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Canadian Open (formerly called 'Rogers Cup' and many other names)...

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 4:16 am
by Deuce
For anyone interested in attending the WTA tournament in Montreal in a couple of weeks...
I have been told that ticket holders will be restricted to their Centre Court seat. Court #1 (formerly National Bank court, now Rogers Court - sigh...) will have no spectators permitted... and no fans will be allowed to wander the grounds, checking in on various matches and practices as was commonplace previously.
Upon entry to the site, you'll be guided to your Centre Court seat, and that's where you will stay, apart from brief visits to the toilet or the few concessions stands that will be open.

Also, fans will have to wear a mask while walking everywhere, and will only be allowed to remove the mask when they are sitting in their Centre Court straightjacket... I mean seat.

Only 5000 tickets are for sale for each session - so only 5000 people will be allowed on site (Centre Court holds about 12,000 people, I believe).
To have all 5000 people sitting in Centre Court, instead of scattering those 5000 people over Centre Court and Court 1, makes no sense to me. Firstly, this is an exclusively outdoor event. Secondly, having fewer people at each of 2 courts would be safer than having all people at one court.

Vaccine status will not be verified upon entry - the tournament is open to anyone with a ticket. That's unfortunate, as it would have been a good time to designate the tournament as the first major event which would only permit entry to people who've received both vaccines. That way, they could potentially open up all the courts to spectators, as it is A FULLY OUTDOOR EVENT.

The ATP tournament in Toronto will have a "similar setup" as Montreal, though there will be some differences, as the respective cities are in different provinces, and the tournaments claim that it is the provincial governments which are dictating the policies the tournaments must follow.