One of the things that surprised me with frequency at TAT1.0 (and now here) was when somebody would say "who are we to tell Player X how to behave? Who are we to say that Player Y is doing something wrong".
It always cracked me up in the sense that it sort of implies that these players are actually reading us. "Oh, new member, THE_Nkyrgios wants activation" (and TOG goes and approves it).
Who are we to tell players how they should behave? We are the entities that eventually buy a ticket for a stadium, turn on the TV to watch their match (and then leave it on and go do something else) and get the ratings going up, meaning their endorsements go up.
We are the small people that turn up to watch Coriolanus slaughter somebody else, even though Coriolanus despises us.
And then, coming back to our Coriolanus of today, Nick pulls over and assists two elderly people change their flat. And we are left puzzled, wondering how he can be this cool on a trivial thing, and then claim he does not miss this sport that we love.
I am so ready to change the name of this forum to RAMBLE About Tennis. For the sake of accuracy.
(And, not surprisingly, is taken, but for sale. For a cool $240,000. Sure, makes sense).