Talk about MLB

All MLB related things and hardball played in other countries
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Re: Talk about MLB


Post by ti-amie »

ponchi101 wrote: Sat Apr 03, 2021 6:01 pm Nah. Keep it in the south. Someplace nearby. If you host it in a Yankee state, the message is not the same.
Where though? Florida? Maybe out West?
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Re: Talk about MLB


Post by ponchi101 »

Florida Marlins. Imagine that: the MLB would rather hold the ASG in Florida than in your place, because you are TOO racist.
The equivalent of telling Budweiser "your beer sucks" and then buying a case of Miller Light.
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Re: Talk about MLB


Post by JazzNU »

I don't think so. Political message doesn't need to be sent with the selection. And rewarding states that may not have passed similar laws yet but are trying very hard to soon and their efforts are well known, doesn't make a bit of sense either.

MLB has enriched certain teams a bit too much in the last year and need to strike a balance, especially because one team should still be in the midst of being severely punished. Certain places shouldn't be getting it and that most definitely includes Texas and Florida. Maybe it'll happen, but I can't imagine that sitting well with the owners as a whole.

West (but not CA or AZ), Midwest, or Northeast seems most likely to me.

Also, Florida Marlins made me laugh. Old school fan that doesn't recognize the new name? I still call it the Pac 10 and have no plans on changing so I understand if that's why,
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Re: Talk about MLB


Post by ponchi101 »

I stopped watching baseball after the infamous years of doping and PED's. So I really did not know that they are no longer the FLORIDA Marlins, but the MIAMI Marlins.
My bad :D
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Re: Talk about MLB


Post by shtexas »

Comment forwarded to me:

"Why does mlb have to involve themselves in politics? Another sport ruined for this baseball fan. 😡 (btw they require ID to purchase alcohol at their stadiums...Is it racist to require ID for alcohol?)"

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Re: Talk about MLB


Post by ponchi101 »

That is one confused person.
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Re: Talk about MLB


Post by Deuce »

ponchi101 wrote: Sat Apr 03, 2021 9:24 pm I stopped watching baseball after the infamous years of doping and PED's. So I really did not know that they are no longer the FLORIDA Marlins, but the MIAMI Marlins.
My bad :D
Me, too.
I used to love baseball. I played it at a decent level, and followed MLB closely.
But at one point, I realized that there was no such thing as a TEAM anymore. To me, a team is a group of individuals who stick together for years. But baseball (among other sports) became just a game of ego and greed - if a player could get $17 more per season by going to another team, he would. Rosters started changing dramatically every year - I couldn't follow where players were playing anymore. It was all just random.

I used to know some MLB players (a friend of mine was on the original Florida Marlins team). I knew a General Manager. I used to know who probably 85% - 90% of all the MLB players were, the position they played, and the team they played for. Today, it would be difficult for me to name more than 10 current MLB players - let alone who they play for.

Back in 1988, players on a certain team were given free Hyundai Excels to drive for the season, as part of a sponsorship promotion. Hyundai Excels! And most of the players drove them without any shame. Today, no player would be caught dead in anything less than a top-of-the-line Lexus - and most have Mercedes or Porsches (which they drive from city to city, as they change teams about every year or two).
I don't watch now, and don't care anymore.
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Re: Talk about MLB


Post by ptmcmahon »

As an old Expos fan, 94 killed a lot of love for me, and a lot more died when they moved. I'll still watch a lot of playoffs, but unless I hear of something going on important during a regular season game (ex ongoing no hitter maybe) I won't watch much regular season.

I still play fantasy baseball pretty intensely though.
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Re: Talk about MLB


Post by JazzNU »

ptmcmahon wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 1:15 pm As an old Expos fan, 94 killed a lot of love for me, and a lot more died when they moved.
If the Rays move to Montreal will you become a fan?
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Re: Talk about MLB


Post by ptmcmahon »

Not really sure. I'm guessing the magic is gone though. Everything had magically aligned for 94 and that was finally going to be the year ;) But never say never...maybe if they did wind up on a playoff run I may become one. We'll see when/if it's not a hypothetical someday.
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Re: Talk about MLB


Post by ti-amie »

I watched some baseball yesterday before the family Easter Dinner. I enjoyed it.
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Re: Talk about MLB


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Re: Talk about MLB


Post by JazzNU »

^^I'm not sure who Abbott thinks he's hurting by doing this. He's proven time and time again he's doesn't give a (expletive) about people. But seems to me this is a game that would've had a lot of eyes on it for several reasons, and showing a handicapped governor throwing out a first pitch would've been quite the positive and powerful moment for that community.
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Re: Talk about MLB


Post by ti-amie »

“Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the Great Mystery into which we were born.” Albert Einstein
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Re: Talk about MLB


Post by ti-amie »

They even woke Tim Scott up to add his voice to the lie.

As we speculated here yesterday they moved it out West avoiding the North East and California.
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