by Scoob Professional tennis players have the luxury to travel the world and play on all sorts of court surfaces. We as regular "average" tennis players don't really have that luxury for the most part. I for one grew up playing on Hard Court surfaces while others on here that may have grown up in Europe or South America would say they have played on the Clay court surfaces more. In more rare circumstances someone might say they have played on Grass the most.

For me, the hard court is all I have really played on so I really cannot compare any other court surface to that. I would then have to say that the hard court surface is my best surface. I however, would say I probably would play pretty decently back in the day on grass and probably pretty awful on clay.

What surface do you feel is you best surface to play on or the surface you get the best results playing on?

by ponchi101 I grew up on hards and clay. Equally lousy on both. But equally comfortable. Also, very much at ease on har-tru.
Would love to play on grass one day.

by ashkor87 I learned to play on dirt/cowdung courts, which isnt really clay..even today, I am back to those..much faster than HarTru and red clay..played in the US on hard courts for 15 years..never had any serious injuries .in Iowa we used to play with snow on the ground, just shovel it off, but there is always a thin layer of ice under the snow! Have played indoors, loved the sound my serve makes! Overall, I like the dirt/clay courts best...but they tend to be very uneven in bounce unless they are regularly watered and India, they are all being replaced by hard courts because maintenance is so difficult ,(though it should be easy because of cheap labor!,)..,the day my club switches to hard, I will probably quit the game!!