by dave g Picks.
Congratulations to everyone who made it to Week 2.

deelighted2 Khachanov Cilic Djere Krajinovic Hurkacz Auger Aliassime Rune Zverev Ruud Alcaraz
Fastbackss Khachanov Kecmanovic Tiafoe Norrie Garin Zverev Rune Nadal Ruud Alcaraz
franchise Schwartzman Norrie Sonego Krajinovic Hurkacz Auger Aliassime Rune Zverev Ruud Alcaraz
gunner Fognini Korda Goffin Krajinovic Sonego Auger Aliassime Sinner Zverev Rublev Alcaraz
IronMike Isner Norrie Djere Dimitrov Hurkacz Auger Aliassime Rune Nadal Ruud Alcaraz
karlovicfanclub Van De Zandschulp Kecmanovic Goffin Isner Gaston Auger Aliassime Sinner Zverev Ruud Alcaraz
lauriejo Van De Zandschulp Fucsovics Tiafoe Schwartzman Rune Auger Aliassime Sinner Zverev Ruud Alcaraz
lbk77 Schwartzman Fritz Goffin Norrie Rune Auger Aliassime Sinner Nadal Ruud Alcaraz
Net Raider Van De Zandschulp Kecmanovic Tiafoe Isner Cilic Auger Aliassime Rune Zverev Ruud Alcaraz
patmanmo Van de Zandschulp Basilashvili Djere Norrie Rune Auger Aliassime Sinner Zverev Ruud Alcaraz
patrick Van De Zandschulp Fucsovics Sousa Norrie Rune Auger Aliassime Rublev Zverev Ruud Alcaraz
Verbalvolleys Khachanov Norrie Sonego Dimitrov Hurkacz Zverev Sinner Djokovic Rublev Alcaraz
wbeauchesne Khachanov Korda Hurkacz Schwartzman Rune Zverev Rublev Nadal Ruud Alcaraz
naughtyT Van De Zandschulp Norrie Hurkacz Schwartzman Rune Zverev Sinner Djokovic Ruud Alcaraz .
ajstew Fognini Baez Goffin Khachanov Cilic Auger Aliassime 9 Rune Zverev Ruud Djokovic
Philly10 Van De Zandschulp Fucsovics Djere Krajinovic Hurkacz Auger Aliassime Rune Zverev Ruud Djokovic
bankerb4 Schwartzman Cilic Sonego Krajinovic Sinner Zverev Tsitsipas Djokovic Ruud Nadal
ubermitch Zapata Miralles Cilic Djere Krajinovic Rune Auger Aliassime Rublev Zverev Ruud Nadal
derosa13 Zapata Miralles Baez Djere Krajinovic Hurkacz Auger Aliassime Rune Zverev Medvedev
Federex Schwartzman Cilic Sonego Norrie Rune Auger Aliassime Sinner Zverev Medvedev
ktothem1 Van De Zandschulp Kecmanovic Sonego Krajinovic Hurkacz Auger Aliassime Rune Zverev Medvedev
lukeorion Isner Cilic Sonego Schwartzman Rune Auger Aliassime Sinner Zverev Medvedev
Naughtyboiosu Khachanov Kecmanovic 28 Sousa Krajinovic Garin Djokovic Rublev Zverev Sinner
New England Nitemare Schwartzman Cilic Sonego Krajinovic Rune Zverev Sinner Djokovic Medvedev
sokol Van de Zandschulp Fucsovics Sousa Norrie Ruud Aliassime Rune Zverev Medvedev

by ponchi101 :clap: :clap: :clap: :beers:

by naughtyT wooohoooo

by dave g Day 8 Pick Summary

Start 25

Zverev 17
Djokovic 4
Nadal 4

Start 25
Alive 25
Dead 0
In Limbo 0

We have reached a stage in this half of the draw, where the picks are less about who is going to win this match and more about who is going to win future matches. Good luck, players.

by dave g Day 9 Pick Summary
Start 25

Ruud 16
Medvedev 6
Rublev 2
Sinner 1

Start 25
Alive 18
Dead 7
In LImbo 0

We have 2 Rublev versus 1 Sinner. With no one taking Tsitsipas, I am assuming everyone is saving him until later.

by dave g And everyone left gets sideswiped by Rune defeating Tsitsipas. From my count, only 5 of you have the option of picking Rune in a later round. This isn't a full ax job, but I do think it is time for the following "Jukebox From Hell" selection of "Danger Zone",

by ponchi101
dave g wrote: Mon May 30, 2022 1:14 pm ...

We have 2 Rublev versus 1 Sinner. With no one taking Tsitsipas, I am assuming everyone is saving him until later.
Or the people that are still alive really know how to play this game, because that bullet was masterfully dodged.

by ptmcmahon You and I both know that's not true (well probably) :) It's often better to be lucky than good.

by ponchi101 If I were any good with GIF's, I would post the famous MATRIX scene of Keanu Reeves dodging bullets. Because Stefanos seemed like a solid pick to reach the final.
But of course, so says the man that lost to a burger on day 5.

by ptmcmahon Image

by dave g Day 10 Pick Summary

Start 18

Alcaraz 14
Djokovic 2
Nadal 2

Start 18
Alive 2
Dead 16
In Limbo 0

by dave g If Svereve beats Alcaraz, we will be down to two poeple.

by ptmcmahon Heh, possibly another example of being right not paying off. If you thought "I better pick Nadal / Djokovic today because he will lose to Alcaraz" you were wrong... and still alive.

If you thought "I better pick Alcaraz today because there is no way he makes the final!" You were right...and out :)

by karlovicfanclub In retrospect, the bold move would have been to think outside of the box and pick Djoko or Rafa today with the hope that Alcaraz would beat the winner of their match in the next round. Of course if I had done that and picked the correct winner, I would have been in trouble in the semis since I had already used Zverev.
In any case, congratulations to the remaining contestant. It's been fun and we'll do this again next month for Wimbledon!

by dave g Day 11 Pick Summary

Start 1

Rublev 1

And then there were none.

Congartulations to bankerb4.