (and some other names) decided to let down 38 innocent souls that thought it fitting to put their lives in the dramatic hands of this young lady, famous for making any and all main characters in a Jane Austen novel look stoic by comparison. She lost to... somebody. Pretty sure it must have been somebody; those are the rules of tennis, but it was somebody that was such a nobody that might as well have said Bianca lost all by herself.
The point is: it was bound to be dramatic. But it was to be dramatic in the sense that watching Christians being eaten by lions is dramatic but palatable, if you are rooting for the lions. In this case, the 38 downed players were misled into the arena, and were devoured.
May them RIP. And Bianca roast in SP hell.

by ponchi101 On this day (well, again, yesterday because it was Australian time), Cameron Norrie let the souls of 32 players fall into damnation, as he went down to Jiri Lehecka. Yes, just as you just read it. To Jiri Lehecka, as in "What the Hecka were you doing, Cameron? :evil:. Despite going up two sets to one, Cameron was unable to close the deal and went under Down Under. Being a citizen of the UK, Mr. Norrie should be stripped of his citizenship and move to Australia himself, as that was the place where the crown used to send all its criminals.
And losing to Lehecka was certainly nothing less than a crime.
Let Norrie's name from now on live in infamy, as a man that single handedly wiped out 50% of a Survivor's Pool. Sir Cameron Norrie, ever? No way. More like "Inmate Cam", from now on.

by dryrunguy
ponchi101 wrote: Fri Jan 20, 2023 4:19 pm On this day (well, again, yesterday because it was Australian time), Cameron Norrie let the souls of 32 players fall into damnation, as he went down to Jiri Lehecka. Yes, just as you just read it. To Jiri Lehecka, as in "What the Hecka were you doing, Cameron? :evil ". Despite going up two sets to one, Cameron was unable to close the deal and went under Down Under. Being a citizen of the UK, Mr. Norrie should be stripped of his citizenship and move to Australia himself, as that was the place where the crown used to send all its criminals.
And losing to Lehecka was certainly nothing less than a crime.
Let Norrie's name from now on live in infamy, as a man that single handedly wiped out 50% of a Survivor's Pool. Sir Cameron Norrie, ever? No way. More like "Inmate Cam", from now on.
If you throw in the fact that Lehecka also took down a bunch of us on Monday by beating Coric, it's an even more compelling story.

by ponchi101
dryrunguy wrote: Fri Jan 20, 2023 4:36 pm
ponchi101 wrote: Fri Jan 20, 2023 4:19 pm On this day (well, again, yesterday because it was Australian time), Cameron Norrie let the souls of 32 players fall into damnation, as he went down to Jiri Lehecka. Yes, just as you just read it. To Jiri Lehecka, as in "What the Hecka were you doing, Cameron? :evil ". Despite going up two sets to one, Cameron was unable to close the deal and went under Down Under. Being a citizen of the UK, Mr. Norrie should be stripped of his citizenship and move to Australia himself, as that was the place where the crown used to send all its criminals.
And losing to Lehecka was certainly nothing less than a crime.
Let Norrie's name from now on live in infamy, as a man that single handedly wiped out 50% of a Survivor's Pool. Sir Cameron Norrie, ever? No way. More like "Inmate Cam", from now on.
If you throw in the fact that Lehecka also took down a bunch of us on Monday by beating Coric, it's an even more compelling story.
Oh, but then, Lehecka deserves to be in the HALL OF FAME, not the one of SHAME. I was not aware of that factoid.
Keeping up with the theme, we have to start using he term: "What the Leheck?", whenever we lose to some truly miserable foe.

by nelslus FOR what it's worth- it also seemed like something was off physically with Norrie. (Other than his usual irrelevance.) :gorgeous:

by nelslus AND it also looked like Petra was offering a lot of mentorship (NO pun intended) to Lehecka and the younger team members during that United Cup thing. So, it could also be mentioned that Succubus Lehecka may have drained any last, fading big-match talent away from Petra. :gorgeous:

by ponchi101 Not on this day. Not on the previous, Australian day. Actually, in the entire tournament (Aussie Open 2023).
Jiri Lehecka has slaughtered the Coric Pickers, the Norrie Pickers and the FAA pickers. Blood on his hands? Nah, blood on his forehands, backhands, serves and volleys. He has taken all of TAT at the same time.
And has won. :ax

by ponchi101 On this day, BVDZ name would have lived in infamy forever more were it not for the fact that in reality, nobody can call him by his name. Imagine the scenarios, if one were to truly have this conversation face to face:
"Remember the day Botic Fan der Chango..."
"The day that Chaotic wunder chopsuey..."
"I picked Robbie San Cho Panza the day..."
"I remember I was at the deli shop when Brutus Fondle Ketchup..."
it would be like that. His name would be associated with the death of 39 innocent (and naive) players that in reality, were doing a crossword puzzle at that moment and were asked "Who was the head of the UN from 92 through 96" and coughed up the wrong answer and typed it in THIS site, as opposed to correctly typing the way more acceptable Boutros Boutros-Ghali and steer clear from this impossibly to pronounce massacre.
May Rotten Than The Satan remain void from our future picks, and may his name never again be attempted to be pronounced by any SP picker. He has truly become, at last, He Who Shall Not Be Named (not by any sort of silly Harry Potter hex but rather to avoid jaw dislocation).

by ponchi101 You know? I have nothing funny to write about Dennis Shapovalov losing today and wiping out 50% of the pool. Nothing inspiring: calling him THE MENACE realy is nothing splendid, reminding him that he was once expected to challenge the top players is something from the past, asking him if he was not motivated enough because the prize money "is not enough" is pedantic.
Nope. Let's just record it. Today, this kid lost to Roman Saffiulin and took out 27 people. Nothing more to say.
I will leave it to the losers to come up with the proper curses for his name.

by ponchi101 When you wipe out 81% of a pool, you have achieved levels of infamy that truly reserved for players of the utmost perfidy. Cameron Norrie managed that on this day, going down meekly to Matteo il picollo. Arnaldi simply whipped poor Cameron in a simple straight sets victory, showing Cameron's ridiculous strokes are meant to be mocked, not to be relied upon.
But there is an interesting tidbit here. Look just ONE POST ABOVE. Notice that the last great debacle in our SP's took out... 27 players. It was of lesser percentage, but those that believe in numerology and in fate, will be likely inclined to see it as an indication. Some software development (or just a simpler form of witchcraft) may have to be implemented to let us know: Beware of the N° 27 when dealing with bandwagons.
Or, a bit more simple, beware of Cameron.
A pox on his name.

by ponchi101 On this day (Jan 16th, 2023), the combined putrid performances by Caro Wozniacki, Leylah Fernandez, Caro Garcia, Maria Sakkari and Elise Mertens led to the pool losing 46 out of 59 players, a percentage of death so high that I refuse to even contemplate using a calculator to figure it out (ok, that is a bit under 80%). Not only that, 5 of the top 6 picks for the day were slaughtered, with Lesia "I sometimes retire from my cup of coffee in the morning" Tsurenko being the sole player that managed to escape this metaphorical slaughterhouse.
Add to that that 3-time slam finalist Ons Jabeur also lost, 0 & 2 to a woman that still cannot legally drive in 90% of the world, and you can see that this game of playing SURVIVOR is akin to playing surviving in an aquarium full of sharks, with a nosebleed.
May we all remember this day in true horror.

by ponchi101 Diana Schnitzel today lost to a woman that has won 10 matches in her entire tennis career. A career that is about to reach age 30. A woman so frail looking that the RG site lists her weight as " - ".
But, of course, it was a case of which food you liked best. Diana Shnitzel vs Chloe Parkay. Or Diana Strudel Vs Chloe Ponque. Or any combination you can think of. Because the reality is that Ms. Diana Chinchilla killed 35 players out of a pool of about 140, meaning she devoured 25% of the pool.
In one bite.
I mean, no biggie. We will never remember her other than for this, so she has made her mark. Now, let Chloe offer you a nice slice of bread with some butter spread on top. And then watch you choke.

by ponchi101 It went something like this.
Samson was a mighty warrior of supernatural strength (because they never tell stories of a mighty warrior of supernatural wit that showed late for the battle and lived to tell the tale) that somehow got somebody upset. Enter Dalilah, obviously a gorgeous babe with beguiling superpowers that realizes that the way to trap this a*****e is to bed him and then give him a haircut, after which Samson lost his strength and was arrested and thrown into prison. Where, after Dalilah had shown them what to do, they forgot to trim him regularly and Samson recovered his strength and one day, using a DONKEY's JAW (of all parts of a donkey, would you really choose the jaw? Because something else comes to mind) he brings down the walls of Jericho or something like that.
Anyway. The point is: 20 POOR SOULS WERE TRIMMED by Liudmila Samsonova (obviously not related) who went down meekly to Elizabeta Cocchiareto (I can't even spell that) who played Dalilah with a hedge trimmer to your Samson. I mean, it is like going to the barber and not getting a trim, getting your head chopped off.
I hope your hair grows back by Wimbledon but, for now, it was OFF WITH YOUR HEAD (but that is another story).